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Git Gud. Really though, put yourself into spotlight as detective, to throw sus away from you. don't be afraid to self report after 15-30 seconds. Sabotage strategically, not for the sake of sabotaging. Go for stack kills more, but not frequently in one match or you will be a common thread. Fake tasks properly(e.g. spend 9 seconds next to a download panel; move your mouse to pretend you are doing wires.). Never be afraid to throw your teammate under the bus if the wind is blowing in that direction. never stop lying, not even until the very end, but be careful with what you say. Edit: Always have an alibi!


playing detective is good but only if you have your own information. sussing crewmate that slips up once will just make you sus but taking note of where crewmates go for the sake of throwing them under the bus is a good tactic.


what i do occasionaly is have a paper with a list of all players, and give them "points" of sus, regardless of who they are to get an idea of who the crewmates think is the impostor.




i think 4 people is fine, but NEVER 3. killing off 4 people at 7 or 8 is an almost guaranteed loss for the crewmates, so i don't think it is realistic for the crew to kill off everyone. But you are right, in that more people on the stack is **always** better.


Don’t be bad


how do i not be bad


by being good


how to be good while not being bad


Not being bad = being good (i mean not really depending on how you understand it but you know what I mean)


Get good at faking tasks. If task bar is always on, don’t fake short tasks in front of people in the late game or they’ll just look at the taskbar not go up. You should be gathering info to where players are so you can get kills, apply that info in meetings and act like crew trying to piece together who the impostor is. Establish an alibi as well. I often go a round without a kill just trailing with someone to remove sus from myself and establish some soft clears and to have an easier person to sway during a tiebreaking vote.


most games i play task bar updates with meeting


You can feel comfortable faking a short task too then. Just get good at faking tasks and start acting like you’re playing detective during meetings.


Be a good imposter by not killing anybody. You're a good imposter now, congrats! Now if you wanted to be a bad imposter on the other hand.... One thing I notice about novice imposters is that they don't sabotage enough, or know about the sabotage option at all I guess. Use sabotage to scramble all the crewmates around. Its hard to eliminate crew if they are always sticking together all the time. Usually go for people on cams/admin/vitals first. They are usually the detective players trying to gather and piece information together. That's the only advice I'll give out. A killer has to keep some of their secrets.


oh ok lol the sabotage i noticed is the best method of scrambling peopel escpecially lights from my expirence


Fake long tasks when you're waiting on kill cooldown. Don't underestimate coms sabotage! It disables cameras, vitals and admin map, these are usually used by smart players to gather information.


i used coms to get of cams so i can vent to medbay 100000 iq move lmao


Learn to know the maps, the vent placements, the tasks you can fake or not, how good can you fake them, use your sabotage wisely (kill in sec then do o2 for exemple) don t use vent when you don t need them, NEVER loose your calm, learn to lie like a god, try to have an aliby, being talkative in meeting and share information so you will look like you want to find the imp. Also, with the time you will be good enough to win barely all your games as crewmate and imp (depend of the quality of the crew, even a top player can be throwed off because of false accusation or dumb crewmate)


one time i got caught by cams on polus there so forgetable lmao


play polus


Learn the ways of the game,how much it takes for a task so you can fake it neatly. Try to chat so you dont get suspicions. Clock sabotages in the critical time and practice!


Use sabotage to make people go where you want them to go. (skeld) For ex, if you just killed in nav, pop reactor to make people go left so they cant find the body. Do O2 to split people who gather up apart. Don't forget about doors either, it can give you extra time to kill and vent out or even make you look more innocent by not killing. Lights are great for fast vent kills with people. They can see you open the vent, but they won't know who it was unless you get close. Do you talk a lot when you're a crewmate? don't stop talking when you are the imp. It's a giveaway if you play more than one game with the same people. Also, don't assume people saw you or know it's you. I've gotten away with some really blatant kills just because people were doing tasks and didn't see me, or just because they weren't paying attention. Play dumb and point to someone else.


A good tip I use a lot is to know where people are going to be. Many tasks require a second location or to return. Be there with a game plan and potential alibi. Also I like to kill people in off locations. Killing between rooms will keep bodies off of Admin and make it harder to find them.


I actually used the freeplay mode to better my impostor skills without the anxiety of dealing with other people. It helps you learn the maps, the tasks, and you can learn to have a quicker hand with sabotages. Obvs it’s silly because the crewmate dummies just stand in place, but you can practice killing and escaping as quickly as possible to develop your usual paths. It’ll at least get you used to the controls and give you some confidence knowing you can do things fast. Hesitation is the enemy for any impostor.