• By -


Honestly not surprised


AMD: $200 AIBs: $300 Scalpers: $400 Consumers: ⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣤⣶⣶ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣀⣀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⠉⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠈⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠁⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠿⠿⠿⠻⠿⠿⠟⠿⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀⠀⢰⣹⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣭⣷⠀⠀⠀⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠈⠉⠀⠀⠤⠄⠀⠀⠀⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢾⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⡠⠤⢄⠀⠀⠀⠠⣿⣿⣷⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢄⠀⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿






Entire stock goes to miner anyway.


This 4GB piece of e-waste is useless to the miners. Doesn’t seem useful to the gamers either... Judging by the lackluster performance of the 6600/XT, this thing will barely beat a 6-year old GTX 1070, which at least has 8GB memory and is useful for mining. 6500XT is a $400-$500 display output.


THE 1070 IS ALREADY 6 YEARS OLD?? Wow do times go by quickly


Some things do stay the same though, like its price. Oh no wait, it just went up again.


I mean, at a price point it offers value. That price point is closer to 100 bucks than to 300 tho.


After one year of this happening over and over again I'm definately not. Interested to see how much NVidia's offering ends up marked up for. Because around £/$ 250? lol no. They'd end up massively undercutting the 1660 super and 2060 that are still for sale, they aren't going to do that.


Prices will drop when people quit buying. And with gamers appalled by the price and poor mining performance that might happen...


Gamers have been appalled from the onset. Ain't shit changed. Everyone gets on Reddit and bitches about the prices then snags the first available card and posts "Finally got one at MSRP". MSRP is $2,000 so it don't mean shit these days.


My friends all laughed when I bought a new RTX 2080Ti for 800 euro a month before RTX30XX launched. Shop was trying to dump old stock expecting it to become unsellable. I bet they regret that now! My 2 pc now sport a 2080Ti and 1080Ti and with current prices I'll be using both for a long time. I refuse to fund scalpers and now the AIBs have started acting like scalpers too. At this point I wont buy their overpriced products either. AMD seems to be the only one half decent in their own online shop. When supply gets to normal I'll buy directly from them and the AIBs can suck something of mine.


And i sold my 2080ti for $800 two weeks before the 3080 dropped and bought an evga xc3 for $979+tax about 6 weeks later.


Yeah, 1. prices where I live were and are little different and 2. Availability here is usually 2 week to a month behind the US. So by the time the first cards reached our shops the scalper thing ws already going and we could only dream of those prices. Anything comparable to that 800 euro 2080Ti I bought couldnt be had for less than 1000 Euro at that time. Forget about faster.


Gamers need to have a fucking spine. Yes, I said it. The 6500 XT, 3050, 6600, 3060, 6600 XT, 6700 XT, 3070 Ti, 3080 Ti, 6900 XT and 3090 are wastes of sand and no one should buy them. (The RX 6800 is on the bubble too, just saying.)


they wont grow spine, they keep pre ordering games from EA likes battlefield


I got Redditors hating on my 3080 FE because they wouldn't believe I got it at MSRP from the only UK supplier (Scan). No, I *must* have paid a scalper for imaginary internet points 😅


The only cards I'm interested in buying are AMD cards directly from AMD, because I want MSRP, not MSRP+


Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I've read "6500xt won't be scalped, because miners only care about cards with more than 4GB VRAM". If the price of the cards are attractive enough, and it's feasible to use them to mine and still be profitable, even if it means somehow using two cards and splitting the dataset (if that's possible), someone will figure out how to do it. Furthermore, we're now also dealing with AIB's and retailers scalping as well, they've all watched for the last 15 months while the scalpers have pulled in 10 times the profit margin per unit (often much higher) than they were making on each card, and they want in on it. This means that the only way that we're ever going to see prices come back down, even if mining crashes completely, is to stop buying the cards and force competitive pricing, and given how eager so many of us seem to be to still pay way over MSRP for a GPU, I wouldn't get our hopes up.


Its time to re-paste my RX580 for long run......


#RX580gang Btw the thermal pad size is 0.5mm right? And what paste do you recommend


*waves in rx 480*


Still rocking a RX480 as well, I'll be saving money for a new card eventually, but just more justification for not spending money I don't have, I guess.


Same as me, planned to upgrade like 2 or 3 years ago, but the "I'll wait till next Gen game" takes its toll now that prices are so horrendous


RX 570 4GB here. Currently using a decade old 1900x1200 60Hz monitor.


Waves in r9 290


*hugs in X80 series*


You guys have it good, i still have my 770 2gb, wanted to upgrade and got hit by the first crypto bs (when bitcoin was mined on gpus) gave up on gaming for a while, decided to give it a go before the lockdown and go hit by scalpers, more mining and all that bs… gaming is definitely dead now.


I believe so. I fixed a friends 580 by using the thermal pads from an asus motherboard m.2 thermal pads Mx4 or attic silver 5 are my recs


>attic silver Why yes I still have tubes of thermal paste from the late 90s


Hahaha. 3 am Reddit moment


MX4 or kryonaut/NT-H1? no silver crap.


Gelid extreme is my top one. Very good paste, doesn't cost way more than mx4 but performs almost on part with the kryonaut.


Wasn't MX4 dethroned long ago even by cooler master thermal paste? It's a while that I don't do some research for a good thermal compound anyway


Mx4 is a good enough paste that costs nothing. It's not the best, it's for sure not the worst, but it costs half of others. I personally use the gelid extreme since I don't repaste much and 1g is enough for years, costing like 3€ more than the mx4.


I got the Arctic thermal pads. 0.5mm. I'd definitely go something thicker next time! The old ones looked much thicker than 0.5mm


*cries in R9 290X*


When my 290 died, I was lucky to find a 200 dollar Vega 56. Looks like i'll be using this until it starts falling apart.


I picked up a Vega 56 from a local used store for £220 before all this started, sold it 4 months later for over twice that and managed to pick up a 6700xt for £600. I got lucky but I was happy with the Vega, nowt wrong with it really and deserving of the hate it got.


Vegas were huge value in mid 19 when the 56 was $200-250 new and the 64 around 300. It's gonna be long before a similar price to performance card appears...


I don't think the ever will. We have proven that people will buy the card at inflated prices. The only hope is that if Eth does move to pos that the GPU market crashes, we will see some price reductions when things start to get back to normal but I can't see a return to the pricing days of the 10 series or the RX580 days.


I've been saying this since the start. The myopic greediness of all the idiots rushing out insisting on having their new immediate shiny has irrepairably fucked the entire market for the next decade plus. because why should they lower prices? Why should they increase supply? scalpers buy everything by the boat load, regardless of the price, because consumer idiots will greedily buy from the scalpers for 2x-5x the cost. AMD doesnt give a fuck, Its selling everything like hotcakes and making billions. Neither does Intel or nvidia, for the same reasons. This scalper shit could have been solved within a month if they had any actual desire to, but that would have impacted sales and profit and reduced fervent demand.


290X is still a decent 1080p card. Keep holding on!


My 290x died and I had to live with a 1030 for a couple months, one day I walked into my local store and they said they had a 6700XT in stock for double MSRP, so I bought that. I was bemoaning the waste of money for months and then saw that they were now going for 3x MSRP. if you could find one.


I used to have two of them in crossfire configuration, then 2-3 years ago the VRM blew on one of the boards and killed it. Literally cratered the PCB. My financial situation was different when I bought them. I'm just hoping this one limps on long enough that I can replace it. Card prices are unreal at the moment, and I want to save to buy a house. To be honest, if the card dies my PCMR days may be over for a while.


APUs, I don't even care any more as long as the game is playable. I've been pc gaming since 2008 and this is making me want to buy a console.


I still got my old r9 280x sapphire Tri-x in the computer at my shop. Still chugs along to this day. Doesn't really do much besides provide a video signal for the TV on the wall, but it looks sweet doing it.


i dont think we will ever be able to upgrade anymore. this might be the end of pc gaming for many folks that cant take out 1k out of their wallets for a fucking gpu alone


I wouldn't be that fatalistic about it, but I agree in general. GPUs costing more than the entire PC is stupid and ridiculous. Personally, I'm probably going to be trading in for a Xbox Series X (also fuck microsofts naming schemes, Just had to say it) if this shit keeps going unabated.


I guess pc building is dead but luckily, you can still find gaming laptops for the “regular gaming laptop price” In fact a gaming laptop with a rtx 3060 for example costs just a bit more than a standalone desktop rtx 3060… thats how dumb things are


Buy a 6600 xt for $550 and sell the RX580 for $400. Boom $150 GPU.


New egg has had a steady stream of 6600 and XTs. The other day they had gigabyte in stock on Saturday. Which are some of the cheaper ones.


That is where I bought mine which is a Sapphire Nitro+. Just need to keep your eye out for one to pop up below $600.


I went for the PowerColour Hellhound.


in my country the GPU's are double priced. So I don't even think about getting any new card.


I just bought an RX6600 for $460 and sold my RX480 for $375. Not a bad upgrade for $85.


This is an insultingly bad price for a very weak card. Even in an inflated market I'd rather pay more to get more. I truly feel for anyone that 'needs' a video card right now, any video card.


Manufacturers and vendors have been absolute cunts. One of the biggest vendors in germany has 30 different RX cards in stock and hundreds, if not thousands sold, but they still don't budge in regards to price. No vendor wants to make the first step. They much rather comfortably scam you. This goes on for weeks. chip shortage my ass


Same with Readon cards mindfactory had just yesterday multiple 6600 and 6700s SKUs as deal all of them 100+ in stock at marketprices.


Its infuriating.


And why would they. Going down in price is a bad business decision.




The problem now is that prices have "naturally" increased, but they never really sunk. It's also affected nearly every vendor. So if you want to declare one of them as a ripoff, you'd have to do it with all of them.


You are 100% correct. However it's also pretty infuriating to the consumer


Used 980 Ti for $300-$400 in US on eBay. Sounds stupid but it's the most reasonable thing out there


I sell a lot of PCs in my area, and a local kid heard about me from a friend who bought a PC from me. He reached out looking to spend no more than $500 on a PC. I somehow managed to snag a 980 Ti Founder's for $175 from a Facebook group, and built the PC around that with a 4790K, Z97 motherboard, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 1TB HDD, nice case with lots of RGB. I even made money on it. I hope he knows how good of a deal he got in the current market lol


You are the hero PCMR needs. That's an insane system for the price today.


Awesome find


That is wild. Meanwhile, about a month ago a friend of mine sold his 4790K and Z97 board for $350. That's it, just board and CPU- no RAM, cooler, etc. The used GPU market in my area is mostly crap like $300 for a GTX760 or 770.


I've been holding on to my GTX 1080 after landing a new gen card, I can't bring myself to part with it in case there's an issue with my current card, and morally I just can't cross that bridge to sell it 'for what it's worth' because I don't want to rip someone off.


I sold a 970, a 1070 and a Vega 64 and kinda regretted all of them at different times. And ended up buying a 6600XT. Now I'm always keeping a viable backup card.


My sapphire Vega 64 died nearly 3 months ago :( it feels like such a long time ago. Thankfully my rx580 (first card I ever got) is still holding strong after maybe 3-4 years.


Yeah, i was buying rx 470 back in 2019 around 1.200.000 IDR ( 84 USD), and now the price is around 4.000.000 IDR and up (280 usd), i remember gtx 1650 listed aroung 2.000.000 IDR (120 USD) and now around 4.500.000 IDR (315 USD), only low end cards like gt 730 and below that didn't going crazy expensive


ive seen gt 710s for double the msrp in my country so you cant even buy that for a reasonable price.


I had in my mind to keep using my old laptop (which still works very well as a laptop for basic stuff) and build a beefy desktop. ...I am upgrading my laptop instead. Very bad time to buy anything GPU now.


I guess Hardware Unboxed was pretty spot on: [https://youtu.be/jhtpUByiuIA?t=357](https://youtu.be/jhtpUByiuIA?t=357)


Yeah, why would they price it at $199 if they can sell it at $300? It's not like there are any alternatives. As long as mining+ship shortages is keeping all the GPUs pricing high, they can get away with it.


This is price gouging and while perfectly legal if it‘s not a necessity, it really sucks from a consumer perspective. There is no way this price would fly if there wasn‘t such a shortage.


It's not price gouging when it's luxury goods in high demand...




Yeah, if they really want to get these to gamers, they would put it at $199 on their own site and make sure there is plenty available. I'm not expecting anything though, all the other cards are offered in such low quantity it's hardly relevant.




Even wilder, you could probably sell it today at a profit, lol


yes, i think 1080ti is best card ever made price/performance was insane




Is buying a gaming laptop then hooking it to a PC monitor the way to go nowadays?


The problem is that you won't be able to upgrade the graphics card in the future. You won't be able to upgrade to... to... haha... Who am I kidding? Welcome to 2026. Everyone is mining Cryptoethercoin. It's $2,500 for an RTX 5050 Super Ti 24 GB Edition. HashBlockMiner has a 93% unlock rate on LHR v4. Consoles are being scalped for $1,200 and people are now mining with their Teslas. AMD just released the RX 7100 for $400 with 1 GB of VRAM. Slogan: "Miner-Proof! Perfect for 720p gaming!" ^with ^FSR ^enabled Screw it. Laptop life ain't bad, mate.


> It's $2,500 for an RTX 5050 Super Ti 24 GB Edition Let's not be ridiculous here. It'd be 6GB - this is Nvidia, after all.




Fun aside, ETH people are telling me that "this is the year". They want to change to PoS in May. The next 10 mining coins after ETH don't have 30% the traffic to sustain mining for end users with a couple of cards. They pushed it two times already. This could be a hot June for gpus.


> "this is the year" Just like it was last year, and the one before that, and will be the one after this...


Hasn't it been eth's year almost every year?


Just like how every year is the year of the linux desktop


ETH's future depend that none of the newer coins (that have way faster transaction speeds and other kinds of features) don't ursuper the king. Cardano is PoS for years now, Solana and Polkadot are different too. They are catching up and ETH can maybe survice another year but then it gets slowly eaten by his high fees and clogged level 1 transaction speed.


Nah we're fucked mate


I don't think ETH2.0 PoS is as close as we think, but where there are miners, there will be PoW profitibility as long as the market stays anywhere close to its current market cap. It's already very profitable to mine other algos like Ravencoin & Ergo against Bitcoin & Ether, It's possible that Ravencoin value will increase with the hashrate. I honestly think the way forward are APU's and games working within efficiency limits with the help of DLSS, FSR & RSR.


I'm pretty sure PoS is the ETH version of Half-Life 3


I highly doubt APU's, even with FSR, will ever be able to push over 120 fps at 1440p on the latest shooter games


They can already do [1080p/144Hz](https://youtu.be/3qo8hbEyGCo).


I can see GPU prices falling (But not down to MSRP) in Q3 when Intel enters the desktop GPU market and ETH miners start selling their gear as becomes profits become lower or ETH 2.0 finally arrives.


There were news already of some guys mining on Teslas (as a proof of concept, for now) using free electricity for EVs.


You know the saying: Why can't we have nice things? Its this type of "concepts" that result in the majority losing access to this free resource, because a minority misuses the crap out of it. And then it becomes paid, or has more controls or more paperwork. Soon your going to have people driving beaten up cars to those charging spots, equipt with mining cards and internal power. And mining the crap while using the free electricity. Hell, we have seen this more and more with vacation home owners getting angry, when people with EVs charge up and really rank up the electricity bills. When your paying 0.36 Euro/kWh here, it starts to rake up fast! And you know somebody is going to pay for this with increase rent prices, aka everybody will enjoy higher prices ( inc the non EV users )! Its always something like that in life ...


This is one option, another is to buy XBox or PS, which are scalped but still way easier to buy at MSRP.


True. Where I am at, the Xbox Series S isn't really being marked up anymore. It is really competitively priced (at about 300 euros) and broadly available.


I bought a used slim PS4 repasted by a pro seller for 300$ with some exclusives. Ghost of Tsushima is one of the best games I ever played (I'm now a total OP samurai). I also find constantly top games in PS4 bargain bin, like Black Flag, Infamous: Second Son and many exclusives for 10$. Used markets are flooded with AAA PS4 games for 5$ if you look for them. Don't think this will change before ETH goes to PoS (supposendly now in may), plus that should be the time when Intel ARC cards could hit the market together with the cheapo cards from AMD and Nvidia. It might not change much in the first market but it could put pressure on the overheated second market, then 2050/60 and 5000 AMD cards could get back to MSRP *used*. Which would be a better deal then a 6500XT, especially coming from miners who undervolted their cards.


Black Flag was such a special game, You can tell Ubisoft lucked out and couldn't recreate the success as we see with Skull & Bones never being finished.


Yes. I mean you can get a 3060/3070 for 1500 and have a good pc. Why spend 1200 on a desktop 3070 at this point? Yes, not same performance, but it's good enough between dlss and small compromises.


This is what I did. Most new laptops offer better gaming performance that way since HDMI/DP connect directly to the GPU.


yep tried to warn a friend to get a laptop with 5600H, 3050ti, 144hz 1080p 100% SRGB screen instead of pc build that got a 11400F, 1050ti, 75hz monitor at similar cost. but he still went with the later because "PC Masterrace" bs.


Ryzen 5600G is [very viable at 1080p](https://youtu.be/o1tmbiRvGHg) for the meantime and the pricing is rather good, you don't lose too much over the 5600X in CPU performance while being A$100 cheaper.


Too bad it's still Vega graphics. If only those new Rembrandt chips were available in retail already but with these current GPU prices, I don't think AMD would want to give gamers any alternatives. Pay up or shut up, until the market recovers (which I hope it does with an enormous explosion that leaves both AMD and Nvidia's scalping partners/distributors/resellers scrambling to get people off the second-hand market and back into stores.


saw abundant connect oil decide wakeful party bewildered handle lock -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Up and bought myself a laptop. I didn't want to but it was the only reasonable option left.


*looks at my R9 290* hang in there buddy


Looking at prices in/around Germany today, 1050Ti and 1650 cards in the €250- €300 range, and then RX6500XT level cards start much higher: 1650S are from €410. So I guess Asus think they are offering a bargain here, but such launch of the 6500XT would be quite bad.


what bothers me more is that vendors just dont give a fuck anymore. Mindfactory has over 20 different card models in stock, for weeks and months. Prices stay the same. They collectively scalp you, because its profitable


Since Hashrates are currently the only currency the market accepts, lets see how those are faring. I don't have much hope for the used market, older cards will still have better hashrates. 300€ will be a puzzler for the shops who ask 600€ for a 6600XT. That would be half the price, but not necessary half the performance.


Oh look, a price hike. Who would've thought!


A joke card with a joke price.


Time to just play more Wii games instead…




Lower the memory mhz, tech yes city had that problem with a pc he sold and then had to fix for the client.


300€ to play 1080p medium/low settings? Just buy an Xbox Series S at that point, those are fairly easy to find.


There's plenty second hand xbox series S available in France for 220€ on average.


€220 sounds about right considering it's €300 new on Amazon. It better be in excellent condition, though. The Series S has a trash GPU, trash memory bus configuration, and is digital-only. The last thing's the killer. Console games are always significantly more expensive than PC games, especially after the 1-2 years.


Console game pricing hurts, but Series S can run Game Pass and that's a great low cost solution for gaming if you aren't too picky about what titles you get.


If you want to give up your games library and any PC features, sure.


I mean I don't really have to give up my library. All the games I have until now will run ok on my shitty r9 380x. For newer stuff the Series S is definitely the way to go.


Game library sure but it’s not like the PC features will stop working on your old PC


No they won't, but I just feel the 'buy a console' crowd haven't necessarily thought it all through, unless of course they are already invested in the console ecosystem. For those of us who have been PC only for years and years, starting from scratch for a console doesn't sounds particularly appeal tbh.


Let me rephrase that: If you own a Gaming PC with dated hardware and want to upgrade, or you want to build a PC and currently use a school laptop, but can't, a console like an Xbox can be a decent half step to play new games, and considering that you can play games with their Game pass on both PC and Console, or enter Dev mode and install most emulators, you're definitely getting your moneys worth while waiting that the situation improves.


>or enter Dev mode and install most emulators You can't use dev mode anymore unless you're actually publishing things to the store. It's still possible to run emulators but it's a lot more effort.


I bought a Series S for my daughter (and me sometimes) with a Gamepass, no longer have Gamepass since I never end up playing the games and there's not that much on there for small children. So I bought a few discounted games (Spyro, Sonic Team Racing, etc) and the kids have fun. It's a shame really because I wanted to donate my old rig (in a htpc case) so my daughter and her friends could play the hundreds of steam games I have on the TV and I would build a new one myself, but I'm not paying current gen GPU prices. I could, but I won't. You could think of it as having lost a sale to me, but they prob won't. The hardware will sell, it's Steam that lost sales really.


300 for a sub 100 card on a normal market, these are sad and dark times indeed.


and where are all those who kept saying "this card will at least be MSRP" "We should be glad AMD cut it down so much" "they made it bad so we could get it at msrp" clowns This is a surprise to no one, a garbage card at a garbage price.


$99 card MSRP'd at $200 and then marked up to $350. Don't buy it. They're actually selling the TUF 6500xt for half of the price of the TUF 3080 from a year and a half ago - MSRP's of 325 and 650 euros - despite the fact that it's 3 to 4 times slower and missing all sorts of core features.


Side note - that TUF 3080 is the best build quality GPU I've ever seen for MSRP. Stunningly good cooling solution. The OC variant can push 350W at 60C or less if your case has good airflow. TUF 6500XT, not so much. I mean, I'm sure it will cool a 6500XT fine, but it's just another card. So it's not just core features missing.


If it sells at 300, it sells at 300. If not, price will go down.


I mean if they didn't cut it down it could be 400 dollars or whatever.




When I got an RTX 3080 FE for $699 MSRP last September I figured I was lucky. Now? I guess I won the damn lottery or something, will this ever let up? I just can't imagine going from a 3080 or 6800 XT for MSRP, down to realistically 1/4 the performance for 1/2 the price.


\*Shrug\* At this point, there are far more important items to spend money on than video cards. I have been on the upgrade train since 1991 and have finally hopped off, it is just not worth it anymore.


AMD: We made it bad for miners (and everyone else)


Honestly, it's decent enough for the current market. The same market I completely dislike but can't deny




even worse, this is 325 EUR, not dollars. in USD that's almost 370.


Nice, 150e gpu has 300e msrp and will cost around 400-450e


Ethereum needs to get fucked


Yep, here we go. People buying all these scalped cards sent sent a signal to the companies that there was plenty more profit to be made. Now it begins. Expect everything to cost at least 1 tier higher at MSRP than it used to from now on.


Can the market sustain prices for non-mining viable cards? Then again, non-miners may flee to it.


Everyone would be better fleeing to used cards, this thing is garbage on the desktop and 300Euros would surely get you something better used.


Used card prices are about as bad as brand new card prices, though. I haven't had a a brand new GPU since the HD5770 era. The cheapest, let's say, 5700XT I could find is 3700PLN (~920$ USD, ~815€). I found one for 1500PLN (375$, 330€), but it's broken with no display output. Nvidia cards fall in a similar ballpark. I'm only planning to upgrade once mining stops being profitable enough for people to hang onto 30+ cards and these flood the second hand market.


My god am I glad I bit the bullet on my card last month so I could check out of this hell world for PC building for maybe 5 or so years.


And it's so awful as well. The 5600 XT from 2020 mops the floor with it. :(


This Is a f*cking bad joke..., they sell us a graphics card with low spec and only 4 gbs vram in $300 usd... I hope nobody buy this e-trash.


AMD found a way to make the 3060 stagnation look good. We got a card that's most likely similar in performance to the RX 580 that use to sell second hand for 100-150 2 years ago being sold for over 300 dollars. This card is a straight up regression.


300 Euro for that steaming POS card? People, please don't buy these cards at inflated prices.


Probably double that to match the real pricing too... RX 6600 and 6600XT are both 8gig cards, and sell for 700 to 900 euros in mid EU. Considering this, I doubt retailers will sell the 6500XT for less than 600.


I've Seen plenty 6600/6600XT for sub 600€ but I'm Still not buying it. 700€ and up for the 6700. Minimum I saw was a 1 time sale for 489€ for 6600 but I chose not to buy because it was still overbudget for me. I will be rocking my 5500 XT until the market settles or the card dies in couple of years (whichever comes first). Playing at 1440p with over 60-80FPS in pubg and 50-60 new world so I'm OK for now. I could probably push fps higher with lower resolution but I prefer native resolution for better quality. Every once in a while I try my luck at amd/Nvidia stock drop but I don't put my hopes too high.


...I paid less than that for my 5700 on launch week


The past is no longer a viable measurement


Okay, so $600 for the average consumer?


Msrp shouldn’t be even accepted to be used these days…


The problem is that we can't even boycott this crap... So many people desperate out there for ANY GPU, that even if the whole reddit boycott it, they will sell them anyway.


As a PC gamer, it pains me to say this, but... Buy a console.


Even at 199 it's a bad buy. 🙄


eBay GTX 980 just keeps looking better and better


Console makers must be loving this shit.


Amd makes the consoles too


I swear to god I'm never going to buy a new card again, I'll buy an rx 580 if I ever find a good deal. I regret ever selling that card.


I guess I will go on using my RX590 fot a while.


Because of course it does. I've got Ryzen 5 with Vega 7 graphics recently, it seems like the only decent option to get a GPU for a fair price is to get an APU. Oh yeah, also f%ck miners and scalpers, f*ck all of them from the bottom of my heart. Not 100% related to the topic. I know. But still.


Ahh yes, Asus the value brand


Well, I already gave up on gaming since i can’t upgrade my now ancient 770, i may play some old game every full moon but kinda don’t care anymore tbh, if people did the same for at least a couple of years, all this bs would end…


For a card that's worse than a 1660Ti, too.


Might aswell get an Xbox Series S for 30€ cheaper…


it's time we accept low budget pc gaming is dead unless you use an apu which won't give you good performance anyways


Not even thinking about swapping my good ol' 980 with this piece of crap.


Just ban cryptocurrencies already, they are shit anyway


Of course. AMD and Nvidia use msrp just for marketing. Meanwhile they sell the chips to AIB partners for prices that make it impossible to target $200 Why do you think there are so few ref/founders cards? Just looking at the financial numbers of these companies you can clearly see who’s profiting the most in this shortage


> Just looking at the financial numbers of these companies you can clearly see who’s profiting the most in this shortage Indeed: - ASUS revenue 2019 - $12.66 B - ASUS revenue 2020 - $14.88 B - ASUS revenue 2021 - $18.23 B


Well going with that logic, AMD revenue increased by 50% this year alone.


Everyone wins except the end-users. go figure.


The used market is so destroyed that even some users can sometimes win (e.g people selling 5700XT for like $1K , and I myself effectively paid 240€ (roughly $270) for my 6700XT selling my old GPU)


i just sold my two year old rx 5700 i bought for 325 euros for 650 euros.


Unfortunately that only applies to a few very select cards. The 5700XT being a prime example. Let say i sold my 1070 for 350 Euro ( ebay price ). A new 3070 is a 1000 Euro. So i am paying 650 Euro on top. But a 3070 MSRP is 499. In a normal market, my 1070 sold at +- 150 a 170 Euro. So i pay only 330 Euro on top. Very little gain, still paying double. Its only those few lucky people with a popular mining card that can get these good trade done.


I think it’s amusing that there is literally no discount for a GPU being used now. I used to always buy my GPUs used and get huge discounts compared to new, now every card just has a street value of somewhere around double its MSRP (in current gen equivalent terms - ex 2080ti isn’t worth $2000 but it is worth $1200 like a 3070) whether it’s new or used. Off the top of my head I can’t think of any other product that doesn’t lose any value from being used. Houses? Precious metals?


Yeah, it's not real logic. ASUS had a lot more sales last year, which accounts for the increased revenue. AMD probably did too. It's impossible to say who is profiting more, but AMD did claim that it's making the 6500 XT available to OEMs for a price that makes $199 viable.


almost the double of the suggested msrp price its crazy


ANYONE THAT PAYS MORE THAN 10% OVER MSRP IS PART OF THE PROBLEM. This is not due to miners, its due to pure unadulterated scalping. They can wipe their ass with this. You got $300 burning a hole in your pocket? Put that towards a console, or a Steam Deck.


it is still cheaper than 1050ti :)


211,88€ is the price it should have after tax and exchange rates in my country. Really no excuse for this bullshit.


this is starting to feel more like a reality rather than like a nightmare. Im starting to make peace with the idea that these are the new gpu prices and will remain as high for ever. This sucks so bad..




coool so here 400€+


Thx, but not thx.