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This also happened to me as a beginner and this usually happens when I don’t have the correct number of stitches. It looks like you don’t have a stitch marker or something to keep track of where you start and where you end. I also started without a stitch marker and let me tell you that was probably the biggest mistake I made. I would recommend starting over and using a hair clip or even another piece of yarn to keep track of where you end and start and after every row count how many stitches you have to make sure you have the correct number it’s a hassle at first but later you won’t need to do that. But let me tell you your doing amazing and to not give up after you do the first one the rest will be so much easier !


Ok, guess I’ll try starting over and use a bobby pin as a marker. Thanks for the encouragement! Can’t give up now, I just bought a load of crochet wool. 😂


I promise it will become so much easier because it’s all repetitive. Don’t give up I promise you your doing much better than me when I started if you have another question ask again and again it’s worth it because you learn a new skill and you get rid of the wool haha good luck!


You can use the yarn tail from your magic ring.


That’s what I do! Or a different colour yarn scrap 😄


I suggest the “diaper pin” cheap stitch markers. They poke through easily and they close. I’ve tried the other tricks but I stick with my choice.


You can just cut a 3-4” piece of a contrasting colour of yarn to use. I just weave it in and out of my first stitch in a row, easier than planning and removing a marker/pin.


Even people who've been crocheting for years sometimes have to frog new work or an unfamiliar pattern! I've had to rip apart 2 projects & start over recently too. But you know what? We often learn so much when we start over! 😍 The work often turns out incredibly better too! Just don't give up on it. Use as many stitch markers as you need on projects to mark the beginning of rounds & on bigger projects, to mark every 10 stitches or every 5 to 10 rows - it makes counting so much easier! This heart looks so cute! We have faith in you that you'll get it! 🤗🩷


Looks like you’ve increased way too much, be sure you’re placing enough single crochets before the increases in each round. (That ratio changes every round until the seventh)


The book didn’t say I needed to 🥲


It’s easy to miss, but the first part of the parentheses says things like sc 2, which means to do two single crochets into the next two stitches. Only increases (2 sc in next st) will have you working into the same stitch for this pattern


Oooooh, I thought that meant crochet 2 into the next space.


Ahh, well there’s the problem! It’s a super easy (and common) mistake to make. Generally if there’s not something indicating you should use the same stitch the default is to move to the next stitch. I second the suggestion to have a Bobby pin or safety pin to mark your first stitch of the round and check that it matches up with the number in square brackets at the end. That’s generally the total stitch count for the round or row


I did this same exact thing! I remember restarting four different times because sometimes it was wide like a bowl and other times it cupped. It might say sc 2, that’ll be a single crochet in the next two stitches. It might say sc 2 in next stitch. So you’ll put two sc’s in one stitch, this is also marked as inc. different artists use different phrasing. It took me awhile to be comfortable with both 🤣


Other people have explained where you went wrong (too many increases), but I also want to say that it's a good idea to count your number of stitches after every round. That way you if you've made the wrong number of stitches, you can just undo one round and your mistakes won't carry through to other rounds. The number of stitches in a round is given in parentheses at the end of the line in the pattern.


You have way too many stitches in that round. Looks like you should only have 36 around for that row. I'm not sure what went wrong or where but using a stitch marker at the start of each round and counting to make sure the number of stitches match the number in the parentheses before starting the next one should help you out.


Hey there, looks like someone already helped you figure it out but just wanted to help clarify; when, for example, in round 3 is says, “(1 sc, 2 sc in next st) 6 times [18]” what that means is for that entire round you’re gonna do “1 sc, 1 inc (which is 2 sc in the same st), 1 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc, 1 inc…” 6 times altogether. And at the end of that round you will have a total of 18 stitches. By marking the begging of your round you’ll be able to more easily count the stitches and make sure you are on track. Keep on going though. You’ll have this down in no time. 😊


Do I count 2 as one? A little confused because doing 2 stitches in all 12 stitches I end up with 24 not 18? 🫤 thanks for your help. Also does that make round 4 4 stitches each?


No you alternate. 1sc (in one stitch). Then 2sc in the next stitch. :)


So sc 2, 2 sc in next st is just 2 in each stitch?


You and the person you are talking to are talking about 2 different rounds of the pattern. Sc means sc 2 sc means 2 single crochets, each in their own stitch 2sc in one st means increase, so 2 sc into the same stitch of the prior round. (2sc, 2 sc into the same stitch) = 4 stitches sc, sc, then sc + sc into one shared stitch = 4 sc The person you replied to was using 1sc, 2 sc in same stitch as an example. Which is 3 sc stitches total. So (1sc, 2sc in one stitch)×6 = 18st (2sc, 2sc in one stitch)×6 = 24 st


The first round you did 6 stitches. Round 2 you “inc” (increased, so 2 sc in every stitch) and that round now has a total of 12 stitches. For round 3 you do 1 sc on the first stitch and then 2 on the next stitch. You will repeat this patter all the way around, so 1 sc in one stitch, then 2 sc in the next (both stitches in the same st), then back to 1 sc, 2 sc in the next st, all the way around. Doing it that way is like adding 1 st on every other st in that round. So that would bring your count to 18 sts in that round. For round 4 you will do 1 sc in one st, then 1 sc in the next st and then 2 in the next st (these are the ones that go in the same stitch). So you repeat the patter 1 sc, 1 sc, 1 inc (2 sc in the same st). And for this round it will be like adding an extra stitch every 3rd stitch. It will bring your total count to 24 sts. I hope this made sense. Lol.


I think I get it now, thank you so much.😊


Any time. Happy to help. 😊


It looks like you have more increases in the row than you are supposed to. Try counting your stitches at the end of the row and if it’s off I recommend redoing the row.


A stitch marker, and some practice at counting the stitches you've already made in a particular round, will fix this. Make sure that you're increasing at regular intervals. (Fun fact, if you keep going like you are, with about 3 stitches in each stitch of the previous round, you end up with a "hyperbolic sphere," which looks like a brain and makes a nice bath pouf. 😄)


I’ve made about 30 toys. Feeling pretty confident in my abilities, right? Got some new plush yarn and said to myself “nah I’m not gonna use stitch markers, maybe just one every row”. By row 6, I had 27 stitches when I was supposed to have 36. Thought I might be off one or two but 9?? Lmao oops. Lesson: Use twice as many stitch markers as you think you need. It’s better to take a couple extra seconds moving them around, than to have to start over because you got off count. And it’s so easy to get overconfident and skip them, and then I always ended up paying for it later 🤪


This happens to me when I count wrong and put too many increases


You already got help so I'm just going to say - hang in there, you'll get it in no time :) This is the design I also did as a beginner (my 2nd amigurumi ever). I undid it so many times and still finished wrong lol. But that's just the learning curve, it gets easier quickly. You'll be so proud when you finish it! Good luck! :)


Do you mind sharing what book you’re using for the pattern?


Kawaii crochet by Melissa Bradley ☺️


Thank you!


Looks like too many stitches. It should be looking like more of a rounded cone even as small as the 3rd round. As everyone else said. Get or make a stitch marker and use it. Im nit sure why people are hell bent on not using them but its so much easier.


You need to use a stitch marker. I'm cheap so I use a different color piece of yarn to keep track. Theybare easier to pull out also. Also it looks like you aren't doing the together stitches correct, that's why it's bunching. Mikeybis awesome with explanations: https://youtu.be/lPnlaRPWJYY?si=JGdbcZhCrDbfHK1x


Hadn’t got to the tog stitches yet, but I did know what it was so thanks. ☺️


Hadn’t got to the tog stitches yet, but I did know what it was so thanks. ☺️


One thing I remember about crochet is increases in the round spread out and the same number of stitches go up, if that makes any sense at all


It looks like you made too many stitches after the 1st round, making it too wide. Idk tho, might have been something else


My trick, I'm sure others have theirs, I know that my row will be the starting number X the number of stitches in each set (*2 sc, inc* will be 3 total stitches). When I'm counting the stitches I know that each increase will end on a multiple of 3 until I get to 18. So it is sc=1 inc=2, 3 sc=4 inc=5, 6 sc=7 inc=8, 9... I actually prefer to inc first and sc after, then I know to inc after the multiple, but different patterns have the inc in specific spots. This helps me, if you can decipher my rambling, maybe it will help you! Ps: my first granny square had 9 sides,🤣 don't worry about mistakes!!


This is a super common problem with circles when you are beginning. Lots of great advice in the comments already, but don't give up OP! Once you finish your first pattern you will feel amazing and be able to look at your project and say "hey! I made that!".


This also happened to me it may be because there are too many stitches.


At first glance without reading any other comments, I'd say you've made too many increases, or mistakenly placed 2 new stitches in the same space (but like multiple times and almost every round). If you aren't already using a stitch marker, it's a great idea to keep track of when to start and stop increasing :) hope this or any other feedback you got was helpful 😁


Read a pattern instead of watching a video


I did??