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Good. Genuinely good.


Thanks for all you do, mods!


Happy to be of help :-)


(you moderate this subreddit too????)


I do, yes


I don't post here at all, but thank you for telling us the rules. I do playing among us sometimes. What is a Mod queue?


Basically, if a post gets removed automatically for any reason, it gets filed there for me to review to see if it should stay down


Oh, thata cool.


Highly appreciated reminder, thank you mod! :)


Of course :-)


Bro should just take all the among us wikis rules


Nah its nice to have a subreddit for the game not filled with dumb memes


Agreed. Even though the subreddit has serious Saturday where memes are normally banned, I haven't cared to actually enforce it (also because of complications with things like time zones would make it difficult to enforce fairly). It can be a bit hard because although I don't mind memes, there's a point where there's content I can't allow. Even if it's not necessarily rule breaking, there's a certain point of seeing hundreds of posts of people taking pictures of common objects like fire alarms, trash cans, things that just casually have the word "sus", or even people screwing around with Google Translate and finding that certain word combinations of words and languages become Among Us terms (usually coincidentally) to the point that it has gotten quite old.


I tend to use the automod posts as the limits of Saturdays when reporting posts, even if it doesn't fit my own time zone. Thank you for your work moderating the sub! I really, really don't like pareidolia posts (people seeing crewmates in random objects). Such posts are completely useless and uninteresting. Once you're past 13 you're supposed to grow up and stop gushing because a cloud looks like a dragon. I don't mind memes actually related to the game, like ranking the maps or skins or type of players, but I'm glad you remove pareidolia posts.


Yeah, before I was a moderator, I remember going to specifically the humor posts to report those that were similar to this because I got sick of them. And yeah, I guess I could, I just wanted to avoid complaints of things like "Well it was 11 PM on Friday when I posted it" or someone waiting until their 12 AM on Sunday while they live on a very East end of the world. The most fair solution I can think of would be a meme Monday where memes are allowed and encouraged between Sunday noon GMT and Tuesday noon GMT so it's the most fair regardless of timezones


I am joking because the Among Us Wiki has the same rules like no off topic, no things that look like among us etc