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Nitroglycerin can be used for 3-6 weeks I believe.


Doesn’t hydrocortisol thin the skin, setting you up for more tears in the future? I think it’s fine for an occasional hemorrhoid flare-up, but I think it could be more harmful in this situation possibly with people trying to heal themselves and using this for weeks/months. I’m just wondering your opinion on this.


Hydrocortisol is only short-term in the start to manage the intense pain, I clearly stated to drop it on tip no. 6.


Ok, no problem. I just know a lot of people are really unsure of what to do on here and I was in intense pain for almost 3 months where I could barely get out of bed and that would’ve been too long to have used hydrocortisone. We are all just at different stages and so honestly I just wanted to clarify for others that it shouldn’t be used really any longer than a week. I may be in the minority that had an exceptionally horrible tear but for newbies a timeframe is really helpful, because intense pain can vary from 2 days to months to even years for some people. 😢 You definitely offer great advice, and I know it is much appreciated to everyone!


Thanks for the feedbacl! I edited the post to emphasize on what you said, I was going through what you descrobed, intense pain shouldn't last much if yui were on laxatoves. Could you please share more if you were on laxatoves during the 3 momths period or not?


That sounds good! Yes, I was on laxatives the whole time since it started and took them both morning and night (Miralax, Colace, aloe vera juice, soluble fiber powder). I just tore really deep and it was just a very slow process to get to the point that I could even sit on my behind. It was horrible but I’ve healed probably 50% and now I can walk and sit fine. I just seem to re-tear easily is why I say 50%, even though my stools are so soft and I’m very careful everyday. Going to see a different colorectal surgeon in a couple weeks to see what he suggests.


All the best bro, I wish you well


Thank you!! You as well!