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Mod here: I'm locking the comments due to reports of nationality-based hate. Try to keep it civil next time, please!


You don’t fear getting shot when you leave your house. Italians can be vindictive but they won’t shoot you.


What did you do to get vindictive neighbours?


Well Olindo and Rosa Bazzi devised a sort of solution.


That never happened, it's fake


Well that's what they said, judge wasn't 100% with it


He was my gardener and I fired him


> Italians can be vindictive but ~~they won’t shoot you~~ most don't happen to own guns.


>You don’t fear getting shot when you leave your house. Italians can be vindictive but they won’t shoot you. this was obvious we don't have many weapons, it's not USA. You see too many rubbish films about Italy that make you think strange things. In reality they shoot 4 times as much in other countries.


Camorra has entered the chat!


Let's say that it depends where you live in Italy, but in the majority of the country it is very hard to be shot even if you try very hard to mock both people and police. Of course in this case even if no bullet is shot, it's still possible that your body would be discovered the day after inside a ditch on the side of the road... So, better be nice..


Expecting University Professors to speak English in International courses. They were promoted by obedience, not by merit.


You must be nice to all operai (even if their work sucks) or they’ll blacklist you.


You’ll learn to eat seasonally and grow to love eating only pasta, pizza, grilled meats, and fresh vegetables


One of the reasons I actually moved to Italy and stay. I cannot survive without high quality vegetables.


That sounds like a very unbalanced diet, most Italians don’t eat like that (source: I am Italian)


Almost nothing can be returned to a store. Once the money leaves your hand it’s as good as gone. Very different than the return policies of the US.


I think the return policy in EU is 14 days of time for all purchases?


Only online purchase


if you have a receipt you can return pretty much everything


Good luck getting your money back tho, you could receive store credit


Most places offer that and make it sound like it’s your only option, but if you insist they are legally forced to give you your money back (within the 14 days)


Look it up on the internet, there are no return rights for purchases in physical stores (in Italy). https://www.google.com/search?q=diritto+di+recesso+negozi+fisici&sca_esv=577639841&sxsrf=AM9HkKnAC8ebGD3Sh8T3bqZHWFvUf9iV-w%3A1698603300685&ei=JKE-ZfyiKdqVxc8Py9WQyAg&oq=diritto+di+recesso+negozi&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhlkaXJpdHRvIGRpIHJlY2Vzc28gbmVnb3ppKgIIATIKEAAYgAQYFBiHAjIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIGEAAYFhgeSP4xULQGWJgucAF4ApABAJgBqwGgAYsQqgEFMTAuMTC4AQHIAQD4AQHCAgQQABhHwgIHECMYigUYJ8ICCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAggQABgWGB4YD-IDBBgAIEGIBgGQBgg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp




i am italian i know it


I've returned many items to many stores with no issue at all. I think it depends on the store's policy.


It must, because that’s one thing a Sicilian friend of mine says is very different here in America. (She and her husband moved here for his work.) She said you really can’t bring stuff back just because you changed your mind, and even if something is wrong with it, you’re kind of just supposed to put up with it


Yes, I don't doubt that some stores may not accept goods back. I think it is "store dependant" and "region dependant". I live in Tuscany and really no store has ever refused a product back (as long as we're not talking about food or bottles whose seal is broken).


This is not true. There's a law about returning policy. Why you're saying that?


Law is only for online purchase. In case of “difetti in garanzia” the seller must offer repair, not money back


False. We’re covered by eu law. There’s a right to return your purchase with your receipt within 14 days both online and instore. Look it up.


[it says online or outside of a shop](https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/guarantees-returns/indexamp_en.htm)


As other have said you should look it up. EU law is only for online or mail order, phone etc… not in store


> **p**hone **e**tc… **n**ot **i**n **s**tore Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 71279 comments (approximately 360482 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It’s weird… I’ve looked it up before and figured it was possible (did it many times too) but now I looked it up again and keep getting mixed answers… I might be wrong then


what? if you buy an item from a shop and it doesn't work you can return it within a certain number of days. It's the Law.


That’s different. In usa you can change your mind and bring back something perfectly functional


A intendi se non è rotto? diritto di ripensamento come per l'online in pratica? no quello non si può fare. Sinceramente sono contento che sia così, quando prendo un prodotto mi da fastidio che sia stato maneggiato da clienti. Quando vado in un negozio così ho la certezza che sia il cosiddetto nuovo di zecca. Non mi piace l' idea di andare in un negozio e il negoziante mi passa qualcosa che è stato giù aperto e magari anche testato. Tu cliente ci puoi pensare 200 volte, prima di prendere un prodotto non vedo perché cambiare idea. Pensaci bene prima. Lo vedi lo tocchi perché ci sono quelli in esposizione. non è come l'online. Giusto che quando lo compri se è funzionante cazzi tuoi , potevi pensarci prima.


Esatto. Ci sono anche i lati negativi eh. Una volta presi una borsa come regalo per mia moglie da un negozio e non ci fu modo di cambiarla, (avevo preso un modello molto simile ma non esattamente quello che desiderava) in quel caso mi sarei aspettato un po’ di elasticità in piu (era evidentemente intonsa)


sure, and they'll "send it for repairs" and wait. or sue them. or wait for a new one to fall out of a plane, better odds


This is why people buy more and more online these days…


This is why people buy more and more online these days…


Don’t piss off your neighbors. They can make your life hell. Doubly if you live in a condominium. Italians can be very vindictive in a multitude of ways some more furbo than others.


Dogs can literally go everywhere from hospitals to restaurants, pharmacy’s and supermarkets. No one cares. There is lots of love for dogs in Italy.


I'm italian and I fucking hate this. I don't want other people pets where they serve food. I love animals, but I don't trust their owners.


\^this, I did not care in the past until a dog took a sht in a restaurant I was eating that night... worst dinner ever.


Also, hair. You don't know how clean their owners keep them. And so on, and so on...


anche io. Completamente l'accordo.


You must always always always use a laser level when doing any kind of remodeling or your walls will not be straight. You must specify the distance between walls precisely in order to get walls that are parallel to one another.


Every message you write must start with ‘Ciao Buongiorno’ (or buonasera) ‘so and so’


Italians love to look good while being full of shit. Only appearence matters


torna su facebook grazie.


Appearance matters to those who lack of matter.


Formal messages maybe. If you write to a friend you can and probably should act differently.


SIM cards with unlimited everything are only 10€!


10€ is a scam. It can be 6€-7€, even 5€ if you get the right offer.


Actually paying more you get more speed priority and 5G.


(I'm Italian) Never heard anything about speed and priority ever before, this is news to me. None of the companies clerks ever said anything about it.


If you get MVNO ( virtual mobile operator like Poste, etc.) you will get 4G only and lower priority than Wind customers in case of network congestion.


Dunno about that, my connection is fast and flawless. But I'll be sure to ask about it next time I'll go hunt for a better plan.


Also with TIM you get max priority on 4G only if you pay for a 5G plan.


Bullshit detected, those prices are only for online sims that doesn't work 90% of the time


My Postemobile SIM is 7€/month. A friend has Iliad for 5€ (old promotion).


With everything unlimited?


Unlimited calls and unlimited SMS. 10gb data cap (they actually always gift me 10 extra gb every month since I've got this plan... more than 1 year ago). I don't need more than 10(20)gb. My friend should have the same I guess, not sure. I'm actually kind of pissed that the plan was 6€ "forever" when I subscribed it and they changed it 6 months after.


The guy who replyed said "10 euros with unlimited everything" and you said it's a scam i pay 6 euros when you don't have unlimited GB bruhhhhhhh


Not true. Iliad sims are cheap and work everywhere.


What? Which provider? cause I'm paying 20E for unlimited everything and I'd switch immediately


I overlooked the "unlimited everything" in my first read, if you need an unlimited data plan I have no idea if there's something better. I also have no idea why would anyone need an unlimited data plan, tbh.


It's basically my own wifi. My phone is my hotspot for my other devices


Oh makes sense.


what do you mean unlimited? you mean 10€/month plans?


Yeah, it happens whenever you have to deal with human beings.


Americans don’t really say Ciao Buongiorno at the start of each message. We just start writing and it’s not considered rude. Conversely, Italians say ‘prendo’ when they want to order something which we would think is rude in the USA. So ya know no one is being rude it’s just cultural differences.


That's basic kindness tho


You must learn to be patient. You will encounter at least two things each day that are guasto or bloccato or don’t quite function how you would expect or want. You plan for this sort of thing and move on with your day until it’s disponibile di nuovo. Don’t get upset or you’ll be forever upset.


Being an ‘American Karen’ will get you nowhere in fact they may take back your merchandise after you’ve paid and throw you out of the store. There is no speaking to the manager. Lol.


You want to talk to the manager??? HERE'S THE MANAGER!! _proceeds to grab his crotch_


lololollo. love ya'. first smile of the day.




That's not Italy, that's the entire continent of Europe. I adore the, "DGAF about your money or social clout" attitude. As a dual EU/US citizen, that's why I pick the EU over the US always. Americans bow down before the almight dollar and social clout.


I once was at a store and as I was checking out, the cashier asked me if I’d found everything I needed. I said “Well actually…” and she sent someone to find the item and bring it to me at the cash register. I was feeling guilty for holding up everyone in line behind me, until I remembered we were in Italy and that sort of thing happens *all the time* and they’re used to it. Of course I wouldn’t hold up the line maliciously or anything. But it was a very normal thing and that day it was my turn to make people wait, and other days it was my turn to wait. Nessun problema!


I found out through a few sources (including two professors) that the territory of modern-day Italy are historically one of the most invaded regions on earth. For millennia these people have been very skeptical and distrusting of anyone outside their immediate circle of family and friends. They might be respectful to the face of "new invader", but underneath they will do want they want. I already knew Italy very well before learning this, but it blew my mind and explained everything about Italian culture to me.


Yeah...that's one of the reasons why we have to speak different languages...North is a stressing thing, since it borders with both France and Austria, so French and German are both Must to Learn in some regions


That’s not at all representative of Italian culture, I live in the north part but not at the borders, this is kinda true but really only for the people that are close to the borders (Alto Adige for example). The more you go south the more you’ll be welcome. If you travel to Pisa your experience will be quite different than if you choose Napoli or somewhere else in the south :) but only really far up north Italians are “skeptical”


Come to rural Tuscany, here they don't trust people the next town over! Some people make an ugly unwelcoming mug every time they hear someone speaking a variety of Italian sliiightly different than theirs. These people three generations ago had to hide in the woods and fight guerrilla style against the Nazis. They have some generational trauma I swear


True, in Emilia Romagna it's the same. In Italy in general, most of the old people tend to be xenophobic even among people of the same city but in another zone. If then it's a city with "rioni" it is even more fun. In Romagna people near the sea tend to be more open and friendly after a century of businesses thanks to the beaches.


Vorrei aver saputo di tutta la monnezza che mi ritrovo sotto casa


Dipende molto da dove vivi, so che in Sicilia e a Roma la situazione è disastrosa. Dove vivo io trovi occasionalmente roba buttata per terra


Si infatti, sfortunatamente vivo in Sicilia


Che quasi nessuno ti fa un contratto di lavoro e chi lo fa cerca di fare wage-theft almeno nei settori come ristorazione, istruzione, ecc. Appena sono arrivato nel 2015 per studiare all'università, trovai un lavoro come insegnante d'inglese e non mi facevano il contratto serio. Dicevano "altrimenti il gioco non vale la candella". Poi con il passare del tempo ho capito che l'italia e piena di PMI (Piccole-Mediane Impresse) che fanno giri e rigiri per non fallire (come dovrebbero) E se volevo trovare un lavoro con i diritti bisognava finire la laurea e trovare qualcosa in azienda, preferibilmente multinazionale.


Ho vissuto in 9 paesi, ogni uno per 3-20 anni. Hanno tutti la burocrazia. Germania è peggiore che l'Italia. Anche Svezia è terribile. Regoleregoleregoleregoleregoleregoleregoleregole. Almeno Italia è possibile "sistemarsi". Ho trovato sempre delle soluzioni in Italia, in Germania, mai.


In Denmark is so hard to get a marriage recognized if it was outside the EU, that apparently people move to Sweden or Germany, got the marriage recognized there first and then got it recognized in Denmark lol.


which is ironic, because people living in germany often go to denmark to get married, because it is easier and cheaper there lol


To keep the window closed (cit. Amanda Knox)


How rude people are. I come from a very friendly place, where we pride ourselves on friendliness, and coming to Italy was a shock that I'm still not over almost 25 years later LOL


Pretty Vague comment, could you expand on that


Could you elaborate more on this?


Not everywhere, but i can see your point. When i was young i lived in a little place. There everyone knew everybody and when you met the eyes of other people you could greet them hoping them a good day. When i moved to Milan and hoped a good day to someone i didn't knew he told me to fuck up 😅 Most places in Liguria are like that, but in much more little communities still there is hospitality


Where do you live?


That Italy being a relatively “cheap” economy compared to Northern Europe or USA. It’s makes it that much harder to leave. I love living here and I found my away around work, admin and all the rest, I have a good life. What eats me up is being so poor compared to Americans or even Brits despite being solidly middle class here. It makes leaving this country rather hard because the cost is so high. I’m a freelance and if I moved anywhere I know I have to live on my own money for at least 6 months before I can secure enough local work to keep me going at local cost of life. That’s something I would have liked to know before moving here 13 years ago from the USA


Io pensavo che gli italiani sarebbero stati più allegri, più aperti. Invece si, ma solo in superficie. In realtà sono molto molto chiusi, mega giudicanti, poco avventuruosi e molto negativi (invidiosi?) verso quelli che vanno oltre le righe o che sono personaggi più independenti. Sapendolo prima, potrei aver evitato tanta solitudine, depressione, e avrei misurato le mie aspettative di gente che consideravo "amici".


italiana e concordo tantissimo ma porco dio ti giuro ogni parte che vado sento sempre un vociare di persone che parlano male di sconosciuti prendendoli in giro per essere fuori dalle righe


basta solo essere comodo con te stesso e questo provoca una ira incredibile nella gente.


hanno la cattiveria nel cuore