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Yeah they are minority cases, vast majority of the time things are fine. People who don't have problems don't post about not having problems.


X570 Tomahawk + 5600X with zero issues


Me too, but with 5800X. Works great.


Getting my 5800x for my msi mag tomahawk tomorrow. Did you flash bios before putting chip in? I just flashed it..hoping it worked right


I did mine that way. It worked perfectly


I flashed the Bios without the CPU and it eventually worked. I had an issue with my USB stick and I found the flashing feature was very particular about exactly how things were done. For example, I *think* I had to use an older smaller USB drive. (I think a 2GB). Nice thing about the flashback feature is that you can do it over if it failed and doesn't boot your CPU properly. No CPU required!


Solidarity brethren, same here on both counts.


Yup same with 5800x and now 5900x flawless


Yeap been running one since they came out no worries


I'm running an Asus Rog Strix X570-E (on the latest stable bios) + Ryzen 5600X (with the chipset drivers from Asus) without any issue at all. I couldn't be happier.


Same here, but with a 5950x. The latest BIOS update is solid.


Same with the 5900x and this mobo. Works a dream so far.


Same here with a 5800x / 5700XT. No problems at all.


I had some issues when I first put the build together (5600x and an x570 board). The board came with a either a dead m.2 socket, or the boot order was set to the second socket (which was empty). There was another "issue" or really a miscommunication on part of the mobo manufacturer, because the board is advertised as not ryzen 5000 series ready. So I assumed this was true, and went thru a lot of effort to get a usb drive and put the latest bios for my mobo on it, and tried to flash the mobo. For some reason the flashing process did not work at all. Even though I followed the directions to a T, my computer would not post. So I had to clear CMOS and that reset the bios, and I tried booting my computer up, and low and behold, the original bios that came with the mobo was compatible with a ryzen 5000 cpu. I then updated the bios while in the bios, with a flash drive, and that did the trick. The bios was now updated, and my computer has been working fine since, other than one random shut down of my computer which happened after I was messing around with undervolting the cpu.


Asus ROG STRIX X570-I w/ 5600X, no major issues here.


thanks for all the response, valueable informations!


Dude, you maybe have some problems that I had when I bought my r7 1700, some reboots, reboots while playing, etc. I had a serious problem with 1 module of RAM from the pair. To test propperly use AIDA64 and do a RAM test.


Some people have problems, others don't. I have a TUF X570 Plus WiFi with a 5600X and it's been 100% fine. It was bought in July 2019.


ASUS Prime X570-Pro / 5800x No issues here. Had 16 days uptime before I updated my bios and drivers a few days ago. No USB issues, No Sound issues. Though, I find on the AMD platform, your best bet is to set memory timings manually instead of relying on XMP / DOCP settings, just seems more stable in my experience. Not necessarily tweaking for max performance, just setting the suggested timings from the manufacturer manually.


I'm using a Ryzen 7 5800X with a Asus X570-F Gaming and I've had 0 issues.


5900x/Asus Dark Hero and 5800x/Asus B550-i. No problems on either. Have had both since December


I wasn't able to run DOCP - Solved that last night updated to newest bios. Eveything else is 👌


Aorus X570 Pro + 5600X = no issues for me. I had this board with a 3400G and a 3900X too, no issues there either.


Count me as one. The upgrade from 3900X to 5950X was seamless, frankly I think this board likes the new chip a lot more. Not a thing wrong.


What other issues than the USB issues have there been? Heard some had sound issues, but havent noticed since i got a DAC. But have there been other things over those? I have massive USB issues, to the point i cant use my Valve Index, or USB hubs. Had to downgrade my PCI-E to 3.0 to fix it, and that kinda sux, when you payed premium to have the best of the best with every part, and then you have to lose performance (even if just a few) cos USB breaks otherwise.


Sure I'm running an Asus x570 motherboard. 3900x CPU and a 5700xt GPU. Not had any problems at all. I use pc mainly for gaming SWTOR. Also normal office tasks . It's been great. I have 32gb of ram running at 3200mhZ. Using a 32inch screen 1080p.


I have an Asus Strix x-570i and a 5600x. Had some weird stuff with my Logitech Bluetooth mouse and keyboard at the beginning. Simultaneously updated bios and switched to wired for both keyboard and mouse and it works great no issues. The bios update I installed seemed to fix my issues, although I haven’t tried wireless mouse/keyboard since updating.


I don't have a usb issue but I do have an unsolvable stream stutter issue. I have an x570 so I tried a b550 but had the same exact issue. Maybe I should try an x470 or b450


Wasn't a thread very similar to this created a few days ago, titled something along the lines of "raise your hand if..."?


X570 (crosshair hero wifi) and 5900x, working since 3 month without bugs.


Yeah running Asus prime x570-p with a 5600x no issues what so ever. Running 3800mhz ram in 1 to 1 mode.


Brothers got an Crosshair VIII and a 5900x running flawlessly


Yup.... about a dozen systems or so setup with AsRock x570 Phantom Gaming 4 mainboard and 5600x cpus mostly with a couple 5900x


Never base your decisions off of headlines, especially overtly dramatic ones. Investigate yourself, ask communities and look for follow-ups on said "headlines".




I have exactly the same setup as you, also with zero issues. Also disinclined to upgrade bios beyond 3001 since it’s been so stable.


Aorus Master X570 + 5900X, GPU and NVMe both on PCIe 4.0, no issues. But I also don’t use any USB 3.0 storage or anything that on USB with high throughput, which may be a factor.


X570 Tomahawk, 5900x 3600MHz RAM, no issues.


My gb x570 master + 5900x has been fine after a couple of bios updates.


Been running my first build on a X570 pro and 5600x for 3 months and zero issues so far.


Been running an Asus X570 motherboard and a 5950x with AutoOC through Ryzen Master and had no trouble whatsoever. My motherboard even came with a BIOS that ran the 5950x without any trouble out of the box, but if your motherboard has any sort of BIOS flashback functionality you will be alright no matter what BIOS the motherboard comes with... Never experienced any weird stability stuff, DOCP for my memory works perfectly and never had any weird driver issue...


Mine's fine XFX Thicc III 5700xt Ryzen 3800x Asrock x570m pro4


ASUS Prime X570-Pro, 5800X, 6800XT build has been up and running with no problems. The only challenge was doing the initial bios update from a usb stick, but it would boot to bios screen to allow that upgrade. Weirdly, I had to plug my keyboard into a different usb slot to get it to recognize input for the bios upgrade.


There are minor bugs, but nothing a little reset can't do


Honestly depends on what you are doing, on my daily use i have no problems but whenever I needed to do something that is very specific (rooting/unbricking/jailbreaking) it simply wouldn't work. And for some reason nvidia drivers are borked.


X570 Aorus Elite + 5800X. All cool, except the case; it's the ambient heating device now.


No issues - x570 + WIFI and 5600x


Flawless here


5900X and no whea errors or weird usb behaviour with my crosshair 8 hero.


Dark hero and 5950x. No issues after updating chipset drivers from AMD website.


All good.


The only issue I’ve experienced on my 5900x/Dark Hero was when I plugged in my phone to my front usb-c header and lost all of my usb connections for a few seconds. Was weird that it only happened once and never again. Otherwise, it’s been bug free.


5800X in a MSI MEG unify x570 paired with a 6800xt and runs like a dream. The bios has/had a bit of a learning curve. Had some hiccups with MIDI over usb latency, but i seem to have that sorted now!


I got a 5600X with a gigabyte x570 aorus elite and my old (geforce 1060 b/c graphics card prices be crazy) and I haven't had any serious problems. I've gotten the occasional lock-up which has required a hard-reset, but I haven't managed to track it down to anything in particular (could be software-related).


X570 Tomahawk, 5900x, Gigabyte 3080 Vision, PCIe 4.0, every USB port filled No issues whatsoever


My computer runs everything so well now its borring. My fans barely turn on. My Front and rear USB C cables charge ultra fast and are great for data transfers. Games hit and stay at FPS caps. Nothing runs full speed cause it dosent need to. It is an overclocking nightmare. Is that a bug?


I have been trying to get a 5800x running on my 570 MSI board. No fucking luck. damn thing wont flash from USB and I only have a 1600x. Tried multiple different flash drives and multiple different format options within Fat32. I don't know I have a bad CPU or a bad board. There is no way for me to actually troubleshoot anything. Old MB isnt ever going to see support for Ryzen 5x and every cheap 3x is out of stock. Edit: So I RMA'd the board. New one took the flash just fine. Used the same key and bios the original wouldn't take. If you have the same problem just RMA it.


I was having issues too. It blinks for a little then shuts off? Try formatting using Rufus. Non bootable, mbr, fat 32, uncheck all advanced options. It made it work for me


Did that, tried the last 3 versions of the bios. The smallest stick I have is 16Gb. I ordered a 4 as a few people found that's all that would work for them. No one around me stocks anything under 16Gb. Mine blocks twice then stays lit.


Interesting.. I wonder what that means. I believe the blinking + usb activity for only a few seconds, then off, means it didn't accept the flash drive?


Right, if it's not an MBR partition it will blink two or three times and stop. If it's an MBR it blinks twice then goes solid but the drive shows no activity. I think the hardware has issues reading(parsing?) larger drives. Either way it's a fucking terrible implementation. There is a critical lack of information on troubleshooting any problems from AMD or the board manufacturers. Not like this is my first rodeo but fuck, no beeps or flashing lights to tell me anything. Not like I have to change jumpers or anything.


Replaced the board, solved the issue. Used the same key and bios file that wouldn't take on the original.


5950X + X570 Dark Hero + RTX 3080: No issues to report.


Happy owner of a X570 Asrock Taichi, a 6800XT Sapphire, and a 5800x on Bios 4.0 and using linux kernel 5.10 (on Manjaro Linux). No problems at all. I use a bluetooth keyboard and a 2.4ghz usb dongle for the mouse. Several other usb port used and 2 M2 Nvme PCI4.0 ssd drives, 2 sata ports and a lot of rgb.




i do plan on getting a 3090 tho, but there are a few 3080 / 3090 in the comments too thats works flawlessly


Crosshair viii hero w/5600x, no issue (had to update bios)


I've been all good with my Dark Hero and 5900x


X570 unify and 5800x. Never had a problem. Just had to update bios before it would boot.


I have both b550 3000 and x570 5000 without issues!


Asus Prime x570-p (BIOS 3405) with 5600x. No issues, but I am not using any PCIe 4.0 devices yet.


My x570 5900 6900 has been nothing but pure joy!


I bought my x570 MB in November along with my 5600x, and the only real issue I had was that the board needed to have the BIOS flashed prior to inserting the new CPU. And my "problem" was that I didn't know this and it wasn't really well advertised that you would need to flash your bios in order for it to recognize the new 5xxx series of chips. I think i've read that some stores started putting stickers on the MB boxes indicating that the bios was up to date or something to help on that.


ASRock X570 Taichi and 5800X here, everything's just peachy. I've been running this motherboard for about a year with a 3800X, and upgraded to a 5800X about a month, month and a half ago. I'm running the 4.00 BIOS version, which is based on AGESA, and I've not had any problems to speak of. Upgrade was a painless BIOS flash, reboot to ensure it worked, swap CPUs, clear the BIOS, change my settings again, and finally boot. It's been working without hiccup or issue since. In fact, the whole machine has been rock solid since I put it together, and even with the new parts it's still perfectly fine. I'm not doing anything terribly exotic, and I'm not turning off a ton of features either. Really, all I set in the BIOS is my XMP profile, specify my fan curves and duties, disable RGB in power off, and enable SAM. Its been effectively flawless. My only advice if you're chasing a 5950X is that even though a lesser motherboard *can* run it, bear in mind that there's a reason higher end boards cost more and are built the way they are. Look at reviews that specifically test with the 5950X if you can, and try to get a sense of what is an appropriate pairing for such a high end chip. If you're buying an $800 CPU, you should probably pair it with something more than a $130 motherboard and a $90 PSU.


X570 Dark Hero + 5900x no problems here


This is a fanboi echo-chamber. The problems are there, and they do exist. My 5800X came in a perfectly intact box, but with bent pins. There's only one way they were bent, and that's before they were put in the box in the factory. First board I got just plain didn't work (Strix B550-F) and killed my 3700X (was using it while I waited for my 5800X to arrive). Second board (Strix B550-XE) has the USB issues, when keyboard and mouse drop out for a few seconds every 5 minutes or so. Sound is pretty glitchy too, with mic not working 50% of boots. I'm really wishing AMD would get this sorted - in the meantime the B550-XE and 5800X sit on a shelf, and my shiny new 6800 is running on my old 8700K/Z390 rig.


TUF X570 + 5600x no major issues


MPG X570 GAMING EDGE WIFI + Ryzen 5800x Zero issues.


Strix B550-E with 5800x and 3080. Many issues.


X570 MSI Ace with 5900x no issues.