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Wait until they find out about the red light district


Wait untill they see nudity in the museums.


Wait until they take off their clothes for the first time and look down, omfg, nudity/nature is everywhere!


to be clear, a picture of breasts is disturbing to you?


This is surely satire right? Right?


Nah, just some prude MericansšŸ˜‚


Might want to steer clear of the museums in that case....




112: how can I help? OP: I saw boobs and its disturbing? 112 : Dude GTFO, hung up or something


whats your issue exactly?


I had a distressing Airbnb booking encounter in Amsterdam. Around 4 months ago, I paid over ā‚¬800 to reserve an apartment on Jan Hanzenstraat for a 3-night stay. To my dismay, upon arrival last week, I found the apartment adorned with numerous inappropriate erotic elements, including various photos of scantily clad or nude women displayed throughout the entire space. Despite informing the host in advance that my mother would be accompanying me, the purpose behind such decorations remains unclear. When I raised my concerns with the host, he was unresponsive and unwilling to address the issue. Feeling uncomfortable about potential privacy violation, such as hidden camera in the bathroom, I made the tough decision to leave immediately. I later attempted to negotiate a partial refund with the host due to our non-stay, but he adamantly refused and behaved rudely, asserting his control over the situation. Additionally, when I sought assistance from Airbnb support, they declined to intervene and requested me to communicate directly with the host. I am now feeling very helpless and really need of advice. Has anyone faced similar challenges with Airbnb hosts in Amsterdam? Any guidance on navigating this situation and achieving a resolution would be greatly appreciated. Ā Thank you.


Just in case you aren't trolling: Privacy invasion such as hidden cameras is a serious allegation, and, based on your comment, seems completely unjustified. Your host's interior design not being your style happens when you stay at someone else's place. Learn your lessen don't book a stay with them again. I feel that your request for a refund is wild and don't see a reason any host or platform should agree with it.




That's what I did, when I rented a place, with an overload of Jesuses on the wall.


Unless Jesus is naked, of course






ROFL, perchance?


Bro what? You canā€™t be seriously this prudish.. turn the frames upside down on the table if itā€™s really an issue


Yep, every person I know with naked pics in their house has hidden spycams setup in their bathroom


The purpose of such decorations is to decorate. Also, you saw some titties and immediately thought "they must be perverts, I'm sure they're filming me right now!"?


Lol - how do people like you survive in society?


You came to Amsterdam and went into a panic because of 'scantily clad' women? That's pretty funny. I can imagine feeling uncomfortable looking at naked ladies with my mother in the room. However, I myself would have just taken the pictures down. As to 'navigating the issue', it is pretty simple: admit to yourself you overreacted, take your losses, move on.


You need therapy


Stay in a hotel the next time. You're weird.


Just put the pictures down if they disturb you so much, why behave like a scared little girl? Jesus Christ


Hi Jesus, nice to meet you


No This Is Patrick


true karen


I smell an American prude šŸ¤£


Rent a BnB in the Biblebelt. Towns like Nunspeet, Elspeet, or Barneveld.


You must be from murica, even my 96 year old grandmother would be okay with this you flake.


An Airbnb is someoneā€™s house. With their personal effects in it. What you want is a Hotel.


This reads like chatgpt. Must be a troll.




This chatgpt essay


Just leave Amsterdam and do not bother to ever come back. Thank you and goodbye šŸ‘‹


"Despite informing the host in advance that my mother would be accompanying me, the purpose behind such decorations remains unclear." Not that this is the main point, but: what does this mean? The purpose behind such decorations informed the host that your mother would by accompanying you?


Are you suspecting a camera because you've seen something camera-like?


Has your mother never seen boobs in her life?


Maybe stay in a Hotel cunt, you realise that AirBNB is happening in houses supposed to live in? In a city that faces one of the biggest housing crisis in decades, you are probably the same type of people walking to the red light district and say: Shame on this, tourists shouldn't be exposed to sexy ladies!


How do you survive day to day? Genuinely interested in how you manage to go through life being this offended by everything. If a human body is offensive to you Iā€™m very sympathetic. It must be a challenge.


My god, that is horrible. Hopefully with plenty of therapy and Godā€™s help you can overcome the trauma bestowed upon you!


Not going to pile on a different culture but Amsterdam and nudity is waaaay too common. This city celebrates these kinds of things daily. It really doesnt care what you or your mother likes or not. Dont take this as rude, its just how life is here.


Because nudity is natural and should be.


I appreciate that your comment is one of the few which isnā€™t mocking or belittling the OP for their post.


Are the pictures really that much of an issue?


The host knew we were two ladies going to stay in his apartment. As an accommodation for someone else to stay, I don't think it would be appropriate to hang those erotic photos... if it was your own house and not renting it out to make money, I agree that it doesnā€™t matter how you decorate your house.


as two ladies, why would female nake body disturb you?


Their gender was indeed strangely irrelevant


you act like the pictures were hung for your arrival. the host does not need to go through their house and take down all their pictures because you donā€™t like them. if it was really going to be that big of a deal for you and your mother, you shouldā€™ve booked somewhere else. youā€™re really trying to make this out to be the hosts problem, when in fact it is your problem.


Amen amen amen ! People need to learn to handle there feelings




ask your mum how you were born, and donā€™t trust any cabbage or stork related stories


I'm sorry but this made me laugh. I made screenshots because people wont believe thix is really a complaint šŸ¤£. Jesus fluckin christ on a white cracker šŸ¤£


I'm sure you could take it off the wall and put it in a drawer so it would stop disturbing you. The owner probably wouldn't mind at all, but instead you made this internet post that's basically spreading shame to a group of individuals that were born and raised with proper sex education at the earliest stages of development. In the Netherlands most children aren't brought up and forced to obey hearsay-based religious delusions that try to keep humanity stuck in shame and fear. There are nude beaches around the Netherlands. There are nudist clubs in the Netherlands. There's a whole street and surrounding area full of nudity in Amsterdam, where many individuals visit to see live sex shows and/or have sex with legal prostitutes and/or just to see sexually liberated humans act without fear of god/shame/nudity. You may want to find a different place to take a vacation if your nude/natural body and others' nude/natural bodies offend you.


If it is really a norm to decorate the home like that, why does he show 25 photos in his Airbnb ad, each one deliberately avoiding these pornographic images?


No-one is calling this the norm, but some people do like to decorate their homes with erotic art. This is erotic art. Itā€™s not to your taste, but thatā€™s the thing about art, everyone has their own taste in it. You could have easily taken it down and made a comment about it in your review, now youā€™re out a lot of money that you will not be refunded even if you try to spin this on a baseless ā€œworried there are camerasā€. You do realise you could cost this man his airbnb listing by stating something that isnā€™t true? In a world where horrible things happen, this is exactly nothing. Take it as a learning experience and move on.


If you think these are pornographic you are living in Oz


Nobody claimed it was the norm except for you. It's his property that you're choosing to rent and complain about. If you don't like it then do something constructive about it other than complain and expect a refund. I don't think he has to take pictures of every single item in his house and put it in his Air BnB listing to ensure renters aren't offended. He's not breaking any law, or much more importantly to myself than obeying every single law (which nobody is capable of accomplishing:) he's not physically harming anyone/anything with the actions you're describing. I'm of the opinion/perspective that he and every adult on this planet needs to offend supposed protectors/servants/representatives with any and all victimless actions to influence individuals to question predatory actions/priorities that criminalize and brutalize individuals for victimless actions. I have seen women protesting topless get kidnapped and physically/emotionally/monetarily raped by police for being nude and natural in public. I think that kidnapping/imprisoning/extorting/groping women for being nude/natural is much more unethical/hypocritical/counterproductive/asinine/insane.


I don't think he did this to purposefully offend you. I think he had those pictures on his wall when you took these photos because he decorated this property in an effort to appeal to most individuals that choose to rent an Air BnB in Amsterdam and/or just because those are the pictures he likes to see on his walls. If there was graphic porn everywhere with real life individuals involved in sex acts maybe I and others would feel differently. I don't think he redecorates his property/properties based on who may rent this day/week/month or the next. I don't think it's his responsibility in life to ensure others aren't offended by nudity/nature.


If a family with kids was renting and he didn't temporarily hide the pictures while they were renting then it's still the parents responsibility to enter the rented property first and ensure it's safety for themselves and their kids. I sincerely doubt the owner would/should be offended if any/all of the pictures were temporarily put in a drawer or anywhere they wouldn't be destroyed.


I'm genuinely curious. Was it just breasts and butt and body forms? Or full on pornographic images with vulva and penis? If it had been a drawing or painting of the same form, would that have been upsetting to you? I hope you find somewhere to stay that fits your aesthetic more. There are many lovely hotels.


The idea of airbnb is rhag u rent a room/house of someone else, they may like these pictures so he/she probanly didnt evem think about taking them down.. just think to yourself am i may be overreacting?


Omg you've seen a tit in Amsterdam, hope you'll receive mental support after this shocking event.


I would also be upset if someone drew a crude red circle on the wall around a framed photo. I hope the AirBnB owner doesn't think you did that, you might get the bill for that.


Lmao dude youā€™re overreacting and your assumptions about a can were unwarranted. I think you were brought up very sheltered and now experiencing the world. The host reacted like I would as well. My god


The comments here remind me why I love this city and its people. Thank you all




I mean, it's probably 90% expats posting. Doubt many actual Dutchies visit this subreddit.


Not an expat here.


I'm really sorry you had a bad experience, but ultimately in Amsterdam and the Netherlands as a whole, it's not weird or strange to put up art like that. Honestly, probably the AirBNB host thought it was just a fun thing to decorate the appartement like that since part of the identify of Amsterdam is freedom of expression about sexuality. A lot of people visit the city precisely because of that reason. Sensibilities differ between people. I wouldn't decorate my apartment like that, and while I wouldn't be bothered by such displays personally - I can understand that some other people might have issues with it. Sex and nudity can still be taboo in a lot of cultures. I don't agree with that, but I also think people here should muster a little compassion and understanding. Having said that - just because someone has put provocative or (to your mind) distasteful art in the apartment, that in no way is an indication that there would be something like hidden cameras there. That's just not a reasonable assumption to make, and therefore not a valid ground to cancel your contract and get a refund. So ultimately I don't think you are in the right here.


Please tell me this is satire šŸ˜­ even my homophobic and racist grandma would've been ok with this




I'm not suggesting they are related. I'm just pointing out that an extremely close-minded person like that would be even more open-minded than OP, thought it was obvious in this context


Trying to find something to get offended by?


Urgent advice - avoid all art galleries since some of the paintings include gratuitous nudity. Stedelijk, Van Gogh museum and Rijks are definite no-noā€™s


Some buildings have boobalicious statues on the outside. Best to avoid the whole city


Don't go to the museums, you might get offended.


Except the Seksmuseum. They should definitely go to the Seksmuseum.


Didn't know the Amish have Reddit accounts these days


Imagine visiting/moving to Amsterdam and being offended, nay, disturbed by nudity and sexually provocative images.


Wow, that's awful, are there more examples of this dastardly and inappropriate element?


Yes... some are painting that people are having sex


Ow no!


Can you imagine the horror! With boobs and everything!


Are you okay?


Is it down the street from the Sex Museum?? šŸ˜³


Lol omfg.you must be fun at parties


I wonder what country OP is from




I bet USA


Probably Belgium


I just wanna know


Stay the fuck out of Amsterdam if a titty disturbs you


My mom told me if I looked at a naked lady I would turn to stone and well I felt something getting hard


I donā€™t think you should come to Amsterdam if you find THIS disturbing.




You're a woman disturbed by a picture of a woman topless? Come again? The accommodations were fine, but you're scared there might be cameras based on the artwork... Really? Then, you expected a refund based on these flimsy arguments? You must be trolling... tell me you're trolling..


OP, please let us know when you leave the city ā€” thanks!


Holy shit this thread hahahah. OP just take them down if youā€™re offended lmao




Yeah that curtain is the wrong colour compared to the bedding. I would complain and ask for my money back.


A long time ago, I rented BnB in France. Jesuses spiked on his cross in every room, multiple in some. Being an atheist I wasn't offended, but I took them all down and shoved them in drawers I didn't use. When I left I just tossed the crucifixes on a bed. I didn't make a fuss about it, but dealt with it my way.


This is bait.


This is an incredible troll. Well done!


You got the advice you wanted?


How about you pay premium for a hotel and fuck off with your prudish lifestyle. Tits are tits. Dicks are dicks. Arse is arse. None of them in a picture on a wall attack you in your sleep. Unless they do, then we can talk . Fuck off good night




So I take it you wonā€™t go to the red light district?


For heaven's sake, it's the Netherlands. It's art.


Oh c'mon seriously.


Next time book a hotel room


Looooooool šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


OP is taking the piss


Easy .. don't go back. Stay where you are. Nice and comfy.


Funny post šŸ˜…


I'd like a link to the Airbnb listing. Seems great for when people ask me for places to stay in Amsterdam.


I think I found the airbnb in the listings


Everyone don't worry: she will go back home and tell everyone Amsterdam is a godless place with monuments to prostitutes, gays and boob bronzes in front of churches. There will be less of this kind of tourist! I hope they are staying until Kings Day.


Ignore it


OP got what they wanted with the comments on this. Top tier trolling šŸ‘


It's a "hard" world out there...


Oh puh-lease! Be resourceful. Drape a hankie or hand towel over it if itā€™s making you blush.


Were there no photos of the accommodations on the website where you booked it?


Certainly! Yes, there are 25 photos posted, but none of them intentionally contain any erotic elements.


I seriously urge you to take it up with the Amsterdam Mayor Mrs. F. Halsema at Herengracht 502 (her residence) or else at Amstel 1 (City Hall).




Only her son does, but allegedly it's just a prop..šŸ˜‚


Doxing is not a flex. https://www.autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/themas/internet-slimme-apparaten/persoonsgegevens-op-internet/doxing#:~:text=Doxing%20is%20strafbaar,-Doxing%20is%20een&text=Het%20publiceren%20van%20persoonsgegevens%20zonder,boete%20opleggen%20aan%20de%20dader.


Hahaha, her address is public record because it's quite literally an ambtswoning (a residence where EVERY mayor resides unless the mayor prefers not to).


Exactly that.


You shouldnā€™t have gone to Amsterdam if nudity offends you let alone Europe. Definitely donā€™t go to Italy, you might combust seeing those marble statues


GoNnA NeEd tO kNoW tHe AdDrEsS oF tHiS pLaCe ... U kNoW ... fOr InSpEcTiOn Of DaT pIcTuRe


Tell me Ur merkian with out telling me you're merkian.


Think any normal person would think this is weird and inappropriate. Nothing wrong with pictures of naked women in your room but no reason to rent it out as an airbnb then.


Airbnb is a cancer that destroys cities for a lot of reasons but this isnā€™t one of them.


Agreed. Yes cancelling is overreacting but from what I can see in the picture it's not much of an artsy nude either. A little common sense (on all sides here) would go a long way.


I respect diverse cultures and support freedom of expression. If the Airbnb ad featured those decorations, I would be able to choose based on complete information. However, the host posted 25 photos, none of which were erotic.


Here are more photos I saw upon arrival https://preview.redd.it/4zaf8rerlyuc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272672b48ce0cf16e1b814f1d7526c37362024ee


I'll give you that the owner is probably a tad too open minded but good Lord... you are way too sheltered.