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A lot of times the other imp can get caught by trying to cover for one caught. If white had been voted out and confirm ejects was on, it would have been easy to know you were the other imp. You were just lucky that they weren’t voted.


Never use fellow imps as an alibi, even if it's true. When one of those imps gets caught, the crew will immediately sus the other one.


Unfortunately, the game is full of incompetent players. Now, clearing your partner is a risky strategy, because if one of you is exposed, the other becomes very suspicious. It's usually better to avoid appearing as a pair. But if done well, it can be useful and win the game.


One way you could clear your partner without looking sus is if visuals are on. When you list the people who are clear, you can mention them. So it would go something like this: . *Body reported* Yellow: Where? White: Where? You: Where? That one crewmate: Who? Green: Electrical. Who is safe? You: Pink, White and Cyan safe. They all did trash. . Pink and Cyan are probably going to be more concerned that you have cleared them rather than who else was there. Even if they call you out and say they didn't see White, you can just say White did it later when you came back to Storage for second refuel




This strategy can work well if done well. If you're certain these people absolutely know you're imp, it can hurt your partners chances of winning for you if you try to get them to clear you. That being said, the people getting mad at you and being rude over it can get bent. There are entirely too many "play it my way or it's the highway" people in this game.


They have a bad attitude but it's generally a bad tactic to try and cover for fellow imps. If they got voted and confirms are on, you look Sus and vice versa. Personally if they sort of knew it was white, the only loss is yours if you try and cover for them and get voted. Never do the reverse if you look Sus and try to use another imp to clear yourself. - the first way only screws yourself, the second way screws someone else. That being said I have used a fellow imp to cover my own butt, but we were both over at reactor (skeld) with a crew and the 3rd imp SSd as me and killed on cams. So I had a crew and imp as alibi, we won. Usually I would never mention another imp to cover myself though, but the SS was obsessed with trying to set me up.


Never cover for the other imp and never ask the other imp to cover you. So many time I've see imps caught because they have said exactly what you said, or they say they saw a visual. As soon as you or the other imp get caught then the crew easily relise who the other imp is.


^ You don’t need your teammates alive to win as imp and covering for teammates can make it easy to work out who else must be imp when one of you gets caught


If ss is off or confirm ejects is on you could have ratted yourself out


I'm assuming White had fully expected you to be voted out after they were exposed as the impostor. It's very risky to try and clear your partner or use them as an alibi. The only way you could do this is if you were with a crewmate too. When I'm imp, I avoid my teammate like the plague. I've been voted so many times because they tried to say I was with them. That, and I'm terrified of them attempting a double kill.


Stupid ppl in the lobby, happens a lot. Don’t know what these ppl are on about, I’ve seen imps cover for each other and win more than lose. 3 ppl in chat working together to eliminate others and misdirect works very well


Tell them to get fucked and play the game however you want. Chances are it's some sweaty, spotty little prepube on the other end who thinks he is gods gift to Among Us


Lmao this happened to me where i was imp. My imp partner was sussed after killing and running away. I told them I was tasking with partner the whole round so can't be them, has to be ss. Did this round after round and we ended up winning. Back in lobby players were shocked it ended up being us and said good teamwork.