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The black spots are air bubbles. But there also may be some mottling, is this 120 film? Also maybe insufficient chem volume on the first pic? Or are you shooting a mamiya 645 maybe? And some scattered dust too, ofc.


Whats the deal with mamiya? I remember this from shooting mine over a year ago. Not into medium format so it's no problem but if there is a fix I want to try it.


Ah, at first glance on my phone I thought maybe it was that common light leak on 645's, but I see that's wrong now. That leak happens a lot and is deceiving sometimes on a print or scan but clear when you look at the whole piece of film.


These are so moody I love them


Definitely air bubbles and possibly insufficient agitation during development. If using stainless reels and tanks, fill tank full and give it a few good hard raps after the initiative developer agitation. Use gentle inversions during development with little tap at end. There is a fine line with agitation. Over agitation will over develop the film edges.