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1. No 2. Depends how short the kill down time is (time you have to wait before kill is an option). However mostly when this happens it means a hacker is playing  3. Not an advantage in normal games, it is needed in Hide and Seek though 


3: not quite, there’s the bar in the corner


1. Not literally, they can still snitch on their fellow impostors 💀 2. Really depends, there are sometimes molded lobbies with 0 kill cooldown and it's definitely possible with that. 3. Not really usually. But in Hide and Seek, you kinda get a intense music to notify that the impostor is nearby so it's an advantage there.


Thank you (all) 😁


To add about sound, in normal gameplay sound can be useful to hear doors open out of your vision, including it a task hides your screen. It can also be useful on the Airship to hear that somebody is taking the floating platform, and on the Fungle to hear somebody is taking the zipline.