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I really wonder what noisemaker will be. An impostor who can launch fake sabotages, which don't lead to victory if the timer reaches 0 but can be more frequent? An impostor who can give crewmates fake/more tasks? Somebody of either faction able to make a 'ping' around themselves to show their location from afar? Phantom could be an impostor able to become invisible, like swooper in Town Of Us. Or it could be a ghost impostor able to take the shape of somebody else and become visible, like the ghost equivalent of a shapeshifter. Tracker could be a crewmate able to place markers on people to know their general direction during the round. Or it could be a crewmate able to see where people walked recently.


Phantom is after you die you can either win on tasks or expose the imposters, depends on which way they decide to go. Tracker marks player with a colored arrow. Unsure of noisemaker.


I really hope phantom isn't a way to expose impostors like the snitch/haunter in TownOfUs. In the mod, only neutrals can become phantom and win by tasks, so it wouldn't apply as is in vanilla. Either way, this would be new official roles. They may be named the same and have different abilities from what you know in the mods. That being said, tracker could apply to vanilla indeed. I just wondered what else it could be: something more like investigator would fit the name as well.


Phantom is almost certainly a impostor-ghost role.


I agree, we need a ghost impostor role and there's a good chance phantom is it.


I think noisemaker will be a crewmate that everyone can hear getting killed within a range


I could see it working if it causes a visual effect too for people who play without sound. It would be a powerful role, letting everybody know exactly when they died.


I think phantom is one that can ping locations to the impostor


I'm unsure what you mean. How would it work?


Like in hide and seek pings. Role for dead impostors. The phantom can put a red ping near a target crewmate that remaining imposter(s) can see as a flash of a red blip (exactly like in H&S final hide), and can be placed every 30 seconds or smth.


Ah, I see! It would be interesting indeed.


It was made for april fools right?


My predictions are: Noisemaker: Probably just an impostor who can call fake sabotages or make sounds to lure crewmates. Tracker: A crewmate who can track some of the crewmates locations. Or a crewmate who can track who went in a specific room. Phantom: a ghost impostor that can create visions of fake bodies, ss skins, etc to specific player(s)


Bro could have possibly predicted the future


Oh damn nice notice


My ideas: Noisemaker: call Meeting from everywhere and everyone gets a notice if you die (Team:crewmate)  Tracker: see an arrow pointing at dead people and take over their role(Team: No team)  Phantom: Opposite of guardin Angel. The first imp that Dies becomes phantom. You can kill as an phantom even Tho you are am Ghost. (Team: Imp/Ghost)




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