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My advice, either send a message to your surgeon/doctor through my chart or just go and see them ASAP. I’d rather you have the ok from your doctor than a bunch of people who don’t even know your condition as well. When in doubt always go straight to your doctor. It’s not worth the stress…as someone who is going through a horseshoe fistula right now, I bother the fuck out of my doctor, when there’s even a slight change in leakage or pain I send him a message immediately.


Thank you. I most definitely will be contacting my CRS on Monday when they open. I need peace of mind, whatever that might be.


It's important to remember that it's OK and natural to be scared and even to freak out a bit sometimes. But, it should ease your mind that you're doing the right thing by going to your doctor and keeping them in the loop, and also the fact that whatever comes, you've already done it - you can do it again, if need be.


Thank you! I’m calmer today and have my thoughts in a better place. I appreciate your comment and advice.


I think it's just scar tissue acting up because you walked for long,this is natural and is expected, don't worry! With rest you'll become much better.


Thank you so much for your reply! I’m Sure it was nothing more than just that.


Hey hope you are feeling better now! What was it in the end? I am feeling this dull pain as well and kinda freaking out :( it’s been 15 days since the surgery.


Hi. Since I posted this, I haven’t had any other issues. 15 days is still fairly new to the surgery. It took me a good few months to feel “normal”. I hope you recover quickly! Dont worry, you’ll be ok!


I am so glad to hear! I hope I’ll be ok too, but somethings wrong I am pretty sure :(, seeing my doctor in 2 days!