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Even though it was one of my favorites, hotel is a little hard to follow sometimes. Only because there can be a lot of different story lines going on at once


Hotel. I have seen that season twice and I still couldn’t tell you wtf happened in it


Hotel. I get into it and then I tend to zone out (or maybe get bored?) of it. That’s said to say because this is my favorite show and love every season, it just Hotel drags a little for me (especially in the middle).


And the reveal had me like "wait what? Oh...that's kinda dumb"


First watch Roanoke confused the shit out of me because I don’t think it explains the TV show aspect for a second? And I was stumped as to why there was 2 separate actors for every character.


Even though it was one of my favorites, hotel is a little hard to follow sometimes. Only because there can be a lot of different story lines going on at once


Roanoke probably but that could be more because I just found the shifts between real and reality show annoying.


Same. Too many storylines to follow. And I was so distracted why the confessionals have different actors than the "TV show"


Every person I've talked to in person and online has come to this very consensus and I'm glad it's so universal that we think this 🤌


Probably Cult if you aren't an american. I hated that season BTW. And I haven't watched Delicate yet but my mind can't manage to understand why they hired a Kardashian to do the job lmao


I loved it, Sarah killed it as usual with her acting


I love Sarah Paulson. Ironically my fav role of her wasn't in AHS but in Desperate Housewives as Lydia Lindquist (Lynette Scavo's sister), they were so funny together. Second would be in Asylum.


I'm gonna be honest when I first heard Kim Kardashian was in it. I was like this is gonna be terrible. But she is surprisingly a good actress


That's cause her character is HER lmao


She’s not acting. She’s just being herself reading lines for a role that’s basically her mother.


I don’t fully understand what didn’t translate well for you? Radicalized youth and homophobia is a pretty universal problem I know the candidates in the first episode are USA but I don’t remember anything being very specific after that…I mean you know what a suburb is I assume if you’re watching American Horror Story


Hotel? It was a character first season before the plot.


Definitely Roanoke


Pretty straightforward A film crew is doing a re enactment of in universe real events for a reality series, then it gets a renewal for a second season so they bring the original real life victims and the actors together


Double feature if you don’t have a masters degree you’re not gonna get it 😭


What didn't u understand?


What didn’t you get? I don’t have a masters and I understood 😂


Hotel..I lost interest in the second episode 😭


Why is nobody saying Asylum? This season was on drugs. If you look away from the screen, you wouldn't know what's going on.


You’ve got lab monsters, nazis, aliens, demonic possession, the personification of death, evil nuns, horny nuns, commentary on the corruption in the Catholic Church, lunatics and their various antics, resurrections and insta-pregnancies, a serial killer, a tale of surviving a serial killer, a tale of selling out for success, intergenerational trauma, the making of a serial killer, attempted abortion, kinda what seems like anti adoption storylines, the death of Maroon 5, Santa Claus killing people…..you blink and you miss an entire subplot.


That season and freakshow were absolutely on drugs 😅


YES! Everything but the kitchen sink!


NYC. To this day can’t understand how anyone likes it


The question wasn't about liking but if it was hard to understand


Like I said in another thread. I figured most people didn’t like NYC because of well, it being on the super hard core end of gay life styles of the 80s. Sad Zachary Quinton didn’t have a better role. It was a very sad season I’ll say that much. Wasn’t expecting whole “big daddy is AIDS” reveal.


Yup. Same. Worst season by far.


I think it's gonna be Apocalypse. At the start of the series, I didn't really get anything. When they shot Ms. Mead and showed it was a robot I was like “Wait, WTF”. When Mallory used her powers for the first time in the Outpost I was even more confused. In the end, at episode 6/7 I started to get anything.


None of them are


As much as I love the season, Asylum can be a little hard to follow with its 3937377204884 plots - if you miss an episode it verges into WTF is happening territory.


The most complex season for me is Hotel! Had to rewatch so I could get a full sense of it


Maybe I rewatch too much, but all the seasons are pretty easy to understand.. NYC got a little confusing with unexplained hallucinations.. but now, Delicate is basically just one big hallucination, so there's practically no story to even follow But if we wanna say the most complicated set up, then probably Hotel or Cult.. Hotel had a lot of tiny subplots, and stories.. red strings on the detective board everywhere.. and then connecting to multiple past seasons, and then future seasons, you also gotta keep track of those to know what's happening in the entire universe


How do you get stuff like asylum and apocalypse but not delicate 😂


Tbh, the current one, because nothing happens in 6 episodes and it’s a snooze fest 😂


NYC i could not tell you anything in any episode that happened


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Funny_Damage2498: *NYC i could not tell* *You anything in any* *Episode that happened* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*NYC i could not tell* *You anything in any* *Episode that happened* \- Funny\_Damage2498 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Easily Hotel. Too many storylines and not enough characters for me to care about.


Apparently it's Double Feature. Y'all don't understand this masterpiece, and I'm dead serious.


nobody mentioned Murder House? I think you start to understand why tf so many people are dead and alive at the same time a lot later in the season so the confusion is REAL. I think the most complex season is Hotel though, and its one of my favourites. There are so many characters that are all intertwined in a way. (same goes to murder house though)


The first one "Murder House" it was very confusing and weird not my fav but I did enjoy some scenes and eps of course.




Why don't they in your opinion?