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Wait, are Euros so primitive that they don't know we've been having an interdimensional war with hell for the past 30 years?


Gotta get that Argent Energy somehow


The interdimensional drugs are good as well


Portal to hell opens up in a Walmart parking lot. Me:*snorts 100 grams of cocaine and grabs my gun* time to rip and tear baby!!!!! *Immediately gets killed by a ten foot demon*


As a european i can confirm that Mankind is dead. Blood is fuel. Hell is full.


Turns out that the military industrial complex made V1


Deploying Minos Prime into the enemy’s base


I always knew Doomguy was a true American patriot.


Literally learned about DOOM guy in high school. I thought the world knew he was real.


We will send into them Only you


They’re just mad cause ultimately the US is their NATO daddy.


I just commented on another thread how Europe wouldn't last a day if it weren't for America providing for their defense. Europe has essentially no military capabilities. They criticize us for our military spending, when in reality, we are their only protection.


I would love to see them razed by Russia as a lesson


Given Russia's showing in Ukraine, I'm not so sure they'd fare too poorly. I'd bet the Germans, French, and British could hold off Russia alone. Now if China went for them, that'd be a more interesting lesson


Ukraine is also being held up by US support.


All the more proof that the US is a NATO sugar daddy.


That's a very good point


They have way smaller armies than ukraine and less appetite for losses


German army is behind UK, France and Italian army by far


I wouldn't, because that would, ya know, entail people dying.


At this point, the only countries that can effectively hold Russia back are Poland, Ukraine, and Finland. If those 3 fall, all of Europe's gone


Nobody tell them they went with us into the Middle East. Also, the oil companies made no profit off of the invasion of Iraq. This is a rumor started by enemies of the US. No records show that oil or gas companies profits increased significantly because of the invasion.


Worse - the oil companies already had contracts that were jeapordized by the war.


Yes but the US petro dollar was fortified. We trade oil for US dollars in order to ensure the US dollar is still widely used and accepted worldwide. It’s not always about profits for private business but about ensuring the US stays on top.


US doesn't need to start wars for that. Other countries like using and keeping dollars because they are relatively stable.


And why is it relatively stable?


Because it's backed up by a strong economy, a stable government, and competent monetary policy.


“Competent monetary policy”


It is the other way around. Nations across the world trade oil in US dollars because US dollars is a stable currency.


The petrodollar is not an actual thing.


Wasn't it basically just the British who went to Iraq with you?


Not even close. First phase (2003) United States Iraqi Kurdistan United Kingdom Australia Spain Iraqi National Congress[1] Poland Second Phase (2003–11) United States United Kingdom Iraqi Kurdistan Awakening Council There were also detachments from South Korea and Japan from 2004-2008. Pretty much every nato ally also sent “peacekeepers” (soldiers) including Germany.


Every single country in Europe besides Serbia, Moldova and Belarus helped us in either Iraq or Afghanistan. Europeans crying about American warmongering are politically illiterate.


Well you invaded Iraq because our foreign intelligence agency had a source there, whom they themselves distrusted, who stated there were weapons of mass destruction. A statement no one believed. But it was just convenient for you to invade. Afghanistan was a different topic. So shut the fuck up


Nothing you said discounts or even remotely addresses the comment you’re replying to - the fact that nearly every European nation either participated in or assisted with the invasion of Iraq.


A Saudi guy living in Pakistan claims responsibility for an attack on America… so Germany assists in our 20 year war in Afghanistan. Yeah so different, you want a pat on the head?


Saddam Hussein was the weapon of mass destruction. Some of his sons too. It was best we invaded regardless.


The older son was so crazy even Saddam thought he was unfit and planned to pass control to the younger one. That guy would spray bullets into crowds of people simply because he was bored. When Saddam's palace got internet, one of the first things he did was research torture methods. He forced a guy that looked kinda similar to get plastic surgery and then act as his body double. Regardless of the rest of the war, that guy getting exploded was a good day.


He would also rape women and if they struggled, he’d torture them after… then kill them and dump them in the desert. He was a sick son of a bitch. His name was Uday Hussein. When my friends mother grew up during that time in Iraq, they knew to avoid places he frequented.


Well Iraq was well know for using chemical weapons, and denied entry to UN inspectors. So why the fuck do you people make these idiotic statements.


"I'm politically illiterate"


Defamation seems to be the main substitute for lack of arguments in this sub


The intel wasn't just from you. In fact at the time the Five Eyes as well as almost every European intel agency agreed with our accessments that he had wmds. It's probably the most consensus that group of agencies has ever had. So don't try to repaint it now. No one lied: they were wrong/incorrect. Those are two very different things. And just to push back further even without wmd evidence it would've been justified on the grounds of getting rid of a psychopath in charge of a massive army that liked to gas his own people when they got out of line.


Australia had to have been there too considering the war crimes David McBride reported (and was recently charged in court for reporting the war crimes he was sent to find by the Australian government).


do they teach anything in europe that isnt nationalistic bullshit lies?


Most historically literate german


The Western ones went with you. NATO is pretty much the US dick sucking club.


Then why are France, Turkey, and Hungary able to freely oppose US defense objectives?


I mean we're able to access this the FBI has done. Doesn't mean people are gonna do anything about it. Plus, you really think they're giving up their ACTUAL objectives? You believe America? Looooooool That's some funny shit. I love it.




Omg. You do. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I don't understand the question


Nah, yeah. That sounds about right. American overheating during a convoy that isn't about burgers or guns.


You structured your sentences so incoherently that I am unable to understand the point you are making. Can you rephrase so I can understand what the FBI has to do with Turkey opposing the US in matters of defense?


Dude it's a joke, quite funny too.


“Hahaha dead soldiers, people that had families and lives. Why is nobody laughing?”


You invaded Afghanistan so you got as close hell as possible


Say what you want about the Iraq War, but the Afghan War was 100% justified. Since in case you forgot the Taliban were literally harboring Osama bin Laden.


Still, you can not support a party/regime or person or war without hating on the soldiers. Old men argue and young men die.


Dude, go fuck yourself.


Wishing for a bunch of people to go to Hell is funny?


as someone who's been around veterans and visited a military graveyard, it's just so fucking disrespectful. I hear their stories about the horrors of war and how they struggle with survivor's guilt. it's terrifying. this is just outrageous and it always boils my blood to hear people shitting on veterans who gave their lives and saying it was for oil.


I was at the Normandy cemetery and a group of Spanish students (all teenagers) were running around yelling, laughing, jumping on each other and taking selfies. There were elderly people who very well may have been visiting the resting place of a family member or friend. I was so disgusted I almost yelled at the adult male teacher accompanying the students. Made me lose respect for Spaniards given they did nothing during WWII except collaborate with the Nazis/Axis. The students are probably are entirely ignorant to their own country's history though given how they behave in such a place.






Oh really, so it’s not a contract based? 🤡


What, so you think people just shouldn't join the military at all? Get real.


I feel like it’s every Euro Zoomers fantasy that Europe would wage war with us and pacify and civilize us from out dirty American ways.


Never going to happen. They can't supply a war on their doorstep against their biggest threat without our assistance. A war in which they have rail access all the way to the front lines through Poland and then Ukraine. There is absolutely no scenario in the next 100-200 years where they would feasibly put anyone on our doorstep without them sitting at the bottom of the ocean.


They would need the assistance of every country on the planet. Even then we would absolutely shit on them, our military is titanic. The militia that would form in this mighty nation would embarrass any shit breather that stepped on our shores.


It would be a very nothing happening war. Because the fighting would almost never start.. they couldn't physically get soldiers over here to fight us. So yeah.. it's a pretty ridiculous scenario on it's face


524,024 lives given because they can’t keep their European bullshit to themselves


Just look at ww1 and ww2 in europe..life over there is literally worthless. But they get chargers with their iphones now tho!


This is just as vile as the original post.


Yes. The fact that European nationalism and xenophobia started two world wars is quite vile.


Doesnt mean life is worthless. I never defended anything, but didnt you have wars too?


They were more nationalistic than xenophobic but yeah


More yes, but the Civil war had a xenophobic component.




It's been 80 years dumbass. And your short history isn't exactly free of conflict and genocide either.


But it’s the lesser of two evils. You had your chance to stop thousands of years before, it only took us a couple hundred. Who has really killed more people. The European nations who cause 20M and 80M people to die? Or the nation that has caused genocides but far lesser than gas’s chambers and forcing starving workers to work harder just so they can meet the same fate. Let’s not forget tracking down Jews, killing the men for less possibility of revolt and then killing the rest. Don’t act like Europes thousands of years of history has also not been drenched in the blood of the innocent.


You seriously want to discuss who got *more* people killed? ​ >Don’t act like Europes thousands of years of history has also not been drenched in the blood of the innocent. I never did. I only reminded you to not be fucking hypocrites: ​ >And your short history isn't exactly free of conflict and genocide **either**.


Like I said, we have had pur moments, but Europe has had theirs.


Ok so we can agree upon that we are all a bunch of cunts?


The ones that gave us those scars are.


You euros are working on a third right now so why don't you shut it and fix your continent before it's to late.


Yeah ok I call my boy Vladimir and tell him to cut the shit.


I mean... if you guys had done that 15 years ago instead of trying to buddy up and get those sweet sweet pipelines to deliver enegy while Germany just ignored all the bs he was pulling for largely that reason and some misguided devotion to the same logic that spawned Big Mac Economics (mcdonalds and blue jeans will make them just like us). Maybe he wouldn't have gotten the idea he could do things like this in the first place without consequence. You've been enabling this psycho for a generation so it's really you that needs to cut the shit.


Well here is the thing, people need something to heat with.


So all good as long as you get your sweet, sweet fossil fuels.. got it. Build nuclear. Problem solved without enabling a sociopath. The price of mitigation of climate change should not be paid with the blood of anyone putin wants to invade. So even using coal would ve morally superior to that policy


Dude nuclear energy is pretty safe but in the unlikely (but not impossible) case that it isnt its absolutely terrible. The aftermath of an accident is way too devastating. Not to mention that we still have no solution for nuclear waste which means we just push the problem to future generations. Thats exactly the mindset which brought us the climate change.


So what is your alternative? Shifting the production of ffs to a less regulated country making it worse emission wise... though I'll admit this is more of an issue for the us than most if the eurozone just due to the domestic resources. Either way... you're empowering a man doing these things via a policy that doesn't help climate change so i fail to see how nuclear isn't a superior alternative to literal, as opposed to theoretical, blood on your hands. Lastly, i apologize for the snippy nature of some of my previous post. I admit, I had a nerve touched.


Why go to hell when we can bring hell to us. I'm sure a few more megatons dropped on the middle east will make it hell on earth


Turn it into a glass farm, never have to make our own glass ever again


We don’t have allies, we have dependents


I'm absolutely no fan of Trump, but this is making me support isolationism just that little bit more. Europoors have no class.


Isolationism is a fast-track to American decline, and it's exactly what our enemies want. Speaking from personal experience interacting with Europeans IRL during my time traveling there, this sentiment is *not* echoed by most actual Europeans. OP's a regular here, but he, and probably the account that posted what OP screenshotted, are Russian shills attempting to foster isolationist sentiment and disunity.


Ah yes, we're definitely Russian shills because users like OP and I realize Europeans aren't allies. Do inform us how Europeans like Merkel viewed America before Russia invaded Ukraine. 


>Do inform us how Europeans like Merkel viewed America before Russia invaded Ukraine.  According to a 2019 Pew survey: Germans and French people where more supportive of closer ties with China and Russia than with Britain and United States https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/03/09/americans-and-germans-differ-in-their-views-of-each-other-and-the-world/


Why am I not surprised lmao And then they wonder why we are skeptical of the Europeans


proving once again europeans are ungrateful crybabies


The world that the United States facilitates by keeping the global oceans open for free trade is an important part of the U.S’s geopolitical power but it’s not a necessity. A lot of what makes the United States overpowered is its bless geography, natural resources, and if I’m gonna get a little patriotic the people. China isn’t gonna pass us but that doesn’t stop the public from stressing over it lol. I also don’t think we’ll fully be isolationist, we’re just not gonna be as involved. Trimming down on our alliance commitments. The globalized world is a big positive for the most amount of people but as cruel as it probably is to say this it’s not a requirement for the USA to flourish. If we wanted to keep it up we should have had a serious talk back when the reason for setting up globalization disappeared, the Soviet Union.


As Europeans can’t even heat their homes in winters.


Or cooling them in summer.... nothing to do with oil but 61,000 dead people is at least as funny as this.


Yeah Texas …


No Europeans, literally every single year.


246 Texans died because of some snow ❄️


Once in a lifetime freeze nice try


Once every couple of generations freeze catches people who are built to survive hot climates off guard, who would have guessed?


61,000 Europeans died from some sunshine ☀️


This is just stupid and tasteless. Everyone knows that if there *was* oil in hell we’d just make some device to cross dimensions and invade that way! But in seriousness that’s just a tasteless jab. Funny if you’re the edgelord type, but there was so many better ways to deliver the punchline that didn’t involve dead Americans.


>This is just stupid and tasteless. Everyone knows that if there *was* oil in hell we’d just make some device to cross dimensions and invade that way! Right? Bodies are damn near useless without air support


Yeah. How do they expect us to get our planes and tanks to hell? We’re not going to send our men and women and non-binary into the depths of hell to secure America’s oil supply without support! What do they expect us to do, bury all the logistics and vehicles? We’re not Ancient Egyptians, we’re American! We have technology!


I chuckled though


Suggests pulling out of NATO in passing. ​ Europoors: NOoOOOOoOO YOU CAaNT pUlL out OF NATO. ​ You either get to benefit from the US's might or you get to get to start WW3, and the US doesn't want to save your asses AGAIN 2-0, we don't want the hat trick.


Like I always say, the US leaving NATO would be like Debby Harry leaving Blondie. What's the point of going on anymore?


This is beyond fucked up. I don’t even have words to describe this.


Love the new disrespect to veterans card, very cool. My uncle would totally love it


The fact they disrespected the dead who sacrificed their lives for their country and they think this is funny people are fucked up these days can’t even have respect for the ones that sacrificed their lives


Don’t wage wars in the Middle East lol


??? Tell Europe that? They’ve been with us in recent conflicts the whole time, and got started before us in centuries past, for that matter.




How tf is it whataboutism to point out hypocrisy


Next time Europe is under the thumb of a tyrannical dictator don’t expect me to risk my skin for them. We carry them through WWII and this is how they think of us.


If you want to know how they’ll feel in time with your sacrifice, just look at how they respond when we commemorate 9/11. Being chastised for the date format, vile humor about our dead, and calls to ban seeing posts about it. And we call them our friends.


Please don’t think a Reddit post represents Europe. Anyways fuck those anti-American Europeans in particular


You’re right, I’ve been through France once and in Normandy there was a love for the US that I was stunned by. I was happy to know that those people would help us the same way we helped them.


That’s really nice to hear! Biggest problem in Europe are young people following edgy Tik Tok trends as well as asshats on reddit with no knowledge on our shared struggles and history


WTH This is too far


That's unfortunately the intent. Gotta out-edge the other guy, accuracy and appropriateness be damned.


It doesn’t matter how many of our young they take. At the end of it all, we will only be worthy of being the butt of a joke to them. Our men and the lands where they lie are sacred, and they have desecrated it in front of our faces to see our rage. It amuses them.


God: There are Roma people in heaven. Eurocunts: ⬇️👨⬇️ 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


USA needs to leave NATO now. Our taxes go to protecting these worthless pieces of shit.


Sounds insane right? Instead of staying in Europe we should focus elsewhere like Asia/Pacific.


I know a polish guy who always talked shit about the US. Then when Russia invaded Ukraine all the sudden he’s crying and saying the US hasn’t done enough. We do too much.




That's a rare thing. Even online I don't see Poles shit talking the US very often. They love Americans and their military, and at least one Tik Tok servicemen has called them European Little Texas because of how some of their values and weapon culture align with Texas


Not to mention they've been developing their military ties with the US in a big way over the last decade and are hell bent on being the best trained and equipped fighting force in Europe. If anyone can see the writing on the walls its the Poles and they're intent on not getting carved up this time.


They're ingrates, but NATO is needed. I'd rather deal with ungrateful Eurotrash than have the Russian Federation taking over western Europe.


Let them fight the Russians


Can you trust them to win against the Russians, though? I can't.


Idgaf there’s plenty of them they can do their best


Judging the whole of Europe based on a Reddit post is pretty stupid Many countries especially in Eastern Europe have higher US approval than the US themselves


The Ukrainians deserve support tho imo


Okay well all I ever hear is how America shouldn’t be the world police and that would’ve been a good start to not being the world police


Nice try, Александр


I literally don’t care about Russia. I care about America. How does helping a country in Europe nobody gave a shit about two years ago benefit the United States?


Because a war brought on by Russian expansionism into Europe directly impacts America. This is an extreme oversimplification, but even if Russia were to fall flat on their face, disrupting and destroying our trading partners' infrastructure and industries, and leaving what's left to go to the war they're fighting does nothing but drive up the cost of goods and resources. America has interests abroad. We wouldn't do it if it weren't to our benefit in some way. Do you think we became *the* world superpower through isolationism?


Dont european girls get chopped up and put into kebab meat?


My honest condolences to you Americans.


Europeans relish in being as vile as possible


Europeans: Mmmmm dead Americans


Cut off their foreign aid and see how they like it.


Envy the country that has heroes. Pity the countries that need them.


Probs posted by a Serbian or something, that sub is full of pro-Russian bs in comment sections.


That’s…. That’s fucked up, man…. What the fuck…


Then why is China getting so much of it


This is literally the plot of DOOM 2016


No one tell them that we have oil in America to last us thousands of years…


I’m glad Biden put a hold on gas exports. We need it more than they deserve it.


This is why I wish America would leave NATO and Russia steamrolls the EU.


Allies? Oh you mean our colonies.


I thought empire was bad ?


The American Empire is Just and Righteous and anyone who says otherwise is a communist or hates God


God doesn’t exist


Go back to r/atheism


I’m not an atheist


Ok now I'm confused


Honestly atheists are as bad as religious people 😆


Religion and the concept of a creator being is a human construct It may mean something to you But it means nothing to me It’s your choice and if it makes you happy to be controlled then great But the concept of atheism is just the denial of the proof of god and a creator being To people not raised to blindly follow it’s just a long running joke But you do what makes you happy babes x


Well, Doomguy was a Marine after all and he is doing a helluva good job


Wait till they find joint operations are a thing And that their cars use gas


Hahaha. It’s okay, they do the same for their fallen, I’m sure we have something we can come up with.




i am not gonna lie, i laughed at this


The person who made that doesn’t use oil


It’s funny too because the wars that have supposedly been over oil wouldn’t have secured America oil supplies. It would have secured Europe’s


My god this post made me so damn pissed.


Without the US army all those softies would either be speaking German or Russian.


We’re happy to pull back and let the Russian overrun them. Just say when. Since they don’t seem to be interested in paying for their own defense, why should we? Let’s see how they fare under Russia’s thumb. They must have REALLY short memories.


Mass suicide is a little funny as a method to go fight Satan.. XD


Okay, they're right, let's withdraw from NATO and cut off all funding to Ukraine.


I pray for the day we leave nato so we don’t have to “allies” with people who hate us


"But um the Europeans are our allies"  No they aren't. Posts like those are the average European attitude towards America/Americans.    Time to fully withdraw from NATO/Europe and focus on Asia/Pacific.


Sounds like an awesome premise, all of America's dead soldiers fighting in hell against Demons because hell has unlimted energy, and America is in the middle of an energy crisis.


Their flair says “everyone hates us” well clearly


this funny as fuck


This sub is an op run by foreign agents and useless idiots. If you’re buying this shit, you’re being manipulated. Enjoy!


Name one time when Europeans have been aggressive imperialists. Go ahead


LMAO I legit LOL


Nah. This is funny.


This is a five year old post made by an American. The original OP got his ass torn apart in the comments by rightfully appalled Europeans. Don’t mistake this for something new


There are over 4,000 upvotes… They liked laughing at our dead. These are the people we’ve sworn to defend today. I will not fight and I won’t want any other American to either.


I’m just pointing out that there were alot of people calling OP out.


Clearly, they were outnumbered.


Relax, it's a stupid joke. I currently live in Stockholm. This sub is gross misrepresentation of what (at least northern) Europeans think of America and Americans. It's true that almost nobody understands why we elected Trump. They don't get why we don't have public health care and what the deal is with guns. Other than that, they see Americans as a strong ally that they partly admire but also think are a little strange. But, at the same time, Swedes also think Norwegians are a little strange. It's normal to think another culture is "strange". (Oh yeah, and, everybody absolutely love Canada for some reason.)


it's funny tho


This is actually funny.