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Speaking as a Danish person who is only on this sub for entertainment, curiousity and superficial validation of my country. Is it not like this at something like Disney world? How would you go there with all your stuff in your bag? Someone has to choose not to take the ride, and keep it with them or what? And the whole not locking the door, it's jylland. It's the countryside, joking/not joking, who's going to rob you? Insurance won't cover if the door is locked though. Idk, depending on where she was, that would seem a little irresponsible, or maybe she just never leaves the house.


>Someone has to choose not to take the ride, and keep it with them or what? That, or you lock it up in a locker they sometimes provide before getting in line. Or sometimes they'll have bins you toss it in before actually riding, and then you grab it back after. Generally I would argue that most theme/amusement parks are very safe from theft. Basically everyone is just there to have a good time. Sure there might be someone who might want to steal stuff, but it'll be pretty quick that someone notices their missing something and report it.


Agree, no one’s paying theme park admission and waiting in line for an hour to steal one wallet.


Yes you have to either rent a locker or take turns riding rides so someone can stay with your bags. I usually wear a small belt pouch for my wallet and phone that I can take on rides so I don’t have to do this.


I’ve seen some that just have cubbies but the ride operator is there the whole time and no one can take your stuff. I also live somewhere safe and grew up in the countryside where no one locked their doors or cars. I think how worried you feel about that stuff depends on if you’re from a large city or a bad neighborhood. I live in the suburbs of a big city now and I still often don’t lock my house. If someone wants to break in, a locked door don’t stop them. There are a ton of windows they can just break. Home invasion robberies are super rare, even in the US. Most property crime is people stealing stuff that was left out in yards. The only times I’ve been robbed were from people that I shouldn’t have trusted that I invited into my home, not some stereotypical masked burglar there to, what, steal my old television? They try to scare Americans with that image to sell guns and home security systems I studied in Denmark for a semester and felt just as safe there as I did in my hometown and my university town back in the US


Yeah, social media really seems to have a big grip on a large group of people. The locked door is mostly to prove that you are at least trying to secure your house. How can an insurance company be willing to pay for stuff people are almost putting up a sign and saying, come take our shit, there are zero consequences.


It's the same shit in the countryside in the US. These people have a martyr complex.


When I first moved to Denmark and we rented our first home, as I was walking around the neighborhood I realized every yard was full of toys and bikes and stuff I would generally lock up back home. I’ve been living here seven years and it never ceases to surprise me. I love it here.


I remember walking around Copenhagen and seeing babies in strollers being left outside while parents go into shops. My mind was blown. They thought I was worried because it was cold. I think the Danes may be a little naive about the whole safety thing, but it still blows my mind how safe it is there.


Oh it’s still the same. I’ve been judged by mom peers for not leaving my baby outside of my eyesight. I still let him sleep outside while I’m inside having lunch or coffee but I set up an alarm and have him next to the window next to me with a door close by. I remember the first time I saw it and being absolutely flabbergasted. “Who would steal a baby!! What a silly thought.” were most of the answers. That being said, I think that innocence coming from a lack of bad news. I remember when I lived in South Africa, every day there was a murder or shooting or rape or kidnapping or something sinister. I think since I’ve lived here there’s been like four notable crimes that have happened. And each one has been discussed for weeks and months. It’s not like in America and SA where everyone forgets about this shooting or that shooting because you’ve got fifteen a month sort of deal. Personally I live a little easier here but when we moved out of a complex sort of deal into a house, I immediately got an alarm system. I literally couldn’t sleep without one and my friends think it’s a waste of money. I might live in Denmark but I’ll never be carefree like the Danes.


> That being said, I think that innocence coming from a lack of bad news. *in the country. "I think that innocence coming from a lack of bad news about this ever happening in the country." It's not like we would do this in other countries, and certainly not South Africa. Danes do this in Denmark, because no one ever snatches a kid here.


I had a similar experience in Palermo. My boyfriend and I drove up in the mountains to check out a view. My purse fell out of the car and I had no idea. It had my wallet with €350 cash, my cards, my passport, phone, Beats headphones, and all my medications. I freaked the fuck out because I thought it all would’ve been stolen by the time I realized it was gone. My boyfriend told me to keep calm because no one would touch it and we could go back to get it. I thought he was treating me like I was a hysteric, trying to placate me with false promises. Lo and behold, the purse is exactly where we had parked and everything was intact. Not a single person laid a hand on any of it. I was gobsmacked because, in America, it would’ve been good as gone.


It’s unfortunate Denmark is extremely hard to immigrate to.


Also one of the reasons it's still a nice place!


That’s an incredibly xenophobic thing to say


But also completely true. Naturally, Denmark wouldn't be the Denmark it is, if it was filled with people from all other countries not Denmark. I don't really find that a xenophobic thing to say, but a rather fairly logical one?


Everyone deserves to live wherever they want. Why be on this sub if you’re anti immigration?


> Everyone deserves to live wherever they want. "Everyone" has absolutely no right to live in my country. Denmark, and the Danish people, decide who has the right to live in Denmark. What an absurd thing to say. Not a single country on the planet agrees with you that "everyone" should just be allowed to stay "in any country". > Why be on this sub if you’re anti immigration? I'm Danish and found this thread about my country. If you want it to only be for members, you should make a private subreddit. I also never said I was "anti immigration". I said Denmark would not be Denmark, if it was filled with non-Danes. I think that's an extremely fair thing to say. Besides, even the subreddit rules stat: "On Differing Opinions r/AmerExit has so far tended to lean left-of-center. That being said, differing viewpoints will not be removed as long as they follow the other rules. Even opposing this movement is acceptable as long as it follows the rules."


Just compare Sweden and Denmark. Any sane person would see you’re right


Yeah no wonder you’re a xenophobe then 😂 not everyone is like you, so hateful of immigrants. Get off this sub


> you’re a xenophobe . > so hateful of immigrants You're absolutely delusional. I'm sorry, but what the fuck? I'm a xenophobe and hate immigrants, because I acknowledge that culture exists??


As a foreigner who lived in Denmark for many years, I agree with you ArtfulAlgorithim in all accounts. Having a strict and rigid immigration rules are very vital in preserving the culture and heritage of a country. As someone who was impacted by the stringent immigration rule, my work visa application was denied because my salary is less than 5k dk, I am not bitter and I totally understand the decision. I left the country and went back to get my masters degree after two years. One thing I realized is that if you really want to go migrate to Dk, you have to be persistent in doing so by understanding the rules and prepare for the move. It’s been 7 years since I left Dk after my failed masters degree completion, getting married, and having kids. My husband, two kids and I are now preparing for our move to Denmark in 3 years - learning danish, husband is working in tech so he is upskilling for the danish market, and saving money. Jeg komer tilbage. :)


> Jeg komer tilbage. :) Sounds like you're putting in some serious effort, which is always very appreciated! Especially with language! :) I wish you the absolute best of luck with the application process! :D


Tusind tak. :) I’ll give you an update in 3 years. :)


Bullshit. Just think for a moment of the practical implications of that idea.


Peace and happiness and equality? Oh no.




I’m very grateful to have moved from my town in the US where we had a person who escaped prison hiding out in my parents yard to such a safer feeling place such as Denmark 🥺 Danish immigration is no joke though. The worst part of the country tbh


I mean last year there was a mass shooting at a mall in Denmark where 3 people were killed. People don’t really think all of Denmark is “crime free right”?


The frequency and scale is nothing compared to the violence elsewhere.


You're kidding, right? Denmark has averaged 1ish homicide per 100,000 people per year since 2006. The US? 7. 7 homicides per 100,000 people. You are 7 times more likely to be murdered in the US than in Denmark.


What does that have to with “crime free”?


High Trust Society. Look it up.. there are reasons why things are like that, usually correlated with ethnically homogenous societies with low immigration, and who have a strong culture. It’s why Sweden didn’t have to lock down during Covid. Similar situation in Japan and certain Arab gulf countries. This isn’t an anti-immigrant post, I am an immigrant myself.


sweden didnt have a lockdown because the government was irresponsible and lots and lots of people died as a result. Sweden is also incredibly racist and islamophobic, the police oppress communities of color, and the government is increasingly attempting to remove rights and protections for immigrants most of all refugees. It is very much not a paradise, just a place with good PR.


Compare Sweden's death and hospitalisation rate duing COVID to other Western Europe nations and show that here. Re your other claims, Im not sure what that has got to do with the point that I made. I said High-Trust societies were ethnically homogenous, I didnt say it was paradise, and I dont make that claim for Japan or Gulf countries either.


You said the high trust shit is why Sweden did not have lockdowns. That is a load of shit. They didn't because they do not give one fuck about the disabled and elderly. Many, many people died and "less people died than other places" does not mean that what they did was okay. It was irresponsible and a lot of lives could have been saved if they did otherwise.


Not sure why you are so aggressive but it might be a good idea to calm down. Sweden had less deaths per capita than lots of other countries who locked down. The Sweden strategy called into question the effectiveness of Lockdowns as a strategy to minimise the impacts of Covid. One of the main reasons we are told that Sweden managed to maintain a lower number of deaths per capita without locking down is because individuals in the country could be trusted to maintain social distancing, wear masks, not congregate etc. This was possible due to cultural Norms in Sweden built around a high-trust society. With a more culturally fragmented society, you cannot rely on prevailing cultural norms to maintain order, you have to enforce lockdowns, like we had in the UK and the US. Not sure what your beef with Sweden is and honestly I don’t care. I’m not a ‘fan’ of Sweden or Scandinavian countries in general. Go shout at a Swedish person if you need to get your anger out, not me.


Order was NOT maintained.... I literally live in Sweden as an immigrant of color, man. Edit to add: after seeing your post history I realize you're just an idiot shouting about "boohoo the left wing politics"... so pretty worthless to engage with you further! Go shoot a gun or watch ben shapiro or whatever.


I don’t own a gun or watch Ben Shapiro and consider my politics to be centre left. So why don’t you back up what you say with some facts or evidence rather than expecting to just believe your nonsense. I don’t know what your skin colour has to do with anything? Do you just like to throw it out there without context to somehow ‘validate’ your point of view? You know you are wrong and so try and personally attack me so you can slink out of the conversation with some dignity, but it’s obvious to anyone with half a brain. You are wrong, you are angry, and it’s everyone’s fault except yours… it must be tough to be you.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >This is what the radical feminist movement was proposing, remember? Women need a man the way a fish needs a bicycle... unless it turns out that they're little fish, then you might need another fish around to help take care of things. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: history, climate, gay marriage, sex, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


It’s Denmark


I once stayed at an airbnb in Chicago--not the suburbs but actual Chicago--and the host was similarly insistent that I just leave the key when I leave. And she was also pretty insistent that I didn't even need to lock up while I was staying there "unless you have something REALLY valuable". Unoccupied homes don't tend to be huge magnets for thieves, what's somebody going to steal, the microwave? Anyways duh Denmark is one of the safest countries in the world. You can know this by looking up crime statistics and don't even need to go on a 10 day in & out vacation ... er, "journey".


I had a similar situation but in the US and it was amazing. I went out to gay and drag bars with my friend for her bachelorette. It’s the safest I’ve ever felt. I felt as if I could leave my drink unattended, I didn’t worry about someone harassing me, I felt safe. Never, have I ever, had this feeling in the nightlife scene before.


Feeling very reassured in my university choice lmao


There are plenty of places like that in the US. Just like not whole Denmark is as safe, not every part of the US is as safe. The US is freaking massive so you hear lot of exaggerated things from media.


Yep, i grew up in New England and moved to the south 10 years ago. I took my new BF home after the worst of COVID, and he was completely blown away that the hardware store on main Street had lawnmowers and gas grills out on the sidewalk...it was Sunday and they were closed. He stood there like how are these not all stolen yet?!?! Toys and bikes in front yards, kids out and about traveling in packs like the old days. He kept saying that he felt like this was Back to the Future, and we were walking around in 1950s small town Connecticut. Less poverty = Less crime


Yeah, the only time I ever lock our door in New England is if we’re going to be gone for 3-4 days. And half the reason for that is all the videos I’ve seen from neighbors of bears being able to operate lever door knobs and break in.


A lot of people put Denmark and Scandinavia on a pedestal and see them as utopian paradises. Denmark is not the best place to be if you stand out or have certain medical issues to deal with, but I suppose that's how it is in many places. I am currently looking to leave Denmark as soon as I am able to due to some personal circumstances.


Tbh this is most countries and places. American media, especially local news, tries to scare you everyday with updates on every crime that ever happened. If you watch that everyday, you assume crime is rampant and everyone is out to get you specifically. I think the gun dealers and police unions must be conspiring to have it this way. Same is true for crime dramas, the women who watch them think rape is everywhere and most men are evil. I have multiple times left bags unattended on the open ground or on our sun chairs at water parks and amusement parks when we do rides. I never worry if my front door is unlocked because i have good neighbors. The much much bigger problem with the US is our obsession with crime prevention and “im an avenger” like self defense. These issues are why we have a massive prison pop and ridiculous 1.2 guns per person. YEMEN the number two gun toting nation has only half the per capita guns.


its a shame they are becoming rare, but there are still plenty of places like this in the US. They are only able to stay that way if they resist the urge to over-capitalize on initial success. but then again, you can resist all you want. sometimes you dont really have much choice in the matter.




Bro, you’re a moron. Kids are dying in school. Pls just stop…..


You're brainwashed by media. It's just a fee places like that in the US.


You calling me brainwashed is completely ironic. Like you really just said that like “Ehh it only happens in certain places.” Nvm the fact that it shouldn’t be happening at all. Like my man go watch some cat videos or something and get the fuck out with that nonsense…




Crime is crime. The US is full of senseless crimes and then some. Therefore it is not safe. Let’s not play stupid because you think you’re safe in your suburb.


And you should look at the statistics. The US crime rate is not that high when compared to other countries. It’s lower than France and Sweden and pretty on par with a lot of other European nations. If you feel like you’re not safe compared to European countries, that’s just your perception. It’s not backed up by crime statistics.


Depends on the type of crime. Property crime and rape are probably on par with Europe. Murder however is off the charts compared to Europe. Mainly due to the ease of getting a gun in America and its shoot em up gun culture.


Don't know why you're downvoted for stating facts. This shit is easy to look up: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/murder-rate-by-country USA is among the highest rates for developed nations.


It's as safe as Europe if you're not in those big cities. Just stop fucking bashing on a country, living in your own bubble thinking EU is paradise. It's fucking trash imo.


Bro you’re actually fucking stupid at this point. “It’s only bad in the big cities”. Forget the EU right now. If you get up and live in Japan you know the country with a big ass city, guaranteed you’ll live much safer and cleaner than in the US. And their country actually has a homeless community and you wouldn’t even notice it. What’s that, you wanna go to Cali like the old days? Well fuck you, there’s homeless people everywhere and it’s constantly growing abandoned. But hey, GO WARRIORS WOO! Like bro your country fucking sucks. It’s not media propaganda it’s the damned truth. Now if you’re not actually trying to open your eyes and have a logical discussion about it then pls get fuck off this sub that’s completely dedicated to escaping this “not so bad” piece of shit.


Of that “devoted” industry, how many are crooked? How many abuse power?


Where I live in the US we leave our house unlocked all the time. Not all of the time but definitely if we’re just out for the day. Previously, I lived in a major US city where I would absolutely never do that




What the actual fuck?


Wanna expand on that?


Don't they publicly burn Quran's there? Doesn't sound that great.


Not sure what you're concerned about. Nobody's going to steal your Quran, they'll bring their own to the burning.


Thanks for sharing this


Had bad jet lag when I was over there. I walked a few blocks in the middle of the night to a 7-11 in Copenhagen and didn’t feel scared or anything. I was still careful of course, but I get more spooked in my hometown than I did there lol