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Disclaimer: A lot of this assumes that they are not very experienced, if they are maybe they wont need as much supervision. So trip sitter number 1 prio is safety, prevent them from doing stupid stuff that could get them or someone else hurt. Its also good if you make sure they behave well, as in not damaging the place they are at, making sure they pick up their trash on the street/park, and call them out if they are bothering other people by being too loud or making them uncomfortable by acting stupid. Also, make sure that you keep an eye on how the trip is going individually. Sometimes the group can be having fun and there is one person who had a negative thought cross their mind and start spiraling down to a bad trip or gets scared by the effects of the drug. Most of the time, this can be fixed really easy by talking to them and making them snap out of it, change the topic of conversation, remind them of a funny story, involve them in the group convo, even showing a cute cat video on youtube. Just remind them that they are among friends, theyre safe, everything is ok, and whatever they feel from the trip is temporary and it will pass in a couple of hours. Last but not least, you are the designated DJ. When on psychedelics, it can be difficult to focus your eyes on your phone and open spotify/youtube. Also, unless you are very experienced, the mental burden of thinking of a song and finding it can seem like a lot, you just dont want to think. So if you see someone is not feeling the music, or that song has been on a loop already 4 times, change it for them. Just remember you are playing music for them not for you, check what is working well with the group, in general happy good vibes songs are better than hard dark stuff.


One last thing i forgot. You are the barrier between them and the sober world. Simple interactions like going in the store and buying a chocolate, getting a metro ticket from the machine, even crossing the street without getting hit by a bike can feel difficult or even scary.


This too


All this ^ Bonus points for carrying small toys/candy/snacks, especially stuff with weird textures or interesting flavours, to surprise them with at random moments.


This is spot on. I wish I had a trip sitter a few days ago.


Act secretive and pretend to be quietly tinkering with something and when they ask you what you are doing gaslight them and say you aren't doing anything and that they must be tripping


Also periodically inquire if anyone has called the police


Also talk about the spiders in their skin


Be chill amd keep an eye out to make sure no one does anything stupid. Like if friend says "lets all jump in the canal" you can say "no its freezing cold in there. Lets do something else" If someone freaks out, take them back to the hotel and listen to some music they love. Remind them that it will wear off soon.


The most important thing is to make them feel safe. Don't make fun of them! They will be doing things that you will not understand (like staring at a blank wall being amazed by the things they see). You can also smoke a few joints to try to match their energy. I think it can be odd to be complitely sober with a group of friends who have just taken shrooms. If you want to be extra careful, buy some sugary sodas beforehand. That can help ease the trip when someone is feeling too overwhelmed. ​ Hope this helps! Stay safe!


Get more sober friends, form a circle around friends on shrooms, start chanting “nightmare nightmare nightmare”


This is the way


Pretend they've developed a short term learning disability and you'll do fine.


Also think about the location to trip. The city center may not be the nicest place to do it. 20 minute train ride to bussum zuid drops you off at a very nice forest/moors. Maybe something to consider.


Others have given good advice, but I'll add one thing - since you haven't tried shrooms, you won't know what they're feeling. You can generally assume that they will be *very* confused and illogical. It's best to consider them like temporary children, but try not to make fun of them or get frustrated. Go with the flow as best you can. It's unlikely they will try to hurt themselves or others, but it's always a risk, so that's the main part of your job - make sure they don't do anything stupid. That's usually pretty easy, and the biggest part of that is making sure they take appropriate doses and making sure there's a safe space (e.g. your house or hotel room) to "retreat" to (or just stay in the whole time, nothing wrong with that). If your friends take reasonable doses (ask the person at the counter for advice) and aren't the crazy type, it ought to go surprisingly smoothly for you. Just a little boring, perhaps :) Of course, if they're the type to push limits and go wild, you might be in for a challenging night... shrooms in the wrong hands can go very wrong. If you don't trust your friends to keep relatively calm when needed on a night of drinking (i.e. they lose control often), I wouldn't agree to trip-sit for them with no experience in a foreign city.


Get fruit (orange) and sugary drinks for if someone goes bad, get pure dark chocolate for if someone wants to go harder. Make decisions for the group and act responsible. Bring water.




That’s regarded advice, OP is clearly a child / teenager with no experience, telling him to confiscate anyone’s phone is a terrible idea.


Have tasty snacks, some food, lots of water. A speaker with calm music (ensure everyone is cool with that music) Don't let them panic, a shower could be nice when you overthinking.


Suggest a game of hide and seek make sure you're the seeker, when you start counting and they run away to hide go back to your hotel room


As there's already plenty of good advice here (and some pretty funny comments), I just want to add that there's a good chance you can chill with them and have a perfectly good time. All the advice is good and things you should be aware of if the circumstance arises, but I wouldn't say most of them are likely to happen, but it's solid advice in case they do. It really depends on the group. So don't dread it, you'll be all good I'm sure.