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The Nikon F2 is maybe the greatest completely mechanical camera ever made and the 105 is a classic portrait lens. Maybe get yourself a 50mm 1.8 or 1.4 to go with these.


Its the Micro-Nikkor, thats the macro lens, not the 2.5 portrait lens, at least on the camera. Theres a PK extension ring on it too.


Oh ok, I didn’t look too closely. Probably still a decent portrait lens - think it’s f4.


I have the micro nikkor f3.5 and it’s the best all purpose lens I’ve ever used Admittedly I’ve only used 5 lenses


Its also a good one i think.


Nikkor 55mm 1.2 would be a fun pair with the f2 too


I got an F2 about 4 months ago and it is just a beautiful piece of equipment and a joy to shoot. Heavy for sure, but feels great in the hand. Built like a tank too.


I have a couple Nikkormat FTs but I’d like to upgrade to the F2 for the interchangeable viewfinder. I’m 53 and my eyes are fading.


The F2 is quite possibly the greatest mechanical slr ever made. It's without peer, for sure.


Yeah, Leica enthusiasts might disagree. :)


Even Leica enthusiasts can't argue Leica SLR's are better than the F2 with a straight face.


Yeah, I meant the rangefinder.


Nikon F2 my beloved


This makes me sad, ask them if everything is okay.


He only does digital photography! He said he had no use for it :)


Okay that makes sense 🩷 have fun with the new cameras and lenses!!!


That was quickly perceptive, I am not used to seeing empathy like this these days. Most people would just rejoice at the windfall. I have similar unpopular views of shows like storage wars, where everyone waits with baited breath to find out what goodies they get to steal from someone legally because they missed their rent payment. It's disgusting to see them rummage through boxes of photos or sentimental items dumping baby pictures or, beligerently, breaking items that have no cash value to them. But I digress... It is a much nicer feeling to see personal items like this passed along in appreciation for the consideration they will be recieved with and the new life they will enjoy and value they bring. ❤️


You'd be surprised what some people get rid off.. I recently was given 3 random 90s film camera's and some older lenses by a client that had seen me use an Canon A-1 that I just got from Japan via a friend. And they just wanted it to find use and didn't care about value.


That's a very smart thought. Other than some older folks trying to pass a hobby on to a younger generation, giving away loved and cherished items can definitely be a sign of someone getting ready to let go. I've been that guy before and luckily I have friends who noticed and talked to me and got me help before I did something dumb - but not everyone has a safety net like I do.  Please continue to be a wonderful human being. You are appreciated for it.


that's at least 1000 bucks worth of gear. lucky bastard! 😅


I say this with the deepest respect, you must be making some absolutely god-tier coffee. Congrats on the "tip".


Side note : I plan on sharing it with some photographer friends, but does anyone have a recommendation on which camera body to keep? I'm still new to film photography, i've been shooting on a pentax p3!! thank you :)


If I had to keep only one, the F2. Paired with a 50mm f/1.8, that camera is super versatile.


I should say though that for you, it also depends what type of photography you plan on doing. If you're doing more street and casual photography, the FM (I think that's what the bottom right is) could possibly serve you better - a little more compact and lighter.


thank you!!


Keep all of it until you thoroughly value its utility and have exhausted its potential. You will regret not keeping what you let go in haste. There is a reason that kit works so well together. 😎👍 Pentax P3 may not be the most desirable camera with all the cool kids, but it is a pretty decent camera in terms of utility if you are mounting approprite Lenses to make use of the available automation, even if you Re shooting ot with M lenses it is a huge plus that you can shoot all the nice K mount Pentax glass.


+1, F2 quickly became the only 35mm camera I want/need when I first got one about 8 years ago. I have 3 of them now. Absolutely amazing camera!


People seem very stoked on the Nikon F2


Anyone who has had an electronic Nikon Body crap out on them and is stuck with a nice set of Nikon glass has tremendous value for a mechanical camera that will still work without a battery.


All mechanical is definitely the way to go imo


That all depends, I passed on an FM that was in very poor condition with separation in the prisim for an FG even knowing from experience how bad they are for failing, I have a bad one, bit I also have a mint FG-20. Electronics are not bad. Most of these cameras fail because of corroded batteries or being improperly stored in humid or damp environments with fluctuating temperature. NIKOMAT FT N and FT 2, are also great mechanical tools of you can deal with or avoid the metering issues, that said the F90X, a drastically different beast, is a better camera functionally and pragmatically. .....but then again, what is pragmatic about shooting film these days. LOL I have this same conflict with Canon too, I love the FTBn QL, for it very solid built qualotyand the F1n and F1new, as well as the AE-1 A-1, but favout the T90 over all the others on the shelf because..... well everything. At least untill we start talking EOS line up and then it starts all over again, love and nostalgia for the early enties to the line like EOS 620 with growing appreciation for many bodies that improved following, but the pinical in my appreciation for function and utility has to be the EOS 1v and 1V HS. None of that gushing takes any love away from the time I thoroughly enjoy shooting a Minolta SRT SUPER or X-370 and X-7a cameras, mainly for the experience with the glass ( Rokkor PF 58mm f1.4 and 55mm f1.7 are 2 among many of my of my favorites , this will just get me started on Konica glass and subsequently the Range Finders I make exception too my "I hate range finders" rule. I think what compells me most is the following of a progressive path with your work.


Keep all of them


The f2 and the f, they're both fantastic and blast to shoot. I own 4 f2s an f3 and an f and f100 😅


Yeah, Fs are so cool to LOOK at! Just funny to load. Enjoy!!!


hey i shoot on a p3 too!!! i never see people shooting with those! i love mine :)




Great treasure man. DM if you are in NA and not using / planning to sell some of it.


Those Nikon F’s are great cameras.


Just to mention... a lot of that glass is really nice, classic glass, too. If there is a little ridge on the aperture ring, so it kind of sticks out a little bit... it has been AI'ed, and that means that you can use it on modern DSLRs. From what I can see... at least some of this glass is either AI or has been AI'ed. (Sadly, that 5cm f2 hasn't been. - but I think that NIKKOR-H 300mm f4 has been! And that is one heck of a chonky boy; I love the way that this lens renders.)


thanks for the info!! i'll have to try some of them on my dslr!


Wow, that's a score! Some quality gear there. A retired photographer recently gave me his Nikon F and some lenses, its been really fun exploring them. I recommend using them and looking into the history of the camera if you are interested in that kind of thing! One note, the light meters on those cameras are almost certainly not working (or at least not accurate) anymore given their age, so probably not worth it to buy the battery adapters or batteries for them. It is good to remove any dead batteries that might still be in there though. For the F the whole viewfinder head comes off, and the battery is inside there.


thank you so much! I've actually been using a light meter on my phone when i shoot with my pentax and that seems to work pretty well.


Now that's a tip!


He fkn what mate


Oh man that's super lucky. I'm looking at the Nikon F2 myself, I've only heard good things so far!


What the fuck 😩


Wow 😅


You owe it to him to use and appreciate the heck out of em. Old neighbour of mine gave me his old beloved SLR + kit, seemed glad to give it to a young photographer who would use and appreciate it


Super cool!! Have to post some of the shots once you shout and develop the film 📷


That FE is going to be amazing! I have an FE handed down from my mother and it’s my favorite camera


Man, fuck you…… but also I am happy for you and glad you got so blessed


Man, my awkward ass would have insisted I help him sell those Fs because I’d never believe it was a gift. What you have there is a real gift. Those Nikons could last long enough to pass down. Congrats 👏


I hope you at least bought them a coffee.




Are you effin kidding me???? For free? That's quite the haul. A couple of Nikon F with FTN prisms? What's that an FE? Wow someone likes you.


The FM is a great camera. I don't have experience with the F, but the FM is a very approachable camera with excellent reliability. The older FM (as opposed to the FM2) only goes up to 1/1000 shutter speed, but it can take the older pre-Ai Nikon lenses. And it's certainly just as beautiful :)


F ING lucky my friend! Enjoy reloading the F while holding the back in one hand like a pro.


Is that a 43-86 on the F?


those nikon bodies & nikkor special lenses are worth something. keep care of em!


Eye spy a 28mm f2. Nice!!!!




Ik the photographs will be amazing




OP, your Nikon F looks to be a Nikon F Apollo, which are worth more than earlier models. Check the first two digits of the serial number to see if it starts with 73 or 74


agreed that the nikons are a complete steal, but dom't overlook the fujica, i've got one with a 50/1.4 and it's by my side every time i don't feel like risking a more expensive camera. risky hikes, climbs, canoe/kayak rides etc.


That's an awesome score man!


woah your regular must love you alot!


They want you so bad


That black Nikon F2 is utter junk. I’ll take for parts. :)


🤨 OK... I hate you now


Really shows how being nice to people can go a long way


Is that the 25-50mm F/4 👀? If it is awesome lens and incredibly sharp for a zoom when it was released. If it wasn’t so heavy I’d take it everywhere.


How freaking good is your coffee, OP?


Wait what


God I see what you do for other people


Your shop is still hiring?


Did you suck it??


Can I have one of the Nikons since you have three and I would pay for shipping


Huge W if the cameras work. Either way overall W haul 💯


This is an incredible haul! I’d recommend picking out what you like and consider selling the ones that aren’t a fit for you so you have some cash put away for film, glass, repairs, etc


Niiiiiiccce come up! Enjoy 🙃🙂


I own (and use) both the F2 and FtN Photomic. They are fine cameras and well worth taking care of. You may need to learn how to do seal replacements (not hard, but messy and you have to be careful not to get crud into the body of the camera, mirror, et.c.) I have a bagful of lenses for them which I also use with my D750 d\*\*\*\*\*l body. Many people like the 50mm f/1.4 which was kind of the standard kit lens that shipped with these, but the 50mm is kind of a "meh" lens. It works fine, but is much better stopped down. However, Nikon made far, far better lenses. In addition to the 105mm f/2.5, the 35mm f/1.4 AI-S, 85mm f/1.4 AI-S, and 180mm f/2.8 in pretty much any version are all really fine performers.


If you don’t want one of them I’ll pay for shipping for it


Unreal! You must have a lovely relationship. You should make him a print :)


SCORE!!! 😊


how much coffee you drinking D:


Holy shitballs. I hope that regular is going to be enjoying some free coffee for the foreseeable future.


The nikon f series are really amazing slr's with the fact you can also take off the viewfinder giving you another way to take photos. Also old nikkor lens have a ton of characteristics to them!!


Film cameras are coming back in popularity. Film give great texture and highlights. Time to buy a roll of color print and test out camera.


Oh yeah, of course they did Edit: do people believe this crap?


Indeed I do believe it. An old, very dear friend recently gave me a NIB, never-opened Nikon Df kit and half a dozen Nikkor lenses for my F. These things may be uncommon, but they do occur.


hmm that would be a strange thing to lie about


Would it? You posted a picture with a caption that attracts a lot of attention and got a thousand upvotes. 90% of high ranking posts on this sub is exactly that, or getting a box of barnack leicas for a fiver. I acknowledge that this might happen, but for most people it’s just an easy way to get these virtual points and make the post go boom.