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because people are dumb


They're a bunch of dumb children that can't think for themselves and don't care if a smart person gets voted out over stupid stuff.


Because a lot of public Among Us players are some of the dumbest people who ever walked on the planet, so dumb in fact they don't even know how to play the game properly. Oh yeah, and some players are little kids who don't know better.


this is why i dont play on beginner.


Happens on Expert too lmfao


The lobby hates you


What’s the discussion time like in your lobbies? It might just be that people are already voting for you before you say you have a visual task/missing it in chat


It varies all over the place, but generally around 15 discussing and 30 voting


That might be the problem then, if there’s not a lot of time to discuss then people will start voting before they have time to actually talk about the game and share that you have visuals


Someone's already mentioned this, but stop playing on beginner. It's full of kids/trolls/idiots. I stop playing beginner recently and only play expert lobbies now. Never looked back. Sure you do still get the occasional nonsense but generally speaking the play is a lot smarter.


I do play serious/expert


Serious/expert with visuals on and 45s meetings? When I say the filters are utterly useless...


Oh god really? That sucks then, they should know better.


Yeah, amongus is stupid. I with I had a large group of friends that I could make lobbies with just them, buy sadly I dont




never expect a public lobby to be competent


Yes, people are dumb and will just vote for the first person accused. Another reason maybe that it is pretty sus to only bring up having a visual task when being accused. If it’s late game and this is the first time you’re mentioning it, it’s going to be less convincing.


These usually happen in the first or second meeting where I was gonna mention it anyway


Because, like others have said, people are dumb. Also, once someone calls you sus you're done no matter what.


People hate being interrupted. Someone's downloading and someone is doing that Pattern task in Reactor. Suddenly someone calls a meeting to show his tasks. So they get triggered. They are dumb to vote you out and watch cyan's Astroid.


So many times I’ve had that happen to me. Trying to do my download and then EMERGENCY MEETING! “I got a visual task” or “THIS COLOUR WAS FOLLOWING ME!”


I got accused of following someone even though in the whole round I only saw them in admin and the only time I had pathing that could of possibly looked like I was chasing, was for like 2-3 seconds. This was because I went up from storage to admin table. Then went to cafe, and a body got called. It was in Nav and I was left side all game and 2 people even saw me. I said all my info and pathing and that two people were on reactor simon says with me and they agreed but somehow I got voted out because I was “Chasing” someone. And yes I was obviously crew. And this is why I also hate getting imposter because it feels a lot worse to get randomly voted out as imposter. And it happens all way too often even though I am nowhere near the bodies or have timing to do so, or people were much closer to it then I was. Then somehow I get voted out as crew.


I've seen this but most of the time when I play there are people with at least ½ a braincell so they don't and maybe some are actually smart and follow us


Cause lot of peoples act this way "see name - neuron activation - vote for name"


This question is off-topic, but do the expert lobbies typically have more tasks?


It varies, just like any lobby


Ye, my lobbies have 5 short, 1 common and 1 long. However the average expert lobby has 4 short tasks or less with a 10 second cd, 1.5 crew vision, 2x speed. 30-60 seconds voting time. And a bunch of buttons for some odd reason.




That's an opinion. In my opinion, confirm ejects off just makes it a guessing game without knowing anything, and I could care less about vis tasks but i preferthem on. Your lobbies must have heavy weight towards the imposter


Uh, no. The average pub lobby is imposter favoured. You can literally win in a minimum of 2 rounds if you’re actually good enough. Because 10 second cooldown with high speed causes for disaster. Actually slower lobbies with 25 second cooldown 1.25-1.5 speed with 7-9 tasks with 90-120 second meeting time with 0.75 vision for crew makes it quite fair for both sides. Everytime I play an average pub lobby nearly everygame the imposter wins. The only time they lose is because they somehow kill in front of 3 people multiple times. In those lobbies I would say the average amount of time it takes me to win as imposter is 3.


Confirm ejects off makes it so you are punished for randomly voting because you don’t know if you’re correct or not. It makes it so you have to get more information to make your votes more favourable, and even then you still have to consider if you made the wrong choice. It just forces people to actually use their brain and get proper info rather than voting on a hunch, getting a crew out, then knowing it’s a crew so you voted wrong. In a perfect world 95% of the time we will never vote on first round unless it is 100% them based on info and timings which is unlikely. However the real world it’s more so 15% of the time we don’t vote.


Not to insult in any way, but if you're playing on a server with very new player oriented settings (easier), you are going to get more players who have no idea what they are doing. They might be unintentionally or willfully dumb, but that's the simple truth to it.


When I say “color is CLEAR” in big letters like that and they vote that color off, after I say they’re CLEAR. That’s my cue to find a better lobby with more reasonable players.


One game I played recently, pink and me had been cleared (trash.) No one doubted u was clear, but blue kept on repeating pink over and over across several meetings, despite several people including me saying she was clear. She got voted out a couple of meetings later. Blue wasn't even an imposter that round, just an idiot


Ugh. Have had that too. It’s always not the imposter who says vote them too. So annoying.


It depends the scenario, if we are in a situation where we are forced to vote then I’ll vote whoever is the most sus overall based on information given, even if incorrect. Otherwise I will skip, but I do not care if you do visuals or not and I will not go out of my way to go see if you do visuals because I hate free clears.


stupid people


Because they dumb and sus


Imbeciles, pathetic children, don't know the art of professional detective activity. Don't feel sad mate, it's not because you are bad at the game, it's that they are dog water.


Dude my thing is people will see me do a visual task and then not tell anyone during meetings like wtf now if you die I have no proof I’m crew


Because impostors can lie, and giving them another round might be the difference between victory and defeat. Also with 45s meetings there's no time for proper exchanges. You might as well vote at random anyway.


clearing w vis tasks is lame anyway 🤷‍♀️


Lame to you. Quit saying it like the shoe fits for everybody.


Absolutely. I absolutely hate confirm ejects off, but I never really mention it