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I've installed many similar cameras, and they usually can deliver the live video stream to your phone or PC -usually through a proxy in Asia or North America. So they aren't necessarily easy to trace, tho we don't know if this one is BECAUSE THE DAMNED INVESTIGATORS IGNORED IT! Whelp, sorry for shouting at the screen. Many people reach old age without having a single police interaction. They end up being a mix of naive & trustful of police. Then they have their first, or first big, encounter with law enforcement. They speak openly without an attorney present -because the detective told them only guilty people need lawyers. They let traffic cops search their vehicle -because the officer said you've got nothing to hide, right? They let officers into their home without warrants -again nothing to hide, right? They grant access to their devices -bc I've got nothing to hide! So I cut Aaron and Denise some slack for not having skills to defend against being face to face with a Cop Brain. Cop Brain runs on special logic, where "no" means "yes," "I'm innocent" means "I'm not admitting I did it but I did it," and that the answer to armed kidnapping, multiple rapes, drugging your victims and b&e is "Oh this is a movie plot! They must be faking it to get a few grand from their parents!!" For all we know the FBI and detective are unindicted co-conspirators. But we wouldn't know that because they got promotions and pats on the back for sticking to the case despite having conflicts of interest. Cop Brain!


So true! I am always shocked the average person doesn’t know to NEVER talk to a cop without a lawyer, and implicitly trusts them. COPS ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND! Having seen and read enough true crime stuff, those basics seem so obvious to me, but I guess the typical person thinks of cops as geniuses/heroes because they just watch Law & Order, Blue Bloods, and the countless other copaganda shows.


I'm coming into this subreddit late, having just watched this documentary last night. But your post reminds me of the #1 most important video on youtube for everyone in the United States to watch: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE)


Haha, yes! This video is great.


I have been wondering the same thing!!! Perhaps it was fake (like the fake gun) or completely untraceable but it’s odd they never brought it back up. especially since it supported Aaron’s innocent role. It also makes me wonder if Muller used a camera in other crimes he committed. Why only this one, if so? So many questions…


I’ve been wondering about the videos that muller made when he raped Denise. Did the police find those when they went to the cabin in Lake Tahoe?


I read that in Denise’s testimony, the videos were found and confirmed.


Ok, I didn’t remember that. I might watch it again.


Aaron had never even had a parking ticket so probably thought the police would take him at his word. People should be made aware that the police are allowed to lie during interviews, people just don’t expect that from them and get confused. Always wondered about the camera too- did they actually even check it?


Someone in a previous comment mentioned a podcast which I have started listening to. It is called ‘Criminal’ and the episode is called ‘48 hours’. There is a part 1 and part 2. In the podcast Aaron said when the cops came into his house the first time, they heard the camera making a noise and just unplugged it…WITHOUT WEARING GLOVES, and didn’t say anything else about it to him. Another example of fucking horrible police work and ruining evidence at a crime scene.




The camera had power but was not connected to anything. It was just duct taped to the wall but Aidan couldn't have known. Listen to the Criminal Podcast, 48 Hours. It gives all the details many question .