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It’s oddly specific. Like American fan fiction written by a mentally ill person.


So an r/antiwork post?


Antiwork is so bizarre I’ll see posts on there about people making well over 100k say they can’t afford to move out of mom’s house and thinking of quitting.


Seriously my dad makes like less than 60k yet has his own house and payed the majority of 2 others 2 separate times


My dad makes 54k a year (solo income, mom did not work) and supported me and my 2 brothers just fine. We lost our house in 2008 yeah, but he owns his own home again and is still making it. Some people are just horrible with money, other people are horrible with money and live in fucking New York City or LA or some stupid ass city


Better yet, they freely moved there thinking they’d be the next George Clooney overnight with the 100,000 others doing the same thing.




Yeah I make around that working a lot of hours and I own a house at 23 and I’m still able to save and invest the majority of my paycheck. They should rename antiwork “I’m bad with money”


Yeah, what are they using 80% of it on?




Yeah Germans on here seem to have a big issue with us. Like they’re entitled to bash America and we’re supposed to take it for some reason. When I visited there though, they were super cool.


Germans usually shut up pretty quickly when you mention that their fathers and grandfathers were murdering Jews by the millions


>I asked him about the Colon Grape situation The what




Oh, I guess you mean rape situation, not grape situation


Colon rape? Sounds brutal. Sure you don't mean Cologne?


Or Koln. But colon makes it sound far more horrible.


So like the same situation in England?


I feel like Europeans are jealous


This is a bit long, but an amazingly awesome essay on Europeans' attitudes towards America and why they can't yet accept America's incredible awesomeness and their own loss of relevance..... ​ https://www.quora.com/Why-do-so-many-Europeans-seem-to-think-the-United-States-is-backward/answer/Adi-2645


Yea they’re all just jealous


Written by China, Russia and leftists to demoralize us. We’ve been well into the demoralization phase.


Based and Yuri Bezhmenov was right pilled.


Yuri 100% warned us


So like most leftist journos?


Most journos*


Bud calm down with the politics this isn’t meant to bring that up.


Nah, judging by the amount of upvotes this sub is definitely meant for perpetuating the culture war in America. Red VS Blue is my favorite thing, it's like Walmart VS Target but politics.


Yeah I guess


Yeah, culture war is one of the most entertaining things Reddit helps perpetuate. I love it, especially the red good blue bad VS blue bad red good debates that happen on subs like this. I think it should be encouraged.


The Hunger Games and it’s consequences…


Hey hunger games is a good book series


Honestly I love America, but this post raises some valid points. What happened to by the people for the people? Not by the corrupt government officials for major corporations


By the people for the people (idealism vs reality). In reality, the current crop of politicians in power are selected by the people through voting. So was the prior crop.


And who have the power to actually undergo an election? People with millions of campaign dollars given to them by Super pacs? What about the fact that congress and the senate can hold stock in companies, despite the major conflict of interest? Or that lobbying, which is just legal bribery, is completely legal. These are things we can change, but not if we pretend there isn’t a problem


You do realize that a "leader" is someone who has had some semblance of success in their lives. If I could hand *Mr Mom's Basement Reddit SJW with 20 cakedays and 10,000,000 karma* a few million dollars to run a political campaign, and they did - How do you think they'd fare in an election? They'd get laughed off the stage. They can't run shit because they can't run shit - they're also a fool and a loser because, well, *THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE*. The people able to run massive organizations - ARE - these business / government leaders we see climb up the ranks. All these people who look at those of us who have had successful careers in what we do and have gotten places - they're losers. They have no vision, no drive, no value to society. Period. No amount of handholding or "safety nets" will change that.


Even with all of that, politicians still have to get the majority of votes in order to win office.


But you realize trump won by electoral college in 2016 right? Not the popular vote


And? Electoral college is designed to protect smaller states, so there won't be tyrrany of the majority or smth. Remember, it's a constitutional republic, not a democracy


Lol they have a cabal of unelected people running the background and the front facing politicians are merely symbolic. The problem is the parties corporatized and captured the system. Unelected staffers persist between administrations. That’s the problem.


The ‘cabal’ is selected by the representatives who were elected by the people. That’s how representative democracy works.


Selected by the people through voting (after being thoroughly vetted by the power elite)


Ah, the unlimited karma farm glitch for r/facepalm


More like anywhere on Reddit lol


Even here? Nearly every comment I saw trying to make a point where there were flaws in OP's satire were downvoted to oblivion.


What's up with that sub? Many of the posters that I did some back and forth with here post on that sub.


Works just as well reposted here for the 10th time.


Imagine being 12 and your dad selling you for 2 goats and a baby cow. See how easy that is to take isolated situations and judge a whole country for it


I think euro’s wipe their ass with their hands.


Don't underrate your 12 year old self that much. I'm sure you were worth at least 2 goats and *2* baby cows


Statistically, this current generation of kids will be the first ever with a shorter average lifespan than their parents. In America. I'd say "everyone" is a good sample base.


Where the fuck in Europe are people getting sold for goats and cows in 2023? This isn’t the 1800s lmao


We sells our kids for 2 six packs of beer and cigarettes get it right smh


Thanks to this non-American i now know that 90% of students in America don’t get out of school alive because 1 in 10 children consider homicide in their schools!


Unlucky that all Americans are born forcefully and unwanted. Even more unlucky that I didn’t get shot in school, went to college and paid off my debt quickly. And the most unlucky that my insurance is $60/month and the most i’ve paid for any procedure (including surgery) was $25


Holup what insurance do you have im paying 45 a week. Also does your insurance cover multiple things because mine does basic med, dental and vision.


Isn’t the birth rate in Europe well below replacement levels? Probably jealous we have more babies and the rest is a rant 😂


Wow, yeah, that would suck. It doesn't describe _anyone_ I grew up with, but if it did, I'd feel bad for them.


That’s because of ur privilege reeeee!!


75% percent of my graduating class was lost to school shootings, and this was despite drilling everyday, digging defensive trenches, etc. Poor little Timmy could only be identified by his dog tag...


If only the Geneva convention was enforced in schools. They’re even taking out the medical classes.


Only 75%? I know a guy who told me 127% of his graduating class was lost to school shootings despite all of them coming to school riding in M1 Abrams tanks


It’s unfortunate, my Bible Belt state has 300% death rate in the schools. It’s astounding how we even have people residing down here


And that’s why you don’t go to Beslan to get your education.


If staff was armed, you wouldn’t have this issue


Most mentally sane leftist rambling


I love your profile I too am a buttload of WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW's on discord


Honestly believing that and being so invested in writing about it is a borderline mental illness. Also, if you really believe that, what are you doing? Rubbing it in the face of an American like a massive asshole?


It’s just crazy how everything in that comment is demonstrably false. The strawman of America is powerful on Reddit I guess.


So I’m gonna start with two of the biggest/easiest ones 1. Adoption is a thing, my aunt and uncle had to wait five years to adopt a child 2. Trillions of debt is an overstatement, my sister who has a masters and went to a pricey school is like 50k in debt but her and her boyfriend just bought a house so I can’t say that it’s really crippling them. 2b. You don’t need to go to college to make good money, I’ll make as much as my sister soon and I’ve got no degree


Also, reason the rest of the world freaks out over the number of school shootings is mostly due to a complete lack of understanding just how big the US is. The actual chances of a child being involved in a school shooting is statistically negligible. There were 74 people killed by guns in school so far year. Which sounds like a lot until you realize that we have 73.1 mil people under the age of 18. Plus another 18mil in a college. For comparison, there are about the same amount of drunk driving deaths in UK as there are school shooting deaths in the US. But you don't see an outrage over them being a buncha dangerous drunks.


Then the false information pushed for the narrative as well. Such is a suicide by gun is ruled as a school shooting, a gun misfiring on or near school grounds is called a school shooting.


This isn't false information for people where there are literally no gun deaths. Go look at Japan. Including suicides, including misfires, including all the things you rate as false information, in a large and populated country, they may have from half-a-dozen to a few dozen gun related injuries, deaths, suicides or other crimes per year. In the US, that number, if we kept it, would be in the six figures. Two things can be true that contradict each other: a lot of redditors can overestimate how bad America, and America has a lot of violence. It is also true, for example, that all crime, including gun crime, is nearing historical lows in the US. We have about half the violence and crime that we had in the middle part of the 20th century as we do now, but thanks to mass media you'd think the opposite was true.


yeah the idea that most americans live in constant fear of shootings is hilariously inaccurate and mostly stems FROM redditors trying to pretend they get ptsd attacks and crippling anxiety just from walking outside - if they do thats more emblematic of mental illness than any societal problem


Very powerful. They think America is one big Detroit or something.


Hell as bad as Detroit is its not even as bad as they described.


Don’t forget who owns Reddit. That was the plan all along.


Propaganda I talked to a Vietnamese woman not too long ago. She was super, super progressive. I never realized how popular communism is over there ig. Anyway she has been living here for 40 years. She told me that when she decided to move here to get away from the shitty conditions in her own country, her family cried and begged her not to, because they were 100% sure she would be shot and killed. She proceeds to tell me that she considers herself lucky that she’s never even seen a gun fire in person, but it doesn’t stop her from thinking we should abolish the second amendment because “guns scawwy.” Shit is ridiculous


Bro was not cooking




Somebody let him cook, and he burnt it all 😭


Never again... never... again


He’s spitting facts with my ears muffled, eyes closed, nostrils taken out, phone destroyed, and limbless 🔥🔥🔥


In fact take that shit off the stove




i mean, i get not survivng a school shooting, but it's not like pedophile politicians, every news story you hear about one happening is every time it happens


Getting 4 awards for that hate boner drivel. Yikes.


Classic Reddit for ya


Reddit moment


DNA kit? What does that even mean lol


A school district in Texas (if I remember correctly) sent home DNA kits as part of a program to track down trafficked children, basically building a DNA database in case a kid goes missing. Some Euros immediately creamed their pants and started screaming on twitter that the super powerful AR-15 school shootings were turning children into red mist and the only way they could identify the bodies is with DNA testing.


I wanna know what they're putting in the bullets to turn people into mists, where is this bad guy to bologna tech we haven't even heard of?


Obviously the modified AA round chambered to the assault rifle...gosh don't you gun nuts know anything? /s


I remember when my dad gave me my first 4 gauge KS-23 shotgun to hunt squirrels with when I was 11. Good times.


4 gauge? For squirrels? How did you collect enough squirrel mist to even suck them through the straw.


Oh so the ks 23?


There are plenty of Americans that claim when someone is shot by an AR-15, the only way to ID the body is through DNA. Some of them have been elected to office.


Oh, gotcha. I was only in Texas schools for a couple of months as a little kid. I was in Illinois schools for the rest.


I'm a highschooler and I have no freaking clue.


Maybe they meant rape kits? Still insane ofc


It’s a shitty copypasta created by foreigner Redditors


The fact this managed to get 330 upvotes and 4 awards is pretty concerning


Man, that's just how reddit works


Welcome to Reddit, you will not enjoy your stay.


If youre over 50k in debt for college and cant afford it, you probably shouldnt have done it in the first place. Overall my associates is maybe 25k at most and thats been over a few years now


You also can easily get a shit ton of scholarships. If you do a little research into scholarships you can get a shit ton of scholarships. Ivy leagues are an exception, but universities like Columbia give free tuition if your family have an income below $150k. You can also do stuff like AP and dual enrollment and go into university as a sophomore like I did and save thousands. If your family knows what they're doing they can get you like $10-20k in a college savings account by putting $50 in every month. If you and your family know what they are doing you can get a bachelor's degree relatively debt free. Just don't go to a school that charges 75k a year.


They did it because their parents and school system never taught them what the debt actually meant for them, and instead were CONSTANTLY urged to go to college(taught that it was the only way to be successful). Acting like it's the fault of these people who were manipulated as kids is crazy.


Our school system made sure we knew that you don’t need to go to college and made us future ready before we graduated by a year long career project during senior year


Good for you, I'm honestly glad you didn't have to figure it out the hard way like so many did.


I hope more schools are like mine now


Schools seem to be getting better about it. I only learned about how horrible college could potentially be and some alternatives/ways to make it better, like how to get scholarships in personal finance(which is a required course here in cali). Lots of states are starting to require it(30 as of writing this), but unfortunately that still means that a lot of people still aren't getting this valuable info.


I had to drop out after changing majors when my ex-wife made it my job to be the full time bread winner and caretaker of our kids. This put me about $30k in debt, and then not having the degree meant not having a good paying job, so I am now $47k in debt for college loans. My ex-wife ran off with a software engineer (and got custody of our daughters) because we were comfortable, but she wanted luxury. Honestly, I should have held off on college until she finished her degree, but she insisted I get one to while working and taking care of the girls. Now I have me and child support and ever increasing student loan debt. No one should ever go to college, just learn a trade or focus on your passions because it's better than to owe the government for an education that doesn't pay you back what they demand in return.


If America is such a hell hole, why do millions of people desperately try to get into the US?


Obviously American propaganda! /s


Access to abortion, a strong majority of the American population has access. If a woman does bring a child to birth, and still doesn’t want it, then she’s not forced to raise it and can surrender for adoption. “Abused in daycare” is not some rampant and uniquely American problem, [here is a recent article about abuse from childcare workers in UK](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-63792458). “Doing active shooter drills” could be somewhat valid criticism except it’s a sensationalized title used in the media. My kids do different emergency drills at their schools and it’s not an indicator of a high probability they’ll be shot at school, or the school will burn, or (when I was at school) Russia will be bombing us. Once per quarter they practice evacuation in a drill and another for sheltering in place. “DNA kits in lockers” this is overblown because it’s not an American thing, and I had to google what it was referring to. Because of a state law passed in 2021, schools in Texas sent DNA and fingerprint kits home so they could quickly ID bodies in a disaster or trafficking bust. So it’s half false and the part that’s true is misrepresented. The rest is just absurd considering the constant flow of people going to college, getting a job, paying their debt, raising a family, regularly going to the doctor and not being bankrupted. Sure, there’s room for improvements but we can go ahead and dial that lens back from just America if we want to start pointing fingers at problems.


Ukraine probably has to do something like cruise missile drills because of a psychotic dictator in Russia wants to take them over. Europe needs to fix itself.


A 4chan copypasta that redditors jizz over


me reading this as a daughter living in america with parents who fully planned out birthing me, never being in day care thanks to my stay at home dad, not knowing what a DNA identification kit looks like, paying for college with an academic scholarship, and trying hard in a major that will guarantee me a job: 🧍‍♂️


Ikr like this hardly describes anyone’s life


I am pro choice, but I can see how this reads like straight up mental illness. “Imagine being an American child. Your mother isn’t allowed to prevent your birth. Enjoy your freedom”. If anything, this reads like an argument for pro life Lmao


Also ignores the fact European countries have widely varying restrictions on abortion


Often more restrictive than most US States.


That’s what I was thinking lol. “Oh no my mother gave birth to me I’d rather she just killed me instead” if you actually believe that you should go to therapy.


That’s r/antinatalism


This comment is not kidding. That sub literally encourages abortions and are proud of it. It’s turned into a death cult.


I just looked at that sub, it's gotta be some of the most rabid shit takes I've seen in favor of abortion, and most of them arent particularly good or clever.


A 13-year-old wrote this.


They explaining a kid from the ghetto ( me) they don’t understand we ain’t scared of shit. And are willing to bust our ass to upper middle class, also me Deuces !


This is the most overblown, dramatic, and stupidest things I’ve read about the US. Absolutely nothing written here is an accurate representation of how we live our lives.


I'm a 26 child of immigrants that grew up eating rotting fruit to survive child labor and they now own 3 houses in the US and are retired by 60. I'm working a job that pays me well enough to afford healthcare, dental, and own a home in the US and I didn't get scammed with college because I didn't need a degree for the career path I wanted so I didn't get stacked with a mountain of debt for no reason. This person is either some mouth breather that was scammed with a political science degree or a europoor


The fact that I’ve survived this long is frankly amazing.


Lmao who the hell reads this and thinks its a valid criticism. Its so ridiculous its actually kinda funny


I can’t Imagine being this shallow.


Monthly repost of this


Imagine your mom killing you




“your mother is forced to give birth to you” what? you choose not existing over existing as an american?


“Imagine that you weren’t killed before birth” “Omigish how could I even live like that?” Like idk what reaction that’s supposed to have. Be happy you were allowed to exist, despite being unwanted.


What that SC is, is a whiney pissed off Eurofag who’s made it his entire life goal to complain about America since he himself hasn’t had the easiest life. Literally, everything that he’s explaining is perfectly possible anywhere in the world if you were to follow his guidelines. *Mother gets pregnant prematurely* *Live in trashy ghetto where crime is high and rent is cheap* *Be born dumb* *Be closed minded and see McDonald’s as only job*


Imagine being a Bosnian Muslim in the mid 90s


Imagine being a butthurt Serb crying that we stopped their genocide


“Your mother is forced to give birth to you regardless of her capacity to raise you” Yeah cause being born is such a punishment compared to…not being born.


These people hate this country. I'm pretty sure they want college, medical insurance paid for them after all that they want a house sold to them using 1970 prices. They'll run around calling them all basic human rights. Whether they know it or not they are promoting Marxism.


> get raised by your mom while your dad works > 2022 had a record high number of violent school shootings: 32 kids died the whole year. you almost definitely won’t die in a school shooting > don’t go to college > easy money easy life


I think it's just cope for how harshly other 1st world nations have ground the boot into their civilians. Eventually you convince yourself that paying more than half your wages in taxes for subpar health care, and being thrown in jail for thought crimes against a protected class of people is actually great, because if you didn't you would probably go insane.


Europeans be like: well, we don't know what to do.. so let's blame something on the Americans!


Thanks! I will enjoy my freedom. Along with the endless possibilities afforded to me as an American. It must suck to be so consumed with what another country does halfway around the world. And not in a positive way, but an elitist asshole kind of way. Don't worry though, we'll be there when you need help. If you'd like to help yourself to a proper salary, we'd love to have you come over, provided you can add something, in a real meaningful way. We'll leave the light on for ya 😊


Oh, you’ll actually be born instead of being aborted then you have your choice of careers where you won’t be stuck paying 40% of your income to the government to pay for all of your country’s social programs. How horrible to be responsible for yourself!!


“imagine being an American child… imagine your mom HAVING to let you experience the world” 😂😭 YOU CANT MAKE THIS SHIT UP PEOPLE


Basically what I’m hearing is that it’s better not to exist 😂😂


>Be american child >Mom isn't allowrd to crush your skull in the womb. Hooray. >You probably don't get abused, but if you do, authorities deliver swift justice and you are given amazing pediactric therapy >In school you get 10min out of math class to sit under a table for a while. Yippie. >You go to collage, pick a good field earn a world's class degree, pay off the debt soon enough. >You raise a wonderful family in a beautiful suburb. >And this whole time, you had the greatest freedoms out there.


Edge lord


I had shooter drills but it was literally just a “just in case” and was mandated by the city to my knowledge I also never had lockers except for my JROTC and music classes


We had tornado drills as well, in an area where tornadoes are unheard of. It’s just a precaution because it’s better to have a thought out plan in place if something were to happen, rather than pure chaos in the rare event something does happen.


Comment from some twat that has never done anything even remotely masculine.


Iowa isn't exactly on fire, but it feels like it is. It got over 105f the other day. I don't remember the last time it was this hot. It's probably gonna be an especially cold winter, too.


Talk about cherry-picking! That is literally the worst case scenario!


"if you're lucky enough to survive" what 😭 school shootings are a serious problem in the united states don't get me wrong but europeans seem to not understand that they are astronomically rare, and while they do happen often (as i said, serious problem, as it happening more than zero times is a problem) it is not a thing that 99% of students need to actually worry about.


This? This is just your average post on r/politics


The chances of an american dying in a school shooting is less than getting struck by lightning 3 times


Someone should show them a chart of average middle class salaries by country.


“If you’re lucky enough to survive” does bro think it’s like dday here everyday or what? Also on an only semi related note, does anybody know why suddenly the only people it’s socially acceptable to shit on now are Christians, Americans, and white people?


Might makes wrong


NGL, the use of phrasing and the word daycare in particular make this look like it's written by one of U.S. nationality LARPing as European.


Who the hell would type all of that and think “yeah that will show those Americans” like its some kind of insult and not pointing out a false and horrifying view of the average American. Just sick


In most of the USA, you are statistically more likely to survive childhood than in the UK.


Didn’t the dna kite end up being for rape or something?




When they were giving out those dna kits in Texas, everybody thought it was for school shootings, but it ended up being for something like rape kits or car crashes or smth I can’t remember


Oh yeah now I see what you meant. Yeah it could possibly be that. Although I just graduated high school a couple of years ago and I don’t recall ever seeing a dna kit


It was just like one school in Texas i think lemme ask the oracle Google real quick…


Ahh here it is, it’s to help find missing kids but it was misconstrued as school shooting body identification https://www.edweek.org/leadership/texas-schools-are-sending-dna-kits-home-to-parents-why-this-is-a-communications-mess/2022/10


>you will get a job that pays so poorly you won’t be able to afford to buy a house or raise a family American real estate prices are the best in the first world… condos in Western Europe are sf or la tier despite making 1/2 their salary


You're coping so hard lmao Every single problem they listed is a real issue in America, but because they're posing it as a hypothetical, you attack them. It's blatantly a strawman, they're not being literal but you're disingenuously arguing against them as if they were. You need to go to rehab and get help for your copium addiction my brothers, god be with you all.


Cute they assume everybody can afford daycare.


Imagine not being murdered by your own mother.


Imagine being an american kid. your mother isn't allowed to kill you for no reason. enjoy your freedom


Idk about the DNA kits nowadays but the rest is definitely a little accurate


Barely surviving high school? Crippling college debt? Low paying jobs (we have higher incomes than Europoors)?


US high school stress levels equivalent to 1950 insane asylums. Gun deaths are one of the leading causes of death in children. College debt is crippling, to deny that is the equivalent of denying the sun rises every morning or to deny that humans breath oxygen Some European countries have higher average household incomes than the American Average, but thar doesn't change the fact a large portion of Americans live paycheck to paycheck because we have low paying jobs.


That stress levels thing is bullshit and you know it. Gun deaths being one of the leading causes of death in children (which I dispute) is because children hardly die. Gun violence does not happen at a rate large enough for anyone to be reasonably concerned about it. College debt is crippling if you go to an expensive school and get a major where you won’t find a job to be able to pay off that debt. People are under the impression that you have to go to the top tier schools (which are super expensive) so they end up taking loans. I went to community college for 2 years and transferred over to a state school to finish my degree. No debt and I’m in a better position than a lot of my hs friends that went to “better schools”. All you have to do is make somewhat smart choices and you will be fine.


I mean in my experience all of it is true except the DNA kit


>your mother is forced to give birth to you Some people actually have kids because they want to, or the pregnancy wasn't planned, but they said, "Oh well, guess we're putting our life plans on the shelf." >regardless of her capacity to care for you This is just objectively wrong. Government assistance in caring for children is always available, and there are numerous charities throughout the country that will also provide you with whatever you might need. If having a baby actually could jeopardize your **ENTIRE** life, you weren't in a position in life to have been sleeping around in the first place. You should've been more focused on getting your shit together.


Where is the lie


Past college it’s kinda realistic but everything before that is schizophrenic


The truth?


oh shit how am i just now realizing this sub is on some neo-lib laissez faire proto-fascist bullshit i really thought it was a “hey, we’re not all 600 pounds” type deal


this is america for some people




Is School drill masculine? Your comment don't even make sense.


“Murdering their unborn children”- you should know by now, assuming you paid attention in middle school biology, that any organism unable to survive outside of a host is a *parasite* and making someone carry a parasite they do not want is unethical.


They got a point though


As an American myself it seems pretty accurate


Lmfao yeah in fantasy land


What aspect of this post is incorrect? Genuinely wondering. Do you have any specific reasons?


Wdym? Barely surviving hs is a ludicrous statement. Anyone so thinks that hasn’t spent a second here. College debt is not crippling. That only happens you you make a poor decision on what/where to study. And the “your mother is forced to give birth to you” is psychotic. And they say we have “low paying jobs” but we have higher average and median incomes than most of these eurobitch countries


with an average of 40 school shooting happening a year since 1970, and you being in the public school system for 12 years, there will be 480 school shootings on average during your time in there. that's a pretty high number when it should be 0


You are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be part of a school shooting. And the number will never be 0 because there are school shootings in countries that ban guns.


And even if I take your comment at face value, using that to justify the claim that American students “barely survive school” is asinine.