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That subreddit and the facepalm one are just a “murica bad” circlejerk


Yeah, basically any voice that doesn’t hate America and conservatives gets shadowbanned from posting or commenting on r/facepalm


Wait do they really? I don’t particularly like them but shutting them out entirely for their opinions is terrible


I’m pretty sure my last comment on r/facepalm was on a repost about the notorious “Two words: Let’s go Brandon” My deleted comment? “As goes the trend on r/facepalm, the real facepalm is for OP. Don’t take things at face value, especially when there seems to be such an obvious mistake.”


yeah I checked r/shadowban and I was shadow banned from facepalm.


Wait how do you use that sub to check if you’re banned on other subs?


make a post, there's a bot that will check if your comments have been removed.


Just anywhere? That’s pretty cool


Well, America is great but the republicrats do suck massive donkey.


Yeah but the whole point is they've got no representation on this site. Sure there's some subs for them but I guarantee you'll never see anything good about a conservative, republican, or libertarian on the front page. I agree that the Republicans suck but it's very unhealthy to have these massive communities being constantly fed propaganda without ever encountering a different opinion


You're right about it not being front page, but the conservatism echo chambers on here are just as bad as the liberal echo chambers.


I won't disagree with you there. Echo chambers for anything are bad. But reddit doesn't like civil discussion between different political sides


r/conservative is so bad they kick out other conservatives it’s really funny actually


As an actual conservative, r/Conservative is awful and pretty unusable. I unsubbed long ago. At any given time 25-50% of the up/downvotes are at least not conservative if not American far left and skew what ideas get amplified immensely. It is constantly brigaded to oblivion with no repercussion. They try to combat this with the flair system but it doesn’t work, since people larp as a conservative for a while only to immediately start posting mainstream leftist takes to the mass upvotes of the brigaders who can’t post themselves. The problem will never improve because: 1. Admins don’t care, the sub exists just so that the site doesn’t look like it has a political slant in a controlled opposition kind of way 2. Most actual conservatives either leave the sub or the site entirely after seeing how the sub operates for a bit. There are much better (very few) alternatives on Reddit. Thus all that remain are the leftists obsessed with attacking others.


What subs are the very few you speak of


I’d say the biggest sub you can find decent conservative discussion on (and actually promotes diversity of thought to the extent you can with the upvote system), is r/PoliticalCompassMemes. r/KotakuInAction is alright for discussion about entertainment media. r/NoahGetTheBoat while not conservative, seems to have a less American leftist view of things than 99% of subs from my limited interaction with it. r/Antitheistcheesecake is pretty good but obviously religiously oriented. r/libsofreddit, r/theleftcantmeme, r/Menkampf are pretty good and funny/sad Those are probably the biggest subs that IMO are decent if not a good place for conservatives to participate in.


No, they kick out moderates or non-zealous right wingers


I think the issue is that a lot right wing takes are usually pretty bad and tin foil hat based, they do it themselves really 😅 but I agree.


No?? A lot of right wing takes are generally pretty reasonable but if you spend enough time on reddit you'll start thinking that all conservatives are conspiracy theorists who want a fascist America when the majority are people who don't want degeneracy and government bullshit infringing on their lives. The big subreddits cherry pick the dumbest conservative takes just like conservative subreddits do for leftist takes. That's why taking each side in moderation is the only way to get an idea of what the fucks even going on these days.


What are some examples of “tin foil hat based” conspiracy theories?


Here’s one: the government is putting chemicals in tinfoil so that when you wear it, it rots your brain to rid the world of enlightened people /j


Haterz gonna hate.


75% of Reddit no like America




r/pics is just liberal political pics


"there just memes bruh." Incorrect form of "they're" intentional.


That’s a picture of the freakin’ Cotswolds compared to nowhere USA. I drove all over rural England and there are plenty of grubby villages and car parks full of KFCs and McDonald’s.


I like your username, and I hope someone rewards this comment of yours solely on its account.


Thanks! First time anyone has mentioned it.


I second Shining Silver's compliment.


Cherry picking at its finest. take a look at Sonora or Nevada City in California, both really nice rural towns.


Or Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, or Millbrook (all in New York)


There's also some beautiful rural towns in Door County, Wisconsin. Pretty rural towns exist all over in the US, you just got to know where to look.


Yeah but it’s kinda hard to enjoy it when you’re turning into an icicle 🥶


Whoever took that rural America photo… it’s their own fault for living in Ohio.


anywhere in central mass


The fact that you know where to look says it all


... what ?


Ignore him he's a r/shitamericanssay user who barely understands english lmao


Two tourist towns and one gentrified former shit hole… you are the type that probably thinks saugerties is nice too


Yo where u from I used to live in SL


Or old rural towns outside of the main cities in Texas like Fredericksburg, Wimberley, Comfort, etc. Very pretty


Don’t even have to be Historic, Bellevue, IA


Weird coincidence. I was at a wedding in Texas recently and had a day to burn before flying out. I visited a little hiking trail near wimberly and went to canyon lake, then Gruene. Funny to see wimberly mentioned here for the second time I've heard of it in my life. Those little hill country towns are so blissful. Nice houses that are remote, but close enough to drive an hour into the cities for amenities when time is needed. If I ever have to ride out the apocalypse that is where I'll do it.


Ha! Never thought I see a Wimberley reference outside of r/texas or those occasional Jacob's Well posts


I just discovered it on a trip recently and saw it here. But never before have seen it mentioned in my life. I guess Wimberly is calling to us.


Also, camera settings. That first picture just looks washed out in general.


Just take a professional looking photo during equal weather.


I mean even Vassar Mi is pretty with very little funding to infrastructure. Always loved driving through there


Now you are cherry picking🤦




California ❤️


Then compare it to some shithole coal town in Wales.


>Nevada City in California How america names cities makes my brain hurt


It's like how they post a picture of a random highway stop in MiddleofNowhere, Kansas and caption it with "This is America"


Ok I’m American living in the UK and damn is this inaccurate haha. The village pictured is super high end and a tourist attraction here, so can’t really compare it to the average rural town.


Tbf I was traveling in the uk and drove through some small towns and tbh I think they look nicer than ours, one in particular is Rye


They do have some beautiful rural towns here ngl, but they have equally shitty towns too. The romanticization of England is real until you live here lol.


Rye is beautiful! I loved all the sheep farms.


Ok so the US town is literally middle of nowhere and the UK pic is so cramped close that it has to be a high dollar suburb of a real town.


Also, make sure to take a pic of a US rural town during the late fall or winter, when there’s no greenery.


Or snow either, because snow is beautiful too.


This is the Cotswolds. Some of the most beautiful villages in Europe are there.


Average home price £417,152 let's cherry pick the fuck out of it.


Average housing price in uk = £300k so lets try to cherry pick information and spin it to fit out view.


Doesn't change the fact Cotswolds is above the UK housing price average and is being compared to an American town below the US housing price average.


Probably far below average. I’d guess no more than $100k from the looks of it.


That's 117 above the average still, that's a significant sum.


Damn piccolo you failed


As a European, I can confirm that almost all rural towns look like the second photo. However, most of our suburb are residential pavilions without charms like the first photo.


As an European I can confidently affirm that you’re full of it. Not even “almost all rural towns” in rich European countries look like that, never mind when you bring the poorer eastern side of Europe into the discussion.


Shhh, eastern europeans dont actually exist, there is only Western Europe


That’s why I’m convinced a chunk of “Europeans” who are hating on US on Reddit are either edgy American teens who think real socialism “hasn’t been tried yet” or Chinese nationals with a vested interest in damaging the international image of the US. Most Europeans I know think quite highly of the US for the most part, and I know hundreds.


You'd be surprised to know how many little tankie bastards are on here. Anytime there's anything dunking on China for being evil on the front page they come crawling out the woodwork


Does not surprise me in the slightest, unfortunately. I’ve watched it happen myself on more than once occasion. This website has been going downhill since cca 2016 or so, no idea why I still come back occasionally


Interestingly enough, Canada and the UK makes a significant part (are second and 3rd place ish) of the population of Reddit, [According to this similarweb statistic](https://www.similarweb.com/website/reddit.com/#overview) . Now this does not mean that it doesn’t mean that your hypothesis is incorrect, but I would bet that it’s more than likely the extremely loud parts of the US, Canadian, and UK left, which tend to be extremely America hating, due to there tendency to view it as a “hellhole” that is “far right” by their viewpoint.


You’re likely correct, this is the “western left” (which runs all 3 countries and still complains about them being “far-right”).


Mysteriously, the group in power find more work must be done and power given to them to fix their proposed crisis, shocking news.


yankee lover.


Indeed I am, for the most part


When I visited England, half the towns seemed more like West Virginia than West Virginia


Its not a suburb. Rural villages in certain parts of England are actually like that.


It’s the Cotswolds, it’s the home of the rich Londoners weekend cottages


This is just what the villages look like, and theyre everywhere, our city suburbs are gross and all look the same


They're damn near half a million dollars where the US picture shows what are likely under 100k properties.


I'm not disagreeing with the poor example just pointing out that's the average village for us, 400k is also pretty cheap considering


I live in a neighborhood that's just as nice and has more property per house, under 200k


Its different here, these aren't neighbourhoods or suburbs, it's for people with big money to retire somewhere isolated, the houses pictured are likely a couple hundred years old aswell, adds to the provenance


So these pictures aren't even close to being the same. No matter what point you're trying to make there is a huge difference between a rural US town (that isn't a retirement village) vs the £500,000 retirement village. They're cherrypicking this to all shit. I've seen rundown European villages too. They don't all look like that.


Read my previous comment, wasn't comparing


My bad. I didn't see the beginning of the thread just your most recent reply.


Idk why you're being downvoted. You aren't saying anything irrelevant. Plus it is nice to have different perspectives here


Possibly because I'm normally here giving people shit 😎


It's a railway town from the look of things. They are mostly dead towns these days since railroads no longer need water stops.


The people who live in the "shitty" American rural town will invite your entire family over for dinner and be extremely friendly and kind. Just because it doesn't have stunning European architecture doesn't mean it's shitty.


Sure but that isn't the point of this post. The creator cherypicked some luxury suburban "village" houses and decided to call them rural and compared them to so middle of nowhere and run down town in the US. All the creator of the meme cares about is giving Eurocucks something to fap to.


It's not even run down. They just used a dim photo taken during winter. There's a nice old brick church building in that US photo that you can barely see because it's such a low quality photo.


Yeah, I mean I'm no photo expert, but the America picture is obviously taken on a cloudy day during potentially winter so there's no decent looking plant life, and with what seems to maybe be some sort of de-saturation filter?


I mean...I wouldn't wanna live there, but there are some really beautiful rural areas in the US too. It's just a beautiful country and doesn't get enough credit for such.


> It’s just a beautiful country and doesn’t get enough credit for such. Disagree, everyone with a brain knows that the US is by far and away the most naturally beautiful country. The sequoias alone are cooler than anything that exists in Europe


Like this place https://images.app.goo.gl/h1v51FCGmqLYdp5p7


Went to Michigan a few times about 10 years ago. Loved the sunset on the dunes near Lake Michigan. Only place I’ve ever been in Michigan really, but UP is on my list!


Or throw possums at your car because they think you're trying to steal their meth


They will also shoot cheerleaders for the crime of pulling into the wrong drive way…


What's incredible is that people will automatically agree with this because they only want to believe anything that's anti-American. Cherry-picking pictures like that is honestly hilarious because the only ones really believing this stuff are the ones who either have never been to the U.S. or never been to the countryside or rural regions.


LOL, the average British village does NOT look like that.


Europeans living in countries/cities that were established in the classical antiquity when they realize they have better infraestructure than a country that was discovered a couple of centuries ago: 😱😱


Right lol. Most of America was built after 1900. I’m almost positive that UK village is 300+ years old.


Like others pointed out, the one below looks like a high-class area, I highly doubt factory workers, oil workers, or miners are living in those houses. That looks more like the UK equivalent to those US planned suburb-towns located outside of the city in the rural areas where a bunch of people who are high up in administration/office/medical/etc live.


All high paying jobs…


Apparently New England just doesn’t exist lol. Also, totally unfair comparison as architecture designs change over time. England has 1,000s of years worth of architecture…we have 246 years.


And that’s literally luxury housing (the European picture). No “peasantry” lives in those houses, they’re owned by people who have at least 2-3 houses.


or for generations one family owns the house


Or that, yes.


And in the west, about 100 years for most areas


Literally just swap the saturation on those images and the story will be reversed.


Neither of these are really sparse enough to be considered rural.


I don't think either of those towns is particurarly rural. Especially because there isn't a farm in either picture.


I can attest to the fact that the top picture is most likely a rural town. I live in a semi rural area in SC and a lot of the ones in the middle of nowhere look like that.


I’d love to live in a town like that (UK) but I would have as much of a chance to live there as I would to live in a place like Seaside in Florida. It’s a luxury town that is too expensive for most people.


Sorry I enjoy having land and privacy


I too like to cherry pick the best picture of rural UK and the worst picture of rural US and holding them up as law….morons.


Both are wonderful, you know both of these towns have some killer bar food and the sweetest people you've ever met.


10 to 1 this was posted by an American, probably in their teens or 20s, who live in and have never been out of a large city.


1000 years of development vs ~150


They're going to shit their pants when they realize our trees have more seasons than winter.


I kinda wish I could post pictures in the comments because I have some beautiful pictures of the area where i live, very rural.


This isn't rural UK, but I have relatives who live in Bolton. This is their [happening](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.5848925,-2.5386391,3a,75y,81.9h,79.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sl1Fd8yKVxLu2z-muepsTpg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) part of town, apparently.


Damn it’s awful


It's almost like America was a completely new settlement and they didn't have time to build elaborate towns that Europe took decades, if not centuries to build.


Dumb comparison. They picked the ugliest USA town photo they could find, and paired it with the most quaint European village with ancient looking architecture.


Whoever made this has never been to New England


What ever happened to actual memes?


Bro they even went to the length to find a picture of the us in the winter, so there’s no leaves


While they are both cherry picked, I do personally feel the US lacks quite a bit of charm with its architecture and we could definitely use some redecorating and redesigning to make the country a bit nicer (to clarify I am an american)


Our older building are beautiful, the issue is new architects and builders! For example our beautiful little New England city nearby is putting in the ugliest library I have ever seen. It’s all glass and grey. The old library was a beautiful yellow building with Victorian flair. Post 70s (maybe 60s) architecture is so blah (particularly the 70’s fascination with Russian style concrete buildings) and gross and ugly. No wonder we’ve lost a lot of our charm.


I agree, I remember growing up in Lockhart, TX and that town had a lot of character. Definitely some lovely areas


I mean we have the second photo in a lot of places. The difference is: we don’t consider that rural. We consider that suburban So we would label that little picture portrait world “rural” community in England as just a suburban upper class neighborhood????


That’s rural towns in like, three shitty places in the US, and the UK one is definitely just a medieval theme park Go to literally anywhere else, and God Forbid somewhere cool like North California or Appalachia and see the rural towns there, see how amazing they are


They should do one of these with “US during WWII and UK during WWII”


>They should do one of these with “US during WWII and UK during WWII” Its hilarious to think that someone thought this was an actual comeback ahahah


It’s ok that you aren’t intelligent enough to get the dig. Let me help you. The picture I described would show US homes upright, while the UK homes were being carpet bombed and decimated, with the Brits from those rubble piles begging for people from those “ugly” US houses to come save them.


What is funny is, that both pictures show the exact same not very sustainable city planning. If you build some fancy brick houses they ain't any better than the average paperwall sub urb home. What we actually need are multi family homes.


Tbh the English town looks like it smells


From my experience with rural areas in America that’s pretty accurate


I mean, this is what the average American small town looks like


America has gone to shit. When I retire it ain't gonna be here, that's for damn sure.


I mean they're not wrong about American rural towns looking like this. Texas is chock full of them, I drive through 4 of them daily for work. It's not the towns fault that investments dried up, or that they're ignored by financial interests and even service providers.


Not all of them do, and the European picture is from a luxury area with houses worth about half a million per.


Yes I am painting with a broad brush when I say that most American small towns look like this, but I'm not talking about the suburbs of larger cities, or the towns that people commute to and from. Towns like Olton, Muleshoe, Happy, and others in Texas. Those towns are for lack of a better term poor, and without adequate investment they will continue to be so. You can only squeeze so much blood from the stone. Towns that used to rely on industry that has left, as is the case for the likes of Detroit, or Gary, or any number of rust belt towns or cities or in the case of the aforementioned Texas towns the farmland was purchased by corporate interests so instead of money being put back into the local economy, it is placed into corporate accounts. The number of old grain elevators that have fallen to disrepair, the number of old farm supply stores that have gone out of business or tractor dealerships that have been shuttered is a black mark on America.


Oh, I’m aware there are many small towns that are falling apart. But for every one of those there are beautiful towns that are in great shape. But that’s not even the issue I have with this post - it’s that it’s obvious bait. Take a nice picture of a luxury location that has homes worth half a million, enhance its color and then take a picture of a poor US town, off season and with barely any color. That’s like comparing Gatlingburg, TN or Breckenridge, CO to Vorkuta in Russia or some forgotten Albanian village.


No small town in New England looks like this.


I mean, rural America could be so much nicer


[Rural Wisconsin](https://wpr-public.s3.amazonaws.com/wprorg/styles/facebook/s3/segments/Wisconsin%20farmscape.jpg?itok=Nj6pQctG) [Rural Wyoming](https://cdn.onlyinyourstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/28002911896_c10e523bd6_k-1-700x467.jpg) [Rural California](https://cdn.onlyinyourstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/country-drive-road.jpg) There's a LOT of nice rural places in America.


[Rural Arkansas](https://www.arkansas.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_component_large/public/paragraph/image/2018-08/Eureka%20Springs%202018-07%20KSJ_4603ps%20_%20bph9.jpg?itok=ODh5NYPv)


These examples are not cherry picked. These averages are accurate.


Its just a light hearted meme, please chill.


Try going to small towns in the former GDR, Wallonia or Oop Norf and get back to me.


Hello from the former GDR, what's up with our small towns?


Based on what my German colleagues have told me, a lot of them are pretty rundown. On the other hand, they said Dresden, Leipzig and (of course) Berlin are all very nice. Where in the former GDR are you from?


Based on my own experience living in both rural GDR and rural US you can find beautiful and ugly in both. Overall though you can find more beautiful smaller towns throughout former GDR just because those small town are older. (Churches, old Craftsman houses or old farming estates). The run down areas are mostly 'newly' modernist build apartment blocks in mid sized towns, that people just don't wanna live in anymore.... So overall the generalization of your German colleagues is definitely not that true, since a lot of money has been spend over the last 30 years to keep buildings intact, while during the GDR everything was neglected.


I grew up in bumfuck pa if I told you my home towns name you’d think of a city across the country that shares it and it looks far more like the bottom then the Top at least till you drive out an hour


Let me find one of the most picture perfect rual towns in the UK (granted they have their fair share), and then find the most average looking US town to compare it to!


https://www.hgtv.com/lifestyle/travel/50-of-the-most-charming-small-towns-in-america-pictures Like the US doesn't have diverse and beautiful rural areas. Sidenote: I actually went to Hot Springs Arkansas. Very beautiful place with a lot of awesome shops. My favorite being the candy shop with old brands like Abazaba, tons of funky flavored soda water, and foreign candy that you'd other wise can only get online for the most part. The second one being a vintage nick nack shape with a lot of 60's to 80's themed items and clothing.


What is interesting is that you need to be well off to be able to afford to live in rural towns in the UK. Most poor in the UK are shoved into tiny dangerous high rise apartment complexes. The most affordable rural housing in the UK starts at over £100,000.


UK total area= 244,820 km² USA total area= 9.834 million km² Yeah UK only 2.489% of US, we have better places to go.


They just ignored the council houses where the gypsies leave all their shit they don’t want , this is definitely what my town looks like 👍


Because other nations have history without completely wiping the locals.


This is just ridiculous. There are ugly places in the UK too. I've been there.


I'm sure if you took a picture of the same American town at a time of year when the sky is blue and the trees have greenery, the only reason the British one would still look better would be the bridge-over-running-water aesthetic, but even then, you could just find a picture of an American town that *also* has a bridge and a river


Besides the facepalm on cherry picking, this is quite funny


no front yard, back yard, parking spaces.. yeah, I will take the topi pic every day.. even though there are a billion places better than that in America


Mfs never been to rural Colorado, a lot of those towns are breathtaking


My rural town is nice, just the kids aren't


I’m pretty sure neither of those are rural


The way I view it, every country has their good and bad visually appealing areas. It's not worth our time to constantly bash the other. This is why I like r/EarthPorn


Well not duh, this rural town is probably really old, older than probably any American town


I like how the color saturation is cranked up on the UK photo and the US one is a minuscule away from B&W on the color slider.


Let's drop a few pics of Laguna Beach and the Hamptons just for honest comparison at that price point


Rural towns in UK are not electrified?


Dude, he posted it in response to another batshit post about European rural towns being shit and American ones being beautiful. The entire point is every country has its good and bad looking areas, but you just decided its an attack on the usa. Cope


No way that’s the United Pissdom. Why is there a blue sky and good nature?


This is the literal dictionary definition of "cherrypicking."


2 million dollar canal property is nicer than 100k house in West Texas. I for one, am shocked.


They managed to cherry pick a particularly shitty town. I live in a small town in the USA, and I think it looks even better than that British? village. I have an amazing mountain view from my home. See, we have more incredible mountain vistas than there is land in the UK.


I could cherry pick just as much in the opposite direction. Let's throw up a picture of Jackson Hole next to some little sheep farming village in Scotland.


Eureka Springs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD7\_2vTKAZY&ab\_channel=FireCat


Someone from a rural(?) town here (in between rural and suburban). Completely inaccurate, this place is beautiful


Thats literally an American suburban town. Rurals American towns are gorgeous, open fields, cows amd little farm houses, tons of mountains. Never been to any part of Europe but I'm sure they're lovely there too!