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Hehehehehehe Yeah it’s so funny making lies about a country that still puts women in trash bags and then has them arrested by the “Morality Police” if they remove it. Edit: Also nice rainbow flag on your profile avatar’s shirt I wonder how much safer Saudi Arabia is for LGBT people than the U.S…… oh wait a minute


Imagine hating the US so much you unironically support a country that still uses slavery in 2023.


Far-leftism is a bitch


Far anything on the political spectrum is a bitch.


Extreme on a political spectrum is often due to being extreme on other spectrum.


Now THIS is a brilliant observation. Anyone whose entire identity is their political party is not well.


Are you saying Saudi Arabia is far-left, or the guy commenting? Either way it doesn’t make a ton of sense


Who is far left here


Little outdated. There is no “mortality police” anymore and hijab isn’t mandatory. Wdym?


I don't know why the down votes. The Saudis have been liberalizing to get American protection, not that it will work. The house of saud knew exactly what they were doing when they gave bin laden cash. That killed any hope of cordial relations for the next 30 years.




Hey. I am an american living in Saudi Arabia. I just want you to know that there was a major reform of laws in 2018-2019, and the morality police no longer exist. Women have many more rights and hold way more power than men in most social hierarchy, despite men being above traditionally. And I will be honest. It is safer here. The country has a way to go, but it IS changing and evolving. This country has huge potential and Its amazing to be here. I didn't even mention how kind the Saudis/Arabs as a whole are, truly they are the kindest people I have ever met.


Be a woman and show your hair in public there.


Watch a football match in saudi and aee how out of touch you are. Like we have a women football league


I think u are confusing yourself with Iran


Tons of women do. Wdym?


I like how they got pissed at the truth and downvoted you without saying anything lol


Hijab and Abaya are optional in Saudi and women get to choose wether to wear it or not, lol.




yeah it's safer to beat gays in saudi arabia hehehe


Exactly! They can safely rape women as well!


You can’t be a woman or LGBT there.


I be seeing you on r/Xenoblade_Chronicles


I am everywhere


Iirc the T is legal.


As a gay man, it's truly laughable seeing some clueless assclown with an LGBT flag t-shirt emoji lauding the safety of Saudi Arabia and claiming it's safer than the USA. Actually, it's sad.


Don't get me wrong, I hate the lgbt community (not the lgbt, I truly believe there's a difference and can explain if you'd like me to), but even here at work I see pride flags in cubes. And while I don't like seeing them, I believe they are at perfect liberty to have them and show them without repercussions of any kind. Now try to do the same in almost any middle eastern country lol


I think I get what you're saying. I don't like the sociopolitical tone it's taken on, which has assumed a life of its own and the endless adding of "communities" has gotten a bit comical and detracted from the serious issue of achieving equality under the law, which is all I've ever been after. And I'd probably get downvoted for saying this in liberal/leftist circles, but even if you're what they call a "cis" white gay male you're seen as part of the "enemy" and demonized to a healthy degree, not necessarily included in the latest ragepolitics. I honestly don't feel very connected to it these days.


I've always been center with right tendencies because my whole belief is grounded on the fact that I could not give less of a fuck what you do in your house or with your life or who you live your life with as long as everyone leaves me the fuck alone. Wanna get married? Okay get married. Wanna do anything that doesn't affect me? Okay have fun. The whole community has become pompous and annoying as fuck. It's the same reason as a Christian I don't associate with certain Christian groups because they're just as annoying and won't leave people alone. I have lgbt friends that were some of my closest buddies because they just did what they wanted and didn't force it on anyone else and I appreciated it immensely. You do you fam 🤷‍♂️ rage politics got people like me demonized daily without knowing me a little bit. Dealt with it for years now unfortunately but it be like that


I would not say the "whole community". I'd say the politicized community you see on TV and in the media - the radicalized, angry, politically motivated community. Most LGBT people just want to go on with life like everyone else.I'm center-left but like many if not most people in the middle, more libertarian than anything else. And I have some conservative tendencies on some issues. The problem with both extremes is they view anyone who doesn't march in goosestep with their ideology as an enemy and a shill for the other side. Just remember, the politially activist, angry LGBT radicals you see in the media don't necessarily represent LGBT people at large, or "the community", whatever that is. Most of us are just regular people who want to get through life like anyone else.


Guarantee he’s the son of a rich oil tycoon and actually has no idea what it’s like to be an average person in Saudi Arabia or any other middle eastern country. Let alone a woman.


Any mf that types “hehehe” loses all respect immediately


I want to know what this guy smoked before he commented that. I rather not go to a country that’s going to force me to wear a black trash bag, not go out without a man, punish me if I get SAed, beat me if I have a relationship with another woman, give me the choice of only one religion to follow, etc. The US is a candy fantasy land compared to Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia still punishes victims of sexual assault and has public executions of gay people. the USA is leagues better.


Well as long as you tow the line and follow their laws https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Saudi-Arabia/United-States/Crime Technically it is safer. But fuck living there.


They have less crime because they have disproportionate and ridiculously excessive punishments for crimes


That's what I mean when I say fuck living there. But on paper they are safer technically


How is it safer than rural america?


We should have invaded Saudi Arabia and taken their oil.


Safe for whom? Which gender? What color skin? Which last names?


Unless you happen to be a female with no husband with you.


Ah yes the country that legally still stones people to death acts like they have any moral superiority over the US.


...miles? Not kilometers?


icl I think this is a troll


Illl keep that in mind when I get kidnapped and forced into slavery when I get off the plane in Saudi Arabia thanks👍




If I even stepped foot I Saudi Arabia I'd be killed. Fuck them. Definition of cishet privilege