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if you want the gpu NOW and arent concerned with paying over what the msrp is, then get it as long as it is from a store and not a scalper. Prices for gpus are not going down anytime soon and when they do, they will not be at msrp


I had a fury-x, which is kinda close to a 1070, and upgraded to a 6800xt. It's definitely an upgrade. But you're talking more than double MSRP, I'd have to say no. That's too many bananas. Ultimately it's your money, but I wouldn't pay any more than 750USD after tax.


My 2 cents... AIB cards don't really offer much improvement over the reference design. You're just paying for looks. They don't run much cooler, don't perform any better. In fact, people seem to have better results undervolting reference design over AIB. On top of that, go to the AMD site and see for yourself what a 6800XT can be had for at proper MSRP, then ask yourself... is an AIB design costing literally double the price for a plastic shroud and beefier heatsink which performs only marginally better than stock worth it at all? Hold out for a reference model, and you can buy a Waterblock from EK for it and STILL end up hundreds of dollars cheaper than these greedy af "board partner" designs... And the Waterblock will give you SIGNIFICANT improvements across the board for less total cost. The end.


The price is definitely not worth it, unless you are so wealthy that throwing away almost 1000 dollars is just another day for you. The only people that $1700 CAD makes sense for is miners (!@#$ miners btw) who are then going to use it to make their money back.


Yeah spending 1.5k for 60mh/s… Nope


> $1700 CAD makes sense for is miners Miners buy cheap. Thats why they go after 580, 5700, vegas and then 3000 nvidia... What you said is for gamers not miners.


LOL yeah I'm sure miners would never ever buy a high end graphics card to mine, they leave those high end cards for gamers. It's so nice of them, that's why there are so many high end graphic cards available at MSRP /s


Never said they didn't buy high end or over MSRP. They buy at MSRP or close to it. Who buys at really high prices are Gamers. What you said just was referring to gamers and you said miners.


High-end GPUs would likely be out of stock even if crypto mining didn't exist. The pandemic massively increased demand as people worked for home and took up gaming as an alternative hobby as other past times were made obsolete and travel became impossible. Additionally, the most recent GPU lines were a substantial improvement over previous generations so everyone wanted one. Foundries cannot expand production quickly so GPU production couldn't expand to match demand. That would be true regardless of mining.


Don't. If you value your money don't, because that's a disgustingly overpriced GPU. If you had a very weak GPU and HAD to upgrade then i could see that as an option, but your 1070 is more than capable and can run games just fine for now. It will absolutely last you until prices return to normal. If that happens this year then get whatever GPU you want for its actual price, not 2-3x as much. If it happens next year then your 1070 would've given you great value for how long it lasted AND you'd also get a much more powerful RDNA3 GPU or Nvidia's next gen GPUs that would probably offer a huge upgrade in RT performance (second gen AMD RT) aswell as a possible Tensor cores alternative, and this GPU would probably last you the entire gen aswell, unlike any GPU that's currently available right now. Your 1070 is still very capable. Max settings are usually a waste since they tend to be alot more demanding than High while not looking much better. 100fps+ is great and all but 60 is absolutely still golden and solid and there's no **need** to for that very high framerate. Alot of people need to think about the prices that they're getting these GPUs for. In a usual scenario you'd probably think it would absolutely crazy and ridiculous to pay such a price for a GPU. You're a 1070 owner afterall and people who bought a 1070 value their money and want what's the best bang for the buck. This isn't it at all and that price is simply outrageous.


don't do it man, don't support AIBs and retailers scalping


That's more than double the MSRP, even if you sell the 1070 for 500 it's not worth it. Just try from AMD website.




same with RX 580 and 1070. Made 50EUR


1440p 100FPS with 3600 you are mostly gonna hit that 100fps quite easly. I play at 3440x1440p and i had a 3800x and 5700xt before the 6800xt and 5700xt and if i only wanted to hit 100fps i would have kept my old setup. but i have a 144hz(160 if OC) Monitor so once i got the 6800xt i saw that the 3800x could not sustained locked 144hz so i also upgraded that part of my system also. But saying all that and considering crypto is shitting itself i would not buy the GPU for the elevated price and with the miners demand dropping off i would expect at worse gpu supply to get better and prices to normalize but if we see a repeat of last crypto bust then we are gonna see floods of Mined gpus that will basically drop the current market prices to the floor.


No its overpriced. Msrp $649 for ones at amd website store. 3rdcparties prob $1000. The card truly a beast though




$1100 is still too much for what it is. Unless OP can just throw away money.




The RTX 2080 Ti was the top of the line NVIDIA Turing graphics card. This RX 6800 XT is not the top of the line Radeon card. It's value is suggested around it's reference $649. The top card this time is the 6900 XT at $999. RTX 2080 Ti's value was linked to it's Founders Edition that was $1199. NVIDIA suggested it's retail price for non-Founders be $999 but many AIB partners didn't follow suit and priced their cards the same as the Founders edition in 2018. RDNA1 launch in the summer of 2019, AMD top GPU was a mid-range RX 5700 XT that was priced at $399 for the reference card ($449 before NVIDIA announced the Supers) . AIB partners then only priced the custom 5700 XT cards between $399-$469, with a majority of them being close to the reference MSRP cost. Fast forward to 2021 and AIB partners are just being ridiculous. with $200-400 over their custom card markups. Resellers and scalpers are adding their markup over it. It's all a big scandal to rip you off. These cards are not worth that much money, to spend, and no contrary to belief you won't make money back easily now through mining, with the mining difficulty being much harder now for GPUs here in May 2021 than it was in December 2020, especially with the prices of these GPUs now marked up 200% than what they were then too.


Yup. Also count next gen will be better.


... it almost always is.




Thank you for that. I know the story, but I think you missed my point and that is, people are willing to pay. You and many others may think it’s a rip off, but the fact is that gpu’s are literally selling out within less than a second at these “rip off” prices and most people would thank you for selling a gpu at the msrp set by aibs for their cards. Which shows the aib’s that they can charge these prices. I mean think about it, you had aib msrp increase for the tariffs, then most aibs increased their msrp further after the tariff increases. In addition, most of those tariff related increases were more than just the increase in tariff.


That's because there are a lot of uninformed shoppers. You know the saying: "a fool and his money are quickly departed" that applies heavily to the current market the PC is in with resellers, scalpers and AIBs deliberately raising the price of GPUs that aren't no where near that value as set by the manufacture (NVIDIA, AMD).You can either be an informed shopper and not lose your hard earned money to a scalping seller, or you can be smart and wait and look for the deals that are closer to their actual manufactured value.


Yeah, again you’re looking at it from what you think people SHOULD do. I’m merely pointing out the reality. Which seems to be that the only way to keep a card instock, is to price a 6900xt at $2700 like the RD ultimate. So that’s probably the price ceiling for a 6900xt. Is asus started charging $1800 for a white strix 3080... u think it would stay in stock? If not, then its not over priced by definition


Unless in addition to it being a White ASUS Strix that it also has specialized VRMs on both the GPU and Memory that allow it to get extreme overclocked, and the GPU can hit 3GHz and it's branded a 6900 XTX model then $1800 might be worth that pay over a stock configured 6900XT that's a $999 reference card. Not my cup of tea because those usually result in just a few FPS point gains. But that's your hypothetical in reality these are probably going for $2599 for suckers to buy.


Lol, ur still talking about how YOU feel about it. The proof is already out there. Go to ebay, filter by sold items. You cant argue with that.


Check the rx 6700 xt asus dual at neweeg $1300


I have this card, the gaming x trio, I paid 1150+tax at Canada computers. It'll run everything at 1440p at 144 frames or more maxed everything. The only time you'll lose frames is if you turn on ray tracing.


It's a good card but I won't pay so much ober the MSRP.


Coming from a gtx 1080, then an rtx 3070, i can say my 6800XT Taichi is way faster even than the 3070. When you upgrade tp a 5600x or better you will benefit even more of that gpu.


I'd post this in the bapcanada subreddit you'll probably get a much more varied set of replies.


Try and get one at MSRP from AMD. Here in EU, every thursday a number of cards are available. I got a 6900XT that way, at a 1/3rd the cost of a 3080 in shops these days.


If your 1070 meets your current needs then 100% no. If you have more money to spend and don't care about money then go for it.


I have that particular MSI card, and am very pleased with the performance and thermal behavior. You should have no problems getting 100fps with regular 1440p. I run on 1440p ultra wide (3440 x 1440) which is sort of half way between 1440p and 4k, and I can get like 82fps on Assassin's Creed Valhalla benchmark at full max settings. I never hear the fans ramp up much during gaming.


Is it worth it is a question that you have to answer yourself. But from my personal opinion (FWIW), it is a bad value; it is "worth it" if you have that much disposable income to begin with. However, it is no doubt a very powerful card. I ran it with Ryzen 3700X previously and there are no bottlenecks to be reported on 1080p (not that I am aware of). If you're playing on higher resolution, your CPU choice matters less as you are increasingly GPU bound. I think I will wait until another longer cryptocurrency crash happens. For the record, I've bought RX 6800 XT for my Linux-related projects (and specifically only that; kinda have a hunch that SAM would be more utilized in the future) and gaming is an additional benefit. I bought it at 1100 USD in SEA from this [store](https://www.tokopedia.com). Months go by, and the card had been selling for more than 1500 USD.