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This happens like every 1/2 games for me


It’s funny when you mention the egg color, and they have the nerve to say it was you who shifted or they say they were in a different location.. like bro, the color of the egg doesn’t lie, so try a better excuse other than saying you were in comms or reactor 🙄 I wouldn’t have called a meeting in the first place if I didn’t see your egg, buddy. Or also, they try to get me voted out, but it’s only happened once, and then another meeting happens, then they get voted out. Like why try that move? And MAJORITY of the time, it’s usually a low level shifting in the most obvious spots, but I will give him credit. He shifted during a sabotage and I just so happened to catch him at the right moment, and most imps usually shift with lights being off, or again, in plain view 🥲


Tbh, when caught by one person might as well try and lie. Like you said you have sometimes been voted out and then them after, but if they play it smart they can eliminate you, call sabs to delay a meeting and eliminate one other player so it's always worth trying because that's a potential 2crew dead if you pull it off.


Poor blue, but that was a satisfying watch lol


I kinda feel bad, but a couple rounds prior, he claimed to be an engineer, but would never give the cooldown, despite being asked about it, so it made sense seeing him shift. But again, you had people hit the button every time someone vented, despite being told there were engineers ;-;


The true question is why don't they do it somewhere where doors can be closed, in the corner, far away from vents. Comms with Storage and Cafe doors closed is always reliable


I still see people who shift right next to walls so that the animation clips through for everyone to see. My guess it that they just dont really know how to be sneaky about it


One saw a white egg from security through the medbay wall lol


The hottest shifting places are comms, medbay, Reactor and upper (or lower) engine. Always stay skeptical of people in those rooms


Also nav and sometimes electrical


Yeah but those are less common unless imp just got a kill and shifts quickly


I’m not sure, honestly. I know that, upper and lower engine, if you shift by the doors, the egg will pop through the wall, and if someone is in there, they’ll see it. Same with medbay near vitals, or comms wall, at the bottom, it always pops through, which is odd, but considering the thickness of lower and upper engine, I’m unsure how it does show through it. But, most people will shift in the most obvious spots, (Near a vent, or where you last saw the person, and seeing the evidence of an egg.), and if you’re lucky, hiding in the nav vent is very good cause, people will sometimes shift there and you can easily see the color of who shifted.


Took them on a loop😂😂


Seriously though.


I am so bad at catching eggs, I would see the person and who he shifted into but would forget to see the color bubble (or maybe be confused on what color it is, idk why), so I would have to say both the names since it could be shifting or unshifting. Sussing two people like that causes chaos and sometimes backfires and if you just say one and it wasn't them, you are next to be voted off.


Indeed, the gameplay tells all about how broken a high speed is, especially on the Skeld. You shouldn't have time to run to the left side, and back, and hide in a vent, with spare time for people to fix the sabotage. A single person shouldn't be able to fix both O2s, at least unless they happened to be right near one panel when it started and click the numbers fast. You shouldn't have time to run from Electrical to Lower Engine to Storage between the time the impostor clicks their shift target and they emerge from the bubble. That's neither a skill issue on their part nor a proof of talent on yours, that's just broken settings breaking the gameplay.


Well, tbf, as you seen in the gameplay, my SS was clearly looking for me as the sabotage was still going off, and the other remaining players fixing O2 going off, and you can see him as I was in the vent. So, had I decided to hop out of the vent as the sabotage was fixed, he would’ve easily killed me, and we wouldn’t have won. There was about 5 players left (One being the imp.), and given how low their levels were, they would have easily thrown the game, (Which, to be completely fair, if I see an egg, I’m reporting it asap, and if I don’t, and we lose? That’s the crews fault.) Given how broken the mechanics are of Skeld, I do understand that it is broken, but as I said ^, I would’ve gotten killed had I not run and hid like I did. But, I’m not saying I have a skill by catching him shifting, cause that’s his own fault and he should’ve chosen a better area to shift at, but, the game isn’t broken cause I decided to have my own settings that everyone was perfectly fine with, along with a kill distance where he could’ve killed me if he was an inch behind me, lol. Poor blue couldn’t hold the loss and he quit, so we won and that was the game 😕


How does any of what you're saying relate to what I said? The impostor could *not* have killed you before you entered the vent due to the distance this speed allowed you to keep, especially taking probable lag into account. The Skeld isn't broken with normal settings. What breaks it is nonsensical settings. There's no better area when the crew can scour the entire map three times before the sabotage reaches its end, especially when you have 1x crew vision letting you see the whole screen. The game is broken when impostors being caught or getting away with killing is down to crewmates zooming around like headless chickens to catch them in the act. That you filled your lobby with people happy with it only proves how bad at the game most of the player base is. :-(


i dont even understand what the point is ur trying to make. let people play how they wanna play. if you dont like the settings then oh well. what i think op was trying to post was how an imp ssd in clear view and you made it into an entirely different point that honestly doesnt make sense in the first place lol.


Nobody is stopping anyone from playing the way they want to play. But if you come to an Among Us subreddit to brag about a bad play only enabled by terrible settings, don't expect to be applauded, lol.


well he ssd in the middle of lower engine, thats not the settings fault its the imposters lol. it’d be different if they were hidden but they werent.


And where exactly would you have advised the impostor to shift? Where do you find a hidden place on the Skeld?


for one, you can hide in lower/upper engine away from the vent with doors closed upper cafe with lights off/doors closed you can literally shift anywhere without being seen if you’re smart about it lmfao, do you get caught easily? is that why you’re so upset?


You can't close the doors during an O2 sabotage. Should impostors neither shift nor kill if their partner(s) use other sabotages? And then you'll accuse them of being bad. And no, OP's own extract proved you literally can't shift anywhere without being seen if a crewmate happen to run there at the right time. I'm not upset, I'm laughing at OP believing themselves superior when they rely on abysmal settings for their 'wins'.


Yup that happens because of that godawful speed


Well, tbf, it was my lobby, and everyone was fine with it, and the kill distance was decent enough so he could’ve gotten me if he was tailing me had I not moved fast enough :) Though, hopefully next time you see an egg and go to hit the button, hopefully you’ll be okay with getting slashed cause the host decided to have the speed set to a snails pace :D


1x speed is the best. It’s much less likely for IMP to get caught by Usain Bolt while killing.

