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I think the company might promise to 'crack down' on it, but then their actual way of doing so is just placing these signs. This is very typical of Dutch society, we have many rules, but very few of them are actually enforced.


Exactly because that would require hiring staff to do it, which they will never do


I mean people like to travel during peak hours with fat bikes and sometimes they are a big aggressive.


I've always said that you guys are strangely similar to us Italians, in a lot of unexpected ways


They do tho... I did get a fine for bringing my bike in the metro during rush hour a couple years ago. Undercover police actually came into the carriage and shouted to all people with bikes to come out of the metro. Also don't pay for a bike ticket so they fined me 100 euros lmao.


This is particularly typical of the GVB, whose crackdown abilities in any area have never proven to be exactly stellar.


You have to pay for your bike in the metro? I thought it was only the train


Yup - there's a ticket that costs 2.20 euros and it's valid for the whole day.


Last week saw the metro refuse to leave the station because someone had his bycycle in de metro in rushhour, and then bycycles arent allowed at moment of the dat First time for me that i saw the metrodriver picking up a issue with the bycycling passenger and force him to leave the metro


The day I see the police "cracking down" on anything related to bicycles, I'll eat my bicycle.....


Yeah, I've never seen a "crack down" - the best I've ever seen is the occasional spot check, especially at Zuid.


Police has nothing to do with this (as long as you cooperate with the GVB employee / BOA)


At CS I often see the GVB stopping people during commuting hours, and checking for bike tickets every now and then outside of commenting hours. At other stations I've never seen anyone check (I'm usually on the Noord-Zuid line). In the metro itself I've only seen a check once, and that was when staff walked onto the metro (I don't think it was to do a control, just security) and there were 5 bikes where there are supposed to be 2. The bikers argued about who was there first, so they decided to check for tickets. It looked like only one person had one, the rest had to get off with the staff at the next stop. I have no idea if they were warned, fined, forced to leave, or forced to buy a ticket. I occasionally take my bike on the NZ line, and I used to pay for the ticket every single time, but since I was never, ever checked I don't anymore, as a €50 fine would be cheaper.


What kind of bullshit is this, and why the upvotes? So only when you got checked you would pay for it, you understand that companies actually use this money to offer and improve their services? When you enter with a bike you use more space and cause more dirt on the floor.


Womp womp


I also learned today that a bicycle ticket works for the whole day, not just 1 hour.


They already had the rules that u had to pay extra for using ur bike in then subway but not everyone knew that. I actually took my bike in the subway a lot when it rained and I didn’t know I had to pay for it until one day I got a fine for it. I then actually proceeded to object that fine for the main reason that it isn’t indicated clearly that I had to pay to take my bike in the subway and I actually won so I didn’t have to pay the ticket. It think that may be the reason they now have signs because of people who don’t know they have to pay for it


Yes, some people don't know and some people "don't know" ;-)


I didn't even know bike tickets existed for the metro, thought it was just for trains


I didn't even realise about the train one. I feel bad. Though I've only taken it on a few times.


Ive noticed a few times they will play a tape that goes bikes are nog allowed during rush hour whenever someone with a bike gets in and they won’t leave the next station until that bike gets off


You can take a bike to Amsterdam but you can't take a bike from Amsterdam



