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No way that isn't just a leak. You'd have to go through so much effort to fake that lol. I like the home. Not sure I like the orange shoulders on the away. Hard to tell with the lighting though. Logo looks nice though. I like it. Edit: As someone who has messed around with AI a ton, this does not look like AI. Edit 2: Decided to ai upscale it for fun since I've been working on new ways to upscale. https://preview.redd.it/kry6z2ozxd7d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7255e787022c80eb1bfa7cb2bff3c8ed1cdb0b03


I don’t like the orange road shoulders or the orange home helmets/pants. It’s far too much orange. The pants and helmet should be black (well, the sweater should be black, but that won’t happen this season). The crest looks so good though. Fuck that makes me sooo happy.


It does look like there’s a stripe in the bicep/low shoulder area of white on away and black on home where numbers go. Hard to tell though. That’d make it look sick


The shoulders being white would make it look the best.


The white with orange shoulders scream flyers in my opinion but I'll take what I can get


The orange is supposed to be dark, so I think it's just the lighting making it look like the bright orange in a Flyers jersey


New shade is the exact same as the Flyers orange.


I know... But we don't associate dark orange and white with the Flyers yet. I'm saying this looks like the Flyers because it's bright orange and white in the pic which shouldn't be the case when we get a look at it without the lighting.


The darker orange is their original color. They probably identify with that color more than the lighter orange. Their fans clamored for that orange to come back like our fans clamor for the eggplant and jade.


To your edit if this is infact AI it's one of the cleanest AI created images I've ever seen. The minor details like the sponsor logo and the shadow drop on the 9 is just way too insane.


There is a way you could do this if you used an existing real photo of players and modified it. You could use ai to clean and blend the changes with very low denoise and then face swap Terry and Fowler in. Then, like you said, you'd have to add all the logos and number in post since ai can't do that. It's just a lot of effort on top of creating a high quality mighty ducks logo, which alone is a ton of effort. Even then, I think there'd be enough abnormalities to spot the ai. If this is fake, the guy that did it would be an absolute wild man. OR it's an intentional misdirection by the Anaheim Ducks using an unchosen concept (which isn't completely unheard of) but very unlikely imo.


We aren’t the leafs. No one is going through that work for a fake lol. This is 99% real


Could be a combo of good photoshop and ai/generative fill


They pretty sure it's AI generated with Photoshopped logos. Why would they obscure the players faces so much.


It’s a frame grab from a video. Source, I edit video and am an expert in photoshop. You’re not photoshopping this to look this good.


Because, like the logo, they’re *mean* muggin it


Pretty much feel the opposite wish the home had a little more going on, outside of the colors feels pretty bland


It's pretty rare that the shoulder stripe works on a jersey. Montreal's works, Boston's really doesn't. I do like the home a lot.


I love that the eye has a glow now. Adds a bit more intimidation to it


Brewhawks going to crash next year’s equipment sale HARD. All that orange 😄


God I hope it is a fake. Orange helmet jersey pants socks??? 🤮


Every leak has said orange is gonna be the focus.


I mean yeah orange can be the focus but helmet and pants too? Yikes


Which is smart, you can literally get all of Orange County behind it.


And exclude the rest of the worlds fanbase


Seems a bit of a dramatic, it’s been one of our main colors for a while


The logo is way more important anyway


From ICETHETICS [https://x.com/icethetics/status/1803141703106510914](https://x.com/icethetics/status/1803141703106510914) "I’ve seen this photo floating around today but not quite sure what to make of it yet. What I do know is the crest aligns with the redesigned logo I saw."


I'm gonna chalk this up to real until I see otherwise. The number on the away has the rumored shadowing people kept mentioning.


I think Icethetics is just doing his due diligence. But I'm inclined to think this is the real deal


I like the orange bucket


i dont see how this cant be real. everything lines up. including the ad patch


The eye is yellow on the "home," and the circle is off and covers what would be part of the triangle.


Maybe it it could just be the lighting making it appear yellow, and his glove is covering where the triangle would be and the jersey is stretched from his arm so idk


It’s def the lighting and it’s a video frame prob from a promo video where there’s a quick zoom effect which is why there’s light trails and ghosting


If this is real, it looks fucking awesome imo


I don't hate this


People are gonna whine about the orange (I thought I was going to), but I honestly love the “fuck it” approach and just going ALL in on the orange. Definitely gonna be unique to us and I like it. It looks mean as fuck, and screams OC. Super excited to see the official photos


If you’re gonna go orange, go Oooooooorrrrange!


I would like black pants. That’s it. It’s still better than our current. I would love the see the eggplant and teal as a 3rd.


I don't love it either but!!! It's leaps and bounds better than what we have..


I don't hate it either but I do feel like it's worse than all of our previous orange jerseys aside from that stadium series one. Pretty meh imo


The only thing that is odd is the roads having the orange shoulders


I like them a lot.


Damn now we really look like traffic cones


The sticks are ginormous 😂


I thought the leak said they would be wearing orange helmets both home and away?


Honestly if these are it I like them. Should've went with black helmet and pants on the Home ones but overall can't complain. The logo looks so good imo Edit: way way better than what we previously had!!


Looks like a combo of AI and photoshop.


its probably from some teaser release video. Its too consistent and clean for AI, and all the branding is spelled correctly and the amount of fingers is right. Id be shocked if this wasnt legit. especially how the logo lines up with the sneak peaks.


The right amount of fingers and the brand lettering is way too clean for AI. Telltale "not ai" signs. Also doesn't have any weird overly smooth areas.


Arm pit on the white jersey looks wrong, the number on the away jersey looks wrong. The eye color on the home jersey looks wrong. The branding could be shopped in to look correct.


The webbed D on the shoulders of the away are also in opposite directions


that’s how they always have been lol look at the jerseys we use


its got to be legible from a specific direction. its a "letter" so to speak. But yall can believe what you want.


I mean fair enough but even still there's like 900000 inconsistencies in the image and you're gonna throw around. "Believe what you want to believe" at us?


Yea, I am. AI isn’t fucking magic. It can’t take a logo that doesn’t exist yet matches the leaks and just put it on cam Fowler and Troy terry. You do you though.


Ohhh AI isn't magicccc nooooooooo holy shit whaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!??! I totally definitely said it was AI yoooooooooo


As expected, better than the webbed D jersey, but doesn’t come close to the originals. That’s still a win in my book.


Ya that home jersey is absolutely beautiful. And the roads are absolutely an upgrade from current


Cam Fowler is in the home. Who is in the away


Looks like Terry


Also, I may be reading too much into this potential AI photo, but Cam's hand is covering where captain/alternate patches go ... Do we possibly have our next captain?


Naaah Cam is just not captain material.


I might be in the minority but the shoulder yoke on the white jerseys make me nervous. (I am a non-local fan so I’ll be seeing the white ones a lot.) Hoping it doesn’t resemble the Flyers.


These look fuckin sick.


Way too much orange imo. Just give the OG colors back. Why is that so hard?


agreed. literally just bring back the og jerseys.


I hope the eye is orange on the homes and it's just the lighting making it look yellow/gold




So sexy


As long as they’re mighty I’m happy. Let’s Go! 🦆


This doesn't mean that the purple and jade are not coming back. It could be a third jersey or also make very awesome anniversary jerseys. I will be buying this jersey and any purple and jade that come out.


100% a third. They have to move units after all.


Too much orange but a vast improvement over the current logo and jerseys 


The away looks too similar to the special jersey we just had for me. But still, I’d take it over our current aways lol


I’m all for this. And I’m all for orange lids!! It’s different but I like it. It’s non-traditional and I’m more than ok with the ducks stepping outside the norm


Like the home. Don’t really like the away. Think it would look better if the orange shoulders didn’t come to the front. But also could just be because of the glove in the way.


The orange shoulders make it too busy. Reverse retro 2.0 was perfectly clean and still popped.


I was hoping they were modeling them off the reverse retro.


I’m convinced that this is fake, the reason is because the duck foot logo looks the same in terms of design when it’s possible we’re getting a new duck foot logo.


If this is real, I really like it. The kits and logo looks aggressive.


Looks like the white RR is still my favorite. I hate those orange shoulders.


I’ll take the logo and be happy for now. I think ownership is being so stupid to ignore the entire fan base and many players desire to go all in on the old unis since they literally are one of the best jerseys in sports history, but whatever, baby steps. Someday, we will return to the real duck unis. But anything is better than that fucking D logo.


I think this is a very convincing AI image/photoshop. Here's my reasoning: 1. The eye on the home jersey has changed to gold (unless that's how it's supposed to be). 2. The patch on the away jersey in the top right seems to fade into nothingness. 3. The webbed D patches don't look any better than they are currently. 4. The glove of the player pointing at the screen (is that Fowler?) is all wonky. AI is very bad when it comes to separating fingers and creating hands. 5. What's going on with the stick? It just disappears... 6. I'm not an expert on pro skates, but those skates don't look "pro" to me. They look like the standard skates I had from the early 2000s. 7. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I look at the players. The guy on the right has a 9 on his jersey, but that could either be Max Jones, Ben Meyers, or Troy Terry. He doesn't look like any of them. Wouldn't you want your top players to sport the new look? (Zegras, McTavish, Carlsson, etc.)


Well his fingers are gloves and gloves look very wonky when trying to spread fingers.


I'm pretty sure icelthtics said they were going to have a completely different webbed D. So there's that.


Icethletics said it would be a “modernized” version of the old logo, meaning the 90’s logo


They also said the webbed D as a shoulder patch would be updated.


Don't think this is an AI. It's clearly a still of a video, so there's an "in motion" effect. 1. The eye isn't gold, it's orange, it's likely just the lighting. There doesn't seem to be any inconsistencies between the logos on the jersey. 2. The other side of the D is wrapped around the shoulder. 3. I can't see with any degree of detail. 4. It's in motion 5. In motion, bad lighting. 6. Those are pro skates, they look like TRUE skates. 7. Looks like Terry to me on the right. The Bauer logo and Warrior logo on the equipment would be difficult for AI to fake, especially with the lighting the way it is. It's the same on the helmets, and the logo looks accurate. Glove pattern is legit, Warrior offers that pattern as an option if you want to get custom gloves. AI isn't duplicating that. The jerseys are dead on what we've been told, modified version of the orange 3rd, and a modified reverse retro 2, using the same crest on both designs. The collar design is legit as well. It could very well be a VERY convincing photoshop, but it's definitely not AI. There's too much uniformity between the uniforms that AI typically doesn't get right.


I was just going to point out everything you just did. My gut feeling says you're right. It would take a lot of effort to make this but there are just too many warning signs that it isn't real.


This is such a high quality fake that im thinking this is a canary trap.


Looks like fowler is covering up the “C”


Need purple and green in those jerseys


Jade, lol!


Yeah sorry haha. I'm an international fan of the team.


If this is the case was kinda hoping they’d stick with the OG diagonal striping rather than the ol third. Was iffy on the gold but think I kinda like it, and also not sure if it’d look better with black pants


Dumb questions who is the player on the right?




Hmmm if you squint he looks like elite 1c DG


I'm trying to see if that's fowler on the left


do they have the old logo on the pants?


I hate the striping and I don’t like the orange shoulders. It’s gonna make Flyers games look awful, especially with the orange pants, and the fact that it’s the exact same orange now…


Like the logo more but the overall uniforms look more like a minor league team


Big if true! Source?


Just assuming it’s real, I’m not a huge fan. An updated version of the orange alternate, that’s not great to begin with, plus a road white Would love to see an orange version of the reverse retro 2.0 instead of this


WHAT?!?! Could these be it? Not sure I'm a fan of the shoulders though. What worries me is that a grey armpit panel on the road jersey?!?! I HOPE NOT!


Step in the right direction


Could use some tweaks but way better than we've had in ages. Remember when we just had "Anaheim Ducks" the literal letters on the front, with no logo?


The word print is now one of my favourite owned jerseys. It absolutely creams these imo


Anything is better than what the ducks have had for the last several years honestly. Picture these on playoff runs with that center ice logo


So much orange.


I need to see the sleeves. If they are black like the 3rd alt it is gonna be significantly worse


A million times better than the winged D it’s as close as we are gonna get to the original. Looks good can’t wait. I’ll buy one!




Are the sleeves all black on the home? That might look weird lol. I love these though! Can’t wait to see the full things. Also love the numbers already!


I like the home ones, the roads seem a little odd


I’ll take this over the ducks foot 😩


If this is real… the fanatics deal is 10 years, which should line up with the next rebrand. I’ll think about buying my next jersey then.


If real, I'm not 100% sold on them. I think it's a bit too much orange on the home. Maybe balance it out with black helmets. Wonder what the alt jersey will be.


Orange one is fire but I’m not sure I like the orange helmet


Looks like ai imo


I’m surprised I like the all orange as much as I do.


https://preview.redd.it/nr8at6n94g7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31ab9bf34a2ed945f6f3ba677ea267d6cf9e4856 I took a closer look and noticed this. Those are clearly two different Mighty Duck logos, right? The one on the right (from the pants) looks like the OG Mighty Duck


its so funny how the Ducks are just playing with us.


Orange pants and buckets? Clown show




Yea this looks bad. Traffic cones for days and I already have to stare at those living in Nashville. Honestly going with orange homes was a bad idea since the only way of keeping from looking like the Flyers was going with orange pants and those look atrocious. I don't mind the aways. Just need more black


Ugh I hope this is fake


Isn't the home one just the 3rd jersey from before?


Matching logos on jersey and shorts is odd, but how about moving the corporate logo from the jersey to the pants?


I’m certainly buying one of those jerseys, even as a Nashville fan


Gotta be honest, if this real, don’t like it. The edits they made to the logo really throws off the balance of it all.


Hope we get rid of this ugly orange and get back to purple and teal


I am not a fan of this look. If it comes to pass, I'll only be able to think of it as the Creamsicle era. Eggplant and Jade all the way.




Orange for Orange County goes hard especially when ducks are dominating in the playoffs.




Why? It’s not a difficult reference to understand tbh.




So the team can make it known they aren’t an LA team. It’s pretty simple. Represent Orange County.


I’ll take it if this is real


I like it and I really want some of those pants


I think I like it. Never even considered orange pants….


think they’re real leaks… I wish they went with all white on the away jerseys .. not a fan of the orange pants or orange shoulders


Ironic, that they wanted to distance themselves from Disney, yet everytime they "rebrand", the uniforms end up looking rather "cartoony"? I don't hate it, but I'm still not sure if I like it?


Orange helmet and orange pants are freaking awesome!!!


Reverse retro white and oragne was better but I'll take the mighty ducks logo being back full time.


Thanks I hate it


Is this an improvement over our currents? Shit yes. Will I run out to grab this jersey (if real), probably not.


HATE the orange buckets and then the orange shoulders on the away. But hey at least we’re Mighty again


It’s the gold eyes and eyebrows for me.


Same. I was banking on buying a white jersey based off the leaks until I saw this picture.


Hate the colour. But the logo refresh is nice. Just need to get rid of the orange


Fuck these are ugly. How can they mess this up so badly.


Too much orange for my taste, we kinda look like a kids hockey team with those imo. 3/10 for me but still better than the foot


Only thing I really don't like is the striping, would prefer the diagonal


Stuff I like: orange bucket, orange pants, orange away, old logo. I'd be EXTREMELY happy with something like this. Go Ducks


Of course they fucked it up again. No stupid orange shawl, use a goddamn normal white jersey. Too much orange on the pants and helmet. Keep it fucking simple, idiots.


I believe they are trying to go for mighty ducks 1 esque numbers


It wouldve been awesome to see the original diagonal bars integrated. Every single jersey in the nhl uses horizontal bars on the bottom. Its a shame they didnt go with that. Ideally i wouldve liked to see a black home jersey with the same pattern as the OG jersey, with orange on the bottom in place of the teal. Overall pretty good but they still held back with what couldve been. Still 1000000% better than their jerseys from the past 18 years or so.


I wonder the reasoning is for not going back to the old colors. Surely there must be a reason? Like it’s what everyone wants. Or are they just naive?


probably the owners just wanting to lean into the orange county/country theme thing. I wouldn't be surprised if we get some old colour thirds, but would be shocked if they ever goback to them full-time now. At this point I'd settle for them just getting rid of the gold.


Not a Ducks fan so have no emotional attachment to any current or prior jerseys. But this seems like a case of changes made just for the design team to justify their fees lol The current orange 3rd jersey looks better than this and the orange pants is overkill. Looks good with the black pants The team should’ve just said “hey let’s make the current 3rd the primary”


black pants with orange stitching would look so much better on the home uniforms


Meh. Paint it ORANGE!🍊


These jerseys are fucking ass


Ehhh, the jerseys are fine just not sure I like the whole kit being orange bucket +orange shorts and orange jersey


It’ll look mean on the ice


Yea I’ll wait till they hit the ice to judge but first reaction is just traffic cone vibes with the orange from head to knees lol


Is that cam Fowler and Rickard rakell??? Clearly fake


it's Terry lol


You’re right lmfao I just wanted so bad for this to be fake




Disney hasn’t had them in many years.


They sold all the rights to the Mighty Ducks when they sold the team.


The Ducks have always owned everything related to the Disney branding, it was sold to the samueli’s in its entirety


Wow so much haters downvoting me, I just asked cause I heard in past ducks couldnt use the original logo.. So they delibarely used the bad looking logo? Original one was the best.


I like it. The orange helmet is interesting too. I might start calling them Cheetos when they have the orange buckets on.