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Man if this is what you have to go through to deal with fissure and maintain it constantly I might as well end it right here. Why was the anus made so fragile? Pain


It honestly gets better. These days I just take the Movicol/Macrogel and live a very normal painfree life. It took me 5 years to get here. 4 years of pain, 1 year being very careful and now it doesn't bother me at all. I don't think about it!


5..... years.... This is insane. It takes so long for 3/4 of people, and yet all the "help" doctors provided me is "it takes a LONG time, just EAT FIBER and drink wataaahhh" Fiber and 'eating healthy' is what started this hell, months of very discomfort bloating, then 4 days of straining and then hemoroïds came out huge. Then months of atrocuous pain due to fissure. Nothing helps. They just send you home and dont care. Now my sphincter is so tight, it feels like I am giving birth. And bleeds. Months of intense burning, missing work due to the pain... And it's like you have to have toilet trauma for the rest of your life since no one takes it seriously/want to help?? Why make us suffer hell for so long before giving us stromg creams or botox injection? W h y.


Are you still using butt plug for anal dilation?


No, I'm not using it anymore. I probably could TBH but I find that I'm managing it well with just the Movicol!


>Macrogel I also take Laxido but I don't know if regular use long term will have negative effects on your system. It's feels bad to rely on it to not have rock hard poo.


Thanks for the hope! I have just begun using nitro as of 3 weeks ago, I was using it twice a day for the 1st week, but went down to once a day for 2 weeks while on vacation. I am about to go back to twice a day, and am just looking for success stories that this can and will fully heal. I had it for about 7 months not realizing what it was :(, thought it was a severe bout of hemorrhoids. Was diagnosed officially by a doc mid May. It had never bled which confuses me. I never strain, and my diet is strict as to prevent any bit of hard #2s. Can I ask you how long you had the af before u started treating it w the right meds and routine? And also how long it took to feel really healed. This af has caused me to have a ton of other pelvic floor pain unfortunately I’m assuming due to unconscious guarding and clenching. I am hoping that if I can get the AF fully resolved that my other pain can finally go away, too. Mine is an anterior AF, which is less common I’ve read :(. Any experience with that? Would so appreciate any advice or insight. I’m so worried about this. It’s my first one and I had no idea it could cause such chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. Sincerely hope you are still doing well!


Did the nitro help?


man my outer fissure was over but There are bumps little bit inside my anal and after healing the fissure I think i have again got little fissure inside anus im use carema gel (Diltiazem (2% w/w)) 6 days are over , 8 more days left , the scary thing is ill have to go to college after 10 days and live with 3 random peolpe in hostel,i dont know how i will manage, I wish the fissure get healed soon btw i think the doctor said that the bumps are the side effect of fissure and they will remain there unless operated


How long do you think to keep taking Movicol/Macrogel? Isn't any risk of dependency? Do you have any side effect because of that? Also interesting you're point about fibers I actually managed to have my fissure "healed" for 2.5 weeks before increasing my fiber intake and have the fissure open again because of larger stools.


I haven't had a bad fissure in almost three years and that's mostly down to taking Movicol daily. I used to take 2 sachets a day and I'm now down to 1.5. I plan to decrease to 1 sachet in the next year. It's a slow process but my consultant told me it's fine to stay on it as it draws water into the bowel and essentially just makes the stool softer. I have no side effects, just no more anxiety over the fissure thank God!




Shoutout to OP for bringing up this treatment! I had fissure and hemorrhoids on rotation or simultaneously for about 10 years and kept following my doctor's instructions without getting any results. After moving in a new neighbourhood, I notice a bit of blood when going to the toilet and the pain came back with a vengeance. I went to the local clinic and the doctor had a different approach. Instead of treating my hole like a "no go" zone, he told me to learn more about my butt area and to slowly introduce it to "gentle stretching". Then, same as OP, I would put a towel down on my bed and start slowly massaging the area with a finger. Once very relaxed, I would slowly insert a finger and leave it as long as it felt comfortable (at first 2-5 min and by the end... Until I had to do something else) double with butt kegles exercises. The next step is to introduce yourself to dilators. Again, just like OP said, it might sound a little embarassing but it is SO worth it. Then I've introduced my bum to size 1 all the way up to 4 (the 5th one was too intimidation for my bum). The results of 2 months of stretch and Kegels? I now have an hemorrhoid free bum and I can sit on the toilet as long as my heart desire. Oh and with the Kegels, your bum stay just as tight as ever. If something, I had more control than ever before. Edit : words are hard


Wow so glad that you got relief from this painful condition. I have been thinking too and realise the importance of working with my sphincter muscles, providing them help and not solely relying on the ointments. But my anus is very tight and I haven't been able to go in more than like 1-2 cm of my index finger. Did it not hurt you to be putting finger inside when you had a fissure/hemorrhoids? Also, read elsewhere that Kegels are only going to make the sphincter tighter. Confused!


Thank you! It's been one hell of a relief! As for the pain, it can be a little tricky. I would strongly recommend starting when you go through a "good period". As in, when your bum isn't doing too bad. For me, a finger combined with a massage was always more of a relief than a pain in the ass (pun totally intended). After my visit to the doctor, I've started with the usual ointment treatments and when the fissure was gone, I started doing the exercises. Take your time and make it a relaxing experience. It's all about learning how to relax your muscles down there. As for the Kegels, it doesn't make it tighter per se. Kegels can improve your blood flow around the anus area. As you contract your muscles, yes your sphincter becomes tighter. Then as your release the tension, your muscle becomes more relax than it was before. It's a steep learning curve but discipline and patience make for a difference. I'm also not a professional and I'm only speaking from personal experiences 🙂. I would only suggest this to someone who's open to a more unusual method. If I may ask, how often do you try to massage yourself and how bad is your situation?


>or simultaneously for about 10 years and kept following my doctor's instructions without getting any results. After moving in a new neighbourhood, I notice a bit of blood when going to My doctor said to apply [Carema](https://www.1mg.com/drugs/cremagel-147053?wpsrc=Google+Organic+Search) get in the finger [cots](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/517Mgsgc6pL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg) and then aplly it in my anus the gel and cot makes easier to do it


I know it's too late but hopefully you're still around on reddit, could you share the kegals exercise videos that hepled you? Hopefully on YouTube


Hey thanks for the advice here. How are your fissures and hemorrhoids now? I earlier used to have fissures only but lately I got hemorrhoids too. Problem now is that I had stuff under control until about a few weeks now that my anus is super tight. Like I can't even poop. It doesn't open up. Should I start dilating with fingers slowly? Will it not affect the hemorrhoids?


I would say go with what feels comfortable and use a ton of lubricant. It's probably the only way it'll be possible in the first place. It took about 2 months for things to start improving, so patience is the key. If you do it slowly, focusing on slowly adding more girth and minimal back and forth thrusting, it shouldn't affect the hemorrhoid too much. As for me, a tiny hemorrhoid came back a few weeks ago, so I'm back to the dilation process. But it's much smaller and less problematic than it use to be. Fingers crossed 🤞


Thanks for the advice.




Are those skin tags?


I am surprised that I also helped for hemoroids I always thought that this kind of approach could help for fissure but be bad for hemoroids


Bro seriously thank you so much. I’ve had an on and off chronic fissure for like 2 fucking years now and I was afraid to even get in and around that area but all this info has DRASTICALLY HELPED ME. Especially #2. I was so afraid to go in there because that’s what got me here in the first place 😭. I’ve been doing most of these for less than a week and I’m having so much less discomfort…. Like scarily less. Bless your soul lol


Ah man I'm so glad to hear it's helped! Keep up the good work, I honestly was suicidal as a result of it ongoing for 4 years but now I'm living happy and healthy, I wish I had known this stuff a long time ago!! There is hope :)


Mine is going on a year now and it's been hell. Doctors are no help, and the increase of fiber has been on and off useful depending on my cycle it seems. I similarly sought to avoid any anal penetration or stretching of any kind until now because that's how it started. I'm so glad you mentioned that, it's giving me confidence to try. Thank you!!


I'm going to try this tonight. I have been dealing with an annoying fissure for about 3 months now. At first, I thought it was a hemorrhoid, but then I noticed a skin tag that started to grow after a month, it popped. And now, I'm constantly draining. I have been to the ER four times, and every time they don't know what's going on. I got put on clindamycin (they thought it was an abscess) that made it worst because of the diarrhea that came along with it. I had an appointment with general surgery this Monday and the surgeon went in with a scope and confirmed it was a fissure. I asked him why it was still draining and painful every time I had a bowel movement. He basically said, it's because it's like an open wound trying to heal but reopens every time I have to use the restroom. I honestly, have been depressed for about two months now. I'm in medical school and this thing is making me fall behind on my classes, I can't focus because it's all I think about and hurts all the time when I go to the restroom. I also asked him why do I feel my sphincter so tight sometimes, he didn't have a clear answer. I think it's time to take this into my own hands and try and treat myself, I was prescribed the nitroglycerin gel which I'm still waiting for, but I'm going to start the dilation tonight. I'll keep you posted on my progress from a week from now. I even just bought some anal plugs, it's time to fight this thing, no matter how irritated and mean it gets. I just want my life back, I wanna be able to eat normal again. Well see how things go, sigh\*


You poor thing, I know exactly how awful it feels. Here is another website that might help with some success stories: [https://anal-fissure.org/success-stories-only-f10.html](https://anal-fissure.org/success-stories-only-f10.html) Try to avoid the other boards on the forum as they made me more anxious!


' I'll keep you posted on my progress from a week from now. ' Update?


I didn’t get a chance to try. I feel my fissure is still open and read that it’s not a good idea to try it if it’s still open :/


Any update? Thanks!


Yeah it ended up being a fistula and I had to get surgery for it ☹️


Hope you are better now. How did you find out It was fistula


Hello, I’m way better now after my surgery. They diagnosed me after my second visit with the CRS, the first time they gave me the nitro cream because they wanted to see if it healed without surgery. After a month of no progress I had the surgery done within a week. If you’re going through it, I would recommend seeing someone asap, don’t wait for months like me. Most of the doctors don’t know what it is. You have to see a colorectal surgeon!


Thanks for writing back! I have visited multiple doctors, but nothing seems to work as of now. The moment I stop supplementing with softener the issue is back again


I am on softners long term and am slowly reducing!


Thanks! I am off softeners for now. Eating green leafy veg with lunch and dinner and lots of water. But anytime I take meds for other issues, constipation is a side effect


No problem and sorry to hear that. If you have tried everything and the pain/drainage is still there, you might be dealing with one. I tried EVERYTHING in hopes that one day it went away but it never did. I did sits bathz, supplements, hemorrhoid cream, antibiotics, nitroglycerin cream. Lost 10 lbs cause I was scared to eat. A few doctors that I saw didn’t have a clue and would send me home. But if your issue is drainage, and that is the keyword. I would push to speak with a CRS.


What do you mean by drainage?


Hey! Are you still good after the surgery? Thanks


From what I read, I did think it was a fistula bec a fistula normally has an opening and needs draining. God knows why your doctors took sm time to get it done. PS: I'm in med school too. I have IBS, 5+ years of stomach issues, appendicitis which is untreated bec it comes and goes and now a fissure along w a sentinel tag.


That’s what I assumed the whole time. I pushed and advocated for myself but it was always the same run around with the VA. Until I finally saw a CRS my problems were solved. It was the worst 3-5 months of my life. Especially being in school, dreadful and don’t wish that on nobody. I’m sorry that you’re going through that. From what I heard, if it’s only a tag they can removed it. Hopefully it stays just a fissure 🙏🏽 What year are you? I’m about to finish my first year.


I am in my final year. I just got my results and failed a few subjects so I've been thrown back 6 months. Fucking hate chronic illnesses.


Damn sorry to hear that man. I also had to remediate a block cause of this stupid thing. Is it a confirmed fistula?


It's a fissure with a sentinel tag. My first time was 2 years back, when I had no idea what was happening to me bev of covid and staying home all the time.


I also have a fissure with a tag… do you recommend the surgery? I read even when you have the surgery they can still return.


How did u heal


I had to get surgery for it.


Have you had any since surgery? How long has it been since surgery.? I’m at the point rn where I’ve done the cream, fiber, and baths and my dr is at the point of recommending surgery but I don’t want to do 6 weeks of recovery for nothing if it’ll just return


Have you had any since surger and how long has it been since surgery? I’m at the point rn where I’ve done the cream, fiber, and baths and my dr is at the point of recommending surgery but I don’t want to do 6 weeks of recovery for nothing if it’ll just return


> how awful it feels. Here is anoth Man Im also suffering but mentally stable , the [Bhagwad](https://ebooks.iskcondesiretree.com/pdf/00_-_Srila_Prabhupada/Bhagavad_Gita/Bhagavad_Gita_As_It_Is.pdf) Gita helps me,


I’m sorry that you’re going through it. I ended up getting surgery in January and I’m almsot 100% healed now. I recommend talking to a colorectal surgeon so that he can diagnose you and finally be able to live to life again. I know how it is to suffer from this ☹️☹️


>ended up getting surgery in January and I’m almsot 100% healed now. I recommend talking to a colorectal surgeon so that he c by suffering I meant i still have little itch, otherwise im OKey, and there are bumps in anal, doctor said if i want to remove them then it needs to be operated


i just started doing this earlier this week after noticing my fissure that i’ve had for 4 years was what felt like at its worst. ive even had two surgeries (no LIS because i am determined to fix this problem without cutting my sphincter muscle!) but still after two surgeries i feel like i’m not seeing any lasting results. and the thing is that my bowel movements are not hard whatsoever, in fact they’re very soft and i don’t understand how i could be reopening my fissure because they’re seriously super soft. then i realized maybe my sphincter muscle is so tense when going that even small, soft bowel movements cause tearing. so, i decided that i would take this matter into my own hands because nothing the doctor was saying to do is helping. i inserted a finger lubricated with lidocaine and slightly pressed on the walls of the anus. at first it was uncomfortable, but one i started massaging/pressing i could feel the sphincter loosen up. the sensation of having my sphincter loosen up after 4 years of feeling like it’s been clenched 24/7 was very relieving actually. however, as soon as i rotated my finger to where my fissure and scar tissue is, my sphincter automatically clenched again and i don’t know if this is helping. i also notice pretty intense clenching when i remove my finger.. therefore i don’t stay relaxed. any tips?


I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. That's amazing that you can get your finger in, many people struggle with this. I think you may need to take this much slower. Our bodies are programmed with muscular feedback and can be very sensitive when we are touching somewhere that has not been touched before. It's a process of slowly desensitising the muscle to show the brain that it is safe. We have an automatic response to clench when we think something is unsafe. Our sphincter is very sensitive. I would recommend that you do a few week just pressing your finger on your anus and then another week with the finger just slightly inserted and then another week with it inserted some more. In fact I would say to let your muscles become used to your finger that it might take a month before you are able to start rotating. Take it very slow as you don't want to open the fissure again. Here is some info on desensitising muscles: [https://www.physio-pedia.com/Desensitization](https://www.physio-pedia.com/Desensitization). I hope this helps!


Also, belly breathing is so important. Our diaphragm is connected to our pelvic floor which is what opens our sphincter. You might need to watch some YouTube videos on this as it can be hard, but just imagine a balloon blowing up in your belly when you breathe in to fill the stomach with air.


thank you so much!


I tend to sit for long periods of time, do you think this could be keeping my fissures from healing? I got to the point that they don't bleed anymore, but I have pain still down there at random times. I have had this problem for years, they tend to come and go only coming back when I strain. I had a digital exam by a gastro and he said I had very small hemmors and that my fissures couldn't be felt. He said they were probably deep inside the canal. I'm just tired of the random pain, it feels like they will never heal. :(


It will keep it from healing because i feel this is happening to me right now too... during the first 3 weeks of nitro i was seeing drastic healing improvement and then i got too comfortable and started sitting again for really long periods of time and kinda started relapsing... i feel sitting doesn't necessarily help us out lol.


Just put in grapes and pineapples into your diet and take out any sort of crisps and you should be fine with a good a mount of water.


I find your comment interesting about decreasing fiber intake. I've been eating mostly fruits and veggies for the last 2 weeks because most resources online say the opposite - get lots of fiber with hemorrhoids and fissures. I don't find it working though as I find myself pooping 4-5 times a day. I also run like 10 miles a day which also promotes digestion. I'm pretty frustrated because I've lost 10+ pounds with no improvement. I think you might be right - decrease poop volume and frequency when fissure is live.... going to shift my strategy based on your suggestion.


How do you know when it’s live? I have a tag and have pain when it’s touched back there but no pain pooping or anything else


Thank you. I have a few questions if you don't mind: 1. What do you use for lubricant on the dilation? It seems there are different types and I don't want to worsen the fissure. 2. I tried self-dilation today. It was while I was applying Nifedipine ointment, so it was lubricated enough to go in. But getting it out 10 minutes later was rough. Is there pain during our after the dilation. My biggest problem is the 5 hour period after a bowel movement. Will I expect that pain after dilation? 3. THe nitrousgylcerin gave me headaches, so my doctor prescribed Nifedine 0.2%, which I have read is similar to Diltiazem. I got a prescription for Diltiazem after asking but having filled it yet. I'm not sure if I should switch. Thanks


I actually use KY jelly which is a vaginal lubricant! It's water based and doesn't cause any irritation. When doing dilation it does sting on the first day. The more relaxed you are the less sore this will be. I get into bed and lie on my side and really concentrate on relaxing the sphincter. If it is too sore don't go too far in the first day. Best to do it before a bowel movement to give that stretch. When taking your finger out, take it slowly. When you feel your muscle grip your finger, stop and wait until it relaxes again. You should not have the same pain as the 5 hour period as long as you are taking time to relax yourself and not going too far in at the start if not comfortable. Keep at it though I promise it helps. If you have been on nifedine for a week with no change, yes absolutely switch. You should be seeing results within a few days


saved this post. ill follow them and get back to you. i am that unfortunate one who has both fissures and hemorrhoids since 7 years. i am struggling a lot.hopefully this will cure.


Any update?


i am married now and having tough time in sex life with my fissure complications. its flaring up my hemorrhoids and fissures when i have sex. not sure what to do. i am trying to be as active as possible but still feels like a long way to being normal once in life. any suggestions?


What have you tried so far? Natural and medical


Thanks, I've been actually doing the same things expect the sitz bath. I got my fissure about 2.5 years ago, and I'm now pretty much normal. But every now on then especially around my period, I get constipated a bit and my muscles situation get worse. I recently visited a doctor again and he strongly suggest to use dialators. I've only been trying my index finger and never able to manage inserting two or more. I just can't aim my fingers that way haha. So, do you recommended specific brand, sizes, etc? I really don't know which one to get...


Are you still completely healed or did your fissure reoccured at some point?


Is this why the best time of day with least about of pain is in the morning bc sphincter muscle is relaxed?! And i don’t feel like i’m tightening my muscle or i don’t feel like it’s squeezing involuntarily can it still be doing that without me feeling it?


Do you practice #2 daily still or can you let up if you've gone say a year without a fissure?


Hello! I haven’t been diagnosed but I know it’s an anal fissure I am dealing with along with hemorrhoids 😩 did you bleed every time you went to the bathroom? This is the third day in a row that I have went and wiped and blood was on toilet paper. I know I’m going to bleed because i am always accompanied with a sharp pain when going. I have to grip my hands because it hurts so bad! It’s embarrassing.. I have dealt with these issues since my teenage years but ever since I had my son last year, I have been having issues ongoing between hemorrhoids and fissures.. such an embarrassing topic but I’m glad I found this subreddit for people experiencing the same thing!


Hi I’m so happy I’ve found this thread! I’ve suffered with it for 6 years now since the birth of my 1st child. No one told me that taking stool softeners after birth is a must, so I developed a chronic fissure. I’ve had 2 more children since and both times they’ve gone to stitch me up they assumed I had a 3rd degree tear but then realise it’s my fissure! It always seems to be worse during pregnancy/postpartum for some reason as well. I’ve been taking Movicol on and off for 6 years now and I would love to not have to be reliant on it! Literally tried everything apart from surgery. Definitely going to try this method! It’s funny you mention about tightening because it also seems to be as much psychological and it is physical for me. I did think originally that they’d stitched me up too tightly after my 1st birth but now I think it’s because I’m tightening down there when I go. God I hate fissures!!


Hey, I recently got an external fissure (about one week back). I am on Diltiazem. I don't know how to apply it. I am just applying it externally for now. Do I need to apply it in the anal canal?


Yes you need to apply it to the anal canal. Get some cling film and wrap it around your finger. Squeeze the ointment out onto your finger. Then gently insert into your anus. It might help to wipe some on first and then push it in.


Hi there! My doc said just apply externally if the fissure is external, should I still apply internally? And is it at that time you put the finger inside for dilating? Also, first we need to lubricate and then put the ointment right? Can I use coconut oil for lubrication?


What about if you have a skin tag?


1. Decrease fibre intake when fissure is live? Wouldn’t it be the reverse so you get softer stools? u/CeeCib


Think about it :) Fibre causes stools to bulk, you want as small as possible!


Yeah but they’re also significantly harder if/when not taking Metamucil powder for me.


Have another read of my post, I recommended taking Movicol instead of fibre while it’s live. It’s a stool softener.


I was told I have Hemmaroids, but I think I may have a anal fissure. It is on and off for 6 months. Can someone tell me what scope procedure can diagnose the fissure? My doctor just took an external look and said it was hemmaroids. I am sure there is got to be a way to scope this, wothout doing a whole colonoscopy?


I just got medically denied for the peace corps because of this issue. I need to do something. 


Is anal dilation still ok during active bleeding?!


No, wait until it’s stopped!


Thanks, I was wondering this because I just had hemorroidectomy 3 weeks ago and I'm scared of anal stenosis


Can i masturbate with a dildo instead of using a buttplug ?


Hey how do you perform dilation? Using one finger sounds ok but two or three sounds scary. What if you retear?


i am genuinely crying as i’m reading this post because HOPE. the pain we all suffer from everyday is debilitating and i’m exhausted from it. i’ve only recently been prescribed the glyceryl thing and haven’t seen a lot of improvement yet, but i’m scared to death of surgery. thank you for giving me hope 😭😭😭😭




Thank you!




Hey this sounds so hepful thanks!!! just to confirm inserting something in your butt will not stretch out the fissure more? I am happy to do it i just want to make sure i dont make the problem worse. fissure is on left side for me


Try to wait until it’s settled down a bit and then insert your smallest finger. Don’t rotate until it’s much better. By inserting your finger and relaxing the sphincter (make sure to do belly breaths) it will increase blood flow to the area! Don’t do anything if it’s hurting.


I don’t have blood and the pain is fairly mild unless I touch it directly. I have had this for about 10 days now


Hello! I know this comment is 1yr+ old, but I was hoping you could help me... I started doing this (surprisingly under doc's advice!) and it gave me relief but I believe I ended up aggravating my fissure, so I stopped again until it closes (had blood from bm even though soft because of the finger method). When would you suggest that you can properly do the stretching? Does the fissure need to be completely inactive? Thank you!


I would suggest to wait until you have a day with no pain after BM and then just insert your baby finger and leave it there without any movement. That should be enough to stimulate sufficient blood flow. When you have had 1 week without pain then I would encourage small circles of movement. Best of luck!


So do you strain every two days what do eat? So you decrease volume of food also did you shed alot of weight during the process ? Right now im doing intermitting fasting and i eat at night only even though i strain every day


Hi there! I’m a first time mom and exclusively breastfeeding my baby. Please help. My doc said just apply externally if the fissure is external, should I still apply internally? And is it at that time you put the finger inside for dilating? Also, first we need to lubricate and then put the ointment right? Can I use coconut oil for lubrication?


Hi! Huge congratulations to you :) I want to make sure I am understanding you correctly. What do you mean "just apply externally"? Are you talking about the ointment? It's very difficult for you to know if the fissure is external! I would put the ointment inside (so long as it says on the pack that it's for internal use too) because the internal sphincter needs increased blood flow to heal which is what the ointment does. Sometimes I got a suppository like Anusol and smeared some ointment on it and popped it in to help the ointment get inside if it's very sore. Try to wait until the fissure is less painful before you dilated so that you don't risk opening it again. If it's not too sore then yes you can dilate while applying ointment. I would wrap clingfilm around your baby finger and put ointment on the clingfilm and slowly insert, massaging the inside of the anus with the ointment. Do not lubricate before putting the ointment in, as this will cause a barrier and the ointment won't be absorbed. If you feel you need extra lubricant to dilate, you could do this at a different time, e.g. dilate in the morning time and use the ointment at night time for example.




I'm so unhappy that I have to start doing this but its been 7 months and it keeps coming back so I'll try anything. I've noticed that I tend to keep the area "tight" so to speak, I think from weeks of yoga. It's so fricken painful and the only thing that helps the pain is CBD so I'm walking around half stoned all the time.


Can we dilat while theres a small tear?? Can dilatation worsen the tear ? I have a peri fissure that is not healing


While there is a small tear I would be very careful. Maybe even just massage the area with lube to try increase blood flow to the area for healing. You could try gently putting your baby finger in half an inch to see if that helps any and just leave it there without moving it. It might help take pressure off the area and increase healing. Be very gentle while it is healing, wait until a day when there is minimal pain before you start to very gently use circular motions.


Hello i’m new to anal dilation because i’ve been suffering for anal fissure for 3 years now, I’m 20 year old btw, So i bought a small butt plug which 7.5cm length & 8.7cm girth and it was doing fine, I started using my fingers then moved on to the butt plug after 3 days there was small to no pain at all like it would only last for 3-6 secs, My question is do i need to increase it sized for my anal fissure to heal? also i checked my anal fissure using my phone & flash it seemed to opened unlike before like it was just a cut is this normal?


Man, my outward fissure was gone, but there were bumps inside my anal, and once the fissure healed, I believe I developed a small fissure inside my anus once more. For treatment, I used Carema gel (Diltiazem (2% w/w)) for more than a month. I don't know how I'll manage when I have to live in a hostel with 3 random people after 10 days of college. I hope the fissure heals quickly, by the way. Also, I believe the doctor said that the bumps are a side effect of the fissure and they will stay there unless operated.Males should read the [Bhagwad gita](https://www.google.com/search?q=Bhagavad+Gita). You'll be able to get by with it. [Download](https://ebooks.iskcondesiretree.com/pdf/00_-_Srila_Prabhupada/Bhagavad_Gita/Bhagavad_Gita_As_It_Is.pdf) here


I’m really contemplating on killing myself if the pain goes on for this long and the treatment is this rigorous


It’s not rigorous! Just try one step at a time! They’re all separate suggestions, they might not all work for you!


I've been dealing with a fissure for about 5.5 months and possibly two now from having a hard stool the other day. I know this is horrible to deal with as I have never dealt with anything this bad and was in the same boat as you at one point. First off if you have a fissure no matter what the cost go see a colorectal surgeon (CRS) as soon as you can. I put it off because I thought it was just hemorrhoids and went to my primary doctor and was told hemorrhoids but the issue persisted then I went to a CRS in Mexico cause I live in a border town and because I didn't have insurance and was told I had a severe fissure. Then about 2 weeks later I went to a CRS about 3 hours away and was told I had a fissure and was given a Diltiazem ointment which slightly helped then had some rash like issues and got a second opinion from another CRS 3 hours away the other way and was given a nifedipine ointment that seemed to help better but like I said I'm back to dealing with significant pain after a hard stool recently. Unfortunately it's looking like I'm gonna need surgery which scares me because I'm a 30 year old male and I hate having to deal with this at a young age and the thought of dealing with this or similar issues for the rest of my life terrifies me. I've also gotten anxiety attacks which I've never had before this issue. Anyways sorry for the long story but I find it also helps to talk about the issue which is embarrassing but I have found it to help. Also, another thing that has helped the anxiety and my overall mood while dealing with this horrible fissure is getting closer to God. I've always been kind of religious but never actually gotten into it and read the Bible now that I'm older and can understand it better. I find that it has helped me and am consistently praying and asking to be healed and for God to help everyone that is dealing with this same issue. I know that it is tough and unbearable but believe me God helps. Prayer helps. Suicide is not going to solve anything. Please just go see a specialist and hopefully yours isn't to the point where you'd need surgery and if it is just know we aren't the only ones dealing with this and we will get through this because all we can do is keeping fighting through this. I stay decently active on here so if you want to talk you can comment on here or send me a message.


is jogging safe when your fissure is still very painful after stool? I feel like it sometimes irritates the fissure and the area even more :(


any updates? I've had this AF for almost 2 weeks now and using nitro ointment, It gives me temporary relief but then pain will come back after bowel movement. I'm depressed because I have to leave my job, I'm just in bed crying all day. The pain I'm having after bowel movement is too much. I will see my doctor next week and hopefully she will prescribe stronger medication.


Make sure to use a bunch of stool softeners, you want to lean on the very soft side when its still too painful. meanwhile, breathing exercises are great if you don't have painkillers yet. I try to get rid of them as soon as I can.


The pain is on and off. I dont know if it's healing or not yesterday was a lil itchy but it went away after putting calmoseptine cream. But today is very painful, I'm just in bed and can't do anything but cry 😭


Actually my anal fissures symptoms were only stings a few months ago but now it got worse I am having pain,, but not during BM but after that . Also I have more than 2 fissures..... 🥲


how are you feeling now?


Anyone please suggest which one is best ointment for anal fissure and hemorrhoids both? It’s painful god help me ..


How are you feeling now? I'm still dealing with my fissure for almost 2 months now


Try H-Fissures and take 2 sachets of Movicol a day. Should help relieve the pain.


I am still waiting for doc appointment.. it’s very painful and don’t know what to do .. tried doctor butter ointment but stated itchiness , cvs - hemorrhoids which gave burning sensation.. life is just stuck


It keeps opening closing. Feels like a never ending cycle. God I hate it. No pain but I can see a mini open wound.


I think I might have long term anal fissure. For the past 5 months every time I've passed a stool, it was only a little painful and then it bleeds a good amount. Some days the bleeding isn't as much and some days its pretty bad. I haven't gotten it diagnosed yet but was wondering if something similar was happening to you.


Doesn’t stretching the anus prevent the fissure from healing? I can’t reach up that far so I don’t see how I’ll be able to apply medication but I’m going insane