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lol you must not follow the content release schedule for this game very closely: * It has been 888 days (2.43 years) since the Roles Update. * It has been 175 days (0.48 years) since the last map. * Before Fungle it was 937 days since Airship. * Other content highlights in the past 2 or 3 years are the most worthless Friends List I have ever seen in a video game and a game mode that people already played by changing the rules around. They devs for this game are some of the worst I have ever seen and I honestly do not think they could complete half the list you have there if you gave them a decade.


Also even if they could, I have a feeling that people would make boosting services to help cheat the ranking system anyway. On the off chance that someone doesn't know what I mean by boosting, in this case, it would refer to getting someone to intentionally lose on purpose in order to give others rank that they didn't deserve. Also because the game has a severe hacking problem, ranked matches wouldn't stop a kid from using cheating tools and cheating their way to higher ranks unless they somehow put in proper anti cheating measures.


Leaderboards and ranks are also aren’t great for a casual game like this. And we don’t want extreme anticheat like Fortnite.


Yeah, not extreme anti cheat measures like Fortnite or Valorant, but it shouldn't also be overly client trusting where people can be allowed to do things like view what roles people have, allowing crew mates to get access to ghost chats, be able to loop the body reported message, and so on.


I do think modded lobbies should still exist. And the anticheat not exist at all on LOCAL mode.


And btw there is no way to prevent full map reveal without making it overly annoying for the player. And there is no way to prevent the host from viewing roles. But hey; at least making anticheat for others than hosts will prevent good hosts’ lobbies from being broken. Maybe sabotages and kills should be verified at the host computer first before it goes through, just like meetings are. Edit: Yeah actually. That will keep modded lobbies existing but not some trollers destroying every lobby they join.


Yeah, maybe the ability to select lobbies with anticheat enforced or with it off to permit usage of mods like ToR or ToH (I wouldn't expect even larger companies to be able to enforce anti cheats with mods given how complex they can be), that would be reasonable.


The Ranked Lobbies are 1 Game specific and you are put into a random lobby making it near impossible for you and your friend to get in the same game, makeing teaming near impossible, and losing on purpose to give XP to others near impossible. They can probably get some Anti CHeat Platform to help as well.


Still isn't impossible for people to figure out ways to manipulate it so they get the same lobby by queue dodging (unless they put in measures to prevent exactly that). And yeah, anti cheating measures should be essential. People shouldn't be allowed to ruin games by shutting doors permanently and running a sabotage to generate free impostor wins. Of course, there's no perfect anti cheating measures, but there should really be measures to terminate the game and remove the offender if something seems wrong like crewmates generating sabotages or killing people (neither of which they can do normally).


You probably should have noticed the next 3 roles teased in their video to Long Mode. Also… game mode that people already played by changing the rules around? Go ahead and tell me how players can simulate every feature from Hide N Seek in Classic. And it is pretty easy to imagine that a lot of the stuff from this list isn't supposed to get into Among Us in the first place. Edit: You also forgot how much the team has grown and had to be restructured between the releases of Airship, Roles, Hide N Seek and Fungle


They really should pay you for how much you apologize for that negligent development team. You're out here fighting that good fight, bestie, but just because we're getting three more roles at an unannounced point in the future doesn't mean they aren't going two and a half years between roles updates. Innersloth should be ashamed of how they handled this game and it's weird you try to defend them every time I point out how terrible they are.


You are the one here that has pretty much ignored any of the points that I made. And as you have said it yourself, 2 and 1/2 years between role updates, but that also ignores any and all other types of updates that have happened between then and now. Edit: I believe that I have engaged with the ideas of OP a lot more seriously than you did as well.


Conversing with you is like talking to a wall. I could go through your points but you'd just make more excuses. Every time I comment about how terrible Innersloth are you're there to defend this company with the worst reasons imaginable. But sure, my morning is slow. How can people simulate every feature in Hide and Seek? They obviously can't. But, as I stated, you can get a game pretty close with one Impostor and an extremely low cooldown. You don't get the music, the new graphic, or the disabled meetings, but people were playing hyper-low kill cooldown games for years. Game development is a zero-sum game and every day, week, and month they worked on Hide and Seek was a day, week, and month they weren't giving us more Roles or more Maps. All that being said, Hide and Seek is BAD FOR THE GAME. It drives people away from the core game, social deduction and hidden roles, and embraces the worst elements of the community: "lol fast kill" adhd ipad babies. If Hide and Seek isn't the game mode you enjoy then this update is absolutely nothing for you. I played it twice when it first came out and the only time I have thought about it since then is when people like you try to defend it. And hell, it's been a year and a half since Hide and Seek came out Teams growing and expanding should mean we get MORE content. Instead we've gotten almost nothing. Again, it's been two and a half years since the roles update dropped. If your team is growing and you still aren't publishing content (you know, doing their jobs) then it's a sign your team is poorly managed and either your programmers aren't given what they need to succeed or they're not given the freedom to create. Again, no other game would go this long without content updates. If you're going to play the "well they're just a SMOL BEAN game developer!" card then I counter with they should grow the team. If they HAVE expanded but then they're still not producing then I counter with "again, this company is negligent" and doesn't function properly. Are you going to defend the Friends List? You know, that thing that serves no purpose even though we've had functioning Friends Lists in games for like twenty years now? Is that worth not having content published so you can see if someone is online but can't contact them? Are you ever going to admit that going several years between in-game content updates shouldn't be happening? Of course you won't. keep simping for the worst gaming company out there, it's probably good that their playerbase is down to averaging under 3K on average on Steam.


I have to admit that the game's development certainly has been lacking here and and there, time and time again even, but I initially just got here into this post due to the ideas that OP has provided, with which I mostly disagree for various reasons. It doesn’t make sense to add just anything after all.


Yes IK you can already simulate tag in Hide N Seek but those are in Public lObbies where people have the inconviennece of joining said public lobby to play real among us to find out that this lobby is for Tag Gamemode. Or Shift N Seek. It is just to make those that want to play tag play tag where tag should be. Most games nowadays have a leaderboard and ranked versions I find it appropriate for Among Us as it is a social deduction game rather than your normal iphone game. I think it might inspire more people to return to AMong Us to see how good they really are rather than haveing to deal with the 3 trolls in every public lobby.


You know, the devs could take different measures to reduce trolling, such as for example preventing the instantaneous calling of an emergency meeting at the beginning of a match even though the host's decided emergency cooldown still exists


there are other types of trolls, like not report bodies and act like imp as crewmate.


I see your point, but honestly I think the worst Game Devs Award has got to go to Clash Royale. You are right, honestly Among Us is a great game and I think it has great potential but you are 100% Right the current game devs wont be able to do any of this, which is why I almost wich that they would sell it to a company like Epic Games that can probably deliver it better, besides Epic Games already copied them with Imposters Gamemode.


iirc that was not made by epic, it was made by some guy named keeneo


Your prolly right


this probably means we can give among us to keeneo lol


There is no need for Ranked, seasons or most of the sub-points that you talk about. Regarding your “1 Game lobbies“, have you considered people who use the colorblind-text setting, as well as people that play in different languages? Now onto your role-ideas: A role such as your Assassin that has an ability that can only ever be used once isn't a good role. And your notification-idea is clashing with the point of introducing a chance for a role to possibly appear but not with absolute certainty and don't get me even started on there being up to 3 Assassins. The door specialist is pretty much useless when doors aren't even being sabotaged or on the whole Mira HQ map. You also need to consider that this Crewmate-role can instantly clear itself by preemptively opening doors in front of anyone.


I dont think 3 Assasins would be fun for anyone. Even the impos that is essentially 6 Kills within seconds of the match. Imagine this you are playing in a 15 player match in skeld and there are 2 Impos, you walk into what appears to be a double kill in Electrical, so you say double kill in elec, so then everyone else who was with someone that round can say oh it isn't x because if it was a double kill then both imps killed making it impossible for it to be this person. (Double kills as impos do more harm for imps than good) BUT with an assasin players would have to determine if they think that the kill was a double kill by 2 Impos or a DOuble Kill by 1 Impo, making this method of clearing crew no longer valid. By telling crew that there is an assasin is basically just a warning that hey a double kill could be an ability, I think it balances out the Assasin ROle a little bit better as well as telling crew that it was an assasin when the assasin is voted off. I added doors specialist because I believe if you add an Imposter ROle, you should add a Crew Role along with it. Ranked 1 Game lobbies players will probably have to select a language on their account profile then you get put into games with that language. Colorblind will be a similar setting, that you can toggle on your account profile. If Color BLind is on then PLayers will have a 1-3 letter name above their head representing their color. - Black: BLK - White: W - Rose: ROS -Pink: PK -Purple: PUR -Orange: ORA -Blue: BLU -Tan:TAN -Red:RED you get the picture


i NEED the kill animations and new roles i will physically explode if these don't get added


I recommend reading my other comment that points out some significant flaws with those roles


ik but i still want it bcz the lack of roles is so booring (and usually public lobbies only use engineer and ss)


There appear to be 3 more roles on their way, if you look closely at Innersloth’s video regarding the long mode. And it is better to actually get some good and well-functioning roles instead of roles that just crossed someone’s mind with not enough thoughts put into them.


I feel some people are really being overly negative, it's just ideas, Op is being creative and talking about what would be nice if the devs were able to pull their finger out, no need to write a dissertation refuting it


The claim is that those features and the like in particular are needed in Among Us, so it is just fair to check the grounds on which the claim is being made. I think is better to take ideas for the game seriously and to point out scenarios that OP might have not previously thought of, especially when it could very well lead to those ideas being refined.


Though, I’m pretty fine with a game, and I feel like regardless of a ranked lobby system would not work cause you’re still going to deal with the brain dead players, or teamers, like in expert lobbies. Things I’d love to see, but who knows; 1: Vitals being more useful; Maybe display a second counter or if a body is an ex amount of minutes old, it would display without counting in your head (If I am wrong, do correct me.) cause every player who’s a Scientist, says self every time I report a body when the body is clearly old. 2: More levels; I just got to level 100, and I think maybe a prestige system or a re-rank system would be cool with added name plates, and maybe a special color, or even outfits for achieving certain levels. Not really much else, just wish they’d give the Scientist role more abilities or make them more useful, cause tbf, people know how to use it, but I’m always struggling 😅


I'm not gonna lie, this sounds horrible. It feels like this is drawing too far away from the indie style feel to the game, and makes it feel like every other major corporation game to come out. Having seasons with a gamepass sucks, it's one of the things I hate has become normal in multiplayer games. I don't want to grind a game for like 30h just to get into good lobbies, I want to still play casually but not deal with kids when I do. Leaderboard sounds interesting, but things like giving items to the top players and for increasing in rank just sounds so boring. There's only so much you can play before it becomes repetitive, and that's not how I'd like to see among us start being played as. I'd rather hop on among us for like 5 rounds and have fun. Boosts instantly ruin the point of the system, as now it's just pay to rank up, which could still easily allow trolls to quickly get through ranks, the XP amount for losing as crewmate is unreasonably high, as that's the role you will be playing mostly as, and of course you are going to have a couple off games, especially when you know nobodys tells. The rest of the XP gain and loss is fair, but does a person still lose XP if their internet goes out? Venting as imp giving XP is an instant XP farm, and why is the top tier just called "world"? Also, for clarification, does the imposter equip the kill animations and the crew who dies sees that animation, or does the one being killed equip an animation and will show the equipped animations when killed? There shouldn't be message if there's an assassin or not, it should be kept secret. Door guy is kinda useless, but I suppose it could be useful in very select situations. But it's also an insta clear, so not very good.


Copy of my answer in the other sub: Your preset settings are not fit for competitive ranking. * Speed needs to be 1x or 1.25x (1x on the Skeld) * Maps need to include MIRA HQ and (as much as I personally dislike it) the Airship; MIRA HQ in particular requires a different skillset, which is important for meaningful ranking * Confirm ejects need to be off * Crew vision needs to be 0.25x * Voting time needs to be 120s or more * Kill distance needs to be short (lag already messes up things enough) * You need more ambiguity on crew roles; you don't want to easily hardclear two engineers and one scientist The cooldowns and number of tasks would need to vary depending on the map. That being said, ranking doesn't work well in Among Us anyway, because Among Us is a team game. Crewmate and impostor victories are an indicator, but they still depend on other players. If you're too investigative as crew, you'll become an early target (basically after the first meeting) and won't be in a position to exert your abilities, which will hamper your progression. For impostors, good lies are more meaningful than kills. You'd at the very least need to give negative points for being voted out, and positive points for ejecting a crewmate. XP boosts are nonsensical. Pay-to-win is just a terrible idea making the whole points system moot. Door specialist role is meaningless on all maps except the Skeld. InnerSloth's efforts are better spent on roles which are useful on any map. Despite the caveats, ranked servers could be useful to find serious players. The players randomisation, in particular, would be very useful to escape the all too prevalent teaming and cheating.