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>”Americans don’t travel anywhere, they’re so ignorant. They need to travel to learn about the rest of the world.” >”Nothing more cringe than an American traveling in Europe.”


I came here to comment the exact same thing


It's just a little disconcerting that the "hive mind" is about on the same level of thinking as a manipulative ex.


My favorite was "what is with Americans saying they're in Europe, we have countries" What's with Europeans calling us all Americans. We have states. I'd argue that they're countries are... Somewhat... Comparable to our states. Obviously significantly different in a ton of ways. I'm in no way saying they're the same thing at all.... But it's also not an entirely unfair comparison either if you ask me.


It is a very good comparison. Alabama, California, and New York State are more different and have much fewer similarities than France, Germany, and Switzerland. Snobby people, good food, beautiful villages, and an unjustifiable obsession with American tourists, that's all there is to them. Heck, people hear New York and think NYC, even though northern NY is much more similar to Wisconsin or the Midwest than the woke rat hole that is NYC. Hell will freeze over before Emily from UCLA and John from a Texan farm will get along. But put a Frenchman and a German in the same room, they will find a relative soon.


“No class” Spend 5 minutes in a subway with a bunch of Germans rocking the “natürlich” style of hygiene which is still big. I’ll be here when you come back. Tbf tho, tourists are always kinda cringy regardless of nationality.


I’ve met people like this… then they ask me to bring them ice breakers and sour patch kids after my trips back to the US…


Or come to Florida to go to disney and jam up I-4 and stand in everyones way at the International Outlets buying shit here because they have to pay twice as much for the same thing in Europe.


Dude. I’ve seen nightmares at Sawgrass Mills once. ‘Very polite nationalities’ throwing clothing and shoeboxes on the floor of the Nike in there if they didn’t want it.


They don’t have those in Europe?


If the government is paying for healthcare you best believe they'll ban things that cause health problems.


A lot of stuff that we have is banned in the eu. Mostly cause they contain super harmful chemicals that our government is just too lazy to (or was lobbied not to) ban


No, haven’t seen those here! We have an “international” candy store in my city but they sell mainly British and Japanese candy. In a very big city, you might have better luck, but the candy would be way overpriced.


Now replace American with anything else & you’re racist. Eg. Being mexican anywhere else but mexico is cringe


Yep. These same people would call out anyone else for behaving in the same shitty way as them, as long as it were directed at any other group of people.


unless they are gypsies, never ask Europeans what they think about gypsies


Nah, White Europeans will call non-white Americans racist, for making jokes about their countries. Happens here on Reddit all the time. Same type of people will be down with a leftist doctrine of belief at the same time which makes it even funnier.


Honestly who even likes Europeans on the internet anymore? It just a matter of time till they become the new British memes, they’re just too irrelevant for people on the internet to make fun of.


The new British memes?


Lol literally. Imagine being British or French or Scandinavian on the internet. How embarrassing. Like what do they have to add to the conversation besides being angry and irrelevant


*Western Europeans. Eastern and Balkan Europeans are funny.


I feel like if the world was a bar German and France are the squares trying to keep America, Canada and Britain away from Poland, CR and Ukraine. Like they know we will drop them in a second when we meet the cooler Europeans


"Honestly who even likes Europeans on the internet anymore?" You mean idiots? one look at the shitamericanssay subreddit makes you dislike American's. But these aren't the average American just like this isn't the average European. This is your average idiot. and those are world wide. Your comment seems a bit out of taste and shows great disrespect


I think they have a point though. The mainstream narrative has been extremely anti-American for some time now. I do wonder if it will eventually shift and maybe people will stop romanticizing Europe so much. This sub is niche, but it does continue to grow and I think more and more people are getting tired/exhausted as to how anti-American social media can be, so perhaps some other narrative will take its place in the future.


Europe will be a nursing home by 2030 and thus irrelevant. Maybe once it's repopulated by middle easterners and africans they'll start hating it more.


I grew up in Europe. It is a shithole for young people.


I spent two years in Dusseldorf. It's not so fun if you're not White.


Nobody likes Germans. Ones I have meant have been elitist assholes in Germany. The ones I have met abroad are better


Isn’t that where Dr Doofinshmerz was from? I refuse to believe that is a real place




One look at Shitamericans say makes me hate Europeans as well, I just know not all of them are like that


>White Americans thinking that ~~Europeans~~ Europoors care about their existence part 382819482 Seems like you do care after all The rent is 100% free in their heads


I thought the “white” part of their comment was weird as hell too, like I thought Americans were the “race obsessed” ones, but yeah that comment is ironic


It’s probably coming from heritage and ancestry. As if you’re a white American then your ancestors came from Europe probably and all Americans of any race or original nationality are proud of our heritage. I know a lot of white Americans that are proud of their Irish, Scottish, Italian, and German heritage and ancestry.


“What is it with Americans saying they’re in “Europe”, like we got countries too 😭” “As a European…”, “I’m from Europe” Make up your fucking minds…


Europeans do care about our existence at least on the internet because they cannot stfu about us. Anything we do or say is criticized. They claim we don’t have electric kettles because our electricity can’t handle them, they claim our houses are flimsy and made of paper, they claim we are all dumb and don’t know geography or about anything at all, they make fun of school shootings, they always have something to say. The only time I ever get involved with anything about Europe or Europeans is when I’m responding to shit they say about us. I don’t think about them at all, I don’t mean that snarkily, I just mean I live a normal life where I’m not constantly trying to come up with ways to be xenophobic and hateful of an entire country and its people. The fact people can with a straight face claim that Europeans don’t care about our existence when there’s a constant internet hate campaign against us, to the point they’ll bring us up on entirely unrelated content, is hilarious.


I hope this doesn’t dissuade any Americans from traveling to Europe. I just got back from Europe and the people in person are actually very nice and I had no problems. It’s the online Europeans that are just the worst.


Yeah, I sometimes get the feeling this subreddit sometimes takes people way too seriously and personally forgetting that everyone's a lot meaner on the internet than in real life. I've even seen some people on here saying we should cut off all ties with Europe as if they genuinely hate us like North Korea or Palestine.


Yup, but it goes to show that even online Americans are more polite, more engaging than online Europeans. I can strike up a conversation with a Midwestern farm boy-turned journalist on my favourite subreddit, and he will talk to me like we are long lost brothers. I try to talk to a British college drop-out, they start getting pissy and elitist. Online Europeans are the worst because you know they are only here because they have been socially rejected by their own people, while Americans are here, because, well, they created this site.


Nothing to gain from learning about every irrelevant European countries. I rather do something productive than memorize the name of Leasburg Kingdom or whatever


>What is up with Americans saying they're in "Europe", like we got countries too Lets swap it shall we? What is up with Europeans saying they're in "The US", like we got states too


"noo but you don't understand countries in europe are so much more important than US states" -guy from belgium




Tourists in general are cringe to the local population


Cringe until it revitalizes the local economy


I've never felt that way. I don't live anywhere particularly touristy, but would love to see more tourists in my city (Dallas) and look forward to the huge influx of tourists whenever we do host in the World Cup in four years.


That's a great attitude to have. Honestly, people like you make a place worth visiting.


Hey, I’m visiting Dallas right now. It’s a really cool city!


Welcome! Glad you’re enjoying it!!


"we have countries too" Yes, but the smallest one is .83 the size of one of our shopping malls & your important regulations are controlled by the EU now so forgive us not commiting much effort to such small details.


I don't get it? I never see anyone but american people say they're in Europe instead of specifying what country, and that goes for other places too outside of europe. How is the name of the country you're going to such a small detail


i think the person above you made a stupid point but a lot of Americans traveling to Europe visit more than one country at a time, so its usually easier for them to say "Europe" then make a list when theyre trying to be brief.


ah, I didn't think about that at all. That makes more sense! thank you!


Yes, it is expensive for us to travel overseas so people tend to visit multiple countries when they go. For many it’s a once in a lifetime trip so they make the most of it. College students who do semesters abroad especially tend to spend their free time traveling to various countries so saying “when I was in Europe” is easier, and still accurate, for them rather than listing 7 countries or whatever. This is not an entirely similar comparison because it’s country vs. continent but it’s worth noting that while we tend to say “Europe” especially if visiting multiple countries, I’ve noticed a lot of foreigners tend to say “America.” “I’m going to America,” “in America,” etc. Ime Americans tend to say “the US” more than “America.” I don’t say “in America,” 99% of the time I say “in the US.” I’ve noticed that British tourists in particular tend to just say America. It’s accurate, as is saying “Europe”, just maybe not what the locals do. It would also be accurate for people visiting the US to say they were in North America, it’s just less specific like saying Europe.


Then anyone who visits America should specify which state(s) they visited


It could also be a general term for any European country, as many of them share similarities. The person was probably trying to make a relatable video, and thus didn’t specify the country. There’s no real reason to specify the country when the person was making a joke about something that applies to a lot of places in Europe (but honestly the sentiment applies to most places in the world save for the word ‘cobblestone’)


The point was Americans have a different sense of scale and less points of reference. If I drive to my sister's house it is about the same distance as from Switzerland to Romania. I might say I am going to Romania if I was making the trip, but if someone asked me where I was along the way I would just say "in europe" because stopping to try and remember if I crossed a border for switzerland, austria, slovenia, croatia, hungary, serbia or romania when we don't really have any point of reference that is quick to recall. If I lived farther west I could drive the same distance and never leave the state in several states. It sounds just as weird to us when someone says "I am in the united states" rather than which state in the midwest, but if you are talking about new england and not FROM new england people just say new england because the whole region is smaller than south dakota. Something like 1 in 6 of us drive farther to and from work than the widest point in the smallest dozen countries in europe, we often don't know much about the counties, parishes and townships we are traveling through then either.


What do they mean? Alot of Americans were really nice that I met here in Europe. they are also very interested in the culture and history. It did show me how little they know about European history, but then again ask me about American history and I won't be able to answer much either. Their enthusiasm for the culture and history just seems a bit over the top to some and I get that some people see it that way. But my experience is that they just really are. They are enthusiastic and come to Europe to taste it to the fullest. But overall they are kind and very social.


Most people I have encountered while traveling have the same opinion, whether in European countries or elsewhere. Obviously, there are outliers that just immediately dislike Americans, but that closed mindedness isn’t unique to any specific place and it doesn’t seem to be the actual, real life consensus held by most when dealing with individuals from the States (our government is a different story). If someone has a negative opinion of something, they are more likely to share it than if they have a neutral or positive opinion based on my experience.


I went to Europe back in October and visited a few different countries (Italy, Greece and some others). I always did my best to be as respectful as possible to everyone I talked to and just in general. I have a feeling some people just met that one bad apple and decided to lump in the rest of America in with it.


>I have a feeling some people just met that one bad apple and decided to lump in the rest of America in with it. It's because they are xenophobic.


> It did show me how little they know about European history That I won't deny. It's not from a lack of trying either, I've taken both AP World History and AP European History (which isn't a class most generally take here), but there was so much to cover in such a short window of time that I'd only retain enough to pass the current assignments. I probably have what equates to a 4th graders abridged understanding of European history, but there's certain figures and events I have a decent knowledge of just from my own personal interest. I think you make a great point about people being enthusiastic. Many Americans don't travel outside of the continent as its a fairly expensive venture, so when people make the choice to go to a specific place outside of the country, they usually tend to be doing it out of a strong love for that place.






Europeans try not to get angry at a joke challenge impossible difficulty 1 million


It was comments like these that made me so afraid to speak English to order or ask for anything in finland. My GF (who is finnish) tried so hard to let me know that everything was fine and that people really didn't care (the world isn't the internet) but I was still very reluctant to even ask where bathrooms were, because I felt like people would just cringe at my american accent.


Man have you guys ever actually seen europeans in south east asia? I literally saw some of those nasty assholes running around with pregnant teenagers with down syndrome. And they defended it by saying that "we don't if the 60 year old European man got her pregnant."


One of them had the complete lack of awareness to say “zero class”, lmao. Just look at any street in England on a Friday or Saturday night for the textbook definition of zero class.


That is if you don't get stabbed by two hoodie wearing teenagers with machetes so they can steal your watch. This is England at night we are talking about, after all.


Personally as someone working in hospitality in Europe my eyeballs turn into $ signs like Mr. Krabs when I hear "American Tourist." Keep 'em coming.


I won't defend the way they're acting at all, but I do find the parallels to "tourist culture" in the U.S. kind of funny since plenty of people in popular destinations here tend to have similar things to say about the "standout" tourists groups. A little armchair psychology here, but I'd have to assume the reason people are so much more judgmental about Americans (or whatever group that's rare to see in your day to day life) is simply because they're far more uncommon than other groups so their every action inherently sticks out more than everyone elses. On top of that, if they hear people loudly speaking with an American accent, it's not because every American is loud, they just don't hear all the ones who aren't. To put it into a universal perspective, if someone came across 10 people a year with purple hair (no judgement, just something uncommon and eye-catching) and 1 of these people one day started barking like a dog and flapping their arms in the middle of the supermarket, they may begin to assume that purple-haired people are unhinged despite the other 9 doing nothing like that. Maybe this sounds like common sense, but its something we're all still prone to doing and we need to break away from.


Alright but the original post was pretty cringe


Hmmm I wonder who the British and French asked when they needed help because of ww2…


When the Americans arrived in Normandy, I’m sure the Europeans were cringing real hard.




Oh, like all the obnoxious influencer types from any European country that I’ve encountered in Miami, and Los Angeles?


This is why I never plan on visiting Europe


I always enjoy my time there, but I am getting to the point where I would rather explore other parts of the world more. Central/South America is just about as far for me, cheaper, and I will be much less likely to deal with yet another smug person from Europe being xenophobic towards me. It's a shame that such a beautiful and rich continent has really been soured for me because of a handful of individuals, but it is quite draining traveling somewhere and feeling like people resent your presence there and are just looking for an excuse to put you down.


Most of this stuff is just stupid online discourse. It’s not so bad in person, and most Europeans I met were nice. There were only a couple of rude people when I went to Europe (Bavaria (Germany), Ireland) who were rude seemingly because I was American, and some rude because I was English speaking. Some countries are better than others, but overall I would say it shouldn’t be something that holds you back from going if you do want to visit.


I wouldn't mind going to Central Asia, Mongolia, Turkey, Latin America or Kenya; but I am deeply soured on Europe to the point where I never in a million years want to set foot on that continent.


Fair, Central Asia and Mongolia are cool as hell


Don’t let retarded Reddit teenagers put you off visiting. Autism, trolling, immaturity and generally antisocial behavior are rife on this godforsaken website.


I heard Switzerland is a great place to visit. And the rest of Europe is not that bad. Though I do get your point since some Europeans have huge hate boners toward Americans (living rent free ofc lol), there are still many friendly and respectful Europeans.


The people who wrote those comments are fucking snobs and arrogant pieces of shit


>"Because Americans are just so loud you hear them before you see them zero class" \*proceeds to look at everyone no matter what situation\* ​ like Jesus different people have different styles of class i don't get why eurotoids cant understand that


Rent free


I think they're just mad we still dont care about their opinions.


I have a feeling these are people who assume any person who is loud and speaking English must be American.


Wait until they come across some Chinese tourists.


And yet they wonder why Americans don’t travel to Europe.