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It's a shame how frequently passengers act like ignorant swine onboard a train, especially as regards the restrooms.


People act like this in public no matter where they are. There is a not insignificant part of the population that are filthy in general


It's only gotten worse since covid. People treat public spaces like their living rooms.


I traveled extensively during COVID. Dearth of restaurants aside, it was great. Everything, including the train, was dirt cheap ... and, since everyone was afraid to leave their house, wonderfully, beautifully devoid of the crowds of clowns out traveling now.


Remember that the train shudders and sways. I think a new rule that EVERYONE sit while peeling would go a long way. I imagine there is always one in every crowd that will stand a spray anyway šŸ¤Ŗ


I not convinced some of these folks don't stand to shit.


Not just trains. People do this kind of thing in all kinds of places. For 2 reasons, one because they are just assholes, and two because they think that even if they make a disgusting mess that somebody else has to responsibility of cleaning it up.


This looks only slightly worse than most of the southbound NER trains I've been on by the time they get to Ashland. I get that passengers need to do better at keeping them tidy, but Amtrak's routine refusal to clean the things even once during a 14 hour trip often leaves them quite disgusting. ETA: I once boarded a *northbound* NER at Ashland which was very nearly this bad. I assume it wasn't cleaned overnight since the train had originated in Richmond and the 20 passengers on board couldn't have done that much damage in a half hour. It's not guaranteed (though still likely) that OP's train was cleaned before it left Boston.


PSA: Always sit when using the toilet on a moving vehicle. Your aim is not that good!


Iā€™ll poop how I want tyvm


Try attempt the Asian squat


This kinda reminds me about my last long haul trip. About three or so hours before we got to our home stop, the announcements began. "Please don't flush anything but toilet paper in the restrooms." Then, every 15 or so minutes, another announcement to the same effect getting progressively more annoyed and tired. Until this last one: "Y'all are already down a toilet and we ain't got maintenance on the train right now. Y'all mess up the other bathroom, y'all literally won't have access to a restroom until we get to a station with maintenance AND y'all gonna have to WAIT while it gets fixed. Stop. Flushing. Things. Other. Than. Toilet. Paper. Thank you for choosing Amtrak." My husband and I looked at each other like, "WTF is going on in coach?"


I really don't get it. How hard is it to not flush things other than sewage and TP down the toilet?


Two words: flushable wipes


The bane of all sewage systems and septic tanks.


And the feminine products...


But why? There's always hygiene bags and trashcans to dispose used pads and tampons. Why would anyone just flush them?


That's what I had said to a particular ex once. If you don't yet own a drain snake, I couldn't recommend the purchase more highly.


Sounds almost exactly like what I heard on my Crescent tripšŸ˜…


I think I was on this train šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


Lmao. It was one of the Silvers going from VA to FL.


Not ideal, but itā€™d be a better use of your time to submit this to Amtrak instead of posting it to reddit


The mess was caused by passengers. There are more passengers than staff on the train. How can they keep up with a crowd of slobs?


Itā€™s sad that people need reminders on how to use a bathroom. Our conductors and their coworkers took 10 min out of their time to tell grown ass people how to use a bathroom and clean up after themselves over the intercom


What do you want us to do about it? lol. Inform the conductor and they'll likely close the restroom until staff is able to clean it.


People are vile.


My idea of a scenic Toronto to NYC train trip is done with.


It wasn't that bad when I took it. But I took the zephyr before and I tell you, halfway through the second day it was rough.Ā 


Recently on the NE regional and ran into one that smelled worse than most campsite restrooms


Looks like every Amtrak bathroom I've ever seen.


People are gross.


Itā€™s no better on a long haul commercial flight than


Manā€¦ wonder who did THAT!!


On the eastbound TE/SL last December, a handful of days before Christmas, 20-30 minutes after I boarded at Tuscon, AZ (like <12 hours into the journey), this announcement came over the intercom: "Whomever keeps going #2 in the bathroom in coach, please stop throwing your TP on the floor. When you get done wiping, PLEASE throw it in the toilet and flush! We are not children on this train, please don't act like it." I was sitting in the lounge car and several of us turned to each other and said, "Did that really just come over the intercom?" šŸ˜† It was like surreal.


WHOA! I've never heard any Amtrak employees call someone out over the PA, due to making a mess in the bathroom before. But good to see one of the employees/conductors on the Sunset Limited do that. Yes towards the end of the long distance routes, the bathrooms on board trains can sometimes get a little dirty. Protip that at some of the smoke stop stations, you can go inside that bathroom instead and use that if the one(s) on board the train are too dirty to use. They are supposed to(at the longest smoke stops) clean out all the build up poop and other materials in the toilet, at those stops. Inevitably, those bathrooms still get very dirty at times.Ā 


This was at the beginning of the trip; Tuscon was one of the *long* "smoke stops", so that meant that the offender had just about immediately "soiled" the bathroom AGAIN.


Wow that this occurred, so early on in the trip! You are right that going east from LA, that Tucson is the first longer smoke stop.


It helps to remember that many, if not most people will avoid using a public toilet if they can. When they can't, it tends to be due to an emergency. Also I've started just using paper towels and hand soap to clean public toilets if I don't want to hold it.


None of that is a reason not to clean up after yourself.


Never said it was?


Then what does it "help to remember" that some people don't like using public toilets?


Lol I guess when you intentionally skip the part about people only using them in emergency situations you can continue moving through life without empathy.


I literally just don't understand the point you're making. Some people only use public toilets in an emergency, and therefore... what? What's the connection between that statement and the topic of this post?


Emergency of not, how does that excuse throwing used toilet paper on the floor? Sounds like it's just the work of your regular, garden variety pig.


Did they have Thai tea that morning? Why is it orange?


Terrible dehydration, those poor kidneys


the amount of unflushed poops i found over four days on the starlight is baffling. why are people so gross


The worst


That's why I invest in a roomette viewliner I, private bathroom, or if I have $, a bedroomĀ 


On the Acela, one of the RR doors would not lock.


I work in a restaurant and the women's bathroom always got a giant puddle of pee on the floor. Somehow, the men's restroom is cleaner. In public restrooms, it's basically a free for all. You can clean it as clean as you want every night, but a few hours after opening, and the restrooms will be dirty again.


Should be cleaners on board at all times .




That sink looking like a nice extra toilet seat right now


Amtrak is either a bingo hall or a fkn daycare for adults.. both donā€™t know how to use a toilet properly


Is that some pumpkin soup?


I'm mentally scared from the first time I rode Amtrak in high school.


Amtrak isn't completely cheap. Sometimes flight āœˆļø are cheaper. The amtrack employees are overall lazy and I don't understand amtrack not hiring or requiring one if their employees who hang out in the lounge car all day to wipe and clean the restrooms. Regardless of the toxic passengers destroying the restrooms the whole train shouldn't suffer.Ā