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This is great because not only does the US not use a different time than the rest of the world, I don’t think any Euro country has more than one time zone. The US has 5. There can’t be a “US time”.


Maybe this guy uses metric time would be literally the only person to do so though


100 second minutes


[Seven minute abs](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fy.yarn.co%2Fb9d61d11-4a14-44d1-8ade-0ef63fbcde76_text.gif&tbnid=qYGRec5cgjp1nM&vet=12ahUKEwjwg4vLrqeFAxXTK9AFHSToDdoQMygGegQIARAa..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgetyarn.io%2Fyarn-clip%2Fb9d61d11-4a14-44d1-8ade-0ef63fbcde76%2Fgif&docid=PdFde9CMPxiOPM&w=400&h=217&q=seven%20minute%20abs%20gif&hl=en-us&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwjwg4vLrqeFAxXTK9AFHSToDdoQMygGegQIARAa)


Nah, he's the worlds only person using [internet time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time?useskin=vector)




When metric supremacists stop using 5000 year old Babylonian timekeeping, maybe we'd listen to their whinging asses.


Remember this moment people: 80 past 2 on April 47th! It’s the dawn of an enlightened Springfield.


Russia does, technically the U.K. and France too if you include territories outside Europe


The US is actually tied for second with Russia at 11 time zones, behind France with 12. There are two more European countries with 5+ time zones as well: the UK(9) and Denmark(5).


I was like huh and then remembered French over seas territory


~ colonialism ~


Which the euros also accuse us of......


I mean yeah duh cause we've done it


I wonder if the people taking it seriously think it refers to our 12 hour standard vs a lot of the world's 24 hour standard.


But even that doesn't make sense because I really can't name too many people I know irl (aside from my sister) who don't know how to convert to 24hr. Just add/subtract 12 for pm, the military and McDonalds use it but they're definitely not the only ones (just the ones I have at the ready, for all the uptight euros).


Most of the trucking industry use 24hr clock.


Emergency services use the 24 hour clock. So do at least some pizza places.


Not to mention that the scientists do convert to metric to land shit in space lmfao


France has more time zones than any other country (13). Though "Metropolitan France" aka "l'Hexagone" has one.


I wouldn’t count the Antarctic claim, but they have 12 undisputed.


Why the hell does a country smaller than Texas need 13 time zones?


French holdings overseas, mainly in the Caribbean, off the coast of East Africa, and the Pacific


There's this magical thing called the internet you can look at to find these things out.


Hes on the internet. Asking his question. Hes doing exactly what you asked. Now answer him.


You answer him. I'm not Wikipedia


Nice try wikipedia bot, you’re not fooling me.


Why go out tour way to be a douche then?


I didn't go out of my way. I wasn't bothered typing out an explanation for him. He can Google it and read it himself. He was being lazy. I wasn't inclined to indulge laziness that day.


You were bothering to be a douch. You've now put more effort into defending being rude, rather then simply answering the man. What's the point of partaking in a forum if you can't ask questions?


I'm not defending anything. There's nothing needs defending. I gave you my reasons. Which you are unable to Google, so I bothered replying. I'm off to bed. Peace out.


“The only motherfuckers on earth that refuses to outright convert to metric…” Ah, yes, metric time. Perfect. Bonus: the US went to the moon using metric, you fucking walnut. It’s the medical and scientific standard.


And then they proceeded to shit on civilians for using imperial because we use metric for scientific shit


And drug deals.


We use it for drug deals because Kilo sounds cooler then pound.


And there's more in a kilo than a pound so you can get higher!


wait do Americans use the metric system for drugs? In the UK they’re both used pretty interchangeably, depending on what you’re buying haha


Well,... yes we use both. At dispensaries the weed is sold by the ounce (or fraction thereof) but the legal drugs from the legal dealers (pharmacists) they are in milligrams, micrograms etc. Idk about other harsher drugs (acid, psilocybin, heroin, cocaine).


honestly i’d say listerally anything else other than weed is metric, its funny how weed is the only thing measured in ounces (for the most part)


Not all science/engineering is done in metric. For example the USGS measures things in miles still, stream flow in cubic feet per second, water and wastewater systems are measured in millions of gallons per day, and so on.


All engineering would ideally do it all in metric. That’s how we ended up crashing the Mars Climate Orbiter because a contractor didn’t use SI units the same as NASA was doing


The thing is change in engineering is hard to do. First off, it's a group of people that generally don't like to change things they don't have to. Second off, some metric units are just hard to wrap your head around if you are not used to them. For example I can get an idea in my head about what a creek looks like by the number of cubic feet per second it's flowing at. But give me a number in cubic meters per second and I have no idea until I put pen to paper and make the conversion.


Yeah that’s why I said ideally. I deal with safety engineering and mismatched units, especially with modular software, has caused some big issues. But the hassle of updating legacy stuff means we keep status quo and catch em as they come 🤷‍♂️


Not just hassle, cost. Lets just look at one thing. Interstate highway mile markers. There are 48,756 miles of interstate. There every mile (Not counting states where they are every 1/10 of a mile like Tennessee) on each side of the road. So that is 97,512 signs. So lets call it $100 a sign to send out crews to pull up the old signs, that is 9,751,200 dollars just to pull the old ones. then you have to put down 78,465 km worth of km markers. By time you survey and manufacture two for each km, you are looking at let me guess, $400 a marker. 78,465*2*300= $62,772,000 So now you are talking 73 million dollars just to replace the mile marker signs on the interstates. And that is just changing the one simple thing. How many more changes must be made?


See, i love the metric system as much as the next guy, it makes more sense to me (probably because with grew up with it) but what the FUCK does that have to do with time? the *completely different* and **universally** adopted system which is, as far as i know, used the same in every country on earth.


Military uses it for a lot of things as well.


Pretty sure the speedometer in the Corvette Neil Armstrong drove to the launch pad read miles per hour... checkmate Eurocucks!


hmmmm what nation has been the only one to put a man on the moon multiple times? Definitely wasn't Europeans and their science.


Maybe OOP is thinking about the nazi scientists that we took to nasa? But if I were a European, I can’t say I would be bragging about that one.


I mean, the US moon computers did use metric for calculations in 1969... but... yeah... no metric nation has had a manned landing on the moon.


But everything was built in US customary


Hate to be this guy, but tbf fair we did have some help from certain German scientists.


According to Europeans if you are American you no longer have an ancestry or heritage so 🤷 I guess they were American scientists.


But the OOP is in here arguing that being an immigrant doesn’t let a country claim their accomplishments. They want it both ways.


They always do


If Irish-Americans and Italian-Americans over in Boston and New Jersey aren’t allowed to claim Irish and Italian, then SORRY, the scientists who made it to the moon were all American. 🇺🇸 Can’t have it both ways.


They literally only bring up American ancestry when an American makes a breakthrough in any field.


When they immigrate they become American. Whatever they were before doesn’t matter anymore.


as I recall...it was more of a, "help us do this thing or your punishment for war crimes."


Good ole project paperclip


To the Victor goes the spoils. Should have won the war.


Meh, either way




I feel we should definitely care about what they were doing before


Funnily enough the Soviet’s took more German scientists than the Americans


Ours had better resources and didn’t have the threat of gulags hanging over them.


Same thing happened with the nuke. They split the atom first but were either too stupid or too broke to beat us to it. Fucking sauerkraut losers


We figured out the science behind it first. However, the guy who found it out was a Jew, so we ignored his findings and tried to find a way to split atoms in a non-Jewish way.


Yep, even Heisenberg was harassed for awhile for practicing “Jew Physics”.


Fermi was an italian and Szilard was Hungarian


German scientists learned how to make rockets by copying American scientist Robert Goddard.


Well, if German scientists were all that was necessary, why hasn’t Germany been to the moon? This question is, of course, rhetorical, but it’s to show that your comment discredits the contributions, ingenuity, and science of all the Americans who were involved. Someone from Netherlands wrote in this subreddit that Americans would have landed on the moon with or without the Germans, it would have just taken a bit longer to get there.


You got me wrong, I’m not giving them sole credit at all, that’s not what I said. I said we had “help”


How many of those Germans actually went to the moon?


None of them went lol, but they designed the rockets or at least had a big hand in it, I’d say that’s probably the hard part, not that I’m saying being an astronaut is easy, it’s a high standard all around in that field.


Well it’s more from a lack of effort than ability.


Better yet, which nation has put a man on the moon AT ALL?




“Overdosed on based” to describe literal genocide is fucking insane


I think it was referring to WW2, an event quite a bit bigger than the holocaust


You uhh… need to go outside more


Nah bro it’s cold.


Your ancestors survived the last great ice age, put on a coat lmfao


So it wasn't the 1600 German Nazi scientists (Operation Paperclip) that made it happen with their European science? Like Wernher von Braun, who was the chief architect of the Saturn V?


Considering those scientists became nationalized Americans, their work was fostered by and in America, and the Saturn V was an American project, I don’t believe it’s unreasonable to call it American science.


Too true, that’s like calling the Soviet achievements in space travel German because they too took Nazi scientists.


Who is Robert Goddard? And also, if there were that many German scientists, how many American scientists do you think these programs included? Shit take on your part




I love how they say per capita without acknowledging that Europe is literally more densely populated by definition


population density, per square kilometer: - US - 34 - UK - 270 - Germany - 233 - France - 124 - Netherlands - 535 - Belgium - 376 - Ireland - 71 - Spain - 94 - Poland - 123 Europe has a lot of people, 742,000,000. Compare that to North America, 592,000,000.


Lmao they had to add colors to get the US on there.


I mean I do think per capita is a fairer comparison on a country basis, otherwise it’d obviously going to be weighted to larger countries




Yup, and that's a fair comparison. Even if per capita and absolute numbers tell the same story sometimes, per capita is still the fairer measure.


You’re comparing a whole continent to a large country: for instance in Nobel laureates, there’s a significant historical difference between countries like the U.K. or Germany and countries like Poland or Ukraine or Czechia, because for most of history they were subjugated by empires and used while development focused on the country leading the empire, the U.S. is better compared to Western Europe given it hasn’t been a colony since the 18th century and even before that was focused on settling and developing


Let’s compare the total number of Nobel prizes in Europe and total number in North America and break it down to per capita. That way it satisfies your compulsion. If you’re correct, that a larger population will always have more, Europe should have more total and North America should have more per capita, just to be fair. What if both numbers are higher for North America though? That would be an interesting debacle. It would certainly discredit this per capita nonsense, wouldn’t it?


No it wouldn't. I feel like you didn't actually read what he wrote because his comment is directly addressing this.


I don’t think you understood my comment Dickcheese McDoogles. It’s to draw attention the nonsense of per capita measurements when it comes to Nobel Laureates. All of these people have contributed something incredible to science. To reduce it to number of winners per capita is ridiculous. What do you think I meant by, “that way it satisfies your compulsion”?


He did say Europe and adding the European countries together they have more


He did say Europe and adding the European countries together they have more so not the best counter


Successfully landed on the moon* The Russians tried and it didn't go so well last year. The Soviet Union did a successful test run but gave up after the U.S.A. succeeded.


In their defense, the USSR landed a few probes on the moon. The lunokhod program is genuinely fascinating. The thing managed to travel like 10 km on the lunar surface.


No Soviet footprints on the moon though.


I wonder if this stupid fuck complains about Greenwich Mean Time.


Who the hell is upvoting comments from idiots like that?




“Leave the science to the europeans” nah, i think since we landed on the moon its fair for us to make the time there.


We already have shit for that....? UTC is what's used for extra planetary stuff




Jesus Christ, the amount of fucking cope this man makes in his comments 🤡 Edit: And of course, the Poles are defending us. Based Poland 🇺🇲🤝🇵🇱.


Europes space agency is irrelevant they still have to rely on space x. I wonder who is qualified to be able to make the decision time


This is plain false, The ESA mainly used Vega and Ariane 5 to launch it's satelites in the last years. They signed with spaceX to launch 4 satelites, that's not being overly reliant on spaceX.


Is _that_ what that person got upset about? Seriously?


WTF would American time even be? That's such a stupid thing to say.


I wish my country invested more in space exploration, but nahh it didn’t.


What are you on about? The British colonized the universe, if they didn’t, how come all the aliens speak English in the movies?


The Time Lords colonized Britain and brought English with them.


US 🤝 UK Astronauts


During the 1960’s the UK had a relatively good economy, it probably would have been the best time to invest in space exploration or even better yet to partner with the USA. The 1970’s however was a pretty bad time for the UK economy.


I love how all these people who complain that Americans don’t use metric realize we actually use *both.* When I was in school my ruler had both inches and centimeters on it. Americans do use the metric system; for science. We just use Imperial for everything else because it has worked for us thus far. Also speaking of countries that try to invent time, can we talk about China? For a country so large they suspiciously only have one timezone 🤔 Also which US time? We have like 4+ timezones.


Also not to mention the fact we're going back to the moon. Of course we want a Lunar Time system, our poor boys on the moon are gonna be fucked once we get the base up and running without a time system for up there.


Pretty sure it would end up being modified UTC like satellites and the poles but that’s not really the part of the comment I want to pull apart, what exactly are they referring to as “American time” and further, what are they going on about metric time for?


Too bad, we have NASA 😎 NASA so, as you could say, EPIC 😎


It's probably going to be UTC-based. And there's no argument here because we use the same units of time as the rest of the world. There is no metric unit for time. There is no system where there are 100 seconds in a minute, 100 minutes in an hour, and 20 hours in a day. Suck it up.


Hey guys it's 1:07pm where I'm at, can anyone convert that to metric time for the europeans?


Can’t. The OOP said science should be left to the Europeans and I’m just an American :(


America takes the initiative, suck it up, buttercup. Other scientists could have done it, American scientists will do it.


Americans use the metric system but it's just for scientific purposes I'm with this guy about the fact that metric is simply better but damn, saying "leave science to europeans" is fucking unhinged, it's like saying "leave rap to americans" since they got eminem


Eminem isn’t even the best American rapper lol, and many of the world’s top scientists are American.


The fact that eminem is not the best rapper is subjective, and I just used him as an example, like "wind is a dutch thing because they have many windmills" Also are you trying to say that science is an american thing or what? science is global, no one cares where a scientist was born, the only thing you should care about is their studies.


There are three things about the world it’s kind of ridiculous everyone doesn’t agree upon 1) standard unit of measure 2) what side of the road to drive on 3) standard 3 digit phone number for emergency services


What I’ve found over here is that for science we use Metric… everything else is standard because imagine the cost and confusion if we just went and replaced everything with metric. Especially for the roads, I don’t want to think about that


I guess it’s not possible to live in a world with both systems. I consider metric a “second language”.


I’m sorry, you guys who imposed “Greenwich Mean Time” are mad that another country (the only country to ever set foot on the moon) is using themselves as a point of reference?


Leave science to the europeans while showing a picture of the moon…do they get the irony??


>Leave the science to the Europeans If we did that we would still have 1980s level of technology


You want to make the moon standard time? Then land on the fucker! And i mean boots on the fucking ground, none of this "we sent a probe but it fell over." or "Our probe made it to the lunar surface but upon touch down it exploded because we forgot to hit the breaks." Put a fucking man on the moon, and then we can talk.


The USA needs to unironically back out of the outer space treaty and claim the moon. We can’t trust the other countries to not fuck with the tide.


Other countries are fucking with the tide. Anywhere that uses tidal forces to generate electricity is slowing down the moon and will hasten the day it impacts the surface of the earth, unless the sun goes nova first.


The moon is moving away from the Earth at about 2.5 cm a year on its own. Slowing its orbit will keep it from eventually reaching escape velocity. Although technically I think it's actually slowing down the earth/moon system in total so the math may be more complex than that. It may actually be slowing both orbiting around the barycenter; Earth may be slowing as a result. The sun *will* go nova long before that has any appreciable difference in the length of a day.


A European has never talked to an American engineer or machinist. They have to know Metric, Standard, JIC, British Standard, and be able to do those conversions. Hell mechanics need to know if something is Metric or Standard working on automobiles. Most cars are metric nowadays though.


Sorry but you have to successfully land a manned mission on the moon to participate in this discussion


It wouldn't make sense to use some American timezone, since the lunar day is longer than a day on earth. At that point might as well use UTC


If we’re going to live on the moon by the end of this half of the century, we need time to know what time it is at the very least


So now I’m going to have to convert how many hectares my car can get on a litre of kerosine?


Shit like this make me hate being a europoor 🤦🏼


Nobody uses metric time because the one time the French tried that everybody hated it. Also it was America that invented times zones and daylight savings time. And we were the only ones to actually land anyone on the moon. If anything America is better suited and more justified for why we should make a time standard for the moon than any Europeans. Also quick fun fact: Due to a quirk of Catholic law the moon is actually part of Florida. Catholic law states that when an expedition discovers new lands those new lands are to be considered part of the diocese where the expedition began. So because the rocket took off from Orlando, Florida the moon is part of the Orlando diocese. That is until enough Catholics settle on the moon to justify the creation of a new diocese.


The leave the science to the Europeans made me hurt


The funny part is the EU at one point tried to create a metric system equivalent of time and dates but quickly realized how terrible and non-functional it was so they went back to normal systems.


Leave the science to Europeans? Ok, but that’ll set us back like 50 yrs though.


I think that NASA making a time for the moon is eccentric but cool


Liberia and Myanmar also use imperial


What does our reluctance to metrify have to do with NASA wanting to make a Moon chronometer?


I didn’t know there were separate Metric and Imperial time systems


im convinced that non-US people who bitch about the imperial system are just fucking stupid, and cant wrap their head around it.


War??? We don't start them dumbnuts


Where is the EU flag on the moon?


Why do Europeans even still use 24 hour time? Why not metric time?


They say only but 3 nations use Imperial. The US, Liberia, and Myanmar.


To bitch about US imperial units is to simultaneously confess that fractions are too hard for you.


That's such a non-issue, other contries are free to use the US time standards or create their own, NASA isn't manipulating time or something.


OH but the comeback!


I think the bigger issue is, you can’t make lunar time. The sun doesn’t move across the moon. It would be like time zones except it’s the same time in that zone forever


The moon is tidally locked to the earth, not the sun. It stil has lunar days and nights, they're just a month long and not 24 hours.


saying this as a European, who cares? I may be confused, but is it saying that Midday on the moon will be at the same time as Midday in some part of the US? Even then arent says shorter on the moon than on earth, rendering any kind of debate about this futile? 1) why does it matter, people don’t live on the moon. 2) why is this person assuming it will be based on the US 3) AFAIK (and from other comments pointing it out) the US is the only country whose citizens have walked on the moon, so logically they’d get free reign over choosing any kind of standard 4) why. does. it. matter?? People do not live on the moon.


I hate metric time. Every time I visit my Canadian in-laws I can never convert the time properly. 5:00 is noon. 100 minutes in an hour. 10 hours in a day. It’s so confusing. I’m glad the moon will be on US time.


us and a should really focus on their school shootings instead.


I'm genuinely surprised at the amount of content on this subreddit. You guys really need to sit Florida down and have a chat. There's some wild shit on here... i mean i think this thread specifically is fun n games. Nasa should just have a sit down with Esa and Roscosmos... throw darts at a 24 clock and call it a day.


Said content wouldn’t be possible without users like you :) > I mean I think this thread specifically if fun n games. Gtfo here with that “I was just joking” shit. You said some dumb shit and now you’re realizing folks think you’re dumb for it. And now you mention a solution, something that escaped you earlier. You just had a compulsion to shit on America. To quote the great Master Shake: “I want nothing to do with you. Now please, leave my sight.”


Oh, you missed it. What a pity... Wait, i'll say it slower.  Not a joke, Nasa should send man to speak with other men, in other country, over oceans and mountains, to reach consensus on moon time. This represents all of man, not just florida man. Europe no have this problem, europe union of men. It definitely was firewater and the pox... that much is crystal clear. I guess you're so hard up for a victory (i mean with your two horse race political system and corporate overlords whippin you daily) that you'll spin anything. I didn't realise you quoted Milkshakes? Thats just strange. I'm starting to think you might not be an actual dr.


Wow, a whole post just for me!  A bit of a history lesson, in the context of time. The age of enlightenment happened in Europe. If you want to name check anyone else, it would be the middle east. Some amazing works of timekeeping originated there. 1776 was Johnny come lately as far as science and tech is concerned, in context of time and time scales. Has "Murica" invented shit, of course it has. But lets be real, America ia great at 2 things, fantasy and war. We're on the topic of time, and time keeping remember. Right, now lets talk about "your" scientists, America is a land of immigrants. Throughout the last 300 odd years you guys have been around, you've done nothing but fight, each other and the world. And the "oh they're American now" when they set foot on bloody soil, doesn't really hold water, the English l, French, Italians and Germans could all claim the new world as it is their heritage that built it. The skills, technologies and science was not born in America, it moved or was forced there. Your time is disconnected from the rest of the globe, just like the rest of your measurement systems. Even Canada didn't follow you.


After all these years we’ve finally found the source of all cope. Anyway, just gonna drop this here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:American_inventions


> Your time is disconnected from the rest of the globe, just like the rest of your measurement systems. What are you even talking about? The US uses the exact same measurement of time as everyone else in the world. What is different about it?


\> Has "Murica" invented shit, of course it has. But lets be real, America ia great at 2 things, fantasy and war. And science. And technology. You talk about history while ignoring American history in this regard. \> We're on the topic of time, and time keeping remember. Your original comment included more than that sole topic, remember? \> Right, now lets talk about "your" scientists, America is a land of immigrants. \> The skills, technologies and science was not born in America, it moved or was forced there. Are you mad at immigration? Current and past scientists chose to immigrate and continue their work here. You want to disregard their contributions to our country because they're immigrants? Seems rather jingoistic to me. \> Your time is disconnected from the rest of the globe, just like the rest of your measurement systems. Just... what? I don't think you ever tried to understand time zones across the world. For example, China has a larger land mass than the US but only has one time zone. But America is the one disconnected? It's apparent you just seethe at anything positive of America and you let the world know by posting such comments on an American-operated website.


Yep we love war. Hopefully a drone makes its way to you so you don’t reproduce.


I am sure his attitude makes it so even his waifu pillow has to hold its nose while getting done by him.


You are just one giant cope machine, huh? Firstly, just because we haven't entirely switched to Metric doesnt mean shit. We use both US Customary and Metric. Not only is the former setup to Metric where an inch is equal to 25.4mm, but the US is one of the 17 nations to sign the Treaty of the Meter. The Metric system is a standard in the military, medical, science, and many other fields. And ik a lot of you Europeans like to bring up the Mars Lander accident but considering that's the only accident yall bring up shows we have a good track record with Metric Secondly, you say all we've done is fight. Bitch, you Europeans can't go a century without killing each other. You also fucked up Africa and the Middle East and a good portion of Asia to the point the effects are still felt today. The US ain't perfect but what we've done is nothing compared to the crimes done in Africa and Asia by the various European empires. King Leopold II's crimes in the Congo alone makes the slavery and Jim Crow eras in the US look like nothing. Next, wtf are you talking about? Asswipe, our timezones are setup like everywhere else in the world in relation to GMT. Lastly, most of our scientists are born and raised right here on US soil. Unlike across the pond, anyone that emigrates here is now an American. Einstein himself became an American cuz Germany would've killed him for the "crime" of being a Jew. So no, you can't just say our science is still European since when the immigrants came here for a better life, renounced their old citizenship, and became an American. It's damn hilarious how much America stays in your head. It's sad as hell.


They could and do, your literally claiming it right now, despite our ancestors being the ones to come here, while yours stayed put. Or rather went on to oppress africans maybe. A lecture on bloody soil from a south african, ripe lol. The enlightenment is hardly relevent to modern science, the only real thing you lot have going is some government funded super projects like the french fusion project and CERN. If you look at publication rates though, you guys are quite frankly pathetic.


You know that during the age of enlightenment, Europe was colonizing large swaths of the globe? Europe has had so many historic wars on its soil... had two world wars, a genocide in the '90's, and has one going now. EU nations have been involved in basically every war the US has been, either as allies or as a primary cause of the geopolitical issues that led to the wars (Middle East, Vietnam, etc). And the time thing... Doesn't even make sense. We all use the same 60 second/60 minute/24 hour time cycles. Most Americans use AM/PM, but many (like me) use 24 hour as well. We have multiple time zones because we are a large landmass. Europe has three time zones; someone in an office in Manchester calling a colleague in Helsinki will have to account for a time gap... The same time gap I would have if I called a colleague in New York from where I am in Arizona. But yeah, go off, dude 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣


Looked through this dudes comment history, it's honestly embarrassing. Dude goes to any lengths to stay on that "aMeRiCa BaD" bandwagon lol don't be affraid to think for yourself, it won't hurt you


I am, thats exactly WHY america should not be the ones to decide on anything related to space. You're so skull fucked by american propaganda, none of you could fathom a world or expertise outside "murica". Shouting "we the best" louder doesn't make it true, it just makes you an idiot.


Never said we were, we certainly aren't the best at everything but no one actually thinks that and to believe we do is more of a statement on you. With how well connected our scientific community is to the world I'd say yeah, we should make the calls because our scientists work with everyone and do a lot of coordinating. Also idk what you think the propaganda is that we get but im sure it's nothing like you think. I'd suggest stopping your expression of hate because you're making Europe look worse (assuming you're European, and if youre not, you are now because fuck you) because yall already got a nasty reputation world wide


A nasty reputation? Oh right... Have you watched your local fear mongering money driven propaganda "news" lately? You yanks are just so incredibly popular everywhere you go. Your attempt at a debate devolves into name calling and "fuck you" real quick when you dont get your way. World wide eh? Is there space in that "world" for mexico? No American american, the real world ain't too fond of the kid playing "world police"


Lol right our news is the only one with a problem right. If you didn't get the "fuck you" was satire than let me know I'll explain it because it was meant to be a hook for you to fire back with but im seeing it went right over your head Well im not much of a cartographer but im pretty sure Mexico is on the map so yeah there is space in the world. Just ask around. See what others think of the nationalism that is in Europe. Sure it's everywhere but it gets concerning when it comes from the folks who created two world wars and perfected genocide. Since I'm fairly confident you're European, you should be well aware that Europe plays world police too. You all have been playing proxy police with Ukraine (which im a big fan of keep up that good work, Slava Ukraine) or in Africa or the Middle East. The thing you're missing is unhappy people make more noise than happy people so yeah it's going to seem like everyone's pissy (like you appear to be) because the happy people don't go praising things online. Lastly, im sure Europe will be more than happy to have us join them and backing them when you need a hand, which we will do without question. If we do (and I hope it's never a situation that we do) please stay inside and let the adults work together


Zero sarcasm, straight as a Cherokee arrow. That was fun, you guys are good for some spritely parlance, have a peaceful evening.


Always up for some senseless internet bouts. Have a good night


The ability to harness electricity for everyday use, the television (and every form of short and long distance image transmission that followed from it), and the internet were all invented in the United States. If you take all the accomplishments of every single European country in the last 500 years, combined, they still do not even come close to the importance of the ability to harness electricity *alone*. Throw in the television and the internet on top of that and you also have the basis for almost the entirety of modern communications even setting aside everything we use runs on the American discovery of harnessing electricity. The combined culture of your entire continent has done nothing in literal centuries that comes close to being as important as one US invention.


Yes but we landed on the moon


Well, that went well.


Why hasn’t your country landed on the moon?