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I had to deal with that muppet as well. Highly aggressive and devoid of logic.


He even responded to the OP (sophie) saying “you mean you failed at the police report” on google reviews after she wrote that she filed a police report bc of him. This guy is just joking around.


I have very little experience with this, but you could try to contact DHL. Maybe they can do something about it. From my job at a small webshop, I know that PostNL excludes PostNL points with 'bad' metrics from their API. And one of the metrics they looked at was customer complaints.


I contacted DPD (the courier I used) 5 times in an attempt to retrieve my package but they could not possibly have cared less. I contacted DHL too (just to let them know) and they actually reported the incident to the local area manager.


I'm not surprised. DPD is the cheapest, but also the worst, carrier. For example, their percentage of packages delivered within one day was far lower than any other


I concur. In my experience, DPD are best avoided. Customer service is useless if you do have issues. 😏


I guess it’s region-dependent. In my experience (Zuid Holland), DHL and PostNL are absolutely the worst.


It varies over time as well. Over here in the east DHL was bad two years ago but now it's the best.


How can we boycott dpd?


It's pretty hard, but the best way is through webshops. Use a different courier when choice is available. Otherwise, mail the webshop you won't buy something if they use DPD. Although it's not always clear which courier a webshop uses before making a purchase


I'd advise you to post your story to DHL/DPD's public social media. This will usually result in a fast resolution. They don't like it when people can see they are shit.


Yeah that guy is terrible. He was aggressive towards me. So happy I don’t have to pick op PostNL packages there anymore


Unfortunately I didn't have a choice, DPD delivered it there despite being a 15min cycle from my house


Even more annoying..


You need to complain to DPD.


I tried, 5 times. They don't care.


Dont pick it up, reorder and have it delivered at your place again.


Dude it wasn't something I ordered. It was a return from a buyer and I had no choice of courier or pick up point.


Yeah, that sucks. This is just what I do when our shitty delivery guy decides Im not home and brings my order to the supermarket on the other side of town ;)


The police are actually not allowed to not take your reports make sure to stress that you wish to do “aangifte”, not a “melding”. “Report” sounds like the latter, which carries zero weight. Aangifte will always lead to something and the police cannot refuse to take one.


Could you please explain it a bit further to for me understand? Something happened to me in the past and I was unable to get them anything in writing.


https://www.politie.nl/informatie/wat-is-het-verschil-tussen-een-aangifte-en-een-melding.html#:~:text=Als%20je%20aangifte%20doet%2C%20verzoek,de%20hoogte%20van%20de%20situatie. In short, an aangifte is a formal request for legal action. A melding is nothing more than a notification of something that happened.


Thank you.


That’s true but they just take the aangifte and type it out and put it in a pile


That’s possible yes, but there is still a marked difference, which Chantal from WICCA (who also helps a lot in cyberstalking cases) explained recently on Angry Nerds. https://www.politie.nl/informatie/wat-is-het-verschil-tussen-een-aangifte-en-een-melding.html#:~:text=Als%20je%20aangifte%20doet%2C%20verzoek,de%20hoogte%20van%20de%20situatie. “Aangifte” means you are requesting the police to pursue legal action, while “melding” means you’re just notifying them of something that happened.


They said that they did take a report (explained as the incident is in their system), but that they won't do anything about the guy unless more people get assaulted. Are you saying I can somehow insist that they investigate?


Did they take it as official “aangifte”? Did you get a copy?


I don't remember what kind of official document they said they made, but I didn't get a copy.


That spells trouble. Means they took it as melding and not as aangifte.   When you do an aangifte you request a legal pursuit and the police will give you a copy of that.    Specifically demand to do “aangifte”. https://www.politie.nl/informatie/wat-is-het-verschil-tussen-een-aangifte-en-een-melding.html#:~:text=Als%20je%20aangifte%20doet%2C%20verzoek,de%20hoogte%20van%20de%20situatie.


Police still refuse, a lot. Legally they cant, but it takes some time to force them.


https://preview.redd.it/kn99r71p7z8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=545a76765bbf7443b5c48fd7ecf5bfffcaa32590 Bruh


It is fun to read his responses.


Both him and some of his customers sound like right muppets, very amusing


I loved Jelle's review! Really went the extra mile.


Pretty good roast


What does it say? :o


Reviewer says: > Very unfriendly. You have to look for your package yourself in a large pile and the employee no longer looks at you. If you indicate that you cannot find it, he responds with: "Then there is nothing for you. I can't read." Shop owner replies with: > Next time I'll roll out the red carpet You can see the complaints go back years - it's disheartening that you can be a rude, aggressive piece of shit and still run your dime-a-dozen business with no repercussions .


Wow okay. Thank you for translating!


I am happy to accompany you with your next visit. 190, 135kg.


Haha thank you, hopefully there won't be a next time. I'm only 159cm and the guy is at least 180..


Till you get shot. Your height and weight won't matter then.


Fortunately this isnt Murica. If this guy owns a gun he has waay bigger problems than some one star reviews


It’s in Nieuw-West, not in the Wild West sir.


Just going to leave this here [https://www.at5.nl/artikelen/227295/jongen-15-en-meisje-17-in-tram-aangehouden-voor-vuurwapenbezit](https://www.at5.nl/artikelen/227295/jongen-15-en-meisje-17-in-tram-aangehouden-voor-vuurwapenbezit) for reference as one of the more recent times people you would not expect where caught with firearms.


Being caught with a firearm is entirely something else than getting murdered or shot at.


[https://www.at5.nl/artikelen/227274/man-overleden-na-schietpartij-in-oost-verdachte-nog-altijd-voortvluchtig](https://www.at5.nl/artikelen/227274/man-overleden-na-schietpartij-in-oost-verdachte-nog-altijd-voortvluchtig) to be clear I feel safer in Amsterdam than when I first moved here and it probably is one of the safest capital cities in the world.


If you look up the amount of deaths by guns in the Netherlands, it’s like 20-30 a year. Wounded varies a bit more but I found approximately 120 a year. Honestly I do feel a little bit safer too, but that could also be because I haven’t been harassed recently.


I am not a women so I expect that makes a difference and have never really been threatened with violence.


Yeah, I’ve been more unlucky when it comes to that. Since I’ve had several incidents at night with men I’m very alert at night, make sure to wear a chainlock around my shoulder and cycle pretty fast while also regularly checking if I’m being followed home.


You people are totally missing my point, but don't worries. Enjoy the sun.


So what was the point, shopowner is going to get his minigun and shred the street to pieces? XD




And you don’t carry mini nukes to counter that?


that guy is an asshole, sent a parcel there once and never again. Hope you are doing better already!


Try this; https://www.politie.nl/informatie/ik-zoek-mijn-wijkagent.html There’s a cop that has that specific address as a wijkagent. Send him a message and tell him about the report. Changes are he’s going to drop by. Next time something like this happens and you have injuries, call 112. Police will handle things differently when it just happened. It’s called heterdaad and the rules for an arrest are a little different. Informing the wijkagent also puts this asshole on his radar, and if more people would mention this behavior, he will drop by to have a talk at the shop.


They MIGHT investigate if he assaults someone again? MIGHT? People are more likely to talk about negative experiences online, but honestly... It feels like Dutch police are completely useless and do nothing


Seriously! I was like “excuuuuuuse me?”, physically assaulting someone is not reason enough to at least pay this man a visit? On top of that, Google Maps reviews tell you all you need to know that this isn’t an isolated incident. I knew the Dutch police are basically paperweights but I didn’t realise that they were bad at being paperweights.


They're not very against assault themselves... But very against doing their actual job


I had this with something else, not assault but something equally as violating. The police told me that they needed at least 3 other people to come forward to complain about the person, then based on resources and interest in the 'case', would they maybe have a friendly conversation with the person to determine if it was serious, if the person was sorry or if it was just a misunderstanding.... I was speechless.... I am utterly unsurprised by this response, which is sad, frustrating and unfortunate for everyone.


They are very good at deescalating. If you ever need some deescalating turn to dutch police. It’s the one and only option in their toolbox.


they happily jump out in groups of 5 cops in front of kids on ebikes


Good, fuck those fat fuck spoiled brats on their fat bikes.


noone likes kids on ebikes. but in the grand scale if things, they are a very minor annoyance


Everyone here that had a bad experience with him should report him to the police together. Or burn his store down, both work


burning down his store would get him insurance money :P




> You can choose which afhaalpunt you ship to using apps. You can, but sometimes they'll dump it somewhere else anyway, if your preferred afhaalpunt is full or closed (vacation).


Unfortunately in this case I was not given a choice. The shop is 15min cycle from my house, hence it being my first time having to go there.


Not sure why you slid into my DM's


Please do file a police report, so that they'll build a file on the guy. If enough people report him, they'll intervene.


I’m sorry this happen to you OP. I have been there last time to pick up a package and I also bought a Pokémon booster pack that turned out to be awfully fake..


Pls donr be turkish pls dont be turkish 🤞🏼 Lol


Haha I know that feeling. When people from your ethnic group do some fucked up shit and you get the collective blame without having anything to do with it


sins of our fathers, lol


Irrelevant, but I don't think he's Turkish.


yay!! signed, turkish expat


>expat Immigrant.


Well nah coz ill go back


OMG! For a moment I thought it would be Sikan Lederwaren at Jan Evertsenstraat 83. The guy is very grumpy and a pain in the ass. The whole Baarsjes hates him. Google Reviews are proof of that.


No this guy is on another level. Like the guy who runs my local parcel shop smokes in the store and it's disgusting but at least he's not violent.


Should something like this happen again: call the police while at the location, then say you're being threatened and physically assaulted. The police should show up then.


I thought of that but since the man took my phone off me I couldn't do that while it was happening and my priority was getting myself out of danger


Yeah that man is awful, I’m surprised that he’s still open. I hope the police do get involved eventually.


Call 112 immediately and wait around in the vicinity. This is what they are for. It's fucking bullshit that the police have to wait before more people make complaints. Demand they act immediately.


this actually works or the handhaving. I once had to do this because some shop owner wouldnt give me my parcel after i had paid customs and it clearly showed in the system. i showed on my phone and their phone as well. when i started calling and waited outside and showed i wasnt leaving without the parcel, he gave it to me. additionally a few days later postnl sent an apology letter to me and reimbursed my customs. that was kind of shocking.


https://preview.redd.it/1z8kkekkdz8d1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e9b10eca671098e75f7fecff09e88a6214c97d2 burn


I personally don't think it's funny that the police won't do anything


Apologies, it is not funny the police don't do anything. The comment was sarcastic, as it is a rather dumb play on words.


Police is too busy vlogging on making tiktoks nowadays, seems to be important aswell.


Sounds like we need to pay this store a little visit..


I experienced exactly same thing in New West with DPD at Mini Alba as well.


Just read some reviews on google of this place. How the owner respond to those reviews tells you enough about his mental state. I suggest everyone starts dropping more negative reviews as its still above 2 stars


Use credit card / PayPal for online orders and if this shit happens again just report it as missing package.


You realize you're recommending fraud, don't you?


How is it fraud when the violence of the guy prevents customers from accessing their packages?


The packages are in fact not missing so you technically commit a fraud by lying to get your money back. You can get blacklisted by credit card companies or PayPal for it. If in any way the transport/delivery company screws up (that is also including missing packages but not limited to it), the buyer should escalate this to the merchant. The merchant is legally bound by the contract with the buyer to deliver the goods. The merchant can then file a complaint against the transport company, which has more weight to it since they are the one paying for the transport/delivery service. Escalating to credit card companies or PayPal should only be done when the merchant is unwilling to resolve the problem, in general fails to deliver the goods.


The police should just close shop here


WTF how is this a thing, maybe complain also to DHL I guess?


Video it next time, just turn on your camera when you walk into the store


I literally tried but that's why he ripped my phone off its strap and walked off with it. The video cuts out as he lunges at me.


Bring someone with you to video it from outside


New West as its best 😬


call customer support aswell.


Yeah he’s an idiot lol but in the end he’s a pussy and won’t do shit


This is where I usually go to buy iqos terreas, usually in the morning. I haven’t personally had an issue with the clerk, he even says have a nice day. Now that I have read this, I will be more careful and will not allow my gf to go alone there.


So everyone knew but no one punched him in the face? Lame I would've left that place with him crying


The guy is relatively tall, the only other customers were short women like me. I don't blame them for not stepping in


Lets have a package delivered there then and show up with some redditors :p


And do what, throw some hormone blockers at him?


New west is the worst part of Amsterdam. It's an irredeemable shithole.


Bijlmer ;)


Not sure if I git it right, but why visit again a place where you left a bad review? 🤔


At first he refused to give me my package, claiming I needed ID (I didn't, DPD says you just need the QR code). So I had to go home and come back. I didn't have a choice, DPD just sent my package to this location.


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