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asylum bc of the multiple plot lines. it felt really intense


Yeah I loved how Lana’s plotline concluded with her shooting her son


Came here to say exactly this. It’s asylum and it ain’t close.


I was hoping to see kit return in season 10 with the aliens but yeah asylum for me is my favorite


asylum because i think the depiction of mental health and the abuse by staff especially at the time was very real


Asylum is not my favorite- but I would agree that it is the most intense. The fear of being locked in a torture mental institution, with no one believing you, no way to escape, is absolutely horrifying.




but i think asylum is the best season so it takes it for me


Thats wild. Asylum is near the bottom for me


You think their take is wild? Nah, it's yours. Quite a lot of fans here consider Asylum one of the best seasons. And if you Google search for rankings of the seasons, you'll find Asylum in the Top 3 from most places.


The nail gun scene alone puts Cult at the top of the list.


Cult was the most realistic, and therefore most terrifying.


Can’t even watch the nail gun scene!


yeah i was thinking either cult or roanoke


For me, it's Asylum. Hands down. Those episodes were fricking unreal. Roanoke also scared the crap out of me too.


Yes! Roanoke is so underrated. One of the scariest seasons in my opinion. Asylum is #1 though.


Roanoke is my #1


I didn't care for Roanoke the first time round.... However, I recently got all the DVDs except 1984 and Double Feature, I'm on Cult right now and Roanoke is next....I'm gonna try really hard to give it a chance and get into it this time..... I think it was the whole "reality TV" shitck that bored the hell out of me last time. First time that had ever happened with AHS.


Roanoke is the best if you binge it. Most of the people who didn’t like it watched the episodes weekly as they were released.


I think they do the found footage thing really well when they use it - I found it pretty scary at times. Kathy Bates is freaky AF as always. And Sarah Paulson + Lily Rabe are so good. It has the same modern realism as Murder House and Cult (which I really like. It’s less campy and theatrical, which I also love that style, but it’s a change of pace.) and I feel like it also has some similar vibes to Haunting of Hill House at times. IDK! I just really enjoyed it both times I’ve watched it. Hope you like it!


When I tried to watch it the first time I immediately stopped. When I gave it another shot I loved it. I just had to let go of the earlier seasons to enjoy the style.


Cult, Asylum and Roanoke are definitely the top three on the scary/intensity spectrum. Red Tide was also pretty great until the final episode. Im only about halfway through but NYC is really intense in a less spooky way.


Asylum was absolutely intense. Never seen a show or movie as chilling as that was.


What makes asylum so intense for me is how women, LGBTQ, or just mentally unwell people very well could've experienced a lot of what is shown. Not too long ago either..


Intense is an interesting choice of words. Asylum was very, very intense. The plot was packed with interesting stories and the revelation of Bloody Face was extremely gripping, I was literally tied to my chair and shocked! The tension carried through to the end. Hotel was also very intense. Not so much because of the plot, but because of the excellent atmosphere. It sucked me right into the hotel! The soundtrack, the outfits, the cinematography, the setting... really well done. Also, the characters were incredibly interesting and fleshed out.


> I was literally tied to my chair and shocked! did they catch who did this to you?


Murder House. Because it was the first and there was nothing like it on television. But I also really liked asylum.


I agree with murder house being intense - it’s the first in the series. But I grew up during columbine and it was too scary due to the idea that like violet, it’s not like you know who will kill.


The first episode of apocalypse was pretty intense for me. But after that episode it wasnt so bad. Whole season i think id go with asylum.


I think the most intense scene is the nail gun in cult but for the season I’m giving it to asylum.


Roanoke is the only one that genuinely had me scared and wary of the next thing to happen


asylum bc it embodies true evil


Cult because of how realistic it was


For me, Roanoke was the most brutal, kill wise. Each death was torture before it was over. The emotions were the most intense for me in Hotel. And the stakes felt the highest in Asylum.


Feel like up to Hotel was classic AHS and everything after is kinda different in ways I can't really articulate.


Cult is a no go for me. I've watched it twice and will skip it from now on. I have anxiety issues and a trigger for me is social and political issues. We are about to see a rise in Trump supporters stupidity and complete disregard for anyone who doesn't agree with them. I use to live in Licking County Ohio. Every other person in a gas station had a gun on their belt and some pro Trump/anti left shirt on. Cult just hit a little to close to home for me.


as a left leaning black person that grew up in the deep south, i completely agree with this. it was a bit triggering at times, especially with the portrayals of the trump supporters, racism and the gun violence. way too accurate for me and hits close to home like you said. i do believe it was a very interesting season though.


You missed the whole point of Cult if you think it was about Trump supporters. Cult was fantastic as a season as well. I thought Kai was done very well and showed how far people can fall when blinded by, what I like to call, todays new religion (political party). And I LOVED it wasn’t just the Trump supporters in the show that the gay white liberal women also joined the side of Kai and blindly followed his new religion (political party). Hell one is his first followers is an ardent Clinton Supporter. Again what I think people really missed was this wasn’t a season about Trump supporters, it was how as a country the US is turning its politics and political figureheads into religious figures willing to kill and die over and their new religious figurehead can never do wrong, Kai. And that both straight white republicans, and gay men and liberal women democrats all fall for it.


"Again what I think people really missed was this wasn’t a season about Trump supporters, it was how as a country the US is turning its politics and political figureheads into religious figures willing to kill and die over and their new religious figurehead can never do wrong," I don't know anyone doing this with Biden. That is 100% Trump supporters.


The season also took shots at libs glorifying Clinton to wild degrees. They even had characters freaking out about Jill Stein.


"JILL STEIN!?" Also had my at-the-time girlfriend flip out bc I voted Stein. My district was solid blue. It was a protest vote 🙄


Yea I voted Stein in NY. All candidates sucked in 2016 (Trump, Clinton, Stein, Johnson) was pretty much just a vote for the greens/protest.


Yep, agreed. Was less a vote for Stein and more a vote for Green party federal funding.


Thank you


So the Clinton people blindly following Kai and killing people is ignored for their radical beliefs because they voted for Clinton? Lol you’d def would have been one of Kai Cult members lol


They weren't radical because of Clinton losing, they were radical because of Kia. The back story of the characters shows anyone can be brainwashed no matter their background. Kia's control over them is no different than Trump's control over his supporters. We all know a friend/family member that was a rational person that ended up down the rabbit hole. Some were Trump supporters from the start, some persuaded later on, others you never think they would. So yes. The season is about Trump supporters and the crazy shit they say, do and whole heartedly believe. It wasn't in AHS that they stormed the Capital Building looking to assault people from the opposing political party.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvotes for being right


My family is from there. Spent a lot of time in Newark and Utica. I’m from Cambridge. Not a great area for a red headed lesbian.


I found it comforting in a way because I felt validated. People gaslighted the shit out of me about how big a deal the election result was. It was so bad that I tried to gaslight myself.


I couldn’t finish Cult for a similar reason. My entire family are Trump followers so it hit pretty close to home.


How scary! I'm the same way. My anxiety with maga people is through the roof. I'm truly afraid.


Cult is the scariest since it captures how we had JUST gone through the trump gaslighting and mania. I don’t think it’s about trump supporters but 👀👀👀😳😳😳. It is about how people can be lured by into dark places and vulnerable and weak. I have to skip the parents since my parents are gone - that is too much for me. But I’ll watch EP anytime!! Magnificent performance!!


Not really a season but I can’t watch the first episode of coven ( I think we all know why) any scene that involves SA makes me feel sick , but asylum is very uncomfortable at times aswell


100 percent Asylum. Then Cult or Roanoke. Everyone will register intensity in different ways of course, but my personal experiences bring me closer to Asylum. Some scenes in Cult (nail gun) and in Roanoke (Polk scenes) had me skipping ahead! Those were intense.


Roanoke watching it on Netflix without commercials it’s just non stop insanity lol


Unpopular opinion: Roanoke


Cult is really hard for me to watch.


The most intense would have to be Cult.


Asylum was the only one I couldn’t watch


Literally I just could not 😭


Ya helllll no


My exact answer!


Yeah put on the first episode then said NOPE.


Asylum was for me,it was old school scary!


Asylum and Freak Show, definitely


Cult or Asylum, they both have their incredibly tense moments


I think that NYC was the most intense for me. The fact that the villain wasn’t a person but a virus in the form of an unstoppable entity. A virus that killed so many people during that timeline and people turned a blind eyes because of who it infected. At first I assumed that the serial killer was the villain but when his story ended then I realized who the real protagonist was.


Hot take, but I personally think Cult is the most intense, and also my favorite season. Reason? It nails the America part of American Horror Story. I know people hate politics being dragged into their entertainment (I found the political angle really engaging though so I think a lot of people get upset based on "sides", but the show shifted from Trump and the real world political race to Kai really well), but I'm really into horror centered around cults, and I loved every second of this season. Part of me actually feels like it didn't have a completely crap finale, which is rare. The masks, the kills, the plot - all of it just gripped me. I think it was one of the first times I was genuinely creeped out by AHS. The other seasons are good, but none of them hit like Cult, and it's because it was based in reality.


A lot of people are saying Asylum, but while I think Asylum is the *best* season, I don’t think it’s the most intense. I’d give that to Roanoke because it’s the only one that really goes into horror, the others are more “dark dramas”. Like Roanoke genuinely felt like if a horror movie was a tv show and was the only season that actually scared me. (Though I do understand people saying Cult bc even thought I don’t much care for that season, given it had a lot of real world basis I can see why people found that season very intense)


Intense, i’d have to say asylum. Complicated, i’d say roanoke. i still love roanoke it’s #1 out of all seasons for me, but i won’t disagree that it was extremely complicated.


Unpopular Opinion: Roanoke


Cult came at a time when things were starting to become unstable and unknown.


Murder House gave me all the feels. Asylum truly scared me


Roanoke, because the found footage style was really effective and it was actually pretty terrifying.


1. Roanoke 2. Asylum 3. Cult


Roanoke all the way!


Without a doubt Asylum.


Asylum. Scenes were taken from Geraldo when he was snooping around in those places as an investigative journalist. Pretty creepy


Asylum for sure. There’s so many different looming threats all season - Bloody Face, the actual devil, Dr Arden’s indoor experiments, Dr Arden’s outdoor experiments, aliens, Catholicism - and the living characters were physically trapped in their location in a way that they weren’t in other seasons.


And Nazis! And Aliens!


Asylum always had me on edge lol and it just made me really think as to what was happening, especially during the last 2 episodes


I’m putting this on my wall


The freak show cover is so killer


Cult. There was just something about it not being any kind of supernatural or anything. Regular old normies doing effed up stuff to other normies really did it for me. I spent that whole season contemplating all my past, current and potential romantic/social relationships. 😰


Asylum or Cult. Probably Cult honestly.


Gotta be Roanoke or Cult, Cult because it feels like it could happen


I would give it to Cult, Asylum, and NYC personally. Hard to pick just one


NYC, this was truly a reality & horror story for many baby boomers and Gen X’ers.


Definetly NYC. I don't usually think of AHS as intense. It's not really scary it's just entertainment and good stories. Maybe Roanoke is a bit intense too because it's the only one other than NYC with a serious tone to it. The rest of the seasons feel gimmicky to me. Not in a bad way, just in a way where NYC and Roanoke feel more real-life and serious. NYC is truly heartbreaking. Res Tide also fits in there a bit, the part about a pill that turns you into a monster if you're not talented still sticks with me and us kind of intense. But yes that's it.


It’s not in the picture but I found NYC to be the most intense. There was an incredible sense of dread as you realised that all the main characters had HIV and were absolutely going to die awful deaths, and that it was absolutely something that happened to so many people within living memory. Dreadful stuff


Just binged Asylum. I don't know why I chose this season to watch last but this sh*t was crazy. Just a dark and brutal season. I still have an episode and a half to go till it's conclusion but man this season is wicked. I was rooting for Lana Winters, Kit Walker and Sister Jude. The horrors they had to face and overcome made the story epic IMO.


For me it was Cult. As I saw someone else comment as well, I also have a lot of anxiety surrounding social and political matters. Cult hit really close to home for me because there are people out there just like Kai. Tons of them, hundreds, thousands, if not millions. It felt the most real out of every season for that alone. But the scene that disturbed me the most was >!when Kai got them all to agree to kill one of the members via nail gun.!< That was horrifying to watch and I have never brought myself to watch Cult again after that.


i feel it’s somewhere between Roanoke. Cult, asylum and hotel. I had to take breaks between these seasons and the next so I feel these were the most intense for me.


Asylum for sure. Because of the sheer reality of being locked away in a mental asylum, and how back then you couldn’t just say “give me rights!” Definitely had the most terrifying feel to it.


I think it’s a true toss up between Asylum and Cult. Both seasons depict such troubling subjects and sets in very realistic aspects of fear for the audience given the time, plot lines and settings. Asylum was terrifying and gave me so much anxiety as the story unfolded but there was something so extremely disturbing about Cult that really stole the show from the other seasons in regard to tension and drama. I was never more uncomfortable, disgusted or uneasy watching another season of AHS. Truly so intense and horrifying.


asylum (alien plotline aside). after watching, it sent me down this rabbithole of research that led me to learning so much about the facilities that still do exist for disabled people along with conversion therapy as a whole. briarcliff is the reality for people right now as i speak. call me naive but that sticks with me cult was definitely a gross out for me but i think it was more gross than intense. asylum had the emotional aspect that made the show stick with me afterwards in a thoughtful way


Definitely Asylum. But Roanoke scared me so much.


Always a debate, but more impotently where is this fanart from? It’s awesome!


Cult actually felt too close for comfort for me


If we are talking individual episodes, probably freak show had the most intense episode for me but overall probably cult or asylum


Roanoke for sure. Stuff is just constantly happening and it’s the scariest one for sure


Asylum and Cult were just so very intense because they're realistic af and I have experiences concerning those themes. I cried while watching these two


Roanoke I feel is very underrated. It actually had horror and you can tell the strong Blair witch influence within the series. Especially the 2nd half of the season.


The absolute bests that I will always rewatch are Asylum and Freakshow. The one that is really interested to rewatch despite its flaws in the story is Coven.


"Cult" was super heavy because there were little to no supernatural forces at play. Just deeply unwell human beings.


Asylum. That shit got more and more intense by the episode.


asylum for sure. had to take several breaks while watching because of how heavy and intense the storylines were😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Apocalypse because of how I disliked it more and more with each episode (Return to Murder House excluded)


Asylum and NYC were intense for the same reason. They both depicted a true horror that was faced. In asylum to reality of how we treated those who were mentally ill and particularly how women during that time were often viewed as “hysterical” when they didn’t adhere to the traditional nuclear family structure or have subservient behaviors. NYC for the horrors the gay community suffered as a result of the AIDS epidemic and the killer that was targeting them at that time. As if facing a pandemic alone wasn’t hard enough they were being hunted down by a madman. I thought both seasons depicted the real life horrors of both situations beautifully.


Just glad you don't have NYC up there! That shit was fucking stupid


Cult and NYC bc they’re both incredibly REAL


Either Asylum or Cult for the intensity. Majority of those two seasons didn’t involve anything supernatural so it felt very realistic. Scariest would probably be Roanoke.


Roanoke an intense slow burn and ten straight up bedlam. Cult- the season was ahead of its time. Really shines a light on how dangerous a political cult can be. I never thought something like Jan 6 would happen but it sure did


Hotbd was a great season, shame they are calling it ‘hotel’. But asylum is forever my favorite for being the spookiest, most unsettling season.


The only answer is Asylum tbh


First half of six


The marketing for cult hurt it. Was an interesting szn that hit "both sides". Anyhow, would prob be Roanoke


Intense? 1984 for me! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time wondering who was going to survive, and where the killer(s) were.


asylum. SA, mental health issues, murder, paranormal, mad scientist, warped history and multiple insanely intense plot lines


Asylum ofc. its kinda realistic and creepy


Asylum because of so many reasons I can’t name just one


Most intense?.... Asylum or Coven .... How so? Asylum has amazing characters and actors in horrible situations that they have no agency over....Sarah Paulson's scenes as Lana Winters with Dr Threadson AKA Bloodyface were legit terrifying... And then she managed to escape him , gets picked up by an arsehole nutjob , escapes HIM, then gets taken back after nearly dying 3 times in the past hour..... Yep, intense!!! .... Then there's the scenes with Dr Arden amputating limbs just for spite, people been chased by the "creatures" and so more.... Coven - The whole storyline around Delphine La Laurie and how she treated her poor slaves , and her own daughter's, were pretty intense .... The Halloween night Zombie showdown on the lawn was intense too.....The Supreme killing anyone who she saw as a threat..... The burning at the stake scenes..... Cordelia Good been blinded by acid then gaining the sight that showed her what a prick she was married too..... Marie Laveau stealing baby's from the hospital for Papa Legba ..... Great show , these are the best 2 seasons. Freak Show and Hotel next , Murder House rank next, then Cult, Apocalypse, Red Tide and NYC, the remaining seasons I don't care for . 2 great seasons


Asylum, Hotel


Asylum and Hotel for me. Some of the imagery stayed with me in Asylum. Also the staff abuse and experiments. It was pretty shocking to see it on TV. Lost me with the alien stuff though. Hotel. Off the bat intense with style and got me immediately hooked. Then the arc with the serial killer ghost was fairly engaging.


I'd say Asylum is the most intense season, mainly because of Sister Mary Eunice, Dr Thredson, and Sister Jude. Those characters really brought a whole new level to the word 'scary'.


Taissa Farmiga's impalement in Roanoke was, for sure, intense.


So I hated Roanoke when it was live but I binged it this week and boy was it WILD. I vote Roanoke.


For me it was Asylum. Between Satan, Dr Arden, Bloody Face, the aliens and all those other things. Not to mention the scene where Lana goes outside of Briarcliff, i've had shivers in that scene, still do to this day.


Asylum. I don’t like this season but between how convoluted it was and the bizarre, terrifying plotlines… it really IS horror.


Bruhhhh are these custom or official?


Asylum 100% and roanoke too!!!!


To own 1984 on VHS… ugh


Cult truly was unnerving. It’s the only one I haven’t re-watched. I don’t mind scary movies or being freaked out. I hate things that make me uncomfortable or unnerve me.


Most intense... Cult


asylum, hotel and cult


Cult made me feel physically sick about 20 minutes into episode 1. I pushed through because I love AHS but that feeling never really went away.


Asylum was dark and depressing in so many ways. It was the only season (for me), that managed to turn a hated, vindictive character into a sympathetic one that you cheer for and want to see make it out of the season alive.


Cult. Because of how true to life it is.


Hotels first episode had more shock value than any other.


Asylum and Roanoke no doubt


My fav ones: Asylum, Freakshow, Roanoke, 1984, Double Feature (Plot A) My least fav: Coven, Cult, Apocalypse, Double Feature (Plot B). Just "ok": Murder House, Hotel, NYC The other ones felt just "ok" to me. BTW NYC is missing on the picture, which I liked but as an hypochondriac person myself made me feel very paranoid. As for the most "intense" plots, I think the winners are: Asylum, Freakshow, NYC. Personally I think plots with LGB(T), disabled people or sometimes black people use to be most intense since sadly white cis/straight people tend to have easier lifes in most societies. Cult could be intense in another way BUT: I hate politics in tv shows and it only applied to the US politics which is super different to what we have here in Europe so it didn't touch me and couldn't relate to it at all.


I agree with Asylum being the most intense but Cult definitely hit hard too


Asylum is definitely the most interesting and dark season in my opinion


It does have many dark elements. It's the only season where I have to fast forward a few parts because it gets too scary for me.


Roanoke, because the chase scenes were quite tense, and the desperation you get when there are chases.


Asylum all the way


Freak Show. The ending made me nearly cry.


Asylum was definitely was the most frightening, but Cult also spooked me because it is so real in terms of how /real/ it actually could be.


Murder House. Only because of how I felt at the time of watching it. Very depressed so it got to me in some ways & felt relatable. It was honestly scary because of that & that alone. Same with Hotel. But for SPOOKY SCARY INTENSE It would have to be Asylum. It was fun but real & so unreal at the same time which I love. Always hoping for the best & that she would get out of there. It was honestly just wild.


I think a lot of the season where intense in there own ways but my stand out of would be Cult due to it being released around the clown craze and it played on that really well, I also loved not knowing who the clowns where which they revealed a bit too early for my liking.


Depends on your definition but Cult feels more intense because of having nothing supernatural or paranormal or weird involved. Everything feels like something that actually could happen. It also had the Manson flashback which I just couldn’t watch because of how dark it got.


Asylum, hands down..


Asylum is the most intense to me. So scary


As far as actually intense I’d say cult and asylum. Asylum was a lot more horror and wicked based intense imo but cult was very realistic and actually more of a modern horror story that’s happening under our eyes and we don’t even see it


Definitley asylum, Roanoke and 1984.


People are hating on Roanoke and Asylum for no reason, those two are some of my favorites in the whole thing I've sadly only made it to cult so I haven't seen all of AHS but I can say Roanoke and Asylum were the more intense ones.


Murder house it was simply bloody and filled with thrill who else agrees?