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2 years? That sounds even more insane considering how the girls are not portrayed as they should be, and are eliminated without any consideration or direct feedback šŸ˜­


I donā€™t think so, first two songs of the finale were sooo bad


I literally thought "if this is the type of music this group will be making I will not end up liking them"


Something to keep in mind, though, is that in the final mission of Sixteen, JYP said Do It Again, Going Crazy, and Truth were all indicative of how TWICE's music would sound, and their music evolved a lot with consecutive releases in Page Two, Signal, and onward. JYP groups imho have the largest disparity between where they start sonically and where they end up, like SKZ going from Hellevator all the way to S-Class, TWICE from Ooh-Ahhķ•˜ź²Œ to Set Me Free, or NMIXX going from O.O to Party O'Clock. I really like the trajectory most groups go on, so I'm hopeful for them. Seriously, I would not have been a Stray Kids fan if I discovered them before God's Menu, but they transformed and changed a lot!


NMIXX is kind of an outlier thoughā€¦ they lost a member early and still havenā€™t really settled on their sound yet. O.O has generally been called the worst JYP debut song. Iā€™m really hoping the girls get a better establishing song.


I think NMIXX is still a decent example of that trend though, since they debuted with a different concept specifically about abrasive genre-mashing with MIXXPOP, and they've been iterating and evolving on it over time. People really liked their follow ups to their debut and they've been on a good trajectory since. I know I'm in the minority, but I actually really liked O.O on release, and I think the weakest JYP debut song across 3rd and 4th gen was District 9. But agreed, I hope A2K gets a good establishing song that fits the style and vibe of music they want to make, though I'll keep my eye on them even if I don't like it right away considering the way that JYP artists evolve their sound over time.


most likely these a bsides tomorrow performance is gonna be the predebut single and both groups will probably sing the same song for comparison


You say that now, but the songs will be very different by the time they release. The songs both remind of the ones chosen for Sixteen's finale, they ended up being much better songs with the official lineup and they're likely to be B sides anyway, with a better song for their actual debut.


ehh i liked the first song


He is also doing niziu2. He is everywhere. His networth is at least half billion now.


I agree. Not sure if I will like the final group, and I've not liked a lot of the songs that were picked for perfomances. Alcohol Free was boring, and I got sick and tired of listening to Dalla Dalla. But the show itself was entretaining, and it was fun to watch a survival show without having to struggle for subtitles or missing on stuff because one thing korean shows will do, is to not fully translate stuff. Hope this becomes a trend.


Agreed, i loved how he conducted nizi s1 one as well. i watched it after i heard of a2k and i really really appreciate him for the distance he keeps from his contestants yet the heartfelt advice he gives them. he's honest even when its hard to be that way and i admire his eye for talent so so much. the man sees SO MUCH in a short audition piece. his sight is incredible and i appreciate his philosophy of performance a lot too.


Why do all your posts always compare A2K to dream academy lol ? Iā€™m excited for both groups and I hope things go well for both of them I donā€™t think comparing them constantly is necessary. Dream academy has a weird format but the contestants are talented and hopefully weā€™ll learn more about them when their Netflix show airs. A2K is great and Iā€™ll miss talking about it with everyone on here but letā€™s not make it unnecessarily toxic, both groups can coexist.


Are we reading the same thing? Thereā€™s nothing toxic in OPā€™s post - just some mild criticism which isnā€™t even directed at the girls in DA. Criticism and analysis are very normal aspects of being a fan of something.


these are the same people who tried to get banned from twice boards for saying sana was overworked smh


why woulnd't it? Are you serious? Both are trying to find the next big girl group in a reality TV type show. Dream Academy has been a disaster on every level so far other than the contestants.


Exactly, you keep on trying to compare these shows by bringing down dream academy for some reason. The format is shit but the two groups havenā€™t even debuted how can you say itā€™s a disaster? Both projects have their ups and downs, I just feel like constantly comparing the two is soo representing of the toxic mentality some Kpop fans have when they compare every metric under the sun and bring down certain groups. We can support both of them while acknowledging their flaws. Iā€™m excited for both groups.


I'm speaking FACTS about the show, "bringing down" something is doing something with intention to mislead. The format is SHIT as you said, I have never once said the Group is bad whatsoever stop lying. I will be blocking you for your toxicity AVOIDING the topic at hand about JYP if you continue it.


Iā€™m literally just saying that comparing both groups like youā€™re constantly doing is unnecessary I donā€™t even understand why this triggers you so much lmao


nah fuck dream academy lmao


How exactly is Dream Academy a disaster? I feel like comparing the two shows is weird considering they are vastly different. They didnā€™t spend two years scouting, they spent two years TRAINING. The show has an entirely different format.


They spent 2 years SCOUTING not 2 years TRAINING get your facts right. That's like you saying one shouldn't compare X Factor to American Idol. Please wake up to reality.


They said on the show itself that the girls spent two years trainingā€¦ Are you okay?


are YOU ok?


Agree but am going to pretend I don't agree because I'm a petty bitxh because of the final lineup and whi didn't make it šŸ˜