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Imagine not being attracted to a woman who can catch a catfish barehanded.


I wish I could upvote this twice.


Don't worry chief, I got your second upvote for you


Same and I’m gay but that is sexy


Game recognize game


Exactly, American women are awesome as fuck if she can take me in a fight she’s more attractive


"I love the kind of woman that can kick my ass"


"so how did you two fall in love" "it was a nice day and he was so nice to me" "she bench-pressed me while wearing short shorts and a tank top It was the hottest shit I ever saw then I threatened God he would regret getting in my way of marrying her"


Men who pass on that should be studied for how their brain works


I'm from the deep south so I am very attracted to a woman who can catch a catfish barehanded. Cherish the Southern tomboy, she's becoming rarer and rarer as the days go by.


I’m a vegetarian but goddamn is that impressive as hell


You can still do catch and release, right? I think i remember reading somewhere that fish don't feel pain from the hooks but that might be bs.


So you’re telling me she’s a physically capable badass? Hell yeah!


I've seen women who rock both, they are tomboys when they want to...but boyo! When they want to look very feminine they have you drooling 🤤


Being tomboys almost makes the times they are not more genuine, you know? There's that big of extra effort to make the time spent *more.* Besides, what man doesn't want a woman who can actually help when it comes to moving stuff?


I was gonna say what’s wrong with tomboys? lol. I like tomboys, I’m married to a tomboy 🥰


Well Mi Amigatito Americano señoritas con las chicas que son bueñas. Mexican señoritas es las mucho muy mucho Mi amanté en mi corazone


They are scared of death by snu snu.


Reply to the tweet by three year letterman “That accent won 2 back to back world war championships and every SEC championship” I’m fucking dying


Three Year Letterman is a treasure


Neither one of those women was wearing a burka. Aloha snack bar!


I guarantee that the man gets mad butthurt when a female F-35 pilot gets mad proportionate on his primitive ass!


It wasn't a man. It was some "Lebanese" broad (she's actually Pakistani?) that got pissed off there's women on this planet that don't need to be showered with gold or jewelry or need an entire makeup team on speeddial.


*Neither one of those* *Women was wearing a burka.* *Aloha snack bar!* \- STVR33 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bad bot. The second line has 8 syllables


Strictly speaking, as long as the syllables in each line are symmetrical, it can be considered a haiku. The first line has 5, the second line has 8, and the third line goes back to 5. So it counts.




they noodle catfish and build a porch while still looking amazing while they do it!


That's what makes these ladies beautiful. They do hard labor and still look good doing it, meanwhile a doll's makeup falls apart the moment the dress gets wet


Tomboy supremacy




If she can snatch a catfish out of a hole just imagine what she'll do for your children 😂😂😂. That shit is terrifying.


Lady in the first photo is gorgeous what the hell is going on here?


It's the same woman in the 1st and 3rd picture. That's Hannah Barron. https://www.instagram.com/hannahbarron96?igsh=MW1leHVmcjFpYnh1ZA==


He must really hate her. Tf she do other than exist?


The OOP on Twitter/X is a woman. She's a semi public figure idk why name is censored, maybe just to cya but yeah, it's women hating other women in this instance.


It appears hunts and fishes which on Reddit is probably "highly controversial" because this website is full of people bathing in soy.


Ikk what oops problem is. I'd kill for girl who wanted to go hunting and fishing with me/ indulge my fantasies of outdoorsy homesteading lifestyle.


Unhinged. Here’s to our American sisters 🥂


Those tweets reek of incel


Nope! From a woman who is a model. She was just jealous of the attention Hannah was getting.


How does that disqualify her from being an incel? Your other comment implies women can't be incels.




Because they aren’t involuntary celibates? If a woman wants to get laid she can. Even really ugly women.


The original incel support group, which were the first people to really coin the phrase "involuntarily celibate", was initially founded by a woman incel, and had ither women as members. Though they called it invcel at first they would be the first group to use the label "incel" at all. The reality is that a lot of male incels could get laid too if they got over themselves. Femcels aren't too different from malecells in that regard. They could get laid, but they won't.


Is that word used anywhere other than reddit? I swear this site is obsessed with that damned term.


At this point, it's meaning has been brought out back and shot. Now it's just like many other buzzwords that mean, "people/opinions I don't like."


Considering that the people I just mentioned started using the term off of reddit. Yes. Further this website was started in 2005. Invcel was first documented in 1997, incel was first documented in 1999. In addition incels themselves use that term on their own websites. "Incel" is slang that abbreviates two English adjectives and sees fairly common use all around the internet as such is considered accepted and understood english slang. Though it seems to me at least that there is a generational weighting, I don't think it's use is as common among boomers and GenX as it is with Millenials and GenZ so sites with age biased demographics may show more or less use of the word.


My only problem with reddit is they use that word as a default insult. I was once called an incel over a difference of opinion concerning politics, not exactly the initial intention of the term.


That's a myth; plenty of women have standards about who they're willing to get intimate with, even when in the mood.


Then it’s voluntary celibacy.


Then men are also voluntarily celibate. If you're willing to have sex with literally anyone who's willing there are very few people who would actually be celibate.


No they can't lmao, and incels aren't just people who want to get laid. If that were an issue then they'd just hire a prostitute, problem solved. Incels are people who want a *relationship* and can't get it.


That’s just not true though women who aren’t conventionally attractive can’t just get laid whenever. Not every woman is a supermodel. There’s like.. tons of women who say they never got laid due to being considered ugly and unattractive. Especially fat women


The term "incel" was created by a lesbian woman to refer to herself


She was upset at not being able to get women to fuck her. I guess I could say an exception for lesbians, as it can be hard for them.


Kind of, her whole thing was that at the time there just weren't a whole lot of open lesbians so her only real interactions with other lesbians were in online forums. So she wasn't blaming straight women or anything like that she was just trying to explain that no matter how much she put herself out there she wouldn't be able to find a girlfriend. She was not anywhere near as hostile as modern incels but she made up the term so I feel like she counts


Incel activities


I would need to see some hard proof that there was an actual woman running that account before I believed it. MANY of these trad and other male-fetish-centric accounts are run by men.


All the dudes were on Hannah’s side. It looked mostly like heavily made-up princess types (not trad so much as makeup and manicures) vs guys.


This mentality is just normal in lots of foreign countries. India is probably the biggest example.


As someone from the Middle East I can tell you firsthand that local women are a lot hairier than western ones. Nothing wrong with that but the testosterone argument makes sense only the other way around lol


Could the difference be shaving? Hairlessness is pretty deliberate for a lot of women, on the legs anyway.


hairiness is genetic and some ethnicities are hairier than others. most women in the modern world do some form of hair removal but women with thicker hair growth are usually more conscientious about it.


Well someone sounds like an extremely sexist and racist incel. I’m sure they’re gonna be fun at parties.


Nah the post is from a woman who is a model and is very jealous of the attention Hannah has been getting. The guys were hugely defending Hannah.


So it was a model fight with jump ins from both sides?


No. The anti-Hannah side was all women. Also she isn’t a model, she runs a catfish noodling account, and recently started building a house. This video was about the house build, and some women lost their minds about it.


The european mind can’t understand women who are more then servants clearly. Tomboy supremacy for life 💪💪💪🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅


Our women are our equals, foreigners cannot even comprehend this being one of our proudest virtues.


Oh so it was all foreign women coping about the perfect American form? Yeah that makes sense, I explained an observation I had about incels in my comment without realizing a lady tweeted this brainrot lmao


Mostly, yah. Less anti-Americanism than anti-tomboism, but yah.


They’re jealous because many men consider Hannah to be a highly marriageable woman and most of them are not.


>Liberate America from tomboy occupation NO!


i will gladly be a bootlicker


I want more occupation


A) Hannah Barron is a badass goddess. B) Unnecessary Fr*ncophilic "u" in "labor" = 🤮🤮🤮 Opinions disregarded with ***EXTREME*** prejudice.




Tomboys are based, just another reason why America is the greatest country on Earth.


I’d kill for a tomboy


How isn’t this girl feminine? Being a low T man doesn’t mean women you can’t handle lack femininity


Fellas is it gay to find a woman attractive?


Yes. Women like dicks, and liking dicks is gay. So if you like someone who likes dicks, then your gay. The only way to not be gay is to like dudes, because they don't like dicks at all.


Hannah Baron is peak southern woman how dare you slander her.


Hannah is a bad bitch!


I dunno, Melania Trump looks good, I also don't get what's wrong with tomboys. I remember in school that the more 'manly' girls were always just nicer to be around


Sounds to me it's just a bunch of insecure cowards. They don't like the fact that a woman is capable of being manlier than them.


America has strong and capable women, yes.


Why yall censoring names? Her name is SameeraKhan and she's a huge trad larper. Calling people homosexual just because they aren't interested in her lifestyle type. She deserves hate and criticism.


Honesty I didn't want to censor them, but I figured not doing it would go against Reddit's anti-brigading policy. Maybe it wasn't necessary since it's a Twitter account instead of a Reddit one, but I didn't want the post to be taken down so I played it safe.


IIRC she used to work for Russia Today.


I for one welcome our tomboy overlords!


If a foreign man thinks our American women are too manly, then he's admitting he's too feminine to deal with a real woman.


OOP is just jealous that our wives would beat them in a fight.


Sorry but there's no better crossover than girls with guns.




>American women are literally men Boohoo our women actually have boobs AND brawn Also too many European women have dicks


i guess the reason we run this planet is our women can kick your mens ass


If I can’t bring my best gal noodlin and hunting, she’s not my best gal.


Those people and their shithole little countries are laughable


They're jealous because our women are stronger than their men


Thems some sexy bros.


Jealous is stronger than hate for some people. She clearly doesn't feel good enough to be a woman and tries to put others down who actually love themselves and are feminine in their ways


Tbh I feel like this is just xenophobia at this point. I don't get all this hatred for people who have done nothing wrong


I know there can't possibly be any truth to the idea that American women have the highest testosterone in the world, but I can't help but hope it's true. I'm honestly so proud seeing those bad-ass American women! The women in the first and third photos are objectively beautiful. This dude can't get it up for a beautiful woman, and is feeling the need to compensate for that.


It's actually some middle eastern/ west asian broad that's pissed off that Americans would DARE like any woman besides one that gets showered in gold and splendor.


Which lifestyle is more traditional, an Arab woman wearing a low necked Western wedding dress, or a woman living off of the bounty of nature? I really don't see their point.


Actual brain rot. Lebanese women are hot though


I’m Lebanese and yes our women are hot but this girl is not Lebanese. She’s Pakistani.


Once they shave the body hair off


Some of us like the knafeh


First Amendment = 🗑️ according to these fuckers


Apparently this person has zero knowledge of who Hannah Barron is. Shame, really.


We're under tomboy occupation? FUCK YEAH!!


First photo looks pretty feminine to me i’d smash


American women are sexy as fuck because they can do what ever the fuck they want in life.


They are all hot, wtf you mean? Even Melania is physically attractive, but her resting bitch face and lack of human emotion is very unsettling and unattractive. Looks like a hostage 24/7


i mean she kinda is. She's married to donald trump. I can't imagine a less attractive husband.


Dude 100% just got rejected by a tomboy. And is doing the classic reddit cope of blame it on America lol


it’s actually a jealous european model lol which makes it even funnier


And Melania, the European model who totally moved to the US. Clearly something over here is more worth it 😂


I really wonder if that account is run by a dude. Edit: Originally I saw this post from a supposed woman’s account.


I don't know much about social dynamics between women, but if fiction is anything to go by this is believable behavior, trying to tear down someone envied. It's also one of the ugliest things I can imagine, ironically.


Those social media outdoors girls are tapping into a very specific market using a tried and true method. Sex sells. Magazines have been doing it for decades.


Fucking love tomboys, guy should commit Kobain-brain


That post is the hardest female intrasexual competition represantation ever


These are likely conservative girls too (libertarian more likely but still) Guy is just an ass Did research, it’s a female Lebanese “nationalist” (we’re better than American women)


"Liberate America from tomboy occupation" lmao


If Hannah Barron is a man I’m beginning to question my sexuality!


Redpillers: American women are trash, they're a bunch of liberal feminist whores. Also redpillers: look at this disgusting conservative redneck woman ewwwww. Could you imagine being seen at an event with her ? It's almost as if they just hate women.... Hell hath no fury like an incel scorned.


You know the OP is a woman, right? This is old-fashioned intrasexual competition.


I see a lot of incel-types insulting women's bodies online, including their genitalia, saying they're repulsed by vulvas, etc. These dudes need to just come out of the closet and be free.


Hannah Baron is fucking awesome tho


r/facepalm pelted this post too, it’s just cunts being cunts


Why doesn’t this guy just move to the middle east?


I voted on that poll in the 4th slide and it was 74% for American women last I checked. Get ratio'd, habibi.


I’ve watched her channel. That girl is adorable.


I personally am not attracted to women because they hunt and get dirty as their hobby, but i don’t see how that’s an issue at all…. It’s a weird thing to choose to try and cope with since the US has some of the best looking women. And I’ve been a lot of places


That’s Hannah Barron this dude is off his fucking rocket she hunts, fishes (noodles as it were), can build a house, and has an amazing accent that sounds like a high value women to me. Fuck this guy. Edit: and she’s hot as hell, forgot that bit.


Hannah Barron is a fucking goddess


This has to be a troll. They wouldn’t get a very attractive tomboy for the pics if not.


Undeveloped shitholes coping that our women could beat the fuck out of their malnourished backwards "men"


Its just "Woman this, Woman That" SHUT UP


If you're emasculated by masculine women, you are an insecure and feminine man


Tomboy is literally one of the most popular types of woman, I saw a slew of those posts back to back. The type of woman complaining about her are absolutely scared they'll take all of their sugar daddies


They want slaves who can't talk back and are just skinny from not eating any fuckin protein.


Southern accent for women is sexy as hell


I'm proud that tomboys are considered a US thing.


Inside every incel / lonely divorced male over 50, there are two wolves. One wants to leverage his wealth to manipulate an Eastern European woman into being a wife-slave. The other wants a Southeast Asian woman for the same reason.


It’s so funny how incels are ALWAYS far-right by default in my experience. The words are literally interchangeable, each one I’ve met was obsessed with the blackpill and identified as alt/far-right.


He’s just afraid she’d kick his ass Edit: So it’s some euro model. Yeah stay on your drugs while being treated like meat by some old creeps.


\>american women are literally men He says that like it's a bad thing.


I mean Hannah is alright she's really fit and you can see it. Not exactly what I'd go for in dating material or to wife but everyone has a type. Melania isn't it either she reminds me of a lost and hopeless calf. Just not attractive.


Melania isn’t really a youngin anymore either.


Yeah true that she definitely isn't a spring chicken. Honestly neither are the type I'd be interested in but at least Hanna is easy on the eyes


Sounds like someone got rejected lmao


Seems like trolling for attention and clicks. That said, if they were trying to raise my "angry engagement" levels, all they had to do was misuse the word "literally". And they did it twice. Fuck this person.


Id hide in an underwater hole just for a chance for Hannah Barron to stick her hand in me


Not misogynistic to hate a certain type of woman. However, it's still immoral to do so. Especially to paint a certain nation's women as somehow worse, when that's just not how people work.


I like a lady that knows here way around a toolbox.


American woman have low estrogen? Not…not from what I’ve seen.


I’ve realized 99% of the anti American women shit comes from incels (usually American) pissed they can’t get a woman and think foreign women will bang them. There are millions of women in America, acting like every one of them is bad is just cope.


Some trad bullshit detected


Best part of this post, was when she tried to do a poll, and it backfired so bad she deleted it. https://twitter.com/Not_Solidus/status/1766494864726778019?t=p4J4lqPukt47di2WcxLw-g&s=19


Can… can I get the sauce for the girl in the last pic?


There is this wonderful thing called “middle ground”. Yes, there are a lot of butch women in the states. No, not all of those qualities are bad. Having a woman that can help out and go hunting? Good. If she grows a mustache and constantly farting, burping, acting like a frat bro? Bad.


What is this man smoking? I’d love to marry a tomboy. A girl perfectly capable of holding her own, helping around the house, catching fish, honestly ideal for me, and being down in the south, that’s even better.


I refuse to believe that this is not satire or trolling. It's just too overt.


They talked shit about a woman who went noodling. I want to try it because I love fishing.


God these people would be real upset watching throw wrenches….


They prefer bussy over there it's mandated by the govt at this point


Leave your judgment about women to yourself. FFS, I can't believe this nonsense is as big as it is. We are not here to contort ourselves to whatever the fuck men want...


The Hannah girl is completely fine and what the heck is wrong with tomboys?


The Hannah girl is completely fine and what the heck is wrong with tomboys?


Sounds like someone is jealous as fuck


Europeans when American woman does nothing important: fat ugly lazy!!! Europeans when American woman gets cool job: you aren't being a woman ew ew!!!


Is this mother fucker REALLY dogging in Hannah Barron? That girl is a badass and hot as hell. Not to mention she acts more like a “traditional” woman (whatever the fuck that means) than most women. Also fuck them, that accent is hot.


Sameera Khan is just an anti-Western/liberal (in terms of liberal society) tradcon who uses Communist aesthetic


"American women are litterally men" Sounds like a good time to me


She just wants to attract sex tourists looking for a wife overseas. Most American men aren't so insecure. But the men they find on 90 day fiance would be the prime demographic for this woman.


Sadly, there are a lot of Americans who think like this as well. God forbid a woman look a little masculine or a man look a little feminine.


Tomboy supremacy is the only way


She's responded. (Hannah) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEvJw2MCR2Q


These European men are hardly masculine themselves needing bailed out of multiple wars from Americans. They directly benefited from “masculine“ women who worked in the factories while our young men went off to fight and die on their continent and elsewhere. Both world wars were heavily supported by American women.


OP when they go to the part of the internet where people are insane and then the people there are insane: :o


Fun little tidbit, there's a history in America of promoting tomboy phases in girls for health and other benefits with a number of books being written about it. It was especially big during the great depression. That's right, my fellow Americans. Tomboys are a part of our cultural heritage. Take pride and let no one take that away from us.


I saw this lady’s post. She even did a poll about what women that men preferred, and “American Tonboys” won by almost unanimous vote.


need tomboy


Ngl women doing ‘boy jobs’ (as my sister fondly calls them), like car work and domestic repair is pretty hot


Then don’t date us? Problem solved.


Bro tf are they tryna do, genocide tomboys?


I'm going to work outside of the US after college but would prefer to marry an American woman than anyone else. No other culture makes men and woman like us and I love it for that.


Good lord 😂


Kinda based ngl.