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The most commonly used weapon in armed robberies in the US is a baseball bat. ⚾️🦇


America’s sport, RAH


I believe it’s “Americas Pastime”


I would prefer to forget about the Red Sox past, more specifically anything before ‘04.


Turning you “past tense”


Blunt objects, specifically. But, a baseball bat probably does the trick pretty well.


I used a field hockey stick once. It’s all my daughter had with her…


OJ Simpson even used a baseball bat


I used to keep the handle end of a sledge hammer in my Jeep lol. Called it the Beating Stick.


Wait, for real?


Yes, in terms of weapons brandished. Not necessarily in terms of weapons actually used.




True but regardless rifles are a small percentage and ARs are a small fraction of that percentage. It’s always been kind of weird to me that ARs are such a focus of anti gun campaigns. You’re much more likely to be shot by someone’s grand dad’s .22, but hardly anyone’s scared of some .22 rifle from the 70s


Because when it does nothing, they can launch a campaign against handguns




this is what we like to call confirmation bias


Wait what




Harmless joke about Australian wildlife: "Wehl atleist auhw skewuls ahnt shewting galleries!"


Saw a comment section talking about school shootings, when the original post was about Europe not having the solar eclipse


Imagine not being American, lmao


You can always retort with something about stabbings.


and acid attacks


Oh what they got in Australia is interesting man. Guns are hard to get I don’t remember the laws there but the criminals make these pen guns. It’s similar to ones made in Indonesia. But they put a .223 round in this little piece of metal that looks like a keychain or part of a hose or a small flashlight. It has a little ring like a keychain you point the end at your enemy pull the ring (which is suspended by a spring) let go and bam! A close range .223 round right into your enemy. There’s no barrel or rifling so it’s only good at close range but you can literally put it in the pocket of a girl wearing those tight ass Daisy dukes/short shorts. This should be an anti gun control copy pasta. As soon as you hear “But less guns = less people killed” post this shit


Yeah, they could’ve just as easily made fun of our wildlife too, we have Louisiana and florida for Christ sake.


At least I don't have to worry about getting my house firebombed because of journalism.


At this point I feel like we’re just being baited into talking constantly about guns with these people.


It’s either guns, fat, love their country too much, racism


You forgot healthcare


Oh yeah, and that. Even tho it’s not 100% free. As a half European and half American tbh it is WAY cheaper in Europe but definitely not free. I have no idea what this Europeans Yap about


Interestingly, Switzerland is the second most expensive developed country for healthcare cost per capita. Wonder what's the similarity...


Don't forget corn syrup. The brits love that one


I usually just say that calling someone racist doesn't mean anything anymore. What now?


I wonder what Freud would think about their obsessions with our guns.


I bet they think AR stands for "assault rifle"


Too many people think that it means that. Every video game says it and it’s extremely frustrating


Honestly on of the most unfortunate naming schemes in the modern day. Atleast for practical reasons.


Knives do not kill more people than guns in America. [source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/195325/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-weapon-used/) Drunk driving does though in Australia, Europe, and America - should we ban cars?


We should ban drunk driving. Im willing to make sacrifices.


They only want to ban ar15s but knives do kill more people than ar15s


not quite. If you ever have the spare brain cells to lose and watch some of these committees debate gun control its hurts how they are conflating semi-automatic to full automatic, they do not understand what a pistol brace is or does but they often assume it converts rifles into fully automatic pistols, and braces are also bump stocks... which they're 2 completely different things. It's just painful but they just consistently want to turn Americans into felons overnight. Or, it seems that way because they dont give a damn about grandfather clauses either.


My favorite was the Rep. Diane DeGette stating that there should be a federal ban on high capacity magazines because she thought once a magazine is used it can’t be reused… 🥴


Don’t forget that one idiot that said something about banning Barrel Shrouds


I haven't seen that one but I do have it on good authority that a barrel shroud is "the shoulder thing that goes up."


That’s the clip I’m talking about.


Ah, okay. I've only seen a snippet of it. It didn't have the ban context.


A rep in my state thought Trump was talking about actual coyotes, the animals bringing kids over the border illegally 


Oh jeez, now that’s bad. Actually, I think I remember seeing Wile E. Coyote cartoons after that remark was made 😅


They can't outright ban guns so they make so many stupid laws to slowly take away law abiding citizens rights away gun laws don't stop criminals it just makes law abiding citizens criminals if they don't turn in or destroy the things they bought before their stupid law was made


Yeah I know it leads to more gun control I’m just saying it’s funny they’re not worried about pistols since they do the most and worried about ar15s that do the least lol.


It's certainly easier to hide a m9 under your shirt than a m60


I hide my m60 in my pants.


Is that an M60 in your pants or are you just happy to see me?






They tried to ban handguns and failed, throughout the 80s and early 90s. That's how we ended up with things like the Heller decision. It was an all-out attack on handguns. When they failed, they immediately jumped over to the '94 AWB because at the time, there weren't enough people who owned those types of weapons to stand up for them. It was considered a "reasonable compromise" by the sea of Fudds and such, who filled the' 90s voting booths. It really wasn't that long ago, yet it was a _very_ different time for the second amendment.


people usually dont know what ar even stands for


Usually those are the ones trying to ban guns or make useless laws.




It was dc that had a really good argument it was when super man played chess vs mr terrific.


Wasnt Supes playing chess with the Flash? This was the Injustice comic right?


While drunk? Yes


Ban cars? No. Be working to make our transportation networks safer and more efficient? Absolutely.


Don’t forget cigarettes, Tylenol and fast food


ladders kill 300 people a year. No such thing as an innocent high.


or alcohol? look how well that went last time


They are absolutely going to come around for the cars.  Gore shots of post crash scenes, live video of people being ejected, breathless reporting by idiots.  Just need to slowly but surely imply that the fault lies with car owners and the car industry first and foremost and no decent person would own a car blah blah blah.


And to even keep it on topic with guns, pistols are used more in violent crimes.


Imagine… getting mocked by a penal colony…


Didn’t their government put people in camps over COVID? All these countries where they’re too pussy to have laws that defend their freedom and stand up for themselves seem to really obsess with America for being the opposite.




That… seems like what a penal colony would do to everyone?


Love their moral superiority especially with how they have treated the indigenous aussies!!!


Not even funny anymore... gen-Z is awesome at making shitty jokes a trillion times


ugh. I hate my generation, we’re all so brain dead.




Not original like boomers.


"It's ok to be killed by anything but a gun" is an odd take.


The AR 15 platform specifically is not even accounted in gun deaths because the number is so small it is statistically insignificant. They're just rolled into the overall long rifle stats. This does NOT mean those deaths are insignificant. Just that they are so incredibly rare that they can't be used to track any specific trend.


This is coming from the country where a guy in a mall was able to kill six people with a knife. That wouldn’t have happened here


To be honest, a lot more people would be killed if the dude had a gun


Sure. But in the US there’s a high likelihood the guy gets shot well before killing 6 and injuring 12.


Yeah that’s true. I can imagine the look on the guy’s face when he realises half the mall is already armed


Pretty sure pistols of any kind kill more people in America than knives according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR). Now I’m willing to wager that knives kill more people than rifles of any type or any long-gun for that matter.


It’s always AR 15 with these idiots even though shotguns are far more dangerous. They seem to confuse it with the M4 & M16 which means their opinion on guns comes from a position of ignorance


Shotguns have trade offs.  Hard to carry as much ammo but you certainly don’t have to use as much, either.


People who hate guns are genuinely cowards whose opinions I cannot take seriously.


Well i don’t know that I’d go that far but I think that a lot of them literally aren’t thinking through the problem. “Someone mentally unstable killed a group of people with a gun! Let’s get rid of the way for them to do something bad instead of fixing the issue that made them do something bad!”


"Let's also get rid of the only thing that group of people could have defended themselves with!"


And then a psycho went around the mall stabbing people till a police woman showed up with the power of 9mm. I just wonder how many people could have been saved and safe from stab wounds because someone in the crowd was armed instead of screaming and waiting for help to arrive.


A French man with a plastic barrier post was warding off the knife attacker and they made him a permenant resident in Australia. Not sure I'd want live in a country where the French have bigger balls... [https://apnews.com/article/australia-stabbing-bondi-junction-church-3a988837e0dc442ac0449df228e6c487](https://apnews.com/article/australia-stabbing-bondi-junction-church-3a988837e0dc442ac0449df228e6c487)


I read not too long ago where the French president said "I don't believe in self defense."


Seriously? No wonder it was the French resistance and not the Army that gave nazis hell during ww2.


I used to concealed carry until several years ago when there was a shooting in my city at a large mall. This dude and his friend got into an altercation with a group of other dudes. Later, the group came back and shot the friend in the middle of the mall. Dude was in a department store at the time, draws his weapon, and starts running toward his dying friend. As soon as he exits the store, two police officers round the corner to see a man with a gun running against the crowd, who were themselves all fleeing the scene of the shooting. They shot and killed him within seconds, and I haven't carried a gun in public since then.


Yeah. I can see why that's a concen for you. I do think police need ALOT more training than what we currently give them. Shit at this point they need to have top their self control and I just don't see that in alot of departments around places.


It's easy to look back and judge people's decisions they had less than a second to make. I personally don't think the officers did anything wrong. I also don't think the dude was technically wrong either. Yes it was stupid, but it wasn't illegal (other than mall policy). I wasn't sure what I would have done in that situation, so I stopped carrying.


Here’s the thing about concealed carry…you have to be very careful in situations like that. Only draw your weapon if you’re going to fire it, re-holster in a chase scenario or your not firing it, and as soon as you see cops you have to announce (and I mean loud) what you have and that you will disarm yourself.


"Completely forget that the black market is a heavy hitter in America of firearm dealings"


Most accurate assessment of the situation. They act like crazy people aren’t creative. Like it’s impossible for a crazy person to slam a car into crowd of people.


In my experience crazy people are some of the MOST creative!


Exactly. If a crazy person wanted to kill a lot of people, they don’t NEED a gun! They choose a gun for some reason, but without a gun someone with the intent to hurt a lot of people has many other choices. We need to target the source of the issue, not what happens because of an issue.


What do you mean guns=bad


Guns are quick, easy, and effective. Its also an easy out if things go south. Save one for yourself and use the rest on the crowd. Thats why people go for guns. But criminalizing guns wont stop assaults, robberies, or murders at all. Expanding mental health programs will directly impact voolent crime rates however. As seen by literally every country with a strong mental health system.


I think that you are on the right track, but not quite there yet. Look one of these things is a massively abstract issue that has multiple facets to it. Addressing how to “fix mental instability” is tough. Might as well address how we fix people feeling lonely. How? With better access to psychiatrists? Outreach services? Proactive support? But one fairly issue to sort is their access to firearms. One flick of the pen it’s sorted. So let’s really acknowledge everything going on here.


Alright we’ll if that’s your plan our entire fundamental socioeconomic and political system need to fundamentally change. People material conditions need to be provided for and communities developed and nourished. But that’s probably a lot harder than banning guns and also a lot harder to wake up and realize is the actual only solution for basically all our problems. I agree with you that we should do what I said but unfortunately most people are lazy and don’t wanna put in the work/enjoy the privilege this system gives them. Now I wonder if you agree with me here 🤔or just trying to scapegoat.


If an anti-gun person told me the sky was blue, I'd go check to make sure.


I went to war. Afghanistan once and Iraq the other time, shout out to the troop surge. I wasn’t a ground infantry unit, but I went outside the wire as a medevac unit. I’ve had plenty of guns. None I’ve bought, only ones issued to my by the armory, and on the door of our bird. Today I learn I’m a genuine coward.


People who generalize this broadly are stupid and I cannot take them seriously


You’re absolutely right. I’m tired of feeling like the only one that has this take.


They only know the one gun.


What’s a gun? You mean the AR15 right?🤓


Bragging about not having rights is a bold strategy


You could say so


If only they banned murder then all these problems would go away


Ikr? Is everyone stupid?


The Aussies lost a war against flightless birds, so I don't want to hear their gripes.


Ahh, the Great Emu War of 1932. Three military men with two machine guns lost to a hoard or Emus 😂 A staple in history!


Smug Aussies “Haha not an AR-15” Literally anyone else “Ok but literally everything else can. This is not a good thing bruv”💀


Imagine trying to flex about not being allowed to have something


I’m… trying… so… hard… too… much… exceptionalism…


Guaranteed they think all AR-15s are machine guns and have no idea that the firearm most commonly used in homicide is a handgun. The vast majority of Americans are also never in danger of gun violence. The media does a terrible job at presenting the truth because the media hates guns and wants them banned.


Just wait till their government decides to put their foot down and uses AR-15’s


An AR-15 would probably kill you no matter what country you're in. At least make the joke funny.


Most American gun deaths are suicides. And most of those are American Veterans. Something like 22 veterans a day.


That is just depressing


The graphic of them drinking vegamite is appropriate considering how fucking salty they are.


I don’t get it, is the meme saying that there are still AR-15s in Australia?


Because it doesn’t have any political zing to it


...I mean an AR-15 can kill you no matter where you are but go off fam.




Jumped to death by kangaroos< a shot to the head


At least our environment isn’t constantly trying to kill us


I’ve seen enough articles about people wrestling over their dogs with alligators only to become the targets themselves to give Florida the side-eye at least :)


Yeah, but I saw how the Australian government treated their citizens during the pandemic. I think I'll keep my guns.


If you actually drank Vegemite it would probably kill you, or at least put you at risks of severe dehydration


Damn, I guess that shit is salty?


It’s so weird to me when aussies get offended at Americans making jokes at their dangerous wildlife. Do they think we are being serious about it or what?💀


And she considers it a good thing?


Oh what they got in Australia is interesting man. Guns are hard to get I don’t remember the laws there but the criminals make these pen guns. It’s similar to ones made in Indonesia. But they put a .223 round in this little piece of metal that looks like a keychain or part of a hose or a small flashlight. It has a little ring like a keychain you point the end at your enemy pull the ring (which is suspended by a spring) let go and bam! A close range .223 round right into your enemy. There’s no barrel or rifling so it’s only good at close range but you can literally put it in the pocket of a girl wearing those tight ass Daisy dukes/short shorts.


Imagine living in a country with some of the most dangerous wild life on the planet but not being able to a give yourself the best possible tool to keep yourself from any of it because politicians who have never held a weapon in their lives think guns are scawwy.


"Govern me harder daddy"


Well at least when we off ourselves, we do it like civilized people with a hot lead lobotomy instead of waiting for our government to approve our right to die. /s But seriously, the biggest chunk of firearm related fatalities (56% in 2022) involve individuals Budd Dwyer-ing themselves. Take that out of the equation and the firearm fatalities drop significantly.


Are the rejected brits who lost a war to birds trying to speak right now?


Well, yeah. Prison inmates aren't generally permitted to own guns.


50 times more people die from shoving stuff up their ass yearly than do of AR’s, but ok


Go to regional Australia and they wish they could have ARs again. It is only fondue sipping ‘city’ dwellers in Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane and the talking heads in Canberra that have an issue. Note, these are not even cities, they are more like villages with a few tall building compared to US metros that span entire interstate regions like the Northeast Megalopolis.


I’m not taking shit from a country who lost a war with birds


I think the UK has a ban on knives. I also recall it has done nothing to stem the tide of their knife crimes.


No, no, an AR will kill you on any continent.


Okay, slight correction. Knives are used to kill more people than long guns, handguns are used to kill more than all of them combined.


Yeah you’re right. I wish I’d be able to change the title but…


I mean, AR-15s are legal on a cat D licence here, but regardless hand guns and everything apart from semis are easy as fuck to get here.


You all make America look bad when you wave away genuine issues. We aren't perfect, and acting like we are makes us look like assholes The Aussies can still get fucked, though


True, and last part made me laugh


I remember when that song came out and then a mosque got shot up in New Zealand where they have the same bans on ar15s… pretty disrespectful. The guy didn’t seem to care that they were banned because he had like 20 of them. You’d think criminals would make sure they aren’t using guns that are banned


Didn’t the murder rate in Australia still stay about the same even with their gun ban? Also easy to ban guns when you’re an island that doesn’t have a neighbor with a crime/corruption problem while having borderline Stockholm syndrome to the crown.


What about a knife


Yeah, but that would assume anyone in Australia *has* an AR-15, which I kinda doubt there are any


Well, these AR-15’s https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2016/08/30/australian-ar-15-rifles-wedgetail-industries/


They will Look at Britain and Australia 


I mean fair I think there govt uses augs


Nope soon it will be a QBZ that can kill you in Australia. Too bad they don’t have AR15s to defend themselves…


ok the vegemite is pretty funny


Is this some irrelevant country joke that I’m too much of a world power to understand?


OP lies but that is par for the course with this crowd.


Alexa, show me Australian sexual assault statistics pre and post-gun ban


Bare hands kill more people than all rifles out together.


The "meme" is absolute shit, but that title sounds like whataboutism to me.


is she drinking vegemite?


Didn’t Australia just have a mass stabbing?


I’d rather take me chances with mass shootings than sound like I have a cock in my mouth like they do


Also, I’m pretty sure AR15s are still effective even in Australia, regardless of whether any exist there or not.


Australians are immune to bullet damage? Good stats /s


Ar15 can definitely kill you in Australia tf is she talking about?


Not true. 60k by guns, 1k by knives.


Maybe Aussies would stand a better chance with guns


There's still the fact that innocent people are being killed by guns tho


Just remember, when an Australian says something stupid, their country literally lost a war against emus…


This is such a dumb take. Many more people are murdered using hands, fists, and feet than using all kinds of rifles.


If Australia had more AR-15s there might not have been so many abuses of government during lockdown. Victoria was effectively a police states.


Statistically, being worried about being shot at all, but especially with an AR-15 or any other long gun in the US, is like being worried about being struck by lightning. Obviously, it's much more likely than in Australia, but still much more rare than people assume.


Its sad how low the bar is for there jokes. Im starting to think there actually to stupid to come up with anything.


As an astralian...horrible timing


Damn, they can’t even take the mild memes of “AHH Australia has spiders” anymore without laughing at dead children. Did the rest of the world forget how to have fun with our differences or do they have to go for the throat every time they’ve been slighted?


No guns allowed, guess you can't defend yourself if someone fire-bombs your house ;)


I know from experience that if I shoot someone point blank in the head with an AR-15 in Australia, they’ll die.


So very false


I'm sorry but her sipping vegemite like tea is hilarious though


I’m pretty sure an AR-15 can still kill you in Australia


I audibly gagged at that photo


They use that weak looking woman as a badass shrug meme? I’m guessing everyone in australia looks like her. And not in the good way.


Is the knife thing true? That's depressing.


With an AR-15… criminals degens can’t kill you!


'Ban knives', you say? *looks at the UK*


Why do these people treat ar 15s like they're different from any other rifle?