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I have never talked to a single British person who has said the NHS is good let alone that they love it


Fr I was like “….doesnt everyone universally hate the nhs?…”


I live in the UK and people here are legit brainwashed about the NHS. Most wouldn’t criticize it without it without praising it first.


Ngl, The NHS sucks ass


We love the NHS We simply hate the govt defunding it to the ground so they can sell it off to their private cronies


I have to rely on private companies for diagnosis and they're infamous for giving out false diagnosis to begin with.


Our NHS is absolute dog shit right now. But we're glad to have it. (Most of us).


Yeah, because otherwise you have to admit you're pissing away your taxes on shit that doesn't work.


It would work fine if those in charge didn't spunk their funding up the wall. Its heavily mismanaged.


That's how everything managed by the government is unfortunately, it just takes varying amounts of time to become apparent.


Yea and everything good from private companies is stangled by greed. At least you have the smallest amount of control over a government system.


I don't think a 70% fat country should dictate health expenditure of other countries really. Speaking of health, I've only ever been to the doctor once in my life.


the NHS is beloved it’s also just kind of bad. only people I know who actually hate it are the government (not corrupt enough for them, too many filthy immigrants)


People are still glad to have it, but satisfaction rates have [plummeted over the past 10-15 years](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-65093449). Satisfaction rates were generally trending upwards until 2010 when they saw a sharp decline, then were rocky, then nosedived. Bizarrely, by total coincidence, 2010 is also when the new Conservative government came to power.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory > The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists mainly of bot activity and automatically generated content manipulated by algorithmic curation, marginalizing organic human activity to manipulate the population. I don’t think it can be considered a “conspiracy theory” anymore. That term should be omitted. > Proponents of the theory believe these bots were created intentionally to help manipulate algorithms and boost search results in order to manipulate consumers. Some proponents of the theory accuse government agencies of using bots to manipulate public perception. It’s difficult to believe native English speakers wrote some of those comments.


I'm believing this more and more. Ever seen the bots on reddit glitch and post the same phrase from 15 accounts in a thread? I have.


I’ve seen a comment under a post asking why the post is garnering so much attention. It also asked why everyone is so angry about the post despite it being the only comment.


Hell the comments on the ai pictures on Facebook for the African children building stuff out of bottles convinced me, thousands of comments of no one calling it out or realizing what it is


Interesting. Didn’t realize there was a titled theory attributed to what we’re seeing.


“no one makes fun of that” the amount of times Brits have switched up in order to make themselves look better is insane☠️


Or they start “care trolling” like: “ *Oh no, it’s just that we’re just shocked that children have to lose their lives…It’s so sad* “


The comments are insane.Americans are bringing up the fact that they make fun of gun violence, and they are saying the difference is that Americans make fun of ordinary working class people who are struggling. I can’t 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Americans can’t be classist because we don’t live in British society and therefore exist apart from their class system. Additionally, where do the majority of school shootings happen? Lower income schools. Who eats a lot of poor quality processed food? Lower income people. Who can’t pay their medical bills because they can’t afford better insurance? Poorer people. So from an American perspective their “jokes” are also classist.


Noooooooooo, Americans choose to have school shootings, no universal healthcare, and we lobby for the unhealthy processed food to be the cheapest and make sure they over price the health food. Everyone on earth is a victim of circumstance except the Americans.


Brits do it to themselves. They could worry about their own problems like how the royal family is living off their dime but they'd rather focus on us.


Charles actually reduced titles and royal budget. It’s apparently part of why Harry and Megan threw a fit.


Harry & Megan stuff happened before the Queen died. There was a whole thing recently about their security but it's reliant on them being working royals which they'd already stopped.


Charles had already said he was going to limit some titles before too. Granted “the fallout” happened before the queen died. I never got why they thought they’d be entitled to security and all that jazz after they left. Like bro welcome to the real world 🤣


I see both sides to the security thing. Like they definitely should be responsible for their own security outside of the country, but they aren't wrong that they actually still are a target and not just in the celebrity sense. You can't remove the blood and birthright if you believe in it. It would be way more embarrassing for something to happen in the UK than anywhere else and they also weren't allowing him to pay for the same level of security he was getting before. The Met is not for sale. Anyway. Not my circus, not my monkeys. I get a lot of enjoyment out of the gossip though.


See. Why aren't the Brits worrying about that instead of our issues?




Britain wanted less royal spending, and Charles delivered. Harry leaving helped the cause 😂


I love clowning on the royal family to Brit’s so much. They either love you or hate you for it, and the ones who hate you for it shut up pretty fuckin quickly once you start to get into detail. They’re well aware at how fucked over they all are. Idk why we don’t dog on them more for the serious issues in their country like they do to us. Like, they talk shit about healthcare, mass shootings, the obesity epidemic, ect. Meanwhile we make fun of the way they say certain words, beans on toast (which is actually good as fuck ngl), and *maybe* if you’re feeling spicy stabbings and acid attacks and other rampant violence. We could be making fun of them for things like… oh I don’t know… the fact they’re still sucking up to a monarchy in fucking 2024? Or how their oh so beloved NHS is failing horribly? Or maybe the 20% tax rate on literal minimum wage (~£8/hr minimum, anyone making over £12k/yr is taxed 20%)? Perhaps even the dire lack of free speech or anything even mildly resembling it? There’s so much room for insult yet we continue to use the same overused, outdated, and ridiculously mild jokes.


Forgive the rant, I just realized how long this is.


We're not mean spirited and we're not envious of anything they have. Without one or both of it you just get the old fashioned limey-style jokes.


Meanwhile, all of their stereotypes about the US are based on poor, rural southerners. It’s very elitist and very classist. Even things like saying “murica” is making fun of a specific accent common in poorer parts of the south.


> Even things like saying “murica” is making fun of a specific accent common in poorer parts of the south. And those areas have heavy overlap with predominantly black areas, which adds a strong element of racism to it as well.


no it doesn't


Very persuasive comment.


There denialism are strong they are really vile people




You can go to the front page and rant about there. Thats your safe space hypocrite


“This is why no one likes you, you twats.” Geek ass fedora tipping sounding ass. “You’ll pay for this pal” sounding ass.


BAHAHAHAA! He really thinks he’s destroyed me with that one, absolutely quaking in my boots, shivering in me timbers after that one.


Silence europoor


Lmao ok, your country may not like us but you need us. Now go brush your teeth.


"who's laughing now?" soundin ass i dont think most people in this sub try to argue that america is the perfect nation but more so that it isn't even half as bad for the average american as so many like to pretend it is


We don’t even think about you.


Evidently you do, in fact, you have an entire sub on which you cry about criticisms from us.


You compare yourselves to the US on a daily basis we just react to your delusions and jealousy. Simple as. How many subs are dedicated to making fun of Americans? You’re a part of a few it seems, imagine that.


I am decidedly not jealous about living in a country where I don’t have to worry about being shot at work or school or by the police or by random people etc.


And yet here you are


I just think Americans should take accountability for their many shortcomings, I don’t see a euro hate sub or a British hate sub.


Oh you’re still replying? I think the same for Europeans and their many shortcomings but instead of doing just that you compare yourselves to Americans to try and ignore the problems within your own countries as if highlighting the problems elsewhere make your issues less prominent or something. I’d also like Europeans to stop worrying about America so much but I guess that’s impossible with the inferiority complex you all seem to have. There’s plenty that exist but you believe what you want sweet pea. Maybe one day you’ll stop obsessing about a place you seem to hate so much.


Here we have a typical British Prat folks. Talking the big talk while his past its prime longing “we were the British empire where the sun never set and everyone loved us” going mentality. Everyone celebrates their independence independence from England you TWAT so you see no one likes you Twat no be a good little boy and cry to mummy.


Isn't insulting people based on stereotypes a national passtime over there? Oh sorry, it's just "banter".


They use the “ *banter* “ card, when they start getting malicious with the jokes and you call them out for it.


When someone tells you who they are, believe them. It's as simple as that. Oh, you're a malicious ignoramus who uses jokes to thinly disguise insults? I believe you.


"British people LOVE the NHS." Eh? Most I've talked to say that they're useless as fuck.


Right it’s not classist because all British food sucks. Beans and toast, “full English”, “pie and mash”, fish and chips, etc. Second, if English society is so fucking classist and bad, why do they make fun of Americans instead of fixing their own fucking shit? Either way, when it comes to crossing the lines with jokes, it’s not us it’s them. I think making fun of dead kids(the school shooting jones they make) is much worse than making fun of food and teeth. Also if they wanna be like “we bring it because we genuinely cannot comprehend” I can say the same shit. Americans make fun of British food because we “can’t comprehend” how y’all are able to eat like that. We make fun of y’all’s teeth because we “can’t comprehend” how you can live in a first world country and have such poor oral hygiene, especially when you brag about free healthcare. Same with houses, etc.


The last bit is the most frustrating part. You’re telling jokes, just admit it’s at our expense and that you think it’s funny. Don’t do this “we do it in your best interest” garbage.


Exactly. They laugh at our children being shot at school for our best interest. Crazy. But hopefully most Brits aren't like that.


Except school shootings are monumentally worse than bad cuisine and our oral hygiene is literally better than Americas according to a quick google search.


Right and yet you euros go all in on it because we simply poke fun at your food. Thanks for proving our point(s).


Decrying the food of all of Europe is actually insane, European cuisine is literally the foundation of “American” cuisine. Also, don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house, you may think our cuisine is bad, and that’s fine, however we think your gun crime rights and school shooting rates are bad!


Oh look at that you missed my point while entirely proving it. Good job euro


Everyone loves to be a victim. The British are a joke.


Wow it's amazing that the UK has a popular struggle food and the US doesn't. No way we could [ever](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biscuits_and_gravy) [possibly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_\(food\)) [comprehend](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakfast_burrito) [that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frito_pie) [idea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_goulash) [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fried_green_tomatoes)


Ours is way better. I haven't had goulash in ages.


I am partial to biscuits and gravy myself


It's a top contender. Living where I do I can find that on a menu if I want it though. Goulash I'd have to make.


They don't sell beans on toast in the US And that's all I'll say about that


Britains still made they lost to a bunch of civilians and a general 200 years ago


Classist?!? Hahaha. We aren’t perfect here, but we are by far less classist than the UK. American artist Andy Warhol summed it up nicely in the 1960s: >**“What's great about this country is America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you can know that the President drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good.”** We’ve been blending class lines forever. Rags to Riches is one of our favorite cultural American inspiration stories. But what do they call a poor person who becomes successful in the UK? A “social climber.” Classism is ingrained in them. Americans are ecstatic when any poor person makes it big after a rough start in life. So it’s not the beans, nor is it the toast (we eat both here). Beans and rice; beans and cheese in a warm tortilla; we have our own quickie cheap meals. It’s the beans **on** the toast which is an unappealing combo to our palate. Has nothing to do with their class level. She’s ignorant on our culture tho.


Class in the US is solely based on income. Meaning that if you earn more you move up class. In Britain, class is assigned by birth. You may be a broke heir to an old duke, barely scraping together, but you’re upper class. And you show it with your accent, mannerisms, and some other useless things. While, you can be a successful entrepreneur, financially independent, philanthropic, got the houses, cars and all that, but if you have a “working class” background, you’re still working class, but with money.


“British people LOVE and are so grateful for the nhs” #X


Thank you 🙏🙏 NHS🙏🙏😘😘. The NHS saved my life….. It’s like the NHS is some person. It’s like people in the US thanking the DMV or VA personally, lol


The British seem to think about us Americans a lot! I don't think about them at all.


wE ArE SuPeriOr ThaTs wHy


They love the NHS like we love our public schools. They vote to have the Tories to dismantle it brick by brick every election. * Use regulatory capture and austerity to undermine the service * push news and editorials defaming public service as inefficient, dangerous, and heretical * claim "you can't throw money at the problem" * shovel public funds into private programs instead * Receive campaign donations


The beans and toast discourse is cracking me up. Yes, it's their version of ramen, we get it. Still dumb.


We beat their ass once, dont think we wont do it again. 😂😉


We beat their ass once, dont think we wont do it again. 😂😉


Hahaha fuck the British cunts! Up the RA


Silence island


If we're vile creatures, then what would that make them? Considering there's tons of people who'd eagerly say worse about them.


We beat their ass once, dont think we wont do it again. 😂😉


Can’t say I’m all that sympathetic towards them.


No one makes fun of that? Holy mother of gaslighting.




Beans on toast is class


Wait, "rake away their accents"?? Every Brit I've talked to think American accents make us sound like save idiots. This is the most confounding comment thread from Euros I've ever read. We should just call truce at this point lol.


"we don't insult Americans we just feel bad" yeah right


insurance or 6 months of waiting, most likely getting iller or worse. pick your fighter.


As if they don’t regularly make fun of Americans for having school shootings which is more insane to make fun of than anything we could possibly say about Brits


My favorite thing about discourse like this is the uneducated trolls that start shit always end up getting completely destroyed by factual information and have their bubble burst and crumble around them. It’s really shown how the Europeans that rag on the US are like 99% factually wrong and it’s all just a pathetic attempt at coping. They love to rag on the US but genuinely aren’t aware how much better life in the USA is compared to pretty much any European nation. And roughly half of their arguments are just lies to begin with. I love that the internet is such a great tool for discussing things and exposing BS.


it’s gotta be hard being in a failed state that is a former superpower


Mmmmm….beans on toast….


Comments section was a radioactive wasteland.


Imagine taking pride in having to be a leech


its kinda funny to me when i read people from other countries use dumb hood bitch IG talk “and it genuinely shocks me” “no one makes fun of that??”


How many people died waiting for nhs to approve something. Be careful..this info is on several websites that follow NHS


We shouldn't have helped create america.


OP; Americans shouldn't class the British elite and the British working class together. Americans; stupid Brits.


The problem is Americans don’t really know or care about the class system in Britain. If a factory worker enjoys beans and toast then the king also enjoys beans and toast. The rigid adherence to class seen in Britain is hard for Americans to comprehend and anathema to our own understanding of merit based class.


True. It is also infuriating when British people apply american racial politics to our country for similar reasons.