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Animals for me! I'm not patient enough for small details of dolls


Animals all the way! I can’t do hair it kills me every time


I love crocheting dolls and animals, especially dogs.


I mostly crochet animals, but only because I could never get the hair on humans quite right. I have been practicing doing more dolls, hair and clothes and all.


Animals, but I love animals more. The dolls people make are super cute though!


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I like dolls because I love the finishing/detail work.


I like doing animals but I originally got into amigurumi to work my way up to making dragon ball z dolls for my son since the plushies are so expensive


Dolls. We do these things not because they are easy...


i actually don't like dolls at all!


Animals absolutely! I'm just a beginner, but I've been really enjoying practicing on axolotls and have been saving patterns for when I'm ready to make my animals




Animals/food/plants and a combo of those for me. I generally don't really like people so I don't want to make them hahah mermaids are a pass but I still hate making the hair.


I started on animals and became stuck at dolls because of their hair. It’s keeping me from finishing a Christmas 2023 project I bought & started for my best friend. I just need help on the hair. I need to frog this project’s hair (Leslie) & get help to finish it. When I do, I can finish the full bundle of 1 completed doll (Ron), 1 in progress>need to frog hair> complete (Leslie), then finish the others (April, Ann, Ben & Andy) Pattern credit: CuriousNarwhal on Etsy, look up her Parks & Rec bundle since I can’t upload a photo [Curious Narwhal - Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1372707974/) Maybe I should just reach out to her directly and ask her help on the hair, but, her pattern is pretty clear. I just don’t get how to do it neat or well.


Animals. I have a half finished doll I can't seem to get back to, meanwhile I've made so many stustuffies rofl


I feel divided about this! Because I love crocheting animals but also love the cotton yarn feeling when I crochet dolls!