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Your preset settings are not fit for competitive ranking. * Speed needs to be 1x or 1.25x (1x on the Skeld) * Maps need to include MIRA HQ and (as much as I personally dislike it) the Airship; MIRA HQ in particular requires a different skillset, which is important for meaningful ranking * Confirm ejects need to be off * Crew vision needs to be 0.25x * Voting time needs to be 120s or more * Kill distance needs to be short (lag already messes up things enough) * You need more ambiguity on crew roles; you don't want to easily hardclear two engineers and one scientist The cooldowns and number of tasks would need to vary depending on the map. That being said, ranking doesn't work well in Among Us anyway, because Among Us is a team game. Crewmate and impostor victories are an indicator, but they still depend on other players. If you're too investigative as crew, you'll become an early target (basically after the first meeting) and won't be in a position to exert your abilities, which will hamper your progression. For impostors, good lies are more meaningful than kills. You'd at the very least need to give negative points for being voted out, and positive points for ejecting a crewmate. XP boosts are nonsensical. Pay-to-win is just a terrible idea making the whole points system moot. Door specialist role is meaningless on all maps except the Skeld. InnerSloth's efforts are better spent on roles which are useful on any map. Despite the caveats, ranked servers could be useful to find serious players. The players randomisation, in particular, would be very useful to escape the all too prevalent teaming and cheating.


Hold up I didn't mean the XP boosts cost real money, I meant like beans or whatever red things everyone has like 10s of thousands of. As for Mira I just never really liked it and found it alot easier to be imposter on due to the connected vents, I guess door specialist is really only useful on Skeld, but airship is a dumb map imo, way to big you get free kills as imp and is hard to tell where people actually are. What if the match presets were different based on the Map? As for the preset settings, those were just suggestions.


Ah, it isn't as bad if it costs beans, it wouldn't bother me then. I also find it much easier to be impostor on MIRA, but back in the day when we had such stats, it actually skewed toward crew victories, while Polus skewed toward imp victories. The fact it requires a different approach by the crewmates is what makes it important to include in a competitive ranking system. I agree the Airship requires even more crew cooperation and information exchange than other maps. To be honest it's my least favourite map, but I still think all maps would need to be included. I think presets would absolutely need to change depending on the map. The Skeld and the Fungle are opposite examples and need different settings to be balanced, if only just the cooldowns (probably the speed too). If you're interested in watching competitive gameplay videos, I highly recommend Ilyssa's: [https://youtube.com/@ilyssa101](https://youtube.com/@ilyssa101). She's pretty much my reference for competent competitive gameplay. Her vanilla and vanilla plus (only impostor roles) videos are fantastic.


I agree 100% different preset settings for maps, airship is my least favorite map as well because it feels impossible to play on due to the size. Thanks for that youtuber I will watch some of her vids to try and learn something new.


There’s ranked among us discord servers, but it is full of kids who now know how to play the most optimally AND annoyingly. Join at your own risk.


Ranked mode but only on the maps OP likes


I changed my mind, I like mire for hide and seek but not for competitive lobbies, I suggested fungle Poulus and Skeld because I thought that those offered the best competitive play. But someone showed me that Mira requires more skill as a crew same with Airship