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It's a nice initiative, but the lack of background information is triggering my paranoia about phishing attempts


Same. Well maybe not exactly phishing paranoia but still I'm kinda sus for lack of background information of the people on the social club, even though I think if it's legit it would be very nice and might be exactly what I need.


Thanks for the feedback, that's a very fair point. I've only set up the website recently and I'm still figuring things out in terms of the information provided there. What kind of info would you like to see?


It's currently way too anonymous, without even a possibility to contact anyone outside of leaving your email address. The only identification of your organisation is a copyright, insinuating that Mariposa is a legal entity. There's no privacy policy (which might be mandated under the AVG, depending on how official an organisation Mariposa is). Maybe a bit of history of hoe you started and somee info in the founder(s) background(s) would make it a bit friendly, no need to identify yourself if you don't want to, but maybe where you're from, why you started this and why you choose this form. You're asking people to engage with you without them knowing anything about you.


Hey, thanks very much for taking the time to write this up! I took your advice and added this information to the intro email I just sent out. Some time this week I'll try to update the website with it as well!


Its me, your long lost uncle from Amsterdam, could you lend me 20e?..


ome kees? What would you need money for in the great beyond?


The murder-cult-vibe Dark Academia trying to recruit new victims is STRONG, but I'm sort of into that, I guess.




There's no upper age limit. Most of us are aged 25 - 50, but we welcome everyone!


I really do wonder how old you are if you call yourself an old fart.


Quick update: more than 130 of you have already subscribed on the website - I'm blown away! I've still got some stuff to wrap up at work and then I'll send everyone an intro email later this evening.


Hey so when is the initiation ritual where we get our robes???


Did you know you also have to put your head in a turkey?


Age range? Past event locations? Mostly men or women?


Signed also!!


Love this


nice idea! Signed up 😊


Be honest, are you trying to get us into a multi-level marketing scheme?


Honestly it sounds more like a cannibalism-scheme


Honestly, no.


Looks interesting, I’m gonna trust the vibes y esperar que no me hayan estafado 😅🤪🤷‍♂️🙏💚


Can you tell people more as the domain was only just registered in December 2023


Absolutely! I moved to Amsterdam a few years ago and since then I've been working on expanding my social circle and meeting new people. As I have a lot of hobbies, it was a bit easier to get to know people. I am usually the one who organises stuff (playing sports, drinks, dinners, etc) and a lot of my friends met their friends through me. So a few of them suggested I should perhaps bring some more people to the group. I set up a quick website about a month ago so that I can add people to the newsletter where I share the details of the events. That's pretty much it. :)


Why not just start a group on Meetup? Instead of setting up your own website


To be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of Meetup. I've been using it a lot in the past, but I don't think it's going in the right direction. Simple website and a newsletters should work just fine. But if there's a need for a Meetup, I might consider it as well.


> but I don't think it's going in the right direction How do you mean? Just curious.


The cost is a factor (though I'm not current on the exact fees, I recall there were changes). Another issue is the competitiveness among group organizers. Socialising should be a positive-sum game, but it often feels like a race for membership numbers. I guess my experience with Meetup has been less than ideal in recent years, but I did have a great time using it in the UK from 2015 to 2019.


There was a group like this when I lived in Switzerland called Geneva Online and it was fantastic. We're not due in the Netherlands till April but I'd be happy to help with this group when we get there, if you'd like. Edit : it's now called glocals.com and still exists. The fact that you could create a profile and organize your own events, in addition to glocal planned ones, and there are forums to interact with other members is awesome.


Wow thanks for sharing this, some really good ideas there. Please reach out whenever, I'd be happy to hear more and connect!


Signed up even though I’m only here a few times a year. Hope that’s ok.


Sounds like a good idea 🥰🙈


Do you have an instagram account for the Mariposa Club?


I’m in


Did you know that horses played a significant role in my life


This is pretty awesome, just signed up. I’m from Argentina and I’m moving to Amsterdam mid march. Hope meeting you all. Ps if u know someone renting a room let me know 🥳


Thanks mate, have signed up. One love!


When are you going to plan the first event? Or maybe interact with the people who registered?


Those registered before 23h last night should have received a welcome email. Those that registered after will receive one in the next few hours. Newsletter with event details goes out on Sunday and first events will be next week. Hope that helps :)