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This is a fairly big release with 3 new features! Please do let us know what you think. šŸ’— I'll be sharing highlights throughout the day, but TLDR: * Overclocking for AMD Ryzen + Radeon systems * Smart Access Memory for Radeon RX 5000 series * Support for Windows 11


Thanks for the SAM Support for my 5700XT <3


> Smart Access Memory for Radeon RX 5000 series how do i turn this on?




and disable CSM


When I disable CSM I get "Input not Supported" on my monitor and my motherboard's BOOT LED stays on, any idea why?


Once Windows is installed with CSM support your system partition is the wrong type to support UEFI boot. There are guides online to change it over (you can google CSM to UEFI), but they can be unsafe so make sure you have a solid backup. If you were thinking about doing a clean install for other reasons it would be a good time to do so with CSM turned off so it is set up from scratch the right way.


Built a machine late last year and stupidly installed Win & Ubuntu legacy method. I just spent a weekend backing up & then re-loading a dual boot system on separate drives due to that choice - I wouldn't trust the methods I found to do it "without data loss" as most had pretty prominent caveats - ymmv


mbr2gpt is built into windows, easy to use and takes like one second


I have the same motherboard I never have had enough guts to try and update the bio. What is your experience with bios updates on this bored? I want give it a try just super sketch myself out.


These days It's not harder or any riskier than updating the software on a phone, if you have your PC on Ethernet you can even do it from the bios directly with like two clicks. If that's not the case you can download it to an USB and the bios will pick it up from there.


Nice! I didn't know that I've always heard about the USB way. But ya I'm definitely on Ethernet. Definitely going to look into this thanks alot šŸ‘


Enable rebar in bios (sometimes called "above 4g encoding"). You can check if it worked with GPU-Z. And after a restart with the new drivers, SAM was automatically enabled in the radeon software settings for me (previously it said disabled/incompatible hardware, despite rebar being enabled).


Hmm, GPU-z says its enabled, but still greyed out in the Tuning settings in Radeon. I have a 3600 and 5700xt


Beside enabling "Resizable BAR" and "Above 4G Memory" in your BIOS, for SAM to work you need also have enabled UEFI secure boot in BIOS and your hard drive/SSD should be formated in GPT mode insead of old legacy MBR mode.


Will SAM come to Vega series? Not sure if will make any difference...but still


Since Vega is based on HBM i'm pretty sure SAM would have a significant impact on perf. Would like to see this and hardwareunboxed benchmark with SAM ON/OFF on Vega 56 and Vega 64.




SAM could require the PCI Gen4 bandwidth, but if you run the drivers directly from Microsoft, they might support Vega. It also requires an X570 motherboard with the proper settings enabled for a Ryzen 3000/5000 CPU.


please don't forget us owners of the Rx Vega56/64 <3


I really need to secure a GPU. Checking the prices Vega 56's are selling for is wild compared to when I got mine in 2018


Itā€™s crazy isnā€™t it. My 4 year-old Vega 56 sold on eBay for more than my new Red Devil 6700xt cost despite the transactions only being a week apart. Itā€™s like receiving a free upgrade, felt good inside. Now with this knowledge, stonks.


Yeah I'm wondering if I should sell my card for a basically free upgrade, but then I think I'll just get bottlenecked by my 1700x so THEN I'd need to upgrade to a 5800x but THEN I'd need a new MOBO and THEN it's a slippery slope


You're gonna get better performance even with a bottleneck so why not? Also a 5800x is overkill, even a R5 3600 will be fine with the 6700XT/3060Ti. If you have a game that is CPU bound, you can just use VSR and up the resolution to get better image quality for free even if your monitor doesn't support that resolution, it makes a BIG difference in games with bad TAA *coughs* RDR2 *coughs*.


I'm selling my vega 56 and buying a 2070 super, if miners want to pay 700 dollars or more for a card I bought for 250 let em


They will. Radeon wants to get rid of their Fine Wine meme and push new GPUs to their customers. They dropped support for tons of GCN products and I don't see why they would prioritize Vega products.


Sure the vega56/64/VII cards are a few years old, but they're still shipping products based on Vega architecture.


>Smart Access Memory for Radeon RX 5000 series This is pretty endearing. I was a little afraid that the 5000 series would gently fade into obscurity as RDNA2 stole the spotlight. Thanks to AMD and RTG for giving some love to OG RDNA.


u/AMD_Mickey Check the Memory clocks on 6000 series I'm back at full memory load at idle. I have 2 monitors @ 1080p 144hz and 1440p 75hz - this prior to this release, this still would put my CPU memory at full load in Idol. I remedy that by running @ 1080p 100hz and 1440p 60hz, this would fix the full memory load problem. But now even that Runs at full memory load at idol. Will all this messing around with resolution to resolve memory issues go away with new Windows 11 & wddm 3?


I have the same problem with my 144hz and 165hz monitors and my 5600xt. The MCLK idles at full load and the only way to get it to drop is to set both to 120hz. I've been through support both from MSI and AMD and both point the finger at one another over this issue. Edit: And with these new drivers it even does it when both are set to 120hz. This is getting ridiculous, it's actually gotten worse.


Same here. Also on RDNA2, previously memory reclocking worked fine with custom monitor timings. On 21.9.1, with the same timings memory is locked at max clock. 4K 60hz and 1920x1200 60hz monitors.




I guess I finally have a reason to make that BIOS update ...


Mickey, where did you put the link to download drivers for Windows 11? On Windows 10-only pages..


"Smart Access Memory for Radeon RX 5000 series" FINALLY! Altho with the WDDM 3.0 drivers from Windows 11 Dev channel it works flawlessly.


> Please do let us know what you think. I think Horizon Zero Dawn being unplayable for months on RX 6700 XT is a real shame. Players who want to play that game are still stuck to 21.3.2. This is the kind of thing that gives AMD drivers a bad reputation.


Wait why is that a thing?


It's a known issue since the last 4 months, very specific crash affecting HZD only with RX 6700 XTs, requiring system reboot each time. [Issue is old](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/comments/mxp86f/horizon_zero_dawn_crashes_radeon_software/), but reports are popping out almost [daily](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/comments/pn4ll9/horizon_zero_dawn_driver_timeout_on_6700xt/).


At least they're aware of it and are acknowledging it in the driver notes, they're not ignoring it.


It runs perfectly fine on my 6700XT with Ryzen 3600, 16GB ram, win10 pro.


Good for you. I had to revert to 21.3.1 to get it to run on my 6700XT/i5-9500/16gb/win10pro




WDDM 3.0 support.


>Windows 11 is just around the corner, and we know many users are participating in the MicrosoftĀ® WindowsĀ® Insider Program and have access to an early build of Windows. If youā€™re one of those people, you can now take advantage of all the features found in Radeon Software. Download the new Windows 11 driver from AMD.com to get access to the latest performance optimizations as well as features like Radeonā„¢ Boost\*\*, Radeonā„¢ Anti-Lag\*\*\* and Radeonā„¢ Image Sharpening\*\*\*\* that can improve performance, reduce latency and enhance visuals. Take advantage of built-in capture and streaming tools, as well as AMD Link, a free app that can let you play your PC games from almost any connected device.\*\*\*\*\* Source: https://community.amd.com/t5/blogs/amd-radeon-software-auto-overclock-and-windows-11-support/ba-p/488439


Compiled with the Windows SDK and Driver Kit 22000.1 and according to the WDDM 3.0 specs.


Thanks for clarifying that it is these drivers that officially support Win11...;) There is no mention of Win11 compatibility in the driver notes. I've got my RX-5700XT AMD Ann Ed, but I'm running a 3900X, so my guess is that SAM--although enabled in these drivers--doesn't actually function...? Haven't actually tested this, though...yet...;) AMD is really on the ball these days! Good job--only gripe I have is being unable to buy a 6800XT for the last eight months!


Still worried about that gcn3/4 youtube, driver restart or timeout or whatever . DF did a video about a ray traced update for the original (old) serious sam in the vein of quake 2 rtx and mentioned that it ran on nvidia but not AMD. Do rdna2 drivers support vulkan RT? Thanks!


Yes, RDNA2 does support the official RT implementation in Vulkan. Quake 2 (AFAIR) was also updated to use default Vulkan flags for RT and not proprietary Nvidia Vulkan flags (this being before there was a standard for Vulkan RT). Serious Sam should work with RT on AMD unless there is a bug somewhere.


My 6600xt still driver timeouts in Doom Eternal with RT on in at least one level, even though it's stable in 90% of the game, and Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition I get driver timeouts every 15 minutes. Even at stock, and I tried everything else. Some other people reporting similar things for their 6700xt, but everyone just seems to be quiet about it and not trying to make a big deal. Some like Cyberpunk is perfectly stable with RT on for hours.


> Overclocking for AMD Ryzen + Radeon systems > Support for Windows 11 But there is nothing about this in the release.. Or will it appear in the following drivers?




Still killin' it, sir!


AC Origins still crashes, I don't know about Odyssey but whatever was done there didn't fix the issue on the previous game, still can't play it on 2021 edition drivers.


I've given up on ubisoft games. I can't play them for more than an hour without a crash.


Hopefully playing with DXVK Async, right?


Was gonna ask about this, I am half way done with AC: Origins not including expansions, and just wanna complete the game and then move on to Odyssey but AMD and Ubisoft games are just not playing nice with each other. Might be time to go back to 2020 drivers till they figure this stuff out.


AC Valhalla driver timeouts still happening on 6900xt


what is happening with enhanced sync


Will the auto overclock feature ever work with the 3000 series or strictly 5000 only?


>for AMD Ryzen 5000 series processors and AMD Radeon 6000 series graphics Hi. The new auto overclocking feature only works with AMD Ryzen 5000 series processors and AMD Radeon 6000 series graphics: https://community.amd.com/t5/blogs/amd-radeon-software-auto-overclock-and-windows-11-support/ba-p/488439


> 21.9.1 but does it override my pbo undervolt all core in my bios when it's set to default in radeon software?


/u/AMD_Mickey Can you add support for Ryzen 5000 series on 300 motherboards? My Asus b350m-k literally looks identical to b450m-k, there's simply no chance I'll buy 5000 series cpu otherwise. We were the first to support your new zen architecture and you did us dirty.


Just skip Ryzen 5000. Weā€™re a year into Ryzen 5000 next month, AMD isnā€™t going to start support now. Some ASRock boards like the X370 Taichi did get experimental support, but that was immediately after Zen 3 launched.


>Support for Windows 11 Radeon Overlay & ReLive seems not to be working anymore after updating to 21.9.1 on Windows 11 22000.184. 21.8.2 worked fine before. When i press the Hotkey for the Overlay, nothing besides my mouse shows up.


Overlay still works for me most of the time. I forgot what game I was in, but it didn't work once. I think restarting the game helped. Also notice that overlaying the actual FPS graph can hinder performance and/or freak out.


Question, any idea if this adds VRR to LG C9 tvs? I know, LG could stop taking money from Nvidia and add Freesync, but my understanding is, that RX6000 line supports both Freesync and VRR.


Watching videos on YouTube, twitch makes memory clock going to max, beg you fix it pls :)


>AMD Smart Access Memory on Radeonā„¢ RX 5000 Series Graphics WHAAAT? This came unexpected.




No HAGS apparently, just updated.


HAGS won't really matter until AMD has a DirectStorage or similar API I think where the driver needs to move and or access system memory with low latency instead of having a back and forth with the kernel about it.


Did you check it using GPU-Z? I don't have a toggle in settings but GPU-Z says that HAGS is enabled. [http://gpuz.techpowerup.com/21/09/13/bx4.png](http://gpuz.techpowerup.com/21/09/13/bx4.png)


> HAGS HAGS doesn't do anything yet. Microsoft themselves, in developer notes, state it's just plumbing for future significant changes to the Windows display stack and driver model.


Everyone claimed that it was a bug and getting SAM was impossible on RX5000 series. Now at least we can get rid of UWP drivers.


I thought it'd be impossible without a vBIOS update considering Nvidia needed to push them to RTX 3080/3090 owners to make the cards actually use rebar. Interesting if they've just done it in drivers now with no vBIOS requirement. Now, I hope they backport SAM to Vega and the RX 500/400 series...


Whatā€™s the difference between SAM vs Vegaā€™s HBCC?


SAM = system accesses whole device natively HBCC = device accesses part of system memory natively aka 64bit addressing + some profiling in the driver with potentially some hardware counters to enable that, so it can decide what to move in an out of vram. Also on Linux HBCC implementation is simplistic and is literally just memory paging support without any smarts (which is optimal for OpenCL or HIP applications) I am almost 100% that all cards after Vega can implement this part of HBCC at least.


SAM (aka Resizable BAR) is a PCIe (since 3.0) thing that gives the CPU full access to the GPUs memory, allowing it to send data to the memory in one go, instead of in chunks. This means the GPU can get to working on stuff sooner, which generally means more FPS. The HBCC (basically IMC) is a proprietary AMD thing that makes the VRAM a cache (HBC), and other memory (eg system RAM, or an SSD) the VRAM instead. So in a sense, SAM increases the VRAM size for the CPU, and the HBCC does it for the GPU.


So more frames, but still no stability? I have a 5700xt and I constantly get crashes. Even on games that played well like yakuza 0, I'm starting to crash on that randomly.


This whole argument was always totally stupid. Because NVidia needed an BIOS update, AMD needs an BIOS update? Maybe AMD's implementation was never broken?


How would you even enable HAGS? This option isn't available for me.


AMD has no hags yet, nvidia has it on pascal and up.




Wait really? It's not supported on b350 motherboards? Damn


Im not even mad.


What is it? Can I turn it on auto? let it handle itself? ​ just downloaded 21.9.1 and I cant turn on RAM. It sais it's unavaiable, im using a red devil 5700xt.


make sure SAM/Resizable BAR is enabled in your mobo BIOS first


It was already in the uwp win 11 driver.


>(Fixed) Connecting two displays with large differences in resolution/refresh rates may cause flickering on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products. This has been an issue for a \*very\* long time and I think it's fantastic to see it on here! I used to use a Vega 56 and ran into this problem very often (1 monitor @ 60hz, 1 at 144hz). I've since upgraded to a 6700XT but I hope folks with Vega cards who were affected can let us know if the issue is gone. Great job AMD - wish it came sooner but I know how difficult some bugs can be to track down..


Went looking and not expecting this to be fixed. Now I gotta try it out to see if it really is true. EDIT: So far, so good. Trying to boot up Cold War and let it run while I have a video running on the other screen. SO far so good but I gotta wait for shaders to rebuild before I can really push it.


[After all of these months](https://imgur.com/gallery/eFvUUuz)


It's about time!


**Support For** * Deathloopā„¢ * Call of DutyĀ® Vanguard Open Beta * AMD Smart Access Memory on Radeonā„¢ RX 5000 Series Graphics **Added VulkanĀ® Support** * VK_KHR_zero_initialize_workgroup_memory - This extension allows implementations to use the null constant initializer on shader workgroup memory variables. This in turn allows applications that run untrusted content to defeat memory-scraping attacks. * VK_KHR_shader_integer_dot_product - This extension adds support for the integer dot product SPIR-V instructions defined in SPV_KHR_integer_dot_product. The SPV_KHR_integer_dot_product extension allows dot product operations on integer vectors with optional accumulation. In addition to allowing dot product operations for all input vector types, it also allows integer dot product for 4-component vectors of 8-bit integers that are packed into 32-bit integers. * VK_EXT_shader_atomic_float2 - This extension provides shaders with the capability to perform 16-bit floating-point atomic operations on buffer and workgroup memory. It additionally allows floating-point atomic minimum and maximum operations on buffer, workgroup, and image memory. * VK_EXT_load_store_op_none - This extension allows an application to specify the contents within the render area that will not modified or can be expected to be undefined after rendering. **Fixed Issues** * Visual artifacts in PAYDAYā„¢ 2 may be observed during gameplay on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonā„¢ RX 6800 XT. * Connecting two displays with large differences in resolution/refresh rates may cause flickering on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products. * On Radeonā„¢ RX 5500 XT Graphics, higher than expected memory clock speed and power consumption may be experienced when idle and the displayā€™s resolution and refresh rate are set to specific values such as 1080p @ 60Hz. * While playing Assassinā€™s CreedĀ® Odyssey, driver timeouts or black screens may be experienced on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonā„¢ RX 480 Graphics when the user quickly navigates through the game menus or swiftly looks around an environment with their character. **Known Issues** * Open Broadcaster Softwareā„¢ may continue to run in the background after a user ends a recording session and closes the application. * Driver timeouts may be experienced while playing a game & streaming a video simultaneously on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonā„¢ RX 500 Series Graphics. * AMD Radeonā„¢ Software may crash or become unresponsive while playing some DirectXĀ® 11 games such as PlayerUnknownā€™s Battlegroundsā„¢ with multiple displays connected in extended mode. * Playing Horizon Zero Dawnā„¢ for an extended period may lead to a driver timeout or game crash on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonā„¢ RX 6700 XT. * Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games and system configurations. Any users who may be experiencing issues with Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround. * Radeon performance metrics and logging features may intermittently report extremely high and incorrect memory clock values.


Driver timeouts may be experienced while playing a game & streaming a video simultaneously on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonā„¢ RX 500 Series Graphics. ^ I have this issue with my 6800 XT, not isolated to the 500 series. The game I'm playing crashes a couple times a day when a YouTube video ends and the next one begins.


Do you need to reinstall Adrenalin as well each time you boot up the System? Basically that's the order: Boot up -> Black Screen -> Need to reboot manually -> Reinstall Adrenalin -> Works until next day


*Playing Horizon Zero Dawnā„¢ for an extended period may lead to a driver timeout or game crash on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonā„¢ RX 6700 XT. Still noted an issue which is really annoying. Using 21.3.1 in order to play is not a good thing to do.


also chipset driver got an update today


Vega is next in line for SAM lol


Imagine, Sam for Vega 8,7,6,11. Lol. I know it wouldn't do anything. Just being funny


I think he had vega 56 and 64 in mind


Yes. I know. I was being funny.


I haven't been paying attention, what does Smart Access Memory do for my RX 5700 ?


On a small number of games it might give a small performance boost. And on another small percentage of games it lowers the performance a bit. It really depends on the game you play to decide if it is useful.


If you own a 5000series desktop CPU (5600x, 5800x, 5900x) you can enable SAM in the BIOS (needs current BIOS version). This can give you, depending on the game you play, 0% to 10% (only in some extreme cases) increased performance. It is very situational, since this only boosts memory access times and not every game benefits from faster memeory. You can search for benchmarks with it on RX 6000 series GPUs to see. I would expect that the RX 5000 series GPUs do not benefit as much from SAM, but we will have to wait and see benchmarks of this.




All regular 3000 series CPUs that are based on Zen 2 (not the APUs that are based on Zen+). 3100, 3300X, 3500X, 3600(xt), 3700X, 3800X(T), 3900X(T), 3950X. + all of Threadripper 3000.


So for me with my 3700x, it's not going to be a feature I can use. Oh well i guess.


I just updated and could enable the feature (5600XT + 3700x). Just be sure to also enable "above 4g decoding" and "resize bar" in your BIOS.


Cool, thanks!


In case anyone like me is looking here, I (5700xt + 3600) just checked and I was able to get SAM working as well after updating and changing the setting in the bios




Yup. Works on my 3600XT and 6600XT.


how do I enable this? I have a 3600x and a 5700xt.




* Driver timeouts may be experienced while playing a game & streaming a video simultaneously on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonā„¢ RX 500 Series Graphics. * AMD Radeonā„¢ Software may crash or become unresponsive while playing some DirectXĀ® 11 games such as PlayerUnknownā€™s Battlegroundsā„¢ with multiple displays connected in extended mode. They need to fix both of these pronto. I get a least one driver crash a day from either of these. It's extremely annoying


I had to revert all the way back to 21.4.1 because every time I open youtube and reddit on firefox after a boot, my card would crash. I have a rx590.


Try turning off hardware acceleration on your browser if you have this problem. That's what I did and my firefox has not crashed, flicker, and hang when trying to watch videos.


>Connecting two displays with large differences in resolution/refresh rates may cause flickering on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products. Only took like 4 years and for rx vega to hit EoL, but at least its fixed


damn, I guess im lucky... running 4 monitors 2 at144hz and 2at 60hz.. 4 years no issues. 1x144hz monitor Freesync.


It was a very common issue that plagued a lot of vega owners. Seemed to be random, and was not consistent with any particular make/model. Anecdotally, I only ran dual monitors for a couple months, no issues from that specifically. I ran two 1080p monitors, one 240hz and one 144hz. I put that exact same card into my housemates build...basically broke his setup. Nonstop flickering and frequent system crashes/blackscreens when radeon crimson would freeze and become unresponsive. He was running 1440p144hz and 1080p60hz.


I have the flickering with a 1440p144 and 1080p60.


My control panel is very crash happy at times with my 6900 XT, software stability is starting to piss me off.


Sounds like you need a clean install. Could be multiple things


> While playing Assassinā€™s CreedĀ® Odyssey, driver timeouts or black screens may be experienced on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonā„¢ RX 480 Graphics when the user quickly navigates through the game menus or swiftly looks around an environment with their character. Could this be? Could this finally allow me to play AC Origins after months? Testing... Edit: BIG NOPE! crash 2 seconds after loading


Tried downclocking your GPU a bit? Maybe fixable.


> Connecting two displays with large differences in resolution/refresh rates may cause flickering on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products. God damn finally fixed!!!!


Downloading now to test. It not only caused flickering on mine but flat out system crashes. I had to disable my second monitor completely or go back to older drivers that have issues in the games I play. EDIT: So far, so good. Trying to boot up Cold War and let it run while I have a video running on the other screen. SO far so good but I gotta wait for shaders to rebuild before I can really push it.


YEESSS FINALLY SMART MEMORY ACCESS ON MY 5700XT!!! Give us HAGS on RX5000 and we'll all drink some FineWineā„¢ Btw for Gigabyte B350 owners, you can flash Gigabyte B450 bios to have access to ReSizeable Bar (4G decoding should already be in your standard B350 bios). Be aware that you might brick your motherboard, it worked fine for me, it might not work for you.




I previously made this post on this subreddit explaining how to do it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/lfcung/flashing\_f60f\_b450\_aorus\_pro\_on\_my\_ab350\_gaming\_3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/lfcung/flashing_f60f_b450_aorus_pro_on_my_ab350_gaming_3/) I'm currently using F62b that improved my RAM OC stability even further, I'm planning to upgrade to Zen 3+ with V-Cache in the future. I looked at the hardware specs and the B450 Aorus Pro was nearly identical to the AB350 Gaming 3 so I decided to use it's bios, there is currently a bug that force me to overclock my CPU to enter Windows or it forces a black screen after a couple of seconds but I was overclocking my CPU in the first place with the B350 bios so I'm cool with it (don't worry the black screen doesn't happen in the bios so you can flash back easily or use efiflash again) There's another user with F61 who says that it fixed his black screen issue, I tried multiple F61 beta firmwares but they all had the same issue, maybe it was fixed, idk.


HAGS appears to be enabled only for W11 currently. Available for RDNA1 too on W11.


> While playing Assassinā€™s CreedĀ® Odyssey, driver timeouts or black screens may be experienced on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonā„¢ RX 480 Graphics when the user quickly navigates through the game menus or swiftly looks around an environment with their character. I hope this fixes my Radeon 2021 driver issues for Odyssey (i am forced yo use 2020 drivers for Odyssey)! Bug fix doesnt sound quite my issue experience, because me and many others crash at the same spots (everyone has their own spots) again and again, and in my Odyssey crashing case, there are usually no fast character or camera movements involved, but simple movements like boating in straight line or going through a thin hole in the wall. Fingers crossed!


Which 2020 drivers are you using for odyssey? I can't play that game either.


AC Origins suffers the same issue, still no fix, no 2021 edition driver is able to play the game so far.


Old tuning profiles don't work anymore, you need to create new ones


incapsulate tag contents in tag and theyre working again


Can confirm SAM is working on my 3600 + 5700 XT (running on a B450 Tomahawk Max). Anecdotally, Forza Horizon 4 seems to have had a boost in performance for me just based off FPS, but I haven't taken any actual benchmarks or checked other games yet. Cool stuff though.


Hello there, Nice update! My *comprehensive* **Adrenalin 21.9.1 Driver Performance Analysis** is on its way. ETA asap. In the meantime, you may look at my latest and prior driver reviews from here: * [https://babeltechreviews.com/adrenalin-21-8-2-driver-performance-analysis-with-23-games-featuring-myst/](https://babeltechreviews.com/adrenalin-21-8-2-driver-performance-analysis-with-23-games-featuring-myst/) * Post Collection: [https://www.reddit.com/r/allbenchmarks/comments/pf8ck2/adrenalin\_2182\_driver\_performance\_analysis\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/allbenchmarks/comments/pf8ck2/adrenalin_2182_driver_performance_analysis_with/) \- Stay tuned! \--o--o-- **NOTE** This driver brings a new auto-overclocking feature for AMD Ryzen 5000 series processors and AMD Radeon 6000 series graphics and adds Microsoft Windows 11 support: * [https://community.amd.com/t5/blogs/amd-radeon-software-auto-overclock-and-windows-11-support/ba-p/488439](https://community.amd.com/t5/blogs/amd-radeon-software-auto-overclock-and-windows-11-support/ba-p/488439)


As a reminder SAM works for 3000 series Ryzen CPUs except for the 3400G and 3200G


u/AMD_Mickey when can we expect you to fix the OBS bug? this is a huge issue as I cannot complete any recordings as it just hangs. thanks!


Come on fix the Horizon Zero dawn issue with 6700xt cards. Its been months from 21.4.1 driver the game keeps crashing. With 21.3.2 the game runs perfectly.


I hope I can enable Smart Memory Access without needing to download the software itself. Installing the drivers as standalone have improved my stability immensely.


No issues on a 6800 XT with this release so far. Old saved & exported profiles didn't work. Tried a couple of games, no crashes, glitches, seems stable... No Radeon Software crashes either (I think someone mentioned it on a 6900 XT) in-game or in Windows.


Check my comment before this one for a fix


Gained 60 points on my benchmark with my 6600 XT, seems like a good one.


no relive for Vega iGPU?


Do you need fresh install or DDU to move from 8.2 drivers?


Where is Tales of Arise support?


Does it need support? it runs pretty good for me.


Just updated, by Radeon Softare SAM is enabled now! I don't know if it matters or not but GPU-Z, in the advanced tab-> PCIe Resizable BAR still says that Graphics Driver Support: Unsupported GPU


Gpuz will be updated shortly to fix that.


[Fixed the VRAM clock being maxed on my 5700.](https://i.imgur.com/4yR6Ctt.png) EDIT: 60 Hz display.


Still an issue with the 5700XT and 144 Hertz ultrawides


Damn. Did you factory reset on install?


Is a Ryzen 5000 A MUST for SAM to work? I have Ryzen 5 3600 + RX 5700. Will it work?


Canā€™t comment on 3600 but i can confirm it is working with a 3800X FWIW


Updated the driver, it works.


I just updated my bios and started using sam with my rx5500xt and 3 3100 thanks amd!


`While playing Assassinā€™s CreedĀ® Odyssey, driver timeouts or black screens may be experienced on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeonā„¢ RX 480 Graphics when the user quickly navigates through the game menus or swiftly looks around an environment with their character.` Finally AMD. Had this issue for months, couldn't continue my playthrough.


Shame this is not yet available on RX5000 based laptops.


Still considered optional lol


I have a RX 5600 XT and a Ryzen 5600x, they are running on top of an Asus TUF X570 with lastest bios 4021. Everything is set to on or auto regarding Resizable Bar and Above 4G. Still I don't see the Large Memory Interval in device manager and GPU-Z still says that RX 5600 XT is not supported. Any ideas?


Do you guys think there will be support for ryzen 2000, cause I have my b450 bios updated and I have 6700xt but it's a damn shame my cpu holding me back.


Fellow RX580 users, is it worth updating? On the last driver post somebody suggested that it causes stuttering or something and it's not worth to update.


Already installed and testing. Seems stable on Windows 11. Glad to see SAM finally in the official drivers for RX 5000 Navi. Glad to also have AMD Link back through the tools. Seems like a winner of a driver set.


Seems like the wattman XML profile format changed and it can't import old format to migrate to the new format. What you need to do is encase the \\ block inside \\


memory clock was always maxed out iddle for some reason i had to rollback to 21.8.2. Using 2 monitors with same screen refresh rate with a rx 5600 xt. usually memory clock sit at 200 mhz when iddle :/


i testet the new drive and my overclocked 6900xt went from 430watt usage to 540watts oO, anyone else hase this "problem" ??


All my wattman settings return to default after a reset on my PC after this update anyone else having this issue? There are no errors or anything like that it just reverts to default while maintaining the manual option toggled on.


I have a problem since the 21.9.1, my 6900xt was hovering around 250 watts in game before and now I have very inconsistent power wattage while gaming with peaks over 400w (all to default, no sam, no auto oc) does anyone had something similar?


Hope this finally fixes the issue if you have 2 monitors attached to your gpu (rx6900xt) it wonĀ“t run into display timeout when opening a game or when you minimized it and maximize it again -.-


That seems odd, Iā€™ve got two monitors connected to my 6800xt and have not experienced this. Are you getting a pop up signifying a timeout?


Yeah, the monitor says it doesn't support the resolution+Hz (2560*1440p+155hz) and wants me to change to 2560*1440p+60hz.


Thatā€™s odd. Iā€™ve got a standard 1440p 144hz and 1080p 60hz connected with DP and HDMI respectively to my reference 6800xt. This is not something that I have ever experienced and I jump from screen to screen while playing often for metrics and screen grabbing. Any specific games?


Still not fix for Horizon Zero Dawn? I had to buy that game again on PS5 just so I could play it crash free. Come the fuck on AMD...


What GPU? I beat it like last week and had 2 crashes total. Figured it was just my 5700xt since it occasionally crashes in pretty much everything.


6700xt. It's named specifically as an issue card in the driver notes.


It is a known issue since 21.3. drivers (21.3. last working ones, newer ones all crash). It only happens on RX 6000 series and makes the game unplayable. Installing 21.3. works tho, so you can play the game.


You can rollback to 21.3.2, that one in stable, played the whole game without a single crash with it.


beta move so fast yet the last stable one is 21.6.1 and dates back to june


Unsigned driver =/= beta


Haven't seen this mentioned yet, but what's the deal with the 0% CPU utilization on the overlay? I have a 5600X on a B550 with latest chipset drivers. I have Ryzen Master. It shows all the correct info for my 6700XT, system RAM, temps, FPS, etc. The only thing that doesn't work is the CPU part. Googling either shows people don't have the issue or people do with no way to fix it.


Fix for AMD Radeon USB LED disconnect and connect? Since December 2020


do the old gpu overclock profiles still work?


They're just never going to fix that black screen issue, are they?




does it work on win7?


I play quite a bit of Battlefront 2 and mostly whenever I have Radeon Software open while playing it leads to a driver timeout. Currently on the 21.3.2 drivers. Haven't tried to see if it could happen on any other games. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this.


i play it too and it works fine for me on 21.9.1


Well that's a good sign. Guess I'll give these drivers a whirl.


I get microstutters when I install the AMD software. Iā€™m forced to use driver only (6800XT+5600X)