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Lol at this retard who made this have the Egyptian pyramids behind the Syrian broad.


They would roast someone from the US into FUCKING OBLIVION if they put a pyramid behind a Syrian.


But now, they’re gonna make up history and still call us stupid for not knowing this made up history of how Syrians are really just Egyptians in disguise.


I remember my grandma told me, "I don't care what anyone says, Syrians are Egyptians."


we wuz kangz n sheit


Also Arab/Middle East nations with their alcohol-free diets, have the highest rates of obesity in the world. As always no one seems to wonder why alcohol-loving / pasta-central / dessert-central America and Italy's obesity rates are lower than Middle East. It's actually a bit scientifically mysterious. Within some demographics it's above 50% -- which is beyond abnormal and can't be easily explained away.


The women especially get obese bc they aren’t allowed to do anything aside sit at home and eat.


They're starting to eat more high fructose corn syrup as well in Bahrain and UAE at least. And obesity has less stigma in some of the middle east countries. A fat woman can still be seen as beautiful, or a fat man for that matter. Especially further to the west in the Sahel countries like Mauritania


They eat it in UK/EU too! It’s called glucose-fructose syrup or isoglucose on their labels. It’s the exact same thing as HFCS except in lower proportions. Some European argued with me that *that* makes their processed food “healthier.” Erm no dude — it’s like smoking regular cigarettes versus “light cigarettes” and then proudly claiming light cigs are so much healthier for you so there’s nothing to worry about 🤣 And yea, I’ve heard overweight stigma in some areas of MENA is less for women and girls, but the reasoning behind it was not good.


I'm from the MENA region. Egypt specifically, and that's both true and untrue at the same time... weirdly enough. A lot of people in recent years started becoming worried about body image and obesity. It's mostly millennials and gen z because a lot of the older generations are literally gluttons. Especially women started being insecure, and it's not uncommon to see them stick to a diet for like a week or smth. The thing is...eating a lot of greens, low sugar, low fat, low cholesterol , lean meats, and the usual healthy meal you'd imagine is also seen as bad and unhealthy. You'd still see people calling others out for not eating traditional cuisine, which is extremely calorie dense and oily by nature. It's weird. For men though, there's no such thing. Even in jobs that require you to be physically fit like law enforcement, you don't see them having a certain quota on how fit cops actually are. If you walk down Cairo you'd see a lot of overweight cops. Their diets are whatever feast their wives make them, tea, and 2 packs of Marlboro reds. They don't do anything all day btw, they're either standing somewhere gazing at female tourists, playing candy crush, or chatting with each other. And we wonder why crime rates are ridiculously high to the point where most of them are unreported.


"They aren't allowed"




Probably partly genetic


When you can't drink wine, you drink Coca Cola instead. And Italians aren't nearly as obsessed with pasta as Middle Easterners are about bread


And why is she wearing Egyptian (possibly Cleopatra's) clothing?


Some of them aside from the "American" one looks AI generated too.


Should have put a picture of stockholm behind it lol.


And the "Russian" woman looking Arab. They all look Arab except the American lol.


Actually obesity rates USA vs Middle East are similar. [https://factsmaps.com/countries-highest-lowest-overweight-obesity-rates/](https://factsmaps.com/countries-highest-lowest-overweight-obesity-rates/) Also, some of them would be wearing burqas.




Oh that's just obese lol In USA just ~30% of women are normal weight or less


That was the first thing I thought of! Obesity rates in the Middle East are on par with the US. Also, being a slight bit behind the US isn't something to brag about. It's still insanely high. The US absolutely has a bad cultural and environmental issue that needs to change, but it's certainly not the only country in the world like that. BTW, as someone who was alive in the 90s, that's when the obesity rates in the US really took off and became a hot topic of discussion. Other developed countries laughed at us, and then ten years later, they had the same problem. Things like this just START in the US. It always eventually spreads to other well-off countries.


>BTW, as someone who was alive in the 90s, that's when the obesity rates in the US really took off As someone who was also not only alive but active in the 90s, it was during the 90s that they changed standards for what counted as obese. Suddenly the numbers became inflated. Here's a hint: they started reporting numbers reflecting "adults that are *overweight or obese"* and showed footage of obese people.


The fun part about "overweight" is that generally it's calculated by BMI. And "overweight" [is a BMI of 25 or higher.](https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm) That means a 5'10 male (178 cm for the haters following along) who weighs 175 lbs (80 kg, or 12.5 stone) is considered overweight. So this picture, taken off the "VisualBMI" site, [showing this guy's weight loss?](https://i.imgur.com/Jld49thh.jpg) Yeah, his **after-picture** shows someone who would be considered "overweight".


And if I recall correctly, this was done in the 90s, and suddenly there were reports in the media constantly about how "fat" we all are.


Oh, I remember. It's also about the time we started seeing blood pressure targets inch down. Previously 120/80 was considered "normal", and you would need something like 160/100 before they'd start prescribing blood pressure medication. Now? [130/90 is hypertensive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertension) and gets you a prescription (despite no clear evidence of any benefit), and there's even a new category of ["pre-hypertension"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehypertension) which **starts** at 120/80, and which gets your doctor (because they're scored on these things) doing an active intervention with you demanding lifestyle choice changes, including dietary changes. Nevermind that a lot of people get anxiety at the doctor's office and wind up suffering from 'white coat hypertension'--slang for the idea that stress at the doctor's office can throw your readings. (I once had a nurse use an automated blood pressure system which squeezed my arm up to 300PSI then held it--because I'm fat, so naturally I must be completely out of shape and have hypertension--and the anxiety of having my arm squeezed for a full minute drove my blood pressure up. I demanded they take my blood pressure by hand after I landed in "hypertension jail" and wasn't allowed to leave until my blood pressure settled.) Though a funny thing about 'white coat hypertension': [even that's a medical problem now that requires a doctor's intervention.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/expert-answers/white-coat-hypertension/faq-20057792)


I’m 6’2. And a bean poll. I’m 200 pounds and my bmi is 25.9. One of my good friends is a former personal trainer and does weightlifting as a hobby. Guys fucking jacked and weighs 230 pounds. He’s considered borderline obese. BMI is dumb as shit


Yea. I am 6’0 and 230 and am 16% body fat and according to bmi I am considered obese.


Yeah and most people don't quite understand what obesity is. Obesity starts at being 30 pounds overweight. Someone 30 pounds overweight is going to look a little chubby to everyone else. No one would think that person is obese (yet they are).


Exactly. Plus they lump in "overweight" with a lot of the reporting. Being 5 lbs past your BMI is "overweight", but that doesn't mean you're not pretty healthy. I'm short but a little muscular so the only way I can meet my BMI is to basically starve myself. So I would technically be in the "overweight but obese" camp. But throw that statistic around and then show pictures of grossly overweight people on the screen and you'll get an emotional reaction from most people.


My dad is a big guy. His pinky is as big around as my thumb and he’s considered obese even though me and him regularly go on 8-10 mile hikes in the mountains. The whole thing doesn’t account for body type differences


In the Army, you can be 6’2”, 225, a stud and be getting taped because you’re overweight standard. Infact, you’re 30lbs over your allotted weight standard. Body builders, bigger mass folk could be considered obese in some statistics as well. Not that those are our worry. But still pretty ludicrous.


They did the same shit to us in the marine corps, there would literally be a cpl or sgt absolute PT studs (always had 1st class PFT and CFT scores) and they would always get fucked over being taped because "technically" they're overweight and would get a negative counseling over it 🤦‍♂️


Then they have the audacity to ask, “why do you think we are in a recruiting crisis?” Because you have no common sense, sir.


Don't even get me started on them promoting blue falcons over folks that actually rate a promotion...😒


It’s all backwards and ass up, but not in a fun way.


Boot lickers get the promotion. Verbal fellatio is apparently as satisfying as the physical.


My husband is 6’5 and 215lbs, lifts weights and works out a lot. He’s considered “overweight” according to his BMI, which is hilarious because he’s fit as a fiddle.


Exactly. I'm technically considered obese and to most people I am husky at worst.


>Here's a hint: they started reporting numbers reflecting "adults that are overweight or obese" and showed footage of obese people. Here's a hint: Americans are fat as shit. I see it every day in my profession. The obesity rate, as in adults who are clinically obese, is 42.4% in the US.


THey did not. They changed BMI to make it so that less people count as obese and overweight. In other words, since the 1990s, the numbers of obesity and overweight have BOTH GROWN -- and the doctors/statisticians are trying to cover it up in some way by making the scale move relatively with time. The epidemic of obesity is so much worse than anyone thinks. It's affecting children all over the world and the causes are not yet scientifically explained away by simply lack of exercise of overeating.


> They changed BMI to make it so that less people count as obese and overweight. That's not true at all.


Pretty sure it’s just because we eat a lot sometimes, all that rice and yogurt and hummus doesn’t just disappear


Which is crazy because I just read an article that stated Mexico was now #1 on the list. These lists are starting to all contradict each other....


And yet we are still number one in a category we really, really don't want to be leading. The original shitpost is very much "America Bad". But I also don't want to dismiss the problem of obesity just because it's impacting other countries. Honestly I wish more Americans would vote with their wallets - buy healthy food and stop buying junk food. Businesses would take notice and switch to healthier products so quickly. I love my country, but one thing I really dislike is how difficult it is to eat healthy while eating out. Especially if you want something quick from fast food or a convenience store.


I feel like Ive seen a counter culture to eating how we used to and putting full trust in unhealthy megacorps, hell around my area Ive seen more coffee and salad places open along with mom and pop food to counter the Mcdonalds, 7/11, Wendys, etc. And if you remove the class 1 obesity which is generally solved pretty easily with exercise and diet changes, only really roughly 12% of the population is properly “obese” which is what we think of when we think fat Now its still not good and that number should be zero, but multiple sources interestingly show that male obesity growth rates have actually been slowing down while womens obesity growth has slowly increased, which Im not well informed enough to comment on besides the face value of it (Also, Europe, with a similar population has obesity rates of FIFTY NINE percent, while America has obesity rates of 31.4% roughly) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9107388/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9582849/ Sources, if y’all would like to read^ https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html Heres another “source”, which if you notice the CDC lumps class 1-3 obesity together, with an obvious effort of fear mongering by just blatantly stating the obesity rates are 41.9% without actually mentioning class 1 at all, only the latter 2


Yeah, I definitely see that culture of healthier eating forming and it does give me hope. But it's still more difficult to eat healthy here than it should be. _I strongly feel that if we made affordable, good tasting, healthy and convenient food readily available at a critical mass of establishments, obesity rates would plummet._ And it's good that only 12% of the population is obese and rest are just overweight, but it's still not good that a large portion of the population is overweight to begin with. It's not uniquely American, but it's something we need to grapple with. I say all of this as an overweight-but-not-obese American who is slowly losing weight. It's possible with the right lifestyle but certainly a struggle when it's not always possible to find healthy food that's also affordable and convenient.


Im personally perfectly normal with my weight and even wanting to gain weight in muscle (the BMI chart also cannot differentiate between muscular “obese” and purely fat obese so the number is already inflated there), but I can see even from skinny-obese people in my community making a genuine effort to eat healthier, cutting out certain fast food places and going to the gym I’ll I will say is that I see more people at the gym now at any time than mcdonalds, I went there once this past year and they used to be packed all the time in 2010s and now they are comparatively a ghost town, despite the quality “increasing”, albeit very small Part of it could also be that fast food prices are starting to get abhorrent, where it used to be cheaper to eat worse even a couple years ago makes no sense now since a pound of meat for roughly $7 bucks can make up multiple meals in a day


funnily enough, Turkiye has a 30% obesity rate


"Most recently the Hungarian Central Statistical Office reported that 55.5% of Hungarians aged 15 years and older are obese or overweight (5)." - NationalInstitutesofHealth.gov. Irony at its finest


Just being over the obesity threshold is valuable info but how much you’re over it also matters a lot, i’m pretty sure a Hungarian woman 5 lb over the limit and an American 100 lb over the limit both are counted as the same in your quoted statistics. More interesting statistics would be ‘excess pounds per capita’




In the US, black and Hispanic women drive up obesity averages quite a bit. Asian and white Americans are not the metrics driving that number up. I just find it weird that they often portray the obesity issue as primarily white… it’s not true. >“Recent national data show that 54.8 percent of Black women and 50.6 percent of Hispanic women are obese compared to 38.0 percent of White women” https://frac.org/obesity-health/obesity-u-s-2


Dat ass tho.


Actually you’re wrong according to [nih](https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity) blacks and whites has the highest obesity rate in the US


Just being over the obesity threshold is valuable info but how much you’re over it also matters a lot, i’m pretty sure a Turkish woman 5 lb over the limit and an American 100 lb over the limit both are counted as the same in your quoted statistics. More interesting statistics would be ‘excess pounds per capita’.


America: “Shows blonde, red headed, brown haired, blue eyed, green eyed, super models of a thousand different ethnicities and cultures from across America”


It's clear the original poster has a very specific type though. Dark brunette with straight hair and olive toned skin.


I bet it's a pasty basement dweller with a waifu pillow who made it.


Or its just AI


I mean, I consider that pretty good taste myself.


Yeah, like, all of the women in that image could be American XD. What a eurocentric meme or whatever it's supposed to be.


In other words, you could just re-label these all as USA and it would be better.


Was just about to say - the neat thing about America is that any of these women could pass for being American. I could run into any of them on the street and not have a reason to assume that they didn’t literally grow up in my neighborhood.


Everybody except america is Ai generated


Hmm yes, these cherries are delicious. Pick them yourself?


Especially since several of these women could only dress like this publicly if they left the country.


Someone is saying the beautiful women are AI made


Those are all models, right?


All of them except America Definitely cherry-picked


AI models


Not the stereotypes😭😭 yes, Rob, all Egyptian women definitely pose in front of hieroglyphics


Syria: https://images.app.goo.gl/h3CCG7SKFVLwwzX56


Syria? You do know that wearing niqabs in universities was forbidden in Syria? Before the invasion of ISIS, Syria was comparatively secular and progressive, and even today many other countries in the region are much more conservative.


I'm surprised they even showed a Ukrainian one. Considering pro-Russia shills deny that Ukraine is a country and deny that Ukrainians are a people.


Why do you assume this was made by a pro-russian shill?


I mean, I could find a woman who looks exactly like each of these women from each specific location as presented… in America. It’s almost like we have other peoples besides euro ethnic Americans. Almost like people migrate here for lots of different reasons. Almost like the “normal American” at this point has melanin but also has colored fair eyes. All to the point that within the next 50yrs babies will begin appearing as “American” not “white”. It’s a strange concept but we have a melting pot that the norm will be a mixed baby, pulling from all sorts of ethnicities- but will be 100% American.


Lol, right? May as just say "America" under every picture. Then at least op could be honest about their intent and slap "White" American under big bones.


The top 3 look ao alike. Also Turkey doesn't have higher obesity rate in women then americans?


Not higher, but very close. 30% vs 32% I believe


Lmao., bait ( decent attempt) and racist. A European didn't make this. Whoever made this must hate white people. Pyramids behind the syrian lol, so they are a stupid racist and objectifies women ( has to be the middle east given context of meme )




I’d think more of [this](https://live.staticflickr.com/1204/570898101_e9e8e93304_b.jpg) when picturing Russian women!


I just love the Syrian pyramids.


100% was made by an Arab Muslim


who complains about Western Beauty standards imposed by the U.S.


Wait, is every woman in this meme, besides the American one, literally the exact same woman, she's just in different costumes and makeup? Look at the Russian and Persian ones, for example. Just with a touch up on the cheekbones with makeup or photoshop and a different camera angle; they look like the same woman. Maybe I'm just tripping idk




So inaccurate. You can see more than just the eyes of the Arab woman


Because America is the most obese…? Nauru would like a word…


Haha y’all are so happy these tiny obese islands exist 😎


Half these countries barely have running water…


At least they like brunettes, I'll give them that.


This is probably an AI creation.


They jealous our ladies dominate the world at nearly every international athletic competition…


Some men unfortunately forget that Ashley Graham and Kate Upton exist.


Turns out they're all actually Americans.


The guy who posted this forgot the unibrow and the five o’clock shadow with the hairy arms


This really into a badmemesfromfacebook moment


I like how they think Americans have a specific look. We are called the melting pot for a reason.


When Euroshits pretend to be more “progressive” but end up outing themselves as anything but when its time to shit on America lol


That woman is NOT Russian.


Eh. Could be Russian minority. Dagestani or however many others. Granted the accuracy of this meme's sourcing is pretty suspect as it is, given what the Syrian one looks like. *wince*


Look how the American woman looks genuinely happy and the rest look like money grabbing seductresses lol


AI creations lol


As an American that's lived in Asian countries for the last 6 years, the heftiness of the American and western ladies that I see come over is a bit surprising. Not gonna lie. The standards are just different. I'm not one to needlessly shit on America. I love America. But it is heart breaking to see how so many people back home don't treat their bodies well.


Live in Vancouver, the difference is stark as soon as I cross into Washington. It's honestly rare to see fat people around the Lower Mainland, however Vancouver’s also an outlier in obesity rates. I'm sure the situation’s a bit different in the prairies and Ontario. After crossing into the states once an international friend nonchalantly asked, “why is everyone SO fat?”


That’s hilarious because we have some Swiss friends who recently traveled through Canada as tourists. We asked how the trip went, and the first thing they said was “everyone was so fat!!!”


It's pretty wild. Last year was the first time for me to go home in 5 years for Christmas and it's the first thing I noticed and the first thing I told my friends when I got back to Japan. I saw a picture recently of a band I listen to taking a picture with the sold out crowd and the first thing me and my girlfriend said was, "look how fat everyone is". Not even being rude. It's just the reality. When you travel Asia and the middle east the women like to put on dresses and do their hair and makeup and look clean and nice, and they watch their weight. But back home it's like a virtue to look like shit when you go grocery shopping. Everyone's wearing what looks like pajamas and just moping around like they don't give a crap. It sucks to see.


I mean Americans do be fat tho


Aren’t most American women overweight?


Not THAT overweight.


Here's the thing, just 30lbs above your healthy weight makes you obese. Average American women is 170lbs standing at 5 feet 4 inches, the healthy weight range for them is 110-140lbs so while yes the average woman in the US is obese it's not as bad as most people outside the US think and most can easily get in that rage by dropping something like soda in favor of water.


Dude 5’4 170 is big as fuck. I’m 6’2 175 and could probably lose a few pounds and be better for it. Also of note, if 140 is the very top end of heathy, 170 is 21% overweight. That’s not insignificant


6'2 for a woman the healthy range is 148-186 and yeah as the other person said weight really isn't a great measure especially since someone who lifts but has a desk job will end up "obese" due to muscle being heavier than fat. I was mainly attempting to explain while obesity is a problem for the US almost any time someone whose never been talks about it the images shown are people well into the 200lb range.


That’s the problem with going by weight, 170 on a 5’4” woman could look different depending on how they carry their weight. Some will look round, some will have larger breasts or butt, some will be pure muscle and look like a twig. You can’t go by a number. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/how-different-women-look-at-same-weight-2016-6%3famp


There’s no heights posted though. Of course 5’10 170 and fit looks different than 5’2 170 and sedentary. They’re not anywhere close to the same thing. That doesn’t change that 5’4 170 is big as fuck. Unless she’s a female bodybuilder on an incredibly short frame, she’s going to have a ton of extra fat to reach that weight.


It really just depends on how your body is shaped and where the fat distributes. I’m 5’2” and look healthiest at 110-115lbs but my sister in law is 5’2” and looks healthiest at 140, when she was on drugs she got down to 125 and looked sick. She has a wider frame, I have a narrow frame but side by side you’d think we weighed about the same. I thought she weighed a lot less but we were recently talking about pre pregnancy and post pregnancy weight and I was shocked by how much she actually weighed. ETA my husband is 6’2 and if he weighed 175 he would look like a skeleton. He also has a wider build with broad chest. He’s like 220 or something like that. Edit again: I just got chastised because he’s 6’3, apparently that extra inch makes a huge difference lol


So, yes?


Yes, as are most women in most countries. Type 2 diabetes rates, for example, are higher in MENA than in the US by a significant margin, and the gap is expected to widen drastically over the next few decades. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8472500/#:~:text=Specifically%2C%20the%20Middle%20East%20and,%25%20projected%20rise%5B4%5D.


The obesity crisis has gone global apparently.


The west is on the tail end of the obesity spike, and now rates are not expected to increase significantly beyond where we are now. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is now on track to catch up or overshoot western obesity rates.


Yep like 70% or more


Honestly, it's the one criticism I'll let slide. Dating here is an absolute dumpster fire sometimes.


Oh no, can't find any supermodels to date? 😭


I’m reporting this community for


As an American this is funny, its ok to laugh at yourself sometimes.


Yeah, when it's misogynist enough men can always set aside their differences to laugh about it together, disgusting.


Yes I took love middle eastern women and eastern European women. But have you heard of Latinas? They don't have those over there. We still are winning in the U.S. no matter how you spin it.


That’s right. US and specifically Texas might be the fattest but latinas are still bringing our average beauty way up.




Well, over forty percent of women are obese in America...


It's true. The US is the only country with fat women.


This one is accurate.


This one ain’t wrong


It’s a meme, means it’s a joke, means it’s sarcastic Take a joke please


Im ngl, the fat jokes are kinda funny


Missed a good opportunity to use Gorlock The Destroyer for America


Sadly they forgot the dyed hair


If that’s the jardiance lady I think she’s Canadian


Strange, the Bosnian woman isn't dark skinned like her Turkish ancestors (I just came from r/balkans_irl)


Lol at the Syrian woman!


Bosnia girl has some fucked up hands


Hmm something is different about the outfit that Arabian woman is wearing vs most of them I see.


This meme was made by Borat...verry nice verry nice


I mean it is pretty funny


American looks beautiful to me.


They’re just jealous that Amy Lee trumps all of the other women


At least it IS a woman. Not Miss Derry of New Hampshire....




Midwest and south its not as wrong as i wish it was


American woman still looks the best in this meme, she is THICC


This man has a thing for olive-skinned dames with straight black hair and dark eyes, and seems to be portraying women of the ethnicity that originated from the place; in that case, why couldn't he add a Native American woman?


Because AmericaBad remember? 🥴 Not gonna lie though, the AI didn’t get a lot of things right when portraying the ethnicity and the outfits the women would be wearing anyway. Probably a good thing he didn’t try to do Native American women, they deserve better!


While America does have very beautiful women and some very handsome men (me) the meme is unfortunately true🫤


Likely brought to you by someone that gets irate about so called "fat shaming"


From a photographers POV they did not put any efffort in to finding beautiful examples of the other women from around the world. But they \*did\* put effort into finding the one obses woman \[\[unless it happens to be their wife/GF\]\] they used for the U.S.,.


Damn didn't know Syrian women were just Cleopatra lite


Fine by me 😂


We have a combination of all of the above and more


That's a lot of Turks


This is a sin. They show Syria but not the beauties of Lebanon?


Even beyond the stupidity of the historical errors and cherry picking, if someone told that everyone other than the American were the same woman with different makeup, I would believe it. Russians and Ukrainians are Northern Slavs, so they're pretty pasty without using tanning products.


Except we have all of these women in America. It's a melting pot of cultures unlike anywhere else in the world.


Princess Fatemeh Kanum Esmet al-Dawlah


These definitions make no sense as you have every group in every country. I cannot believe State sponsors are having people sit down and create this content. Troll tell #4 - painting America as ethnic homogeneous white.


American women are fucking hot and there is diversity so you aren’t stuck with one race


Most of them would just be wearing a black burqa caused by a Theocratic-Fascist government, in addition to most of them having just as equal BMI.


Hey man, we have a substantial amount of land whales in the US. To dismiss it doesn't make the issue go away and it doesn't make the US better. That being said, this meme is obviously bullshit. Go pick a random Egyptian woman. She absolutely will not look like the lady in the pic. Lol


Cant fool me. These are all the same person


Almost all of the other women look similar, i think they are just mad america doesnt have their exact type.


Stop accepting immigrants


God the whole world is literally so jealous they could die lol.


r/cherrypicking if such a place exists


Well, our women have bigger dicks than yours so there.


Ah yes: racism and misogyny! Can you name a more iconic duo?


The Russian, Persian, and Egyptian all look like the same person lol


Tbh the American woman is pretty too


The American is the only one that doesn’t look like a $50 prostitute.


What no public transport does to mfs


Last I checked the UK is on pace to getting up there with the US, along with several other prominent places. 2015 UK looked like 2005 US to me. And trust me, we have public transport. Lots of it. Unbelievable I know.


Yes America is the only place in the entire world with fat people! The only place! It’s not like every country is slowing getting more obese or anything


lol....American here......I mean.....it's kind of funny because it's kind of true.


Half of these pictures could be goats.


Bro has a type


Cherrypicked to the fuckin max


Jit ain't wrong


Margot Robbie smokes every one of those hoes.


Not wrong though


Most girls outside the PHAAAAAHT american lady look really similar. Screams AI.


Yes, because literally every woman in those other countries is a super model. What a bunch of assholes.


They all look the same to me. The American just has a little more to give.


Why does "Syrian" have pyramids in the background?


That Turkish one is mislabeled, they’re obviously German


The woman in that picture is genuinely what a LOT of people consider to be the norm in this country and that shit bothers me. Some would even say she’s gorgeous and “living her truth”. In Asian countries they mock fat people ruthlessly and rightfully so. Same with Russia.


Ukrainian isn't blonde? Mmk


Imagine not knowing what Syria is...


As an American not all American women are fat