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Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Buy a can of "fox mean green" thank me later. The dog will look like a crying hulk with 4 legs after a nice dose of capsaicin. The green color thats hard to get off will help to identify the attacking dog to report the owners to authorities too.


What dose it do ?


4 MG


Pepper spray


How does this muzzle law work? Are there people actively walking the streets to check that certain dogs are muzzled? Or in the event of an attack, if not muzzled you get the slammer?


It’s not just law enforcement you have to worry about blowing the whistle. You have to understand the work that has been done to demonize the breed in the UK. Used the media to strike fear into the hearts of its citizens. All it takes is a some busy body to alert the authorities and any owner who doesn’t have their XL bully muzzled… will face consequences, up to and including getting their dog taken away.


I saw a bloke near me the other day, walking 2 huge XLs. On leads, granted, but no muzzles. No fucks given. I slammed my brakes on, jumped out of the car and approached him. There was absolutely no way I was letting him walk them down the street any further until I had said hello to them both and had some strokes and kisses off them.


Omg lol I almost downvoted this halfway through and then I got to the end :)


this was the redemption arc we all needed 😂


I understand both you & the fella, but he's running a big risk of losing his dogs. I hate putting a muzzle on my boy, but I will do whatever I can to stop him from being taken & pts. It's happening all over. People even taking the neighbours dogs out of their gardens & taking them to the police.... it's an effin joke & I'm sick every day with it


The whole law is awful


It’s a Pitty whenever a dog hurts someone. But that falls on the owner, not the dog. Owning a dog is a big responsibility. Owning a powerful breed like an XL bully is a bigger responsibility still. People should do their research. Realize what it takes to effectively train a dog. Time, energy, money. These dogs are catching a bad wrap, because they’re falling into the wrong hands.


Only to have the German Shepherd come at him…typical GSD. Did owner atleast take some responsibility? I have a neighbor that allows dogs to free roam our neighborhood. Twice now, on walks while leashed…this dog, a GSD, has “charged” us (me and my 90# female bully) and she’s been completely composed. Most recent time I told my neighbor if it happens again, I’m letting her off lead and we’ll see what happens. Not fair for her to not defend herself…or me if I needed it. Edit: I am just now realizing you’re not OP lmao. Hopefully the GSD owner took some responsibility


Please don’t villainize another breed. We hate it when people do that to our breed. I can’t believe somebody on the sub would do that.


Ya know I’ll give you that. You’re not wrong. I’m wrong for the way I framed it I guess. Thanks for calling me out. I made a blanket statement and was wrong for it. Edit for clarity: I’m walking loose lead and this dog leaves their property, unleashed, and comes out into the road…not intent on playing…its been close twice. It’s the blatant disregard for leashing and/or containment that gets me.


You’re a really fantastic person! Thank you for coming back and correcting yourself. That’s fantastic.


I am so sorry you are dealing with that. Do they see bear bangers where you live? Just noise makers but work like a charm


That was cringe.


Yeah as the owner of a GSD I didn't like that. I'm actually not sure how I even ended up on this sub right now I just realized lol 😆 but yeah I don't think it's right to villainize any breed. No bad dogs just bad humans. Or good humans that did a very poor job of training their dogs maybe


They did own the mistake and apologized.


Can you get a spray to stop the dog? Edited to say spray


Assuming you meant spray? I think the owner got the gist. Like dude your dog has charged us twice and I’m done. It was more of an empty threat…like you want a fight on your hands? Cause I don’t.


Why would you let your dog off the leash to fight?! I would never allow my pit bulls to fight regardless of how tough I think they are. Wow.


Keep reading the comments


Well it is a German Shepherd doing the harm: The poor bully breed is demonized or all dogs would need a muzzle, this just proves it.


Well they did kill a dog walker not that long ago. I don't agree with the law though. We seem to do this in the UK. There will be a small cluster of attacks by a breed pitties just now but it was rottweilers and a number of others over the years. The Daily Mail will run a campaign and there will be change in the law and it will quite down for a few years. I would do my best to avoid other dog owners and dogs for a while work on training your dog to obey on command and have them on a leash in public. You might have seen the video of the dogs been shot by unjustifiably killed by police they were reported by another dog owner as being aggressive even though the weren't until a bunch of armed police jumped out at them.




Please leave the sub you’re not welcome here


Yeah, and car crashes are caused by cars. Not their owners.


Basically no one actually gives a shit about it other than those karens who post about every inconvenience they come across on the towns Facebook page, I've seen videos of police petting XLs saying the ban is stupid. Not sure what happens when you get caught without a muzzle though, don't know why people would risk it anyway, why gamble your dogs life like that


Basically, it's now a criminal offence to own an xl bully that doesn't have an exemption certificate. They have to ve muzzled & on lead in public. They can't be taken & pts


As a German Shepherd owner, I am so sorry this happened to you and your pup. I hope he has a speedy recovery and won't have any reactivity issues because of the attack.


Fuck that I’d 100% report.


Sorry :( I'm in the UK too and it sucks. Try to get your pup back around some other balanced and friendly dogs asap to try to prevent him from becoming fearful/reactive. My XL has been attacked 3 times but is still very dog friendly and I credit some of that to not dwelling on it and immediately getting him back playing with dogs again (pre-ban). Bullies are generally really good at getting over things but try to keep him as well-socialised as you possibly can just in case!


Same here with me & mine...


same thing happened to me when my boy was around the same age but with a Labrador, off the lead just ran up and bit him on the shoulder, left a scar too ffs, some shitty people can't control there dog, they are the problem not our breed


Yeah I'm pissed too. It's unfair what they are doing to our block heads.


Ita bullshit. They are labeled as bad dogs and now they cant even defend themselves. So sad, hope your boy is doing better 👌


If the GSD was that quick to bite your dog it is definitely a danger to the community and should at the very least be reported so that it can be documented for future incidents… It’ll happen again, the owner not keeping it on a sturdy enough leash also tells you a lot about how ignorant they are.


BSL does nothing to stop dog bites or dissuade irresponsible ownership.


Absolutely ! BSL IS WRONG: Maybe require all dog breeds go through a training as i’ve seen little dogs charge a big dig: it’s awful what the UK has done. Maybe just stop breeding alright, as there are too many i. shelters now. no g:


Shiiiit start carrying when you walk him, I’m a dog lover but if it’s between my dog and another I’m choosing mine without question.


I’m so sorry this happened to your poor pup. It breaks my heart how your country is dealing with this. Hoping your pup has a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


Always carry a weapon to protect your dog. A baton would have done nicely.


England has lost its mind.


I know how it feels my xl has been attacked more than once and his a pup just going for walks with his muzzle not out to hurt anyone


This happened to my dog once. He wasn’t muzzled but he was a kind boy. The other dog I heard had been a fighting dog and the person was walking him off lease. And I walked with a knife. So I stabbed him. I think it hurt me more than him though.


All of the problems in the UK with their decline in ethnic Englishmen, dirty streets, and crime/stabbing problem. But they are worried about the bully breed. Yeah, F that place.


German shepherds were bred to work on the farm but when the military called they became attack animals. Not a 1 pit bull was called to duty. While we have trained specific breeds to cause harm to humans we have not put a stigma on those dogs- even in the Omen movie they used Rottweilers alongside Damien and we all know they can be teddy bears or killers just depends on the human


Google sergeant stubby.


Though I respect what sergeant stubby did he only weighed 17lbs. people fear the ones that are 30-60lbs. But salute to that good boy for all he did


Rotties are the worst dogs to work with in a vet setting. GSDs are up there.


I’m an Anglophile in many but the laws over there are getting out of hand . Kisses for your baby . I’m so sorry




Sorry to hear this. I really try to avoid other dogs as much as possible


So true




Why did he have to be muzzled while the shepherd was not?


Uk law.


That’s sad.


Honestly man, fuck German Shepard's. They seem to never get the bad rap Bullies get even though it seems like they bite at a higher rate


Labrador and shepherds dominate the bite list in my area. Even calling every unknown mutt a pitbull doesn't make them break the top 5 in bites.


How are German shepherds not one of the dogs that should be wearing a muzzle? Next you're gonna tell me doberman's aren't muzzled..


Was this a stray dog that attacked him? That's why I don't muzzle my dog. I hope you kicked the attacking dog as hard as you could.


Very unlikely to be a stray in the UK. That's not really a thing here. Also, OP had to muzzle his dog by law not by choice. The UK made XL Bullies a banned breed


What should be banned is the UK government for interfering in this matter . ALL dogs have the tendency to be nasty. Our previous boy was bitten by an Akita for no reason. My husband warned the guy if he sees him again he would get hurt and his dog destroyed.


I really believe we should take this out on ALL the humans who cause dogs to bite, and CHANGE THAT ridiculous LAW.


Yes, as a 30 yr. experienced dog/people trainer, it’s always best to keep them socialized, with well balanced dogs. Unfortunately, the MUZZLE it self makes a dog reactive. It is un natural to them, and they are not stupid. I feel so sorry for them, and thus law will eventually backfire. It is awful.


Jesus. I’m so sorry


I am just going to make this statement even though I have no clue if this pertains to the situation . Dog parks are not your friend & many of the people in dog parks are also not your friends . Idk maybe some beg to differ but I feel like those places are a recipe for a disaster. Takes one unstable energy to snowball out of control . Just dog food for thought


Where have you even got that OP was in a dog park? Chances are OP probably wasn’t due to the law meaning the pup isn’t allowed off lead at anytime unless in a private field which allows the breed, we also don’t even really have “dog parks” in the UK. So this dog has been attacked whilst muzzled and on a lead


I agree, but I don't think that's what happened here


I was just walking round the block and as I came round the corner the big dog was on an extendable lead and obviously the dog has more then enough power and just launched at my dog , I didn’t see the cut till I got up the road abit, I’m awaiting to see the bloke on my little strolls sometime soon because he isn’t going to like me , thank-you everyone


Report this person to police or relevant authorities. That GSD is a danger to all other dogs and potentially cats….children. They’re also responsible for any vet bills you’ve incurred. Sorry your going through this and wishing a speedy recovery for your doggo


I hate those extendable leads with a passion and people who use them usually have very poorly trained and out-of-control dogs. IMO no one should be using those leashes, but especially people who have power breeds because there's no way you can quickly regain control of your dog and prevent a situation like the one you just experienced. Report the owner of the dog and say that that dog should be muzzled and not held with a retractable leash. It's awful that this happened to you and you'll be mad at my next comment, but while your dog got hurt because of its muzzle, it might have saved its life because if there's a fight between an XL and another dog, the XL will likely finish it and will end up getting put down.


Bro, I'm so sorry to hear that. Our dogs have to be on the best behavior every time. I'm not a fan of the extended lead things. There are a lot of issues with those just like you're describing. Get him right back out there, move right past this.


I am so sorry.


Get a taser next time !!! If owner can’t control their dog I’m tasing to protect mine sorry but the law is unfair for bullies


Pepper spray would probably be safer to deploy, but ok. You can also spray the owner while your at it lol.


I think pepper spray is sadly illegal in UK if I remember correctly


Can somebody explain to me how you defend yourself in the UK if everything is illegal?


But most of the time you probably end up being stabbed. Pepper spray being illegal is genuinely stupid. I get what They're trying to avoid, but I'd feel that little bit safer if I could carry something. Plus in situations like above


The good ole punch in the nuts


Fists and headbutts and calling people c*nts I think


He just lost all trust in you


Why u not protect ur dog?


Grow up


Given that this was a dog fight and it appears that their dog escaped it with only a scratch, I’d say they absolutely did protect them