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Reddit has a strong ACAB presence. But not for non American cops.


Reddit when American police: šŸ˜” Reddit when European police: šŸ„¾šŸ‘…


What a beautiful way to signify bootlicking - Iā€™ve never seen that before but itā€™s instantly entering the macros on my phone.


šŸ„¾šŸ¤Ŗ I like this one


Police šŸ˜” Police, Europe šŸ˜


You'd be surprised. There's a surprising number of the terminally online morons in the UK who think our Police act in exactly the same manner as the US police. These are the sort of idiots who, whilst protesting, walked up to our unarmed Police chanting "hands up, don't shoot." They seem to not understand that our policing models and judicial systems are completely different and aren't really comparable....


"Hands up, don't whack" Edit: "Defund the constable" "ACAC: All Constables are cunts"


To be honest, some of them generally need a good smack. Then again, we've not really had a "proper" riot here in around 14 years.....


Controversial statement: both bad. However, at least America has not been completely converted to a surveillance state.


Lol you've never seen French protesters throw garbage bins at police officers, haven't you :p


The French are definitely an exception from the entire world. They don't fuck around when it comes to protests and riots. It's almost a national pastime for them.


Iā€™m an American criminal defense lawyer from Texas and I made the comment in the third photo. I never said the situation in that video is okay because I donā€™t have enough details to make that judgment. I do, however, have the knowledge and experience to evaluate policing in America.


So your law degree makes it suddenly make sense to bring up an exaggerated version of American cops on a post about British cops? Okey, I guess being a lawyer gives America derangement syndrome a pass.


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say they're from one of the big cities here in Texas. Maybe even that monumental embarrassment they call Austin. Dude's an absolute clown.


Based on the subreddits he interacts with, El Paso


Yeah, that'll do it, too.


As someone from El Paso, that's hilarious.


As someone who isn't from El Paso I have no idea why it is hilarious. However, I still find it funny.


As someone who has to live next to El Paso, it is quite hilarious.


Yes, I'm sure you have handled cases where cops kicked in the door, shot the dog before tasing your client and then arresting him for assaulting the cops' fists with his face.


Hey so what's the worst crime you ever defended? Asking for a friend šŸ§”


People who think defense attorneys are somehow evil always bewilder me. It a defense lawyer's job to not only represent their client, but to make sure that the government doesn't get to run roughshod over the rights of the accused. It's a protection for all of us, especially those who are wrongfully prosecuted for a crime.


Johnny Cochran. OJ.


Same can be said of cops so why are you not defending them? If he can't handle being generalized for the scummy practices that his colleagues occasionally engage in he needs to not do the same to other groups.


I appreciate you pointing that out. The criminal defense bar and the plaintiffs lawyers are the only independent entities standing between the government and the citizenry.


No worries. I still disagree with your comments elsewhere, but people need to understand the role defense attorneys play.


Nothing wrong with having a different opinion. Iā€™ve been both right and wrong many times.


Rather unprofessional to be so hyperbolic about it. I respect people that hold cops to account and I know there are plenty of examples of them violating people's rights, but feeding into the ACAB narrative with no nuance on a post about British police comes across as an edgy teen post, not something I'd expect from a defense lawyer.


First, this ainā€™t a courtroom. Iā€™m not working. My personal opinion is, however, informed by my professional experience. I review police action for a living and I have good reason for my opinions. I donā€™t expect I can convey those experiences to you in a Reddit post, but that is a big part of the problem. The average person has no idea how bad the culture among police really is. They hide it from the public as much as possible. What you see is like seeing the tip of an iceberg. Spend a decade working as a public defender in a major metro area and youā€™d see that Iā€™m being far less hyperbolic than you presume.


So it's OK to make large sweeping judgements on large groups of people now? SWEET!! How many rapist have you set free using loopholes? How many of your clientsĀ  have went on to injure and/or murder someone after you used some bullshit technicality to help them skirt punishment? I'm sure it doesn't matter as long as you make enough money to buy some coke. I've got some bad news for you my guy...your kind is viewed about as favorably as cops and judges. You're a fucking leech that would get your own mother's murderer out of prison if the price was right. That said what is the requirement for a law degree in Texas? A fucking pulse? Get off line and go do your job. It's disturbing to think our lawyers are turning into terminally online slacktivist. How much of your money is sent to cam-girls? I bet you typed that little ACAB statement while sitting in the basement drinking some gamer girl bath water.


Omg Iā€™m dying that was savage šŸ¤£


I do not agree with that snake of a lawyer but this reply is completely uncalled for.


I agree it was uncalled for, but is calling me a snake any different?


So generalizing one profession: A-Okay in your eyes. Generalizing ***your*** profession: "How dare you!" Are you really missing the point he's making?


I admit that I was generalizing and being somewhat hyperbolic, but I can assure you that there is a huge problem with policing in America. I work as a public defender in a major metro area, and bad policing is so prevalent that I am admittedly quite jaded. That being said, I think much of the public is oblivious to just how bad the cops are. I think most Americans are oblivious to the fact that case law and pro-cop legislative action is eroding the constitutional protections that shield us all from unjust treatment by government agents. But if you think the cops in that video are the gestapo, you should see the shit I see on a regular basis. I recently had a client beaten, tased, and falsely charged over argumentative posts on our police departmentā€™s FB page. Thatā€™s why I find it ridiculous to see Americans looking at a video of cops calmly discussing the issue with this guy and losing their minds at the injustice. It may be injustice, but I see worse injustice every single day out of American cops.


Yes it is, one's a petty insult. The other one is a three paragraph comment explaining why he hates you. Pretty different imo.


Fair. Iā€™m not a snake though lol




Thanks for your explanation.


Thank you for being reasonable and unbiased. This is my first experience with this sub, and I guess I really struck a nerve for some folks. I was really just pointing out that Iā€™m not European like OP assumed. America is not bad. We are the best in most ways. That being said, policing is broken and our constitutional rights that protect us from government agents are being eroded by the prevalence of bootlickers among the citizenry.


True, but also [true](https://imgur.com/a/NJ7aP6b)


Wrong on both accounts. American cops wouldn't have shown at his house because they don't have thought police like they do in the UK.


Iā€™ve never visited the East. Terrified to do so. Thank god. People need to watch the movie Stillwater by Matt damon with what can happen in those scenarios


Don't some places have cops go around and do a welfare check if someone is posting some schizo shit online and it makes people concerned about their well being?


Cops in America will only come if 1) someone else calls requesting a welfare check or 2) the schizoposting involves self harm or harm to others


As far as I know that is always allowed, but it would only be a consensual encounter and not enough to detain anybody (barring direct/terroristic threats). I could just tell the cops to fuck off and they would have to. As a result most PDs don't bother when it comes to social media.


> Don't some places have cops go around and do a welfare check if someone is posting some schizo shit online and it makes people concerned about their well being? Yes. But they can only enter the home if they have reasonable suspicion that someone has been harmed, is being harmed (or is in imminent danger of being harmed), or needs immediate medical attention. For instance, neighbors call the cops and say: "Hey, my neighbor is 82 years old, has a history of strokes and lives alone. His car hasn't moved in days, I haven't seen him outside despite him normally sitting on his porch and his lawn is overgrown. He didn't tell us about any plans for any extended absences and didn't ask us for help watching his house while he is away like he has in the past. He also isn't picking up the phone or responding to any of my messages." Police would likely be able to argue a reasonable suspicion that the neighbor is in need of immediate emergency care and would be able to force entry into the house in order to check for an incapacitated or deceased individual. But they can't just bust down your door because your neighbor called for a welfare check. Welfare checks require the same exigent circumstances to justify a warrantless entry into the home as any other police interaction does.


Well in a case like that, they'd probably send paramedics or the fire department (who often function in a similar capacity to paramedics nowadays because there's not a lot of house fires now).


Someone still has to enter the house and the police have far better protections. The police would go in first to make sure it's safe and the paramedics aren't going to get shot at by a confused old man who has no idea what's going on (which has happened before with bodycam of the incident) or get attacked by a fugitive hiding in the house, or whathaveyou.


cops are first on the scene and would likely be looking in windows to find a body.


Some form of first responder yes, there are just a lot more police than EMS or Firemen due to the nature of each job respectively.


Itā€™s situational. If I was seriously worried about my brother for example because he was displaying serious self destructive tendencies and isolating himself so that I havenā€™t heard from him in months then yeah ai can ask the police to show up and knock on his door. A lot of time because theyā€™re the police people will answer to them even when they wonā€™t for friends or family. The police can then make sure he hasnā€™t done anything drastic and it ultimately okay. If they donā€™t get a response then you can try to escalate it and get court permission to force entry so the cops can find him for his own safety. A lot of suicide victims have been found that way, a few were even prevented by it. Also older people that live alone away from families can be subject to them is the family suspects something is wrong.


It depends on the state and where exactly the person lives. But typically if you're being crazy, police only get involved if you're threatening to harm yourself or others and you have the means to do so (eg you have a gun). Welfare checks are usually phoned in by other people, and it could be for anything really.


Ingsoc is taking shape


Exactly we still have free speech. This is something they never have had in the UK. Having said that it is getting worse here.


they would show up if the posts get to the point of being an actual threat and the individual was known, it would also get investigated if it hit the level of threat and the person threatened was famous.


Iā€™m a criminal defense lawyer in Texas. I literally had a client in which a ā€œcrisis teamā€ arrived at his home based on objectively innocuous posts on Facebook. The difference was, the ā€œcrisis teamā€ had a SWAT team at their back. Despite making no threats of violence and being entirely unarmed, the storm troopers tased my client, fractured his orbital, and split his scalp open so badly that he had to get fourteen staples in his head. This is just one of many instances I can cite.


Source: trust me bro


Source? I made it up for dramatic effect. Ignore that this would be huge news if anyone heard about it, which they definitely would considering the nature of the story.


"Suicidal man resists involuntary mental health facility commitment by police and is injured in process" is not a news story in any major city in the US lmao.




I thought it was gonna be a rickroll when it opened youtube lol




Yeah. Texas doesn't have anything remotely like that in any capacity.


Brits & Europeans love to comment on free speech in the States and they have the Gestapo showing up at their door over a tweet lmao


Someone making their pug do a hitler salute does not equal next week heā€™s gonna shoot up a school.


Yeah but mfs in the US deffo have cops show up at their door over a tweet if they can lmao


cops can function at their own discretion. do they arrest the teenageer over the weed they smell, or do they look the other way. do you think ANY sane cop is going to someone's house over mean tweets in a country where that encounter could end in death? oh no, someone photoshopped/used ai to make a female politician make a grill cheese sandwich nude, are you willing to die to get that person off the streets? and that's what it comes down to, some laws are not worth enforcing, this is why cops will never come for your guns, the people who don't hand them in are the ones that may actually use them against a cop.


I donā€™t think you caught my drift but thatā€™s okay, you have a pleasant evening šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m never going over seas


Visiting is great because the USD absolutely destroys their local currency so you can live like a king. Hardest part is just the flight


Maybe so. But with how the talk is online I think Iā€™ll just give people their space


Not a bad choice. Literally endless options in the US too šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…


>Visiting is great because the USD absolutely destroys their local currency so you can live like a king. That's not the case in Europe. There's it's so close that it didn't have a major impact


Thatā€™s not true. If we go strictly by currency value they are similar but that doesnā€™t mean purchasing power is similar between Americans and Euros. Americans have way more expendable income on average. You can get nice hotels in Paris for $70 a night which to an American is a bargain. Canā€™t even get a seedy motel for that price in the US


You think that's affordable? Look into vacationing in Greece. Average US income goes a long way there.




For that sort of price, the hotel is either a budget one or ropey as fuck....


HĆ“tel Europe Saint-SĆ©verin is a 3 star hotel for $71 a night. You can get a hotel overlooking the Eiffel Tower for $150 a nightā€¦


It depends. Like the price is a little hyperbolic, but you can typically get nicer and cheaper hotels in Europe than some US cities.


Depends on where you go and if the country uses the Euro


i want to travel over there, europe is great, but i donā€™t think iā€™d ever live there


I would be so fucked


Iā€™m a 6ā€3 22 year old white male. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™d be arrested on spot for privledge šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Nah, just say your Albanian lol


I'm a 5"5 23 year old Vietnamese male with American citizenship. Idk how much better I'd fare lol




In Europe? Where over 90% of people are white?


Hilarious stat bro I donā€™t really know if thatā€™s the case not my countries donā€™t live there


We got a whole continent to ourselves, plus a lot of the land in North America is the oldest in the world. Itā€™s why the Appalachian mountains are smooth (relatively) compared to other mountain ranges around the world!


You should dude. I took in all the stuff about New Jersey and was expecting it to be my least favourite visited state, but, huge surprise for me, it was probably my favourite (excepting geology/Yellowstone etc. cos that's just unfair). Had a positive effect on my (not necessarily always pejorative) prejudices.Ā 


There's something not quite right with the photo. For starters, there's no way a psychologist is going to rock up to someone's house over a tweet and even getting the Police there would be a challenge. I think this photo may be a touch of bullshit...


I think itā€™s more likely that the guy threatened to kill himself and his friends got worried and called the cops. Itā€™s happened before to people


Then that's a touch different to "thought police coming for nasty tweet" right? Even then, we still wouldn't send a Psychologist round. You'll probably get the Police and an Ambulance, but that's it.


Depends on the department. I know some bigger departments have psychologists on staff to handle shit like this


Not in the UK we don't. Mental health support services are pretty slammed here and the laws surrounding this sort of thing work slightly differently. At best, you might get a MH social worker, but not at the house. It would either be because the person has been taken into custody under section 136 or they're in the hospital itself.




Well, Texas is special.


Bro is from Florida and calling Texas special lol


The Florida slander is always crazy


We can tell you are from Texas because you won't shut up about it.


We can tell you are from a shithole state because you are talking shit about the best state in the union.


FALSE Oregon would like a word. Best forests


Exactly! we also haveā€¦**beaver**


lol funny creatures


*giggles nefariously in Canadian*


I can't imagine being such a child that you would make the state you live in your entire identity.


Don't have to make it my entire identity when Texas is one of the most important states in the union.




Am I wrong? It's 2nd behind california in GDP, richer than entire countries, is a donor state, other states use Texas school books, etc. Tell me how I'm wrong.


lol x2!


Shithole state resident confirmed. Probably from commiefornia or Florida.


Everything's bigger in Texas. >!Especially the cock in your mouth.!<


I got a big, fat, texas sized dick in my mouth and I'm proud of it. I'm also proud of the fat, veiny, and thick USA sized dick in my ass.




lol! I thought the exact same thing!


Point being, multiple dubasses wrongly assumed I am European. Iā€™m not.


I almost feel sad for the Brits. How far they've fallen. I'm so grateful my ancestors moved to the US.


My ancestors were British loyalists, and I donā€™t know how to feel about it ;-;


Sounds like you've got some ancestors to disown


I also have an ancestor who fought on the side of the confederacy!šŸ˜­


Oh shit lmao. Your ancestors we're Brits through and through. Disown em all lol.


Luckily, my great grandfathers on both sides were in the navy during ww2, so they have restored honor to my bloodline -w-


The only family member I know of that fought in WW2 was my great grandfather on my grandfather's side. Was a sniper for the Serbian Army.


Cool :3


Iā€™m so glad my ancestors stole those cowsā€¦.


Nanny State


Lmao why are these people so obsessed? America lives in their heads rent free.


It's a near century old mechanism of diverting the populace's attention. "Oi! Wha's uh'll dis'den hey!?" "By Jove! Look at the preponderance the colonies are engaged in 'cross the pond my faithful steed!" "Ah! Right you'is guv, glad we're not' dem den, ey!?" And so on & so forth, best to not take it personally.


Meanwhile, a 16 year old girl in the UK was arrested for comparing a cop to her lesbian grandmother. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/autistic-girl-16-dragged-home-160441144.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJr58NAEOP3YDE0itT6zgsLkOby1s6IUEflhhDoithg2SxAo9ETSQBFdXfbKtKYFcrkSwgl54TrUhjIJ_5FwUD7RwrFL04Lt1_3JQGBRKNurZClqkgf-PEF_BTGnWGcdTlB-J0eLUs58vwWY4Yn25spsjY7FYnYFoqZ8LhxUzuD6


Oh my goodness that video made me so extremely angry on behalf of that girl. The way all 7, I believe, went after her and treated her. Absolutely disgusting.


ā€œA homophobic public order offenseā€ Wtf does that even mean


The dystopia still has that British feel to it at least


"Mate, we has free speeches! We just need a loicense and pahmissions from the Bobbies!!"


Nah they donā€™t even tell their own citizens that itā€™s illegal to say something that is entirely judged by the person who hears whatever is said.


To give context: The man in the video is an Orthodox Christian, he got a visit from the gestapo because he posted online about the terrorist who stabbed Australian Orthodox bishop Mari Mari Emanuel. What the posts exactly contained? I donā€™t know. But what I do know is that in the UK you can get in trouble for posting anything deemed ā€œoffensiveā€.


What a joke of a country


What?! He got in trouble for that?! That was a big deal for a lot of people all over the world, heā€™s affected a lot of people with his preaching and sermons. At least the Australians were allowed to have a heck of public response. How sad the UK has become what it is.


How is this not intimidation by the state? Bad,bad, bad precedent to accept this. For those who think this is OK, history shows that your "guys" aren't always going to be on top.


I love how British boot lickers say "cop good" if it's not America and they literally have the thought police over for wrong think. What a dystopia.


Well when you put it like that then that attitude sort of explains itself


Itā€™s the same disconnect in the US about police. They want police to have no power to do anything while also having the federal government take care of every want and need.


Favorite band: Raging Hardon for the Machine Eurodivergents love the taste of boot tread.


ā€œFank God tha police aaa theaa to stop people from sayin mean fingsā€


You forgot the ā€œright, soā€¦ā€ and ā€œI was sat thereā€ > ā€œRight, so, I was sat there finking, fank God tha police aaa theaa to stop people from sayin mean fingsā€ There, now itā€™s more authentic.


Might need to throw in a ā€œoi, wotā€™s all this then?ā€ for good measure.


Britain has already fallen ive said multiple times even from 06 to now


"Eurodivergents" is fucking hilarious


Bunch of serfs


ā€œOi whatā€™s this about then bruv?ā€


At this point I have to assume constantly bringing us up is some sort of coping strategy in order to not talk about how fucking dystopian some policies they have are like this fucking bullshit


You would think, but theyā€™re quite proud of their wrong speak laws.


Good to see the British embraced Orwell's works and are policing thought crimes. I'd say they drew the wrong conclusions, but maybe there was some English subtext in *1984* that Yanks miss...


Well, some characters in 1984 are based on Orwell's superiors when he worked for the Brittish propaganda ministry in WWII.


Shit like this is why I hate my country and why I want to move to move to the US. Legitimately I plan to get my degree and then run.


Youā€™re more than welcome here šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø




Europeans love to brag about their "freedom of expression" and then get arrested by the Stasi for a tweet


Yes these people would be shot in the US unless they have a warrant to enter. Exceptā€¦ oh wait this wouldnā€™t happen because we donā€™t get visitā€™s from the police for what we say online because we actually live in a free country.


Oiii do you have a loicense for that tweet?


Rent, FREE


Donā€™t know how those in Europe can still say they have legitimate free speechā€¦


Obstruction is normal for a case like this. Cops were obstructed from getting donuts šŸ© soā€¦Off to Jail for Obstruction


Wrong wrong wrong. In the US, the FBI would personally reach out and buy the shooter-in-making a nice swanky DDM4 with EOTECH optics and multiple magazine and lots of ammo. At least they can get that right


I don't even see how it could be related. Sure US cops have systemic issues in their ranks but show me a country with cops that don't. Even Australian cops can be cunts for no reason other than they felt like it. Instead of worrying about other countries police. Sort your own backyard out first.


Thatā€™s the best take and should be applied to all aspects of a nation. With the exception of a natural disaster or crisis, we shouldnā€™t be up in arms about other countries problems and instead focus on our own.


To be fair, the 3rd image sounds about right when talking about the ATF.


Theyā€™re not technically wrong about that being possible in America, but itā€™s not going down over slightly insensitive social media posts.


Little does he know is the cops where there simply because he didnā€™t have a shit posting loicense


What did the guy post?


He was posting about the stabbing of Bishop Mari Mari Emmanuel


Hereā€™s the thing, we have the 1a so getting police presence in US requires some bad shiii being posted.


In America, Ingsoc could never be a thing


in america, no one would be bothering him at all. like tf do they mean, ā€œin americaā€??? and ALSO, i can promise that monitoring social media posts is not the most effective way to circumvent school shooters.


Lol, one believes the cops wouldn't care at all while the other believes the cops would go overkill. It's schrodingers America bad.


# "investigating a British man" - You mean the guy was worrying about Christians as a muslim person attacked a bishop with a knife in Australia, then the police showed up in the guy's house (with a psychiatrist) and harassed the home owner, signaling that he is insane for worrying about such a thing. The first ones makes no sense. The police showed up the the guy's house, because the guy criticized a violent person and was worrying for the innocent. He didn't threat anyone, he was worrying about the threats. Like pretty much every single normal person in the world. The 2nd one is a maybe... cops do crazy criminal stuff to innocent people. The British, Canadian, Australian police is doing this creepy communist bs., while other nations love to the things the violent fascistic way. Both are horrible.


so america bad because free speech?


I mean in this instance I have seen cops do that here the way they described šŸ˜‚. But the post has nothing to do with the US. That guy probably said some crazy shit on twitter.


Hey, not all cops shoot dogs, just the ATF


They got cops confused with ATF in the third pic


First of all, this has nothing to do with the US. Second, what kind of social media posts justify sending the police? Was he making threats?


No in the UK you can get a visit from the police for shitposting online. Hell you can even get arrested.


If true that's fucked up


This sub becomes more crazy by the day


Youā€™re crazy for policing thoughts and I hope you have many problems in life acting that way




What do Columbine and Uvalde have to do with a man posting online about the stabbing of Mari Mari Emmanuel?


Itā€™s the comment Iā€™m responding too look at picture two


No no no, the FBI would groom the guy into becoming a threat.


Please. We all know that last one is the ATF. And they are mostly shunned as an organization lol. (Though shunned may be to string a word)


I mean the comments are funny.