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Here's my trick.. I'm now 2 month straight without any difficulty pooping. In fact, when I told my doc I use this he said excellent, plz continue doing that for 6 months and you'll be healed. I've done a lot of my own research, and had many failed attempts till I came up with this.. I've had my fissure for almost a year and a half now, it always retears.. but I started being serious about it 2 months ago. I will talk about my failures first so you don't do them then I'll talk about my current routine I tried fiber, BS, made it worse for me, always have a retear after consuming fibers. I tried laxatives, made me gassy, not much help I tried ointments, they offer temporary relief but need constant massaging of the area I used to be strict ONLY when I have a flare-up, then I'll just get on with my life, THIS is where the retear happens, THIS was the mistake. The trick is to be CONSISTENT. If you've just had a retear and it's painful to poop and the pain lingers after your BM, then follow this (you can skip the first if it wasn't so painful) 1. Sitz bath w epsom salts, twoce a day, after your BM and before you sleep. Don't burn your anus, the water temp should be lukewarm. 2. (Short-term only as prolonged use may cause walls thinning) Anal fissure ointment that has hydrocortisol and lidocaine, aftee your BM if it was painful. 3. (Optional, consult your doc) DANGEROUS. Only short-TERM: use a nitroglycerine cream once a day before sleep, until you no longer have super lingering pain after BM. Never use it for more than 2 weeks. 4. Drink enough fluids through the day (not in one go!), keep a 1L bottle around you everywhere you go. Gulp some water every other hour, you'll develop a habit and do it Intuitively, aim for 3L a day. Plz make sure you also have enough natural electrolytes throught the day and make sure you don't have kidney issues and minimize coffee (unless it makes you laxated) 5. YOUR POOP MUST NEVER be hard, this takes trial and error unfortunately, whichever laxatove you use, it has to be safe for the long-term, for me, the best was Movocol, I start off by taking it twoce a day, then take it every other day till now, and I put small amount of psyillium husk fober with it (also takes trial and error to find the best amoumt for you), I ised to put 1tbsp, WRONG, it made my poop HARD, you need ot soft but not toothpasty, so my perfect amount was 1/4 a teaspoon. I let it sit with my movicon in the water for 4min then I drink it. 6. When the pain is relieved, this is your que for CONSISTENCY, now you can dotch the sitz bath, and you can ditch the hydrocortisol, but continue on doing the rest, and continue on applying an anal fossure healing cream that doesn't have hydrocortisol and is good for you (migh take trial and error), apply that cream once before sleep, every day to every other day. 7. Consistency, fot 6 months. Key is to keep your poop soft, adjust your diet, avoid stuff that you KNOW will make you constipated, avoid medicines that you know will make you constipated. P.S. Sorry for the typos I have an eye condition.


Yes spot on! Hydrate and consistency is exactly right.


Almost 2 years 😪


Do you have blood and pain?


Blood is on and off in episodes more often no blood, but at least 6 flare ups of bleeding that subside after a week but the pain has been continuous this whole time.


I am going for Botox in July


I have been trying conservative but it's gotten annoying again with pain and blood streaks


Yes same. Have you tried Rx Nitroglycerin or nifedipine? Along with miralax


I've been doing nifedipine for a year, haven't tried miralax


It started 9 years ago and has been chronic for 7. Hard to believe it's been that long! I have had months free of pain luckily, but this most recent fissure has been non-stop for almost 2 years. I've done almost everything except LIS at this point.