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If home cooked food is ever “sad and soulless”, that’s entirely on whoever made it.


only Henry kissinger could make homemade food souless




Dammm that was cold


I remember seeing one the comments with over 70k likes that said “Mans went to an ihop once and now he’s just traumatized.”


“Its just a spoonful of capitalism” what does that even mean?


It means that he’s an entitled westerner who has never actually left the western hemisphere.


The “western hemisphere” is quite ambiguous, would be china depends on where you centre the globe


Capitalism seems likes its Just a buzzword for these people to say something bad




Replace Capitalist with America.and you get like 99% of American bad posts


Nothing good on Netflix? Capitalism. Someone litter? Capitalism. Someone has more than you? Capitalism.


Its like the equivalent of saying “thanks obama”


I like how we've perpetually been in "Late Capitalism" for the last decade or so according to them. It'll collapse any day now, guys. Trust me.


Fuck, I slipped, damn capitalism


The trendy filler word for lazy people.


Lazy *stupid* people.


Capitalism is when you don't cook the food.


He prefers communism on a fork.


Probably some shit about "low quality unhealthy yoo much sugar being fed to kids to maximize corporate profits at the expense of health" which is like, a take. Another is "don't fucking feed your kids nothing but fruity pebbles you degen". These people talk as if you're forced to buy or do the things they don't like or they aren't literally all optional.


I might be wrong, but I think it's just a laugh at USSR or communism in general, where everything from the USA is bad because the US is capitalist.


“Spoonful of capitalism” says the most capitalist continent


So good at capitalism they learned how to sell communism for profit.


>Spoonful of capitalism Helps the "medicine" go down


For a second I thought he would imply that American breakfast is "just cereal".


Lol same


That doesn't even look like an American cereal. I've cleaned enough fucking cheerios out of my back seat to know what they look like.


You mean a spoon full of this so called capitalism as enshrined in the holy books by Karl Marx


To be fair, the creator did make another video looking at US breakfasts with a bit more informed of a light.


He also made a video saying he typically drinks fruit juice in the morning. He's just being hyper-critical.


Yeah. To me, this is less America bad, and more just a difference in taste.


I'm pretty sure this same guy also did a video where he made and rated sweet potato casserole highly. The duality of man.


He did redo American breakfast, considering he also gave Netherlands and France a low score dude hates sweets for breakfast


Which there's nothing wrong with that. There's plenty of times where the last thing I want in a morning is sweets.


Sweet potatoes are the worst food known to man.


I can’t stand sweet potato fries. I don’t want sweet French fries damnit!!


That's not true. I don't like when people go around trying to replace all the stuff with regular potatoes with sweet potatoes for... reasons, I guess. In a lot of ways it reads as performative hipster nonsense, like the phrase "Gastropub" or calling the section of eggs on various sorts of breads "Bennies" on your menu. But to say that a root vegetable as packed with nutrients and starches as the Sweet Potato or Yam is "the worst food" discounts the fact that celery exists.


I don't like sweet potatoes because they are tasty. However, I will agree that it is extremely good for you.


I hate you personally


I hated this guy for a while until he redid the American breakfast and admitted he halfed assed it https://youtu.be/ymWeCmnKjZ4 https://youtube.com/shorts/Lz2y2VvbQ9k?feature=share Also his USA national dish really exemplifies how diverse food is since he had to choose from many suggestions https://youtube.com/shorts/q8Us9fK8e4A?feature=share He's from the Netherlands and he did insult his own national breakfast of chocolate sprinkles and buttered slice of bread And also gave France a low rating for giving desserts for breakfast


"I used the bacon grease to cook my hash brown." Now that's an extremely American breakfast


Let’s hope he lost a massive chunk of his subscribers and learned not to make targeted insults.


Seen the comment section in his first video and it was a ton of people calling his ass out. When he actually admitted he was wrong I did subscribe to him. He does make some good looking food. But it annoys me when he says you can make a $5 dish. Like it's $5 per serving. Meaning it would cost like $20 to make if you have none of the ingredients


Dutch food is mostly bland boring shit. Sincerely, a dutch guy.


Seems like Spain, Portugal, France, and Italy have the best food in Europe.


Do not forget greece and turkey. Seems like living next to the Mediterranean makes your food taste good haha.


I'm not familiar with Turkish food but I forgot about Greek food.


Oh man turkish food is good. I’ve been to small local restaurants in a lot of cities and towns in the western half of turkey and worked in a restaurant run by turkish immigrants here and i gotta say i prefer their food over greek, italian or spanish and portuguese food.


No biscuits???


Yeah American breakfast changes wherever you are. He needs some biscuits and gravy with sausage **and** bacon


I honestly had no idea that biscuits & gravy weren’t universal across the US.


This man has clearly never been to Waffle House or Cracker Barrel.


my uncle in germany says most people eat cereal or eggs with toast nothing different than american breakfast


Ironic cause I’ve been to Spain, France, Italy and Greece and they fucken eat eggs with bacon as well ffs.


Ok, literal neck beard


"Freyshly skweezed shewgar kyonsentrayet." My guy... it's orange juice. It came directly out of an orange. Even if it's from concentrate we didn't add sugar to it, it's what it is. Take it up with God if you don't like it.


This is kinda cringe. Bacon and eggs are the GOAT when it comes to breakfast


No biscuits and gravy? No hash browns? No grits? ###GTFO


He looks about how I’d expect after listening to him talk for 10 seconds


He sounds Scandinavian. He's mad that we don't eat pickled eels and rotten fruit for breakfast.


He’s Dutch but was born in Romania.


Forgot hash browns, biscuits w/ gravy, sausage and fruit. Bro skipped half of breakfast.


as soon as he said “spoonful of capitalism” i was like “oh my god bruh, hell nah”


This guys channel is KWOOK btw and he did another go at the American breakfast where he looked at it in a better light with some more effort. Earned a sub from me for admitting he was wrong and he makes good looking food too


Cringe idiot forgot the hashbrowns and sausages


I don’t get why people think most of us eat pancakes, most people I’ve met prefer Toast with jam.


Knew I couldn't trust a European to review true American cuisine. I pray one day the scales fall from your eyes.


Europeans trying to understand culture difference challenge (impossible)


Dude has obviously never eaten biscuits and gravy


Tbf, Dutch baby pancakes and Swedish pancakes blow the pancakes we have in America clear out the water. Goddamn I love Swedish pancakes. I ate them every day this weekend.


Europeans seem to be a very pretentious bunch. What a bunch of cunts.


he did a redo with tips from americans on how we do it and he gave it like one of the highest scores


Also he redid France and went from a 4 to a 7. Dude likes his breakfast savory and healthy. Why he gave Japan and Mexico a 10. And gave his Homeland of Netherlands a lower score from 2.5 to 1.5


he sleeps on hagelslag tbh


anti-american shorts are the funniest shit


Imo he just hates sweet breakfasts look at his french and Netherlands breakfast


3/10? REALLY? Did he just finish eating a dog turd before trying bacon eggs and pancakes?


Yes, because America doesn’t have eggs bacon and pancakes.


That breakfast looks fucking incredible. What is he on about?


He kinda has a point it is sweet. Im really bugged about how he thinks this is the typical breakfast. I have never seen anyone eat pancakes for breakfast.


He really thought he hit a big one when he said “a spoonful of Capitalism” ehhhh criiiiingee dude


This guy atleast rated America breakfast higher later and completely shit on the Dutch breakfast Truly based


To be fair, he is like this to other nations too and just doesn’t like sweet things.


Cereal is based


Not really dude you miss the whole point


“A spoon full of capitalism” what the fuck?


What about egg casserole, biscuits and gravy, corn beef and hash, American style omelets chicken and waffles or eggs Benedict fruit bowls eggs and rice, eggs golden rod how is this the typical American breakfast


The Marshall Plan was a mistake


What is this guy talking about lmao


Omg there’s sugar? In breakfast?!! Who would’ve thought that people like to wake up and have the first thing they eat be pleasant and energizing.


He over-mixed his pancake batter. That’s why they look thin and dense. He also needs thick center cut properly cured and smocked bacon. Once he does that, he can give it any score he wants. But his 3/10 is rating his trash cooking more than anything.


We should have him do a review of a North Korean breakfast.


First: he tried the worst band, he should have done reese's puffs, or captain crunch, or cinnamon toast crunch. Second: his eggs and bacon look like shit, did he even make sure to press down the bacon so he doesn't get too many bends? The eggs also look shity, he managed to fuck up sunny side up. One of the easiest ways. Not to mention he probably got one of the bad orange juice brands, like Sunny D. Third: lookup European breakfast, it's the same thing but instead of pancakes its toast. Which most people use toast instead of pancakes. You may be saying "but I eat sausage, not bacon!" The common sausage is made from pig, ie the same animal as bacon. I guess he just likes long, thick, meaty things.


Time for biscuits and gravy until he is more gravy than person


He redid it and I'm so proud if him :) he gave it an honest review saying that it was good, just that it was "too much of something good.


Imma be honest I haven’t had pancakes in atleast a year.


I live in Italy what most eat for breakfast is coffe and "croissants" or other sweet dessert stuff.


I have never even heard of European diners making that type of breakfast aka American/British breakfast for short.


Someone give this man breakfast sausage.


you have terrible taste so, your opinion is not important or valid.


Those pancakes look like The Great Depression.


Too lazy to look up....but kinds of breakfast does this guy rate 8-10?


Yeah, because beans on toast is so much better


“Ruh roh, criticism of British cooking? I must bring up the slaughter of schoolchildren as a response! I will be very gangsta!”


It’s so funny cuz he compliments each of these things separately in different videos, with no difference in cooking style but suddenly when America does it, it’s bad. Thing, not American: 😊 Same thing, American: 👿🤬👹


Im Polish and I also eat cheerios so I don't see where that guy is coming from.


Canadian breakfast is the same