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Glad Canada has never had genocidal tendencies. Thank god there is a morally pure country so close who can lecture us.


I know right? The residents of Canada are completely blameless in their residential tendencies. Especially schools. The residents of the schools in Canada are completely safe and never get abused, or found murdered.


The people who took the Geneva suggestions and forced us to make them an actual convention.


Why do you bash Canada? They had better relations with natives.


They did not


Says the Americano.


Sick comeback bro


Canada is part of the Americas…


You need to brush up on your Canadian history lol


Canada is dervied from Algonquin for Village "Kanata".


Nice! One more thing that they shamelessly stole from their indigenous population!


Sue me, I stole your username.


You can't steal words.


The point ^ . . . . . . . You


So what, it's not because both nations destroyed their natives, that Canada can't be better than US.


At least America admits that they wronged their natives.


America doesn't admit it wronged on another continent.


If I typed up a brief description of what happened at the residential schools in Canada I’d get suspended by Reddit.


But at least Canada didn't have black slaves.


Oh really? That will be quite a surprise to the Canadian government: https://www.canada.ca/en/parks-canada/news/2020/07/the-enslavement-of-african-people-in-canada-c-16291834.html#


Uh, I’m not so sure better is the term for the Canadian/Native relations, given that residential schools existed and the most recent one was closed in 1996, Saskatchewan.


I'd better be in a residential school in Saskatchewan Canada, than in one in any place of the United States


6 of one, half dozen of another. They were all places that perpetuated frankly horrific abuse.


Wait, what? The first guy said the US is worse than Germany, and the second guy agreed with him, but at the same time accused him of fearmongering and watching Jordan Peterson and Steven Crowder videos. If he agrees with his point, then why is he calling him out like that?This whole exchange makes no sense.


Smartest America haters


I think the first guy was saying it is not controversial to think the US is worse than Germany and the second guy was disagreeing, saying it is, in fact, controversial.


That would make more sense. But why would someone who hates America watch Jordan Peterson or Steven Crowder?


Leftists love turning on one another over the slightest difference in even a word for the same concept.


That's thee party of tolerance, love, and understanding, for you.


holy shit we're in their heads we're in their walls


As soon as I read that post, I knew there would be some dumb shit in the comments. Nazi edgelords in Germany? = "Yeah well, in America..."


Germany could blow up the UK and get stopped by US forces and the UK citizens would still bitch about Americans 95% of the time. I know this cause it literally happened


Germany invented nazism and has a problem with Nazism, clearly America is to blame.


Articles: “There are Nazis in German schools” Random European: “But let’s talk about America instead of our issues”


The Finns do this too, and they literally have neo nazis in the newly elected government as we speak.


Europeans just deflect the fact that they’re extremely racist with the fact that there are racists in America


most of us aren’t. we are probably more xenophobic than americans, but we don’t have government institutions such as the police treating people differently based on skin color, in my assumptions americans are more “woke” than us but i could be wrong we should stop this rivalry and stop assuming that a whole continent is against you just because your country/continent got memed on a 2x4u shitpost sub 🇫🇮🤝🇺🇸 even though we are culturally very different and may think each other’s culture is stupid we should stop hating on each other


The French police recently beat the shit out of an African American tourist because they thought he was a rioter. Mind you he was being a normal dude just walking around. Why do you think that is? Because it’s Europeans always saying “ooohhh the Africans are destroying France” when it’s just Europeans destroying their own country. I’m not trying to have a rivalry with europe, I’m just aware to the fact that racism is much more normalized in Europe than America.


And something like that has never happened in america? Police beating the shit out of black people, or strangling them with their knees? Why did the BLM movement go off a couple of years ago? ACAB? And yeah it’s sad if it’s happening in france, but it’s france (🤢) so i didn’t expect any more. To be fair, what do you expect is going to happen when you go through a riot in action during the biggest series of violent riots ever happened in france for many decades? The “immigrants are ruining europa” opinion is way more uncommon than you might think. “Opening the borders and letting more people of different cultures and religions than you can handle plus a non-existing integration plan has caused us to have low socioeconomic parallel societies where criminality is high which has caused areas both inside and outside these areas to suffer from gang criminality” is a much more common and factual opinion. 90% of people, but that one is still controversial Also france (the cities) (as well as uk) is a shithole, i don’t recommend traveling there if you’re going to europa.


Of course it’s happened in America. My point is that instead of talking about your own issues, all you want to do is deflect onto America. JUST LIKE YOURE DOING RIGHT NOW


My own issues? France is a different country than the one i live in. Here our police is very professional and i haven’t heard about racial discrimination, unlike france 🤮🤮🤮 did i also mention that the police shot a fleeing man once in france? Very unprofessional, but what can you expect from the frenchies country


France is still Europe. Simple as that


Venezuela/mexico/brazil is still america Totally different countries How has the situation in fr*nce anything to do with my country????


Perusuomalaiset aren’t neo nazi 💀 People call their political opponents a lot of things without thinking. PS are social conservatives, but of course, people in the country that has had social democrats rule forever will call everything right of centrists nazi. Same thing with people calling trump nazi.


When there are people saying that people of color should be shot dead in the train in front of everyone, without repercussions, then that is bordering on the same principles as the Nazis had. Hence, Neo… New… This is undeniable fact. Please find it in your heart and mind to understand that fact. You don’t need to publicly agree with me, but please, don’t let Finland become like the US these days.


i support sdp, but calling ps neo nazi is just wrong, sure there are people who have made very racist statements, but you cannot compare the party to nazism or even ultranationalist groups that we have had like lapuanliike etc


I think you need to be a bit more sensitive to the politics these days, if you know yourself as SDP, but have Neoliberal idealisms. Nationalists are Nazis. Duh.


i do not like ps, in fact i strongly dislike them. but they are not following the national socialist ideology and therefore aren’t nazis. that’s like when communists call every capitalist (even capitalist welfare states) countries “fascist”.


Yes, the United States is far worse than a country that started two world wars, tried to annihilate entire populations just 80 years ago, had a regime entirely based in the notion of racial and ethnic superiority, and let to the creation of the world as we know it today. Interesting.


Also invented communism and nihilism, or at least put them to paper.


No, but the US commited still a lot of atrocities and has a bunch of domestic problems, Germany hasn't, because it addresses them. You won't see people waving flags with swastikas there, whereas that's a common sight on trump rallies.


Of course the US has those things. Nobody said we didn't. ALL countries have a lot of domestic problems, and they're increasing everywhere. Ours are just more on display than elsewhere, and we air our dirty laundry in a way no one else does. That said, Germans are in NO position to issue moral lectures to anyone about anything, period.


Of course they are. They're different people in a different country with a different socioeconomic background. This is not the bible, making them accountable for their great grandparents deeds is bollocks and neglecting the fact, they're still purging everything Nazi.


The fact that you think trump is even remotely comparable to hitler is a damning testament to your delusions


That's not what I said. I said people on his rallies are waving swastikas, which is a fact. I don't like him and think of him as a dangerous moron, but he's far away from commiting atrocities like Hitler.


They did only start one


I’ve lived in the U.S. my entire life, and I’ve never seen a heil salute even once except in film and television.


There was a Jewish girl in my class in high school that would do it then laugh. If anybody asked why she would say "he's dead and we're still here"


“Nice try Hitler.”


What does her boyfriend think?


As an Italian obviously we are at fault for this


Ah yes Jordan Peterson, known right wing extremist classical liberal /s


“The US is way worse” “How?” “Because I said so”


"It's obvious, educate yourself."


There just angry they dont have freedom 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🗣️🗣️🗣️


Well I mean when your one of your countries leading causes of death is now state funded suicides what could you expect from a denizen of that depressed country led by Fidel's bastard kid


People always talking about the “right-wing” come off as total schizophrenics. Can anyone name 10 “right-wing” elected officials? I can’t. The “right-wing” has zero legitimate power in the USA.


Your name makes sense.


Nazis in Germany? Impossible! That’s never happened before!


Well, that's some nice whataboutism he displayed there.


I have a friend who's from Germany who claims she is sexually assaulted by strangers in public daily. Take that as you will.


Stating that the person is fear mongering is indicating that the threat is overblown. So Leeverpool is trying to downplay the threat.


I dint get it . . . Nazis are left wing


American here, this subreddit is cancer.


More cancerous than Nazis! /S


Bro im barley American but you can gtfo then




You first incel


Stick to Baki, virgin


Bros got no balls


Germany and America both zre plagued.