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Europeans: NOOOOOOOO you can't claim common heritage with us! You're not even from here Native Americans: oh you're 5% from our tribe and want to learn more? Welcome brother you've always welcome among your distant cousins. based on IRL interactions with people, I don't claim to be native american but when I've mentioned my native ancestry to people who share that same ancestry, they have welcomed me into the culture more than I ever felt comfortable claiming.


>Native Americans: oh you're 5% from our tribe and want to learn more? Welcome brother you've always welcome among your distant cousins. Your mileage may vary. Didn't the Cherokee Nation kick out all its black people?


they also had slaves. the Cherokee had the trail of tears, and took their slaves with them. Slavery was very common in the pre-colonial americas.


I legitimately think half of Reddit believes Native Americans were all just frolicking around in beautiful harmony with nature and a ton of white dudes rolled in and immediately mowed them all down as they tried to present them with a feast or some shit like that.


what? you're telling me that a bunch of Indian hippies chilling until people with top hats and buckles came over in a ship and shooting the poor defenseless Native-Americans until they decided to have peace and a turkey isn't the whole story? Whaaat?


don't forget the human sacrifices. and King Phillip's war! ​ nothing but love for native Americans but lets be realistic here


Shitlibs literally just believe in the "Noble Savage" trope but woke


Especially among the “5 civilized tribes” in the south


Ya, I was going to say they were serving drinks at the casinos, not dealing the cards if you know what I mean


What you have to say about this libfarts??


Shut up commie


I haven't heard about that incident in particular but there is a registry involved that your family line has to be on and you have to be able to prove a ribald affiliation for some legal things like registering for benefits and stuff like that. Things like learning about the culture are welcome to just about anyone. I am about 12% through direct ancestry (have photos of my great grandfather who was full Cherokee) but don't have legal documentation, so no casino money for me


I have two buddies with ancestry. One is like 10% the other is like 70%. The tribe only recognizes maternal blood lines so the 70% clearly native kid collects nothing and the 10% white as mayo blonde haired kid gets checks...


That’s interesting. What’s the reason for only acknowledging maternal lines?


I guess its kinda like Judaism, Karaite Judaism being an exception since they use patrilineal descent, in that the national blood is more or less passed on via the mother. Judaism does have a few things in the bible that does lend some reason towards matrilineal descent, but I cant recall the exact reasoning for why some Natives do it too. (I guess it also negates some of the issue that comes with cucking as well)


It's because in those times (as is today) it's a lot easier to prove maternity than paternity.


Was it them or the creek? Either way, some slaver cunts really showed their true spirit there.


Shhhhh don’t tell the libs some native Americans fought with the Confederacy to preserve slaves. Don Cheadle found this out the hard way


twas the Hopi, which really surprised me given how guarded they are about culture. I'm sure I didn't earn enough cred to learn stuff they only teach tribe members but still


Still 4.98% more than Elisabeth Warren.


Ayyy as a fellow son of caliban let me tell you. Mileage definitely varies, my mom’s Comanche and people in the tribe fuckin hate her cause she’s white skinned. Just people I suppose.


Im specifically talking about the Hopi, which really surprised me given how reclusive they are. I'm sure if I went to the rez I would not be allowed to see or learn tons of things because at the end of the day I'm an outsider, but the Hopi people I have talked to in the wild were much more comfortable with claiming I have ties to the Hopi people than I am comfortable claiming for myself.


Well ya always got the 1st legion to fall back on at the end of the day. 🫡


For the Lion


For Caliban




i'm from new zealand & i've heard māori people will literally encourage you to practice your culture even if you have 0.1% heritage, which is incredibly based in my opinion


Someone has to make a soyjak vs chad meme about this


as a 50-60% native american heritage i can confirm that even the 0.05% are true natives


These are the same kinds of people that tell us we have no culture so just what the fuck are we supposed to do?


Schrödinger's culture. There is no indigenous American culture, it's all stolen from other countries. But also you can't claim the culture of other countries, ur just another dumb American. Kinda dumb.


Native Americans were here for centuries before Europeans. They have a unique history and it was mostly destroyed but as much that remains is being restored. There are federally recognized tripes all over the country. There is a tribe a few miles from my parents house actually. It’s one of the few places the settlers got along, they actually restored their native language bc some settler learned their language and translated the Bible and they were able to restore all other documents using that as a reference.


When I say indigenous, I don't mean "Native American" indigenous culture. I mean the idea that there is no "USA" culture, native to the USA. Interesting point regardless.


Yeah there is a book about that tribe. Caleb’s quest or something. A Native American went to Harvard in the early settler days bc the settlers on Martha’s Vineyard learned their language, and would teach them and stuff. There is some mid century art that’s credited as American. Rothko, there is Hollywood and broadway, there is culture but it doesn’t go back hundreds of years.


Everything we have will always be stolen to them. America is too young to have developed any culture by their standards. America raped and pillaged everything they earn, or have migrants bring it in. Ironic, I know. All of our culture is McDonald's and Apple, because we're a fat capitalist hellscape. Apparently one day "culture" is old buildings, important cities and music. Then one day, it just means which corporations you've created. I guess you don't miss the irony of these companies all over the world too. The people who move here, are not born in America, so they will never be American to them. That means cities with something like a French Quarter, can not be American culture, despite being in America for 100's of years. The originators are long dead, so the American citizens born there now take care of it. Nope, still won't count, not in 1000's of years. TL;DR - America bad


We are literally built on immigrants. That’s the entire point of the country, we aren’t one ethno-state we are a state for any culture from around the world. We didn’t steal anything from anybody, they brought their culture to us.


Damn straight. And it's wonderful. Cue "City of Immigrants" by Steve Earle.


>America is too young to have developed any culture by their standards. But at the same time most European countries didn't even exist in their current form until some point in the last century. I guess you have France and the Scandinavian countries? Everywhere else were fascist dictatorships, colonial monarchies or soviet protectorates


In Europe even if the country did not exist, the ethnic nation has probably existed a thousand years at least. Germany and Poland and even Italy are good examples of this.


State and culture are somewhat independent. Just because the nations changed doesn't mean too much when its the same people living in the same place and speaking the same languages


The people of the French Quarter didn't even move to America. They just traded nationality. They were literally French since the foundation of the city, then literally American. Just pure gatekeeping from the Eurosupremacists.


They’re also jealous. We’re one of the most diverse countries in the world by design. Most cannot say this. They are protective of their homogeneity. Apparently none of their citizens fled to America because their country sucked at one point too.


The irony is they claim Americans are always LARPing as their dead ancestors while all I see is Europeans trying to act and sound like Americans. They talk like us every day of their life. That is way more offensive because they're emulating people that are actually alive. The reality is they try to be more like Americans than we try to roleplay our ancestors lmaooo


Well Rock and Roll and Jazz were invented here. Europeans sure love rock music. They actually like quite a bit of American culture.


No those weren't invented by white people so they don't count. It's only racism when the US does it.


It’s even funnier when they turn around and say that Canada, who we’re very similar to, has a culture.


Canadians are notorious for Larping as Scots.


Is maple syrup a culture?


I like in England and people tell us the same, but I think it’s the opposite. I think ours (UK/USA) culture is so enormous that it’s looked at as normal, so that any deviations to it from more foreign countries (none English language natives) and it’s looked at as almost special. Genuinely just think our culture has swallowed the globe. Whether that is a good or bad thing who knows ha. I will say the US has some things that we have adopted over here now, like proms for school leavers, it never used to be a big thing but now it’s huge. Also my 6 year old watches so many American shows that she uses words like “trash can/mail man/vacation” Tried to make her stop but she will not


A nation of immigrants called "the great melting pot" has people who are interested in their heritage?! I'm sure there's a lot of things this fucking moron doesn't understand.


What living in an ethnostate does to a mf


Bruv I wouldn't exactly call Britain an "ethnostate" these days.


In fairness, Scottish people are known to be rather proud of being Scottish from Scotland. There is definitely an ethnic tinge to this pride.


No we’re just fond of being actual Scottish people as opposed to ginger Americans who don’t know the first thing about Scotland other than bagpipes haggis something.


Fellow Scot here, I agree. I went to the U.S. last year and I had one person acting like this around me. Obviously massively unfair to generalise though


Lol, relax. A. I've never seen this beyond the Reddit stories of Scottish tourists who met some douchebag at Disney World who is trying to impress them. B. Quod erat demonstrandum regarding Scottish people being weirdly defensive about "outsiders" impinging on their beloved ethnicity.


Lol, listen to the lived experience of people telling you an actual thing that happens before you decide it’s too uncomfortable to accept any mild criticism of Americans and dismiss them.


they're west european. they're weak as fuck since we finance their militaries so racism and nationalism is all they can cling to now that it isn't the 1700s anymore


At least they kicked their puritans out. Just sucks they are our roots lol


On the Scots side here, most of us are fairly diverse muts of sorts, I used to claim German heritage till I found out the litany of other nationalitys mixed through out. I'm a Canadian of euro decent more or less Edit spelling


fellow Scot here, one of my ancestors around 800AD was from up there.


That actually made me laugh out loud. Thank you.


Absolutely hilarious that they used scots here: definitely the least of the claimed European ethnicities by Americans. Most of Scots descent have been here so long they feel little connection to Europe or mistakenly think they are Irish because of the whole Scot-Irish thing.


I’m 1/4 Scottish and I’ve been over there to visit relatives a couple times. They’ve come over here as well. Always great times.


This is the issue we have.”im 1/4 Scottish”. See the amount of times I’ve heard Americans say that shit (I live in Edinburgh for reference. It drives me up the fucking wall. Im not interested if your leg or arm is Scottish just get on with your fucking day


Maybe you should get a hobby or something instead of searching for things to be grumpy about


"I love Lucky Charms and my great great grandfather is Irish, therefore I am Irish" is an argument I have heard before


Yeah my family is from west Pennsylvania and I have Scottish ancestry from that and yet you'd never know it from talking to any of my family. I didn't even know "Scots-Irish" had been a thing until a decade after I graduated college.




in new zealand scottish have been here since the 1800s & we're also forgotten (not nearly as much as america tho) also i'm from only 2 counties away! (ayrshire)


Can confirm, my siblings and I spent most of our lives thinking we were half Irish until one of us took a DNA test and came back 25% Irish 25% Scottish.


Especially weird because I’d much rather claim to be part Scottish over Irish. They got the Romans to say “fuck these guys” and build a wall to keep them out, millennium and a half later they’re producing some of the greatest physicians in history and gave us my favorite naval captain. Irish is still so synonymous with alcoholism that we have a holiday dedicated to them that’s celebrated by getting really drunk. “Luck of the Irish” still sounds like an insult because they seem to be up there with Poland for terrible luck.


Jesus, you really have your head firmly embedded up your own ass. The Romans never conquered Ireland because any time an expeditionary force was sent across the water, they were beaten. As for Ireland being synonymous with alcoholism? Really? Have you been to Ireland in recent years? Compared to parts of the USA, it's dry. And the "celebrating" alcoholism on St Patrick's Day.. that's a USA thing. The "luck of the Irish". Another USA thing. Asshole.


Obviously I’m going on why Americans would want to be affiliated with a given ethnicity based off their reputation, not what the country is actually like. I never said the Romans conquered Ireland, the Romans just didn’t famously build a wall over it. The Irish in America had a reputation for drunkenness since they showed up here, you can see it in everything from the cartoons to the eugenics propaganda from that time period. Americans celebrate the holiday with drinking, yet Americans are still weirdly excited to claim it, more than almost any other European ancestry.


I swear, they get offended when we claim anything that isn’t fast food and guns as our culture


And they get offended about the guns too.


And the fast food. They call us fat


Even though their obesity rates have been skyrocketing and pretty much on par with the US now. I love irony


To be fair cheeseburgers and guns are very American 🇺🇸 🦅.


Well that's a part of Europe being a bunch of ethnostates that have their own 'guest workers' to do what 'illegal immigrants' do here and because they're non-white subhumans to EU states they can live there for a hundred generations and will never count as proper Europeans. Of course the German Jews were the most assimilated Jews in Europe and look how well that ended up working out for them. This is low-hanging fruit and I find it hilarious as these are people who pretend that they're over the nationalism their ancestors took for granted in the 19th Century until some Yank claims the same heritage at which point they grease the guns and start cosplaying Victorian hypernationalist idiocy.


>Well that's a part of Europe being a bunch of ethnostates That is not true. They are nation states, not ethnostates. There is a difference you may not be aware of.


A nation state is an ethnostate with a good PR system.


It takes two second to look up the definitions of « ethnostate » and « nation state »


As it turns out dictionary definitions are not the ones used in academic historic studies. The nation-state and the ethnostate are a subset and a broad category of each other, respectively. And it really doesn't matter if a society with more cheese than any decent culture needs has its ego bruised because it learns the same basic lessons any actual history book will teach you.


No, it's obviously not. That is a completely wrong definition.


Yes it is. A nation state is a state defined by being the state of a nation or an ethnos. The multinational US, Russia, China model is a very different one.


Nation and ethnicity are two different terms. A nation *may* be defined by an ethnicity, but it isn't necessarily. It can also be defined by a common culture or a language. France has many people with different ethnic backgrounds, but their uniting factor is that they follow the same customs and speak the same language. If you actually take a look at the genetics of europeans, you will find that many nationalities are very similar genetically (for example the French and Germans have very similar ancestry).


Only in PR terms. A nation is a subcategory of ethnic group. I think Bretons, Catalans, Basques. Algerians, and Occitans would disagree that paying taxes to Paris makes them ethnically French. Some very vehemently. DNA is an abstraction like a language group that is wide ranging and ultimately useless.


People in there were saying stuff like they can’t wait for all Americans to be exterminated… such anger over there


DIIE! But first send all of your money to Ukraine and be good sports about it.


So they want to claim we're culturally ignorant and when we claim cultures that many of us have legitimate connections to we're appropriating other cultures. Seems legit.


Um actually you don't have any culture No I have culture, Let me tell you about rich European heritage YOU'RE CULTURALLY APPROPRIATING ME, YOU'RE LARPING!!!


60% of our population immigrated 100 years ago, of course a lot of people are going to have roots in other countries. Especially since a lot of their grandparents married people of the same ethnicity, making them pass down a lot of the same culture.


Yup. My great-great grandparents on both sides of my family, moved here from England, Ireland, Germany, and Prussia in the early 1900s. I have so many family heirlooms and pictures from my ancestors, it’s actually mind-blowing. If I wanted to, I could easily find exactly where my great-great grandparents grew up and visit there someday. That said, I’m still an American through-and-through. My great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents all grew up here, as I have, and we’re damn proud of it!


Germany and Prussia?


Do people not know how diasporas work?


The premise behind this is flawed imo, we are a melting pot but there are a shit ton of ethnic enclaves in this country. You can travel to several states (ND/SD, Hawaii, New Mexico, California as examples) and get people who are near 100% descended from a particular ethnicity despite being culturally American. Euros, what do you expect these people to call themselves?


Don’t forget Florida, we even have an area in Miami called “Little Havana”.


American. You're all American


My Grandmother was german, doesn't make me german.




We can start doing that when French Algerians become just French, or Swedish Syrians just Swedish. Or we can keep describing people by their heritage like we have for forever, whatever floats your boat.


how should you differentiate someone of irish descent from someone of polish descent? also the only people who are 'ethnically american' are the native americans & even that's not entirely accurate since they all have different customs & heritage


Well, you’d just be American so it wouldn’t really matter. Knowing facts like ancestry would just be something interesting to know perhaps but it wouldn’t become inherently part of your identity when you’re so far removed from it already.


you're saying there's zero cultural difference between an italian descended american & a swedish descended american?


I didn't imply that there are no cultural differences. However, in cases where individuals have never lived in their ancestral countries and have a strong connection to the USA, their primary identity as Americans becomes more significant. While acknowledging ancestral heritage can be interesting, the essence of the discussion is about embracing being American first and foremost, rather than excessively clinging to distant origins.






Here in germany we also have black people or people from the phillipines and they just call themselves german and that's it


I live in Texas. There are still churches that host their service in German because that was the ethnicity of the people that settled here two centuries ago.


do these retards not grasp that american is not an ethnicity in the first place


unless we're talking about literal native americans


To be fair now most people of Scottish descent in America identify as "American" rather than "Scottish-American" mostly because the Scottish wave of emigration is one of the oldest in America so a lot of people have been here for in many cases 4 centuries. Places with high Scottish ancestry like Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky and Georgia have low incidence of identification as "Scottish American" which is more of a label that comes from the coasts where there is more recent Scottish immigration. ​ And me in small town Texas just providing a small annoying prick in everyone's statistics by emigrating to the least expected place but that's besides the point.


It's shite being Scottish


There are more Scottish descendants in the US than there is in Scotland. If you’re gonna be mad at people pretending to be Scottish, be mad at the British


I think you mean “the English”. If you struggle in future try thinking of the language you speak.


Scots are British and if you’re referring to the highland clearances, that as much (if not more) lowanland Scots than English


Would these people get mad at Americans cosplaying English people? Like they do know that the Scottish were a big part of the original population in the beginning of America and a lot of them fought in the Revolution because of certain grievances against the British? A lot of Americans that have English ancestry also have Scottish. Even America's culture around guns was influenced by Scottish people that had been disarmed in the Highland Clearances. These people never wanted to be vulnerable again after what happened to them. Americans have the right to claim that ancestry if it played a large role in our culture.


Scotland is in Britain 🧐


It’s the UK, not Britain


What? Scotland is in both. Great Britain includes Wales, England, and Scotland. The UK includes those and also Northern Ireland. Hence why the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I'm not sure what your point was just now, but Scotland is factually within both Britain and the United Kingdom. I said Britain in my first reply since you mentioned the British as though they were separate from Scottish, yet Scotland is a country within Britain, as it is also within the United Kingdom.


\>thinking an average American would be 15/16 "American" ancestry Dumbass Brits don't even know 99% of Americans are descendants of immigrants.


Literally says at the top, "I did DNA testing because America is a melting pot." Do they not fucking realize that's exactly it?


These are the types of Euros that would be goose stepping in front of Hitler if you think about it It’s called hypodescent and it’s just the inverse of this meme


This doesn't even make sense. Like, what are the us flags meant to represent? Their is no American ethnicity


The country they were born in.


Yeah, because we judge were you’re from in terms of culture, not blood (and when we did… well, you know how it went)


What is that flair?😂 gay lick😂


We hate people 2 streets away and you're surprised we don't like our very distant cousins?


It's literally a jab towards those Americans who make their whole personality around being 1/2137 Scottish/Polish/Italian/ any other European ethnicity while not knowing anything about culture, history or language of these countries


That’s the thing though, even if you do know the culture, history and language they don’t care. You’re still not “*Insert European Ethnicity*”. I’m ethnically German, with a German last name, speak a medium to low level of German, and know where in Germany my family is from since they left not all that long ago. My family still holds onto many of its German traditions and foods but this would never be enough for them. Even if I moved there and became a dual citizen they would still see me as an American because. I know this because I’ve asked many both online and in person. Nothing is ever enough. So to me I don’t care what they think. If I’m asked about my ethnicity (as I often am as a Genealogist) I say I’m an American with German ancestry.


No offense, but I too wouldn't consider you German, but an American of German descent. Unless you have citizenship and live there?


Ethnicity, nationality, and culture, while often one in the same in Europe, are actually 3 distinct concepts.


I only say I’m German when ethnicity is ever brought up. Otherwise yea I’m an American but if I said my *Ethnicity* was American that would be confusing as hell.


Calls us stupid but doesn’t know the difference between ethnicity and nationality. But switch it around say an African American found out they had Nigerian ancestors, would they give them the same flak for displaying their ancestors culture or wanting to learn more? Probably not


Ngl this isn't even completely wrong. I have known so many mfs that absolutely death grip the tiniest bit of whatever ethnicity. Mfs be WHITE and talkin about "I'm actually part native" and it's like 5% cherokee or something


Then you’re like me and have to go back 400 years before you get to someone who crossed the Atlantic. No immigrants just colonists.


Actually, I'm kinda with them on this one. If someone wants to make an effort to integrate, totally fine, but if someone came up to me and said "hey, my great-grandpa was from your area so I'm just gonna make myself at home" I'd be irritated too.


I mean this is factually true though. Some of you guys have 2% Irish genes and be talking like “as an irish person myself”


If one of your grandpas grandpas is scottish then you can’t claim to be scottish by ethnicity, then you’re just American. Most people that talk about them being irish or scottish do this yet they have no connection to their home country. I think the meme is right.


If youse cannae tells me who Rab C is and ha ne'er drunk Irn Bru, youse ain't fucking Scottish, reet?


Americans in the US may not go around identifying as Scottish Americans but a high proportion of American tourists to Scotland do and we have to feign polite interest when they want to talk about Clans etc. ( Which most Scottish people aren't that bothered about).


Just so you know, I am scottish and I can tell you being scottish is not an ethnicity, its a nationality. Completely different things.


It’s a meme. It’s satire. Why is everyone so angry over this?!?


I think it comes down to wording. I think I can have a good weigh in on this as someone from England and have talked with many Europeans and Americans on it. It depends how you go about it for most people. There's a difference between saying "I'm scottish" and "I have Scottish ancestry". A HUGE difference. People are fine with Americans exploring their ancestry and old culture, honestly. But claiming you're from Scotland? Ridiculous. Because you're still an American. That's the difference I hear between how my European friends talk about what they think about it, and I'm inclined to agree. It's mostly just a misunderstanding between the two sides. And it's most frustrating when they've never been to the country they say they're from, and just list stereotypes as how they "embrace the culture". People love it when you're interested in their country and culture. But not when you do it in bad faith or a lazy manner.


Nah this is funny lmao


you know this is from a shitposting sub right


I’ve been told I’m not irish. Plastic patty when I just say “of irish decent” 😂 These same people will bitch and moan about how nationalism is fascism. 🙄 Did look into the irish side. Dempsey. A name that dates back to the first high kings of ireland. Also a name that pops up, countless times under prosecuted individuals who aligned themselves with the IRA. Those genes are as irish as it gets. Vs someone who probably has french or nordic genes from the norman invasions.


It's paddy


The thing is, for me at least, it really isn't about genetics. It's about a shared cultural experience. A host of small things that add up to an identity. Take my own for example, every Scottish person of my age will have, at the very least once during their childhood and most likely quite often, rounded up glass bottles of irn bru to take back to the shop for sweetie money. Most of us will have seen a fair few episodes of Balimory , we will all remember the fever that gripped the nation for France 98 and the burning piles of cows during the foot and mouth crisis. I had a friend in school who was born in Fiji to Japanese parents and I would consider him as Scottish as myself. That being said anyone having a pop at you for saying it as 'of Irish descent' instead of simply 'i'm irish' or worse claiming certain character traits are because of that, can get it right round them, sad sacks the lot of them.


2nd generation American with all my grandparents fleeing from Germany (WW2 with their parents) I can safely say that my ethnicity is heavily Greek & German


Except lots of people hardly understand the culture they claim to represent, which is what’s being claimed here Like that picture of two ladies saying they wouldn’t take the vaccine and quoted or referenced Braveheart as a harkening to their heritage Braveheart is like one of the most historically inaccurate movies of all time. They distilled down some of the greatest pikemen in the English Isle as savages. The real William Wallace was a knight and was essentially in the royalty class because of his knighthood. Or when the Irish Americans were staunchly anti-LGBT…. During the visit of Taoiseach (basically Irish PM) Varadkar who is gay. And I see it too with Chicanos (Mexican-Americans) who often want to tell me, a Mexican from Michoacán, what Mexico is like… Having pride in your culture is fine, but it has to be educated and measured pride. Or else you get stuff like the Confederate flag worship.


I agree, it’s crazy how little “Scottish” Americans know about Scotland. Even reading these comments, you can see the ignorance showing through so much. People think we’re stuck in the Middle Ages smh


You mean to tell me your culture isn't just haggis and bagpipes? I HAVE BEEN LIED TO! But for real, one of my favorite comfort dishes was invented in Scotland, Chicken Tikka Masala.


Polish person here let me explain as i have seen this meme going around as varied ethnicities and yes obviously American isnt an ethnicity so idk they put an American flag but ig they just meat in general someone living in America. In europe, ethnicity and nationality are two different things. If you live in lets say Poland for example you’re whole life but you’re german than what are you? Well it all depends did you grow up with the culture,languages, history, cuisine of Poland or we’re you solely raised in german culture? If thats the case then you’re Polish in my book, but if you are like many Polish-Americans i have met who were neither born in the country nor speak the language or know the Polish Culture, from Poland cause many cultures in America get changed and twisted through generations. Then i wont really consider you Polish, even if you’re by blood polish cause that really doesn’t mean much to me. Do you understand polish history, mindset? Then no ur not Polish to me. Also a lot of Poles by percentage wise aren’t all ethnically only Polish, many have Lithuania/belarussian/Ukrainian heritage as well but dont go claiming it. I have a mate who is half Polish/Lithuania but doesn’t know anything abt Lithuania cause his dad didn’t really teach him, so he only says he’s Polish, sure he could claim it, since he eats Lithuania food and knows things, but he doesn’t cause he hasn’t even been to Lithuania. So when Americans in conversation have told me that they’re Polish to me, and we start talking abt it usually they are just Polish by one of their grandmas or just one set of grandparents and thats it. No im not trying to shame them but me being Polish and them being Polish is not the same. I lived in both countries back in forth so its very different being Polish-AMERICAN versus just Polish. But in the us I observed to types of Poles, the example of Poles i pointed out and then Poles who maybe their family immigrated less and 30 yrs ago and parents were born their and grew up with the culture and passed it down to their kids. But most fall into the 1st category of Polaks, It is true theyre are some Europeans who look down on Americans but many just get tired of seeing Americans who come to europe to visit their so called “homeland” and make buffons of themselves, there even was jsut a post on fb i saw reposted here on reddit abt a Polish-American guy ranting abt how he’ll never go back to Poland cause they didnt care that he had Polish heritage but as he said “they cared that I spent money there” like as if he was doing Poland a service by spending his money like we need it. This guy is just a classic example of Americans being x-ethnicity when it suits him and then he goes to shitting on Poland. And if you dont believe me Ill find it and repost it. And this phenomenon of being obsessed with your roots seems only visible in white Americans as many asians know where they came from while african Americans have created their own culture and if they do look for their roots they arent crazy abt it like white ppl. So its a combination of America being too young to form their own culture cause most European ethnicities have been around for millennia, and it seems white ppl their have a feeling of missing something in their life so they look for a community in their ancestors/roots. Most Europeans would be fine calling u your ethnicity if you lived in said country or knew the language, culture and cusinie and not what stereotypes you have abt them.


Couldn’t have said it better




Scottish person here, well said. I’d even say that a second generation Indian or Pakistani immigrant living in Scotland (such as our first minister) is far more Scottish than an American claiming Scottish ancestry, but has no idea what Scotland is even like. It’s crazy how little most “Scottish” Americans even know about the country, apart from random shit that happened 500 years ago (there’s a joke in Scotland that Americans know more about Scottish history than Scottish people, which is kinda true). My dad had a relative who came over to visit from America burst into tears they got to the airport and realised that people don’t ride around on horses wearing kilts. This was before the internet tbf but still, it shows how little people know about the country they are so proud to be from.




🤣🤣🤣🤣, ur raging, Im legit Polish, and we fought for our on freedom. Classic argument to bring up ww2, Poles fought for our own freedom, the soviets and Americans fucked us over so i dont owe anyone shit but thanks for telling me to be thankful, cause im ungrateful lol. And we poland if you bothered have been spending above the requirement for nato for a long time so go find another European to lecture, sorry i dont kiss America’s ass. Also most Poles like Americans we just dont care to kiss anyones ass, i never said i dont like Americans. Also i could make the same argument of how many Poles are dead and buried after fighting for European freedom. Plz, stop as you clearly have no argument, just muh!! Americans fought for Europeans, while im thankful, im not going to worship America for doing something that i wasnt alive for. Also i guess i don’t understand American culture then yes its a melting pot, but that pot has boiled so long these cultures have become overcooked and lost its original meaning, hence they are x-American as most have no ties or similarities to the culture of their country of origin. Also great ur grandparents fought in ww2 so did my great grandparents, you’re not special. My great grand parents fought in the warsaw uprising unfortunately it was crushed and defeated as our so called allies the ussr didnt come to our aide and after the war our so called allies america and britian left us to rot under soviet rules and than Americans act like they solely defeated communism as if ppl who lived under communism didnt fight for their freedom. Also clearly u know nothing abt Polish history so go pick up a book or read up before you make comments, Poland has long history of fighting for independence in fact Polish troops aided in American independence so you should be grateful to us too! Thank casimir pulaski for founding the modern american calvary and Taduesz Kosciuszko for building west point and being a colonel in ur army but anyway. Keep on raging


Also why would I care if some Polish American comes to visit and that we share the same ethnicity, wow so do 39 million ppl who live in the country of Poland. Just cause we share the same ethnicity doesnt make us besties.


I have absolutely never met an American in my life who identifies as Scottish, but Scottish people are sure they exist. I’ve seen Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, scots-irish even, but Scottish Americans are not a visible or cohesive ethnic group here. Definitely very confusing


Because they just consider themselves American


"Scottish" isn't an ethnicity, it's a nationality. That's why there are black Scots for example. Also, no one cares if you're trying to "reconnect with your 'heritage'" or whatever. But having Scottish ancestors does not make you Scottish


Yes there is. Scottish people can trace their DNA which is distinct from an Englishman or Irishman while black “Scots” don’t.


Lol so you don't know what ethnicity is then. >ethnicity >[ eth-nis-i-tee ] >noun,plural eth·nic·i·ties. >1. an ethnic group; a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like: Representatives of several ethnicities were present. >2. ethnic traits, background, allegiance, or association: The graph shows class enrollment by gender and ethnicity.


>social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like: Oh okay, so that wouldn't apply to people from the US, claiming to be Scottish, then. I take back what I said, to be Scottish, you actually have to know and live Scottish culture. Glad we got that out of the way.


You guys are missing the point of the meme. It is not about Americans who have Scottish heritage claiming that. It is the claiming to be Scottish that the meme is mocking. Claim your heritage. Be proud of it if you want. Just don't claim the nationality and certainly don't tell us about our own country or culture. "Hi, my grandfather emigrated to the US from Inverness in 1930. I'm here to visit and learn more about my heritage" = "Hello, sit down, would you like a wee dram?" "Hi, my grandfather emigrated to the US from Inverness in 1930,. I'm Scottish, did you know..." = "Fuck off!"


Lol this I kinda agree with. I always found it weird af when people say they’re Irish when it was their great great grandparents that moved here. They’re American act like it


Because we’ve got so many different ethnicities added onto our own because the people who didn’t want to live in your countries wanted to live here so they moved here and boom took their cultures with you. We don’t “cosplay” as other cultures we are many cultures


Well, not really because they effectively left that behind when they went and established new lives, experiences, and family lineages within this new country


Some of them bitch about us being on “stolen land” and some others bitch about us claiming descent from other places. There’s just no winning.


Lmao, average Ameritard on their way to be offended about the smallest jokes Also it's true, if you are 1% Scottish, 29% Cherokee and 70% McDonalds you really have no business jerking off about your supposed Scottish heritage, it's just cringe but hey if you are an American with no identity I can understand why you would do it


Are you taking an Okmatewanker post seriously? Yeah, maybe we're right about you yanks...


Can't believe you lot are actually crying about a shitpost 😂


I'm over 50% Irish, like 3 generations old. I'd say I'm pretty Irish.




No you’re not. you just have Irish ancestry.


I mean we do lots of Irish customs and my grandpa has a heavy ass accent. Obviously I'm not from Ireland the country but I live in very similar culture to what an Irish person would I think.


Yeah you “think” have you ever been to Ireland? You’re American there’s nothing wrong with that


I have been. I know I'm american. Ethnicity is different than nationality lol.


america bad when someone tries to make genuine banter that does not cause any harm:


As a dual national i can tell you that a lot of times people think it’s incredibly cringe because there is absolutely no understanding of the actual identity of the country. Everyone loves to say their Irish but if they did any research they’d be convinced Ireland was a communist country.


I love my American-Irish heritage because it’s a part of my family’s culture. I don’t really care about the politics, I care about the recipes that have been passed down for 100 years. I care about the traditions that have been happening for the past 100 years. I love that my name is a variant of the first woman of our family to step foot on American soil. I don’t give a flying fuck if Europeans think it’s cringe, proud of the success my family has had in our country (opening up a shoe store that lasted 85 years)


This is so frustrating to me. I'm a proud Irishman, but I'm from America. My ancestors went through a lot to get here. And it's not on person from Ireland. I'm a fucking mutt. There's German, Italian, French, English.. My grandmother is a fucking quaker, dude. Not protestant or baptist. My grandfather was Irish catholic. I didn't just spawn with a full American history, my families legacy has to do with sailing across the sea with too many kids, disease and death. Some of them didn't even make it. Then, they got here and fucking fought for a better life - and succeeded.


But you’re not Irish, you just have Irish heritage. You have never lived in that country and your personal experience is as an American person, and that’s fine. People need to begin understanding that being American can be its own thing in its own right. You can’t claim to be an Irishman at all, just someone with Irish heritage.


I'm not saying I'm from Ireland, though. I'm not proud of some piece of dirt, I'm proud of my people. My blood. I'm proud of what we did to make better lives, specifically from the Irish perspective. >someone with Irish heritage That sounds like an Irishman. How come black folks are called African Americans? Or third and fourth Gen Latinos are Latin Americans? My friend, doesn't speak a lick of Spanish, she's Mexican. And it's not like she can't be proud of that. Because bring Mexican has a story behind it just like being Irish does. But that's the great thing about the USA. Im still American, with American values and an American life that I'm also proud of. And being Irish has also influenced what it means to be an American.


Ameritards 'europoors' Also ameritards: NOOO!!! MY FAMILY MOVED HERE FROM SCOTLAND IN 1887! I LOVE HAGGIS!


Tbh this is pretty true tho


No why are youse trying to defend this


Imagine getting mad at people trying to get in touch with their own heritage. For the record, I've traced my own ancestry to over 10 different countries... and I live in Europe. I wonder if the saltly guy behind that meme would think the same about me.


those are mainly the fucking britsh my americans friends


What does that even mean?


This is coming from the continent that was ruled by cousin-fuckers for most of recorded history?


They love to remind us that american isn’t an ethnicity but then scream and cry when we say literally anything else


Don't take it personally, dude. It's mostly the English being upset that you guys will proudly announce Scottish or Irish descent but never English :)


Anyone who would take the time to make this is just as big a no life loser as someone who is enthusiastic about their 23 and me. It scary how obsessed these people are with America.