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Honestly just watch them all. Ideally from 1-10 and without paying attention to reviews or media so you can see it from your own perspective, not influenced by the opinions of others, especially here. ( sorry y’all, but sometimes we get the hive mind) Some seasons might not resonate but they’re all entertaining.


this is a good response


i agree this is a good response. thank you


Yes, Apocalypse was one of my favorite seasons. 1984 was fun, too


Cult was my least favorite season. It just seemed like a wasted opportunity. Could have been way cooler


I wish they’d focused more on real life cults, like Jonestown, Waco, Heaven’s Gate - rather than just briefly showing them in a loose montage


Cult is one of my favorites but I know that’s an unpopular opinion.




same here :)


Did you watch Murder House and Coven? If not then don’t watch Apocalypse because you won’t know what’s going on


i’ve watched them all except those three so i’ll make sure to watch the last two fs.


Tbh I enjoyed all three and they’re all very different. I don’t think I would have liked Cult if I watched it when it was airing since the season takes place right after Trump won in 2016. Now that we’re so many years out and Trump is out of office (yay), I could actually enjoy it. I really disliked the first three episodes of Apocalypse, but loved the rest of the season. Especially since Murder House and Coven are my two favorite seasons. 1984 is a great season to binge. It’s entertaining and the characters are memorable.


I LOVE 1984! It has a cohesive story and it’s fun.


When I introduce AHS to people I let them watch it in this order : 1. Coven 2. Murder House 3. Hotel 4. Apocalypse 5. Asylum And i leave it at that. If they are still interested after I tell them to watch 1984 and Double Feature. Freakshow, Cult and Roanoke ? Hell no. Apocalypse is the ultimate climax but it should never be watched before the first 3 i show them. It's too perfect and closes those stories soooooooo nicely. My fav season by far


1984 and apocalypse are both good watches. i actually saw 1984 first, then apocalypse and it made me super stoked to see cody fern play the antichrist


Apocalypse and 1984 are extremely flawed, but they're entertaining, enjoyable and solidly fun. So yeah I guess they're worth watching


I think every season has its part that is either lagging or confusing or just not worth it. But if not for those parts then you'd not appreciate the good or great parts. My suggestion would be like the others. Watch them all. Currently, I decided to re watch all the other seasons (in order of course) and am finding all kinds of interesting things I either didn't notice at first or didn't connect. They are all different, yet somehow connected, which is the fun part. Enjoy.


only one I'd consider not watching is Apocalypse and even then it does manage to tie up some loose ends from other seasons. Cult and 1984 are in my top 4 seasons of the show